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<br /> 3:=' � .�a-t -�r.c°f'- ci�-_�r [. �1 t� � ��CY��'4 is-'�.h y- S�� Y � -r_ _ . r� �'!kd __�?�_.z �. � t�'r� s -
<br /> -�.'�";5c°-�`�a- ���"'cE'=�"�-�-.�SE � . z�-r M . a ��ch?� �_,__�'�'��'-�-'�-�- +^s e�`�' i�--'��-e.r-, ��.
<br /> y��'L�"4 -� -�-c.c c 4 c 4E��.�,.p_i,.� r' S 5R`C -. �' .. � 2? e�<y4�� i .? � � �Y �i a F`fi•''�dF r ��� .c F+ C-�c�q'-
<br /> x ..d .A, - rs,- t'.� r
<br /> �'t"'...��t.l S 1�1�L. �.4�..L� S�.Sa. 'C–�•t`•�• r atis.<4'2�' .�F.:�1.; -q'�`Qi� � s � � �.c 3- ...t� _ 1�.. �_o
<br /> i.�:c.w . �- /�� � q-..
<br /> .t -":-(.-:.t�. ������ __-__-
<br /> r 47.` . S, � � i
<br /> C� . ' � `. • • •
<br /> �, t n ���_; Of I�tG P[0 Q�SII I�IQlCS�lIl�t r ti.-
<br /> -,.. __.,j.. <. :.� 1 7.1 ti a n s Yer of tlte Pro�ty or s B��ide!Inierest!n BomoAer.If ati or aaY P� P�Y y
<br />`�-'�`T•�'-:��l�;` is sold or uansferred(or if a b e n e�iciat inter�st ia Bonawer i s so t d or crans f e m e d a a d B o r r o w�i s a o t a n a t u r a l p e rs o n}w i t�o u t �•.�,
<br /> -a;- _. i.ettde�s prior wsttten w�eat. I.ender may. at ets oprion. mquite immediaze PaYmeat in futi of a�i sums s� by this � ;'
<br /> _ .�. _�_�::`
<br /> �����:._._._ Iastniment.However.this optioa shalt not be exercised 1ry l,e�der if eae�ise is protubrted by federat taw es of the dute �-,s..,-
<br />,,� .�.r;...,..,��,. : o Seauity � f
<br /> �.::''K.f�.�,a�;;��. , of tlus Senuity t�n1• ,•`;, _°'
<br />_`'��.;".',°'�:L�;�,5
<br /> If I,Ender exercises dris aptinn.l.eader shall give Borrower aotioe of a�celeration. 71�e noure�hall provide a period of mt �_`��,�;;
<br /> �. _t �... � . les,4 than 3d days from the dAte the notice is deliveted or mailQd wittua which Borrower must pay all sums secured �y tGis �-`: ��
<br /> 'Y ��� : Secasity Instrttmea�If Bomawer fails to pay these sumg ptior w the expitation of this period,Ixndcr may invoke aay remodies ^
<br /> u
<br /> _� ..-?,_ �..-. permitted by t6is Secvsity�nswmeat witi�aut fiuthcr notice or demand on Eomuwer. �� -
<br /> 18. Borcower's Rig6t W Reiastatw If Eorruwer meEts �stain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have -�z�•
<br /> ` enfon�ement of this SecurIty Insbvuneut di§aontinned at any time priar w the e�rlier of: (a)5 days(or suci�other period as 4 ;
<br /> �`. •`�,-�`�-�..- �4 applicable !aw maY specifY for reinstatemeaE) before sale of the PropertY F� LO�Y Power of sale contained in this � � _:
<br /> f�:' $eauity Insuumeu�or(ts)enuY of a lud�c�8�g th�s��Y Ins�t.Those aonditions are that Barrower.(a)PaYs � v
<br /> •. �� .: Ixader ati sums w6ich theo wonld 6e due under this Security Inst�nment aad the Note as if ao ecceleration had accurr�d:N)
<br /> •«a}'';.'t_:1; m CI�OTCITI IfI1S SBCUTI IDStlIlI11CRL.
<br />.::�:s;-:.:,�._.-:: cutes any d�fsult of aity other cavenants or agreemeats; (a)PaYs all exp�incurred 8 tY. �,.�.;
<br /> _ C �,,,
<br /> including,bm not limited to.�teasoffib2e attomeys'fees;an�d(d)qke.s such zction as I.ender may�+easonabfy reqwre to as�re �, �
<br /> -�'�.=_�.;�-�. tt�ad t6c liea of this Seauity Insatunent.Lender's ri�hts ia the Property and Borrower s obligation to pay the s�ms secared by ��
<br /> s
<br /> + � � •° this gesurity InsC�oment shall c�onti�e�unchanged. Upon reins�ment by Borrowa, this Seauity IosUrameat and dte
<br /> _ , C�om
<br /> �,,;� .. obfigatians s�t heceby sBali�faliy effe�e as if no a�ceferarion E�om�med.However.this nght to zeins�te shall
<br /> , t .��«: ee
<br /> :.. t. ;e, .:,k . , aot aFPlg i��case uf�celetatioa uuder pacagc�917. aviih t6is Seauity -
<br /> ' �' ' ` H4�c�1�T�Cbaage of I.oan Servi�The Note vr a partiai iaterest m the Note (mgether �
<br /> : , � s,��•
<br /> � .% "'�"" , In�hu�n�may be sold oce or more times arithont prior nntice to Bomower.A sale may result in a cl�arge m the wiity(known � :_
<br /> _�.:,,_�::.:t:,�.�s. as the°Laan Servioer")d�at colle�c mnnd�lY PaYme�due under the Note aad t6is Seauity InsUram►ent.Th�e also may be one `� •
<br /> ..��;��y or mnr+e chamges of the Loan Secvicer aare i a t e d tQ a sale of the Note.If tl�ere is a change of the Loaa Servic�r,Borrower wiU be F.�-
<br /> �.��`��`<<:'��°�,=._'4 given written notice of the ci�ugr.in aQCOrdance arith paragrapb 14 above and applicabte faw.The noti�wiU state the name aad
<br /> �y ._::• . '� '� address of the aew Loan Servicer and ihe addr�s oo which paymeats shoutd be made.The notire wiU aSso oontaln'aay oth�r
<br /> ___.„.:: ��`��. infom�ation required applicable laa+. :-•
<br /> �,.� a �.
<br /> �il. Hazardatts�absteaec�.Bomo�ver ahall not ca�so ar pe�sait the presence. use,dispasal. storuga. dr atease of�yr � .
<br /> �,�-�--_.:�_.': Hazasdou5 Substa�ta�.�s oa or � the Property. Bortocver sl�all na�do. nor �!!ow anyane ctsc to dA. unydhing offectipg tt�e cf#<
<br /> �''�� �;;`°::":;.. Pcopecty that is in vialation ot any Eevi�ona�aW Low. 11te preceditig tara seetences ehali rtosapp1y to the presemx. nsa.or �
<br /> L, . �� _ ` stomge an ihe Property of smal!quantities oP Howrdous Subst�uttscs that are generally rerc�gaitcd to�o upproytiate to norrt�l
<br /> u � �s:
<br /> `;; �_,_'� resfdentisd uses and to rnaintenance af thc Property. � �
<br /> u� . .:.-,.�.._::. �
<br /> • .;,,;,:,-.�- Barrower'shatl promptty give Lcoder w�itten natice o!uny imesti�ation.ciatm. demund.luwsuit or ather acttonDy er►y '��-�r�
<br /> �� �
<br /> �'.�r�`.::;..��;.-l�i� govecnmeatal or regulutory agonry or private �ty imrolvfn�y tf�e Propeny�d any'Nn��dous Substancc or Envimnraentai Law
<br /> ;. ,�;:,-�4:<<:�;: of which 8otrower hus accua!�iaowteOge. U�mrower teams.or is aotifled by any governmettwl oi�agulatnry awhori .that . �.�'�y`
<br /> agu
<br /> '-. :'•,.;;�;:;:: •:,� any temoval or atfter remediattan of any Hu�ardous Substanca affecting the Properry is necessary.Barrower shaU Pro Y ta&e �:��=:.
<br />�;;�,";f�r-';:;:?:'r`-.i':� afI neeessaty�cmedia3 aclions in necoNance•witb Eavimnmental i.aw. =
<br /> ��;::::-., ;�:: ,. As�eA in thts paregrapb 20, Hazardaws Substaaces are those snbstaaces detined as toxlc or�rdous substaaces try �.:�
<br /> ''.;��^a=�,�-. Suvimnmeatal law aad Ehe foltowing substanoea: gasoline. icerosene. other fta�nable or wx�c peuolaua Qte�ducts.wx�c �=_
<br /> " � '� ` �;�:. pesticid�and herbic�des,volatile sotvents.�aterjaLs aontaining asbesws or fomialdehyde.and iadioacxive matenals.As ascd ir� __.
<br /> ,t:.=;';':�,.;::'.:�:�. tt�iis b 28, "Fa�vinonn►ea�tal Law" mesns feQeral laws and lawa of the jurisdictioa where the Pcaperty is located ttyst �.,._._:
<br /> s
<br /> � re�ate w th,safetq or emiromaental protection. � .:
<br /> �, ��,�: NON-iJNIFORM COVENADi'i'S.Borrower aad Lender further covenant and agr�e as foqows: � -
<br /> - 2!.A�or�3 Remedies.Leuder�aU gWe notice W 8orruwes prlor to acredcsatioa followWg Bosrower's Dreacb =
<br /> ° ' ot a�caveoa�t ar a�recmcat in tbis Seaatty �t (bat aot prtor to aeeel�atioa onder FAra�pb 17 aat� � °-
<br /> .:.^.,. � ..
<br /> - � - ��l�--�= aypfdcabte law pmvides othe�e).Tf�e notioe shal!sPe�q: (a)the defauits N)tee sctton r�uirr,�ta cme t�e dettu� . --
<br /> „�';��'--�--�--,,--
<br /> : .r` ;.-.. tc)a da4e.not�es�ti�an 30 days from the datc the notice is gire�u to Borrower,by whfcb.the defaalt raust 6e eas�edi and �.t<<
<br /> - �'-,, �, tdl tttat faitare to core tke defaWt on or beYos�the date speaiffed in the aM�oe maq r�alt in acceiesatioa oY the sums -
<br /> . .: ,f.,r,i_�r_ • • .r_;;°y..:
<br /> -��.. <•;� °� s�cnre�hy tbfs S�ritY Enstrarn�t and sate of t6e Pe+uy�iy The aotdme sLail t'arihes iafarm 8nsrowcr of the aig6t to —:_-
<br /> :�:�:,.:� :: �"�.� rcinstatc aftes afloeteratton aad We rigbt to bring a casnt action to asgert tIle aon exl.�teace of a defaalt or auy other :e3`�.
<br /> ,;> "`:. de�ase af 8ore+nRa to aeo�eratMa an��Ie.If We defaatt is aot ctu�ed an or�cfose the date spedited In the natiee, �.,
<br /> �°+ r s� tmittedlete p�mtwi itt fatl of aD st�s secorcd by tMs Securtty IttstNme.nt wittt�tt -
<br /> Len�..at its ap�aa.maY�eqWre
<br /> -��-�.,,� ��ead an8 maq iuvoke�he pawer of sate and a�otQes e�mae�es permittcd by.appllcabie law.Lend�r sdal�be . --
<br /> %��t ;?�,cr" ea�in roQect elf exD+��fn pwsniog the r�a�3es p�avtded ia Wis�geaph 22.inahtdt�$,Dtrt aot ttmtted '.
<br /> .,_..1.�� =,� tu,rPaso�ble attoraeys'_fas a�d costs ot tltte evldeace. . .
<br /> =�-f';r�....+�.�:-7� . _ • • —_ _
<br /> `:'::'��,�:;; °:.� If�pawee of�ie Is iavogod,Tmstee sTu�ll record a•ttotice of dePgalt in atcb oouaty W wbicb aay part af t�ce �
<br /> - `��;:`,�.�.�.:° Pe+ny�ty fs t�ate0 aad slt�Q metl coyfes of sacb uoti�e in the mtmner pr�riDd by aypltcabte law to B�ower and ta �
<br /> -- �'`-. '�!'' the o�ses gersoas Pr�ibed by apalEcabte igw.After t6e�dnue�+equtred bY appuc�bie taw,'�ruvtee s�ail give publtc natfce
<br /> �..,;:,... -;, s,i .
<br /> =�. : ; . � $� ot saB�4o t�e pe�sans aad i�the manner prescHbed by a�]tcabie law.Tsust�e.�vi�aut d�mand on Borrower,aLall seD
<br /> e
<br /> ` '�,`' t..�, ��p� at bfic aac�oA to fhe W�est Mdder at t�e Nme and p�ce sua�adcr tRe terms d�lgaated[n the taotice of. --
<br /> .'°?`':,:`P ` ,.;: sate IA aae or m�ore pm�eds aud in say order Teostee determin�.Tr�ssee maq FostPone sate of all or any pancel of the _-_
<br /> _ ::-.` -�,�:'::a:,:.�: � IIroperiy 6y�publtc anaoaneement at the ffin�and�lace of anY p�v�a�slq scltedale�sale I.cnder or its deslgaee mey �-'-
<br /> :•'.fi�:"`�.�"�_::: pm+c6ase tLe Property at any sate. . �.`�-'
<br /> ;',?�j�''-- i'' ",+;;, _ -
<br /> -:. _ ::n'° ��•
<br /> �.
<br /> . . .�'�� .. FGfA1.3d� 9/g� � _
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