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1'i".�-r�:C.. YA�Mrai1�'�Y• r�.`.0� �y.� @ L -u�'�1.- i.Lt Rl"?�"N- .. "i_* ���: . . <br /> _ �.� . [ - :ty! � c �C. .. .' _�... � � <br /> --c_ tt^ ��'� <br /> :',:1'?�.,-.i--r-.�r- �-. c�- � x-{� � �� t _ :.�'�'' .Y -1 �`-c:r�.-�,:' . <br /> � ���..`;_ . <br /> � '�' ��`"�a r� . <br /> T. LS t `."� . - , y.�S _ _._. — <br /> -� _ f .���. � '.'�'.Y.�A-=�_� -t��_.:Y� <br /> - -� � L�. 'G'- f • . - - <br /> , 6.+u,�_.,r� �; �, \_ `c� � t T" ..a t� '.,t �.�� ?�..'�.` -�c 's _ C,p�,E.C--a`-..nticccht i. ,`-�c_�t. ��Q t c� _z <br /> ii. [ • <br /> � f ` �`� � �� . .�,"'"' a _���'�p` rr� �.t r_aar.� �' y r� . _ _._�_v ti��3�e� � �.�c��''�'" ` . <br /> 4,..�:L 4� <br /> � ��!^'''`.i.� . "-. 'N g�>�' k�E '�. tiSt i.�aG �'�` � _l`+��m ��-�-c -Fc� �- Y�Se6 .y'� v'�-_c;�•.c?[°'`c.� 1£�. ��, ,��� <br /> ,��"'L::. µ:'�''O -�; rF ..�LS .ht' ,s. ��'4 �.'Y� .0 .� {C. .(� S.� -.l:--�� <br /> � . � .- �' : <br /> `--�� ^�c�� c- N�����0�� r � <br /> .� .--C_5}c:Y �E,-�� <br />-'�_���' 'i`�`���:` TOCafiTHER iNTi1�al!the im�ov�ats now or�e�ciad oa the property.and aU�ts.appuc�tarartoes.aad �` <br />,-:i;:� .-�`,_�;<,:..Er - <br />:Gw;_�;.�T::==�_ 5�mnes aoa ar hezraRer a part of the pmpEety. A!l �ts and additions shall also be oovered by this Seia�rity �_. <br /> '`;-:-: n�;: Insuo�.AU of the fa�egoing is refetr�to in tt�s Sacudty Iasuumeat as the'Prop�ty.' �.;: <br /> ".t°,;';�':�'�..°.`�:.- BORROWSR COVIIVANTS t6at 8ortoarer is lawfully seisod of the estate he=eby wmeyed sud has the right to�art aad <br /> �-,;;., RR <br /> * `<<�i`t �' amvey the Property and tLat the FcoQerty is unena�mbened.except for eaaunbrauoes of�eoord. Bnrraw�r warrants aad aiil <br />�'°`. t',s;:;``� ,:; dcfen�ge�etally the titte to t1�t'cogerty aS�inst all clai�and demands.subject to any eacumbsances of raootd. � <br /> ;�,,,..•3,::,_k:-,-�• ��_ <br />--LL t���;�"'�;'�-�:�;;v T�IIS SECURiTY IIVSTRiJN1ENT oombines uniform caveaants€or nationa!use aad non-uni€enn,covenants wIt6lLnited <br /> „ <br /> � . � �,.�-e � <br /> ,, _ c �:� variatioas by jurisdiaion w�����a amform sea�aty ins�umeat oovaing real Qroperty. �_.• : <br /> _ ` -�' UNffOR11+fi COYEAIANTS.Horrower und l�eader aoveaani and agree as fotIows: <br />_�°'��:�:�#�';=r'=-;' i. A�ymeat ot Arindpal and I�t; Ye+ePa!'ment an�l.ate t�as�es. Borrawer skafl Pm�IY PeY when due the P._ <br /> , � <br /> _t` `' :., priacipal of and inietest on the debt ev[��eed�y the Note and aaY P�Y�ar.d tate cdatges due nnder t6e Note. �- <br /> ��.� •,� Z.Fmtt�[or Teaes an�i i�cmgn�Subje�x w applicable law or to a written waiver by Leuder.Borr�wes s6aii pay ta <br /> a <br /> t R_:•., ;•:f;t;:-,`.: L�der on the day moathtY PaYmeats are due eader the Note.fmtil the Note is paid in full.a snm('Fands')for:(a)Y�Y� � f <br /> �"` ` and assessaurrts afiicb may attaia priarity over this Seauity�s�nmeni as a tiea on e6e P�gerty:(b)YeariY lease�old payme�ta . �° <br /> �`ry�y,, � .'' os gmund rea�is on the Pmpeny.if atry;(c)yearly hazard or pmpeKy insurance premiva�:(d)YeariY aood ia��,uuaace pcc�. � �� <br /> ��:1 - �'ri. . <br /> __,,..r_�•��:��,,; if mry:(el Yea3rEy m�rtgage insuianc�pteariams.if any: and(fl ffiry s�s FaYable hy Boaower to acoordance wit6. �'= <br /> ,; a�..;;_;:"�. the pmvisloAS of p�a,graph 8,in liea of ihe paymeat of moitgage insurance pre��s.These itans are called°Escroa�Iteass." , �.:_ <br /> ..,k:`�`�::;�.` Leader� aaY Ume,coftect and hflld Funds in an aamt�ui reat ro easxed the u3aximum amamu s l�der fora�rodenalty �- <br /> �� r <br /> `• � ' redafai mui�e Ioao raay raqui:e far Barrower's escraw acc�uat uad�8u federa!Rest F.state S�tI�Proe�dares Act ctf <br /> f ': f�.,. <br /> _:. x� ._:�:,.r;._:.�_., I974 as ant�d�from tims to time. 12 U.S.C.Sedion 2401 et seg.(°RFSPA°),onless aaothet law thut applies W th,e Fnnds �:: <br />-`-�`� �f``.`�-c:'`;;- seta a lesser amotmt-ff so.Leader may,at auy time.ooltect aad hold Fnads en aa smo�mt not w exc�d the tesser a�uat. - <br /> � , '7` h4��:<. i�endes may esemaie the smomu of Funds dae on ihe basis of carreat data and masa�bte e.stimates of eapendit�aes of futuce � <br /> ,t.<<�`�'Z:,4'.s <br /> 'F�:;;;��,<.'r;,<<�;,°,- ESrmw Items'or otherwise w a000rdaace artth appticable law. <br />- : r`.;<.�- r-,�•� - <br /> ��i:',r•<.;,,.�. � 19ie Ftmds sha11 be hel�d�u� iastidrtlon whose deposits are ie�.s�ued by a federat ageacy, instrnmentality. or etttity <br /> ._�,,.,r.:4;'��i=".:;� <br /> �, ��:���. C�8 Le�a'E�.sf l.ender is�dt an ins�on)or ia a�Federat�Fa�e I,oan Baak.Leadet shagi apply ihe Fands to pay tQe <br /> ��y'':i�. -��� ESC,r+nw Items.�e,r may uoYC�rge So�rm�r for hotd�g a�appyy��te�ally aaaEyassg tlte esc�uw aoeouta.os' <br /> ;{;�`�s_u.}�t.t�z'£!;'. �?�j(III$L116�SC[OW TIt�I18��1.CA�CI�iS BMidWC[TIO,'�SCSi OII L�'i2�Urid.4 811�3�� `�'1W pRID1tS�'W III8kC SUC$ �'"'. <br /> S*�k`'` � ��,• acsarge.However,Laider r�ay neqnire Ea�€saw�to p�acr.�-time d�ge far aa md�t real�ta�r�ug seavtce _ <br /> ���,�s osed by Ir�ader in wnneaIan wtth this taan. imless a�ticable law grovidES otherwise. Udess au a�ts made oi <br /> - - =:�;;;�'��1� ayplicable law reqaire�intencst to be paid.Lender ahall not be required to pay Borrawer aay int�st as�on the Fuads. �', : <br /> � " Bomaw�r aad l.euder may ag�ee in writing,ltowever,t6at i�emst shaU be paid on the Fuads. I,ei�der sha}1 give to Bomnwer, c° <br /> s;..,_`�...��.'�;`.:� ' withont anuual aceonnting of the Funds,shnwIng cr�dits aad debits ta the Fands and the purpase for which emcb . - <br />. �::�<�:.�r`,:�`-,�`-�,` debit to ti�e Fands aas made.Tke Fua�s are pledged as additim�al secnrity for a!i snms seaued bY tdis Se�auIty�neaU. . _ <br /> ��—` .�.;:, If the Fu�s heid by Leader ezceod the amouats permiaed to be heid by applicabte Iaw.i,ender shaft aacarast m Borrower `... <br />'�.::;,`.;;�:'�°:�`:i=",-, -- <br /> . ,: . �- s:� �; far!he excess Fauds in accordauoe whh the crqaisiements of appUcabte taw.if the amwru af the Funds held by l,emd�er at any <br /> .,: : - `�,_ rime is not suffic��t to pay the Fscrnw Item4 when due.[.eader may so notify Borcower tn writing, suc6 cue Bntcower __. <br /> .; ` '''�'�; `'•?� : � sliall Fay to 1.eader the a�aoune necessary w malce up the de�cieacy.Bonower sdall m�fce u�the detictencyr ia nn mara thaa ' �__. <br /> .'.;`,;�; . <br /> ' _ ti� tweive mot�ldy L�ert�er's sole dtscaetion. <br />..,:�:-;�. ..:,-�.�,; UP�P$Y�ns in futl of al!sums secured by Wis 3e�vriry Insttumertt. Lender shaA �mmDtiY refuac!tP Borrowet auy - <br /> -�°-�,:,' ',,.�-_,,.° . Funds ketd b l.eader.If.aader paragrapb 21.Ler�der sha11 ire or seU the Pra .I.cndec.Prior w the shton ar sa[e <br /> ,,:�•..::,,. y � �m► � - <br /> .�a,,-:��-�:.; ':i.,:'.-:�..'� of the Property.shal�apply eay Funds heid by r.ender at the time of aoqaisidon vr sate ag a credit a$sinst the sums se�aned by <br /> :,.: .,Y:.:,,:::� '.=, .: thts Secac�ty Instnument. . , -- <br /> _..�::,£.'�'`'.'�;'�. 3,Appllratta�n of Playmcata Uriless ap�►fic�ble!aw pmvides otlie�wise,ali payments teceived by i.ender ander p�ra�gLs =- <br /> .n ,*�= i anA 2 shall be sgpfied:fi�st,to anY P�epaysnent�azg��due undes the Note;secor�d,w amwwrts payabte under pa�gragh 2: . .- <br /> .�,*�- _�;�� _ <br /> ,.. . tbiid,ta interest due�.founb,to princ�pal due:snd any tatc ct�arge.s due onder the Nofe. _ <br /> _'��;�' ,+ :' ' 4.Ctta�geg:•I.lea9.Bottower stiall pay all tazes,assessnaents,c6arges.fnes and imposiHonq mtn'b u f a b le to i h e P t e p e ri y . . • <br /> ._::;,���'_,;=�I> whtcb tuay attain prlorfty..aver thls Securiry insunment,an(f teasehatd payments ar gtauad reats.if any.Bomawet sba!!gay _. <br /> ==; ,:�°::�.:�:,-�- <br /> -�-� �• ; �:.�;s these aDllgatioas in the mannee�prav�ded 1n pa�agmph if not p�d�ia that m�umer.Bmmwer ahaU pay them on time direqJy . <br />'�`�'•-._• • ,,`.; � . to the petson owed�aymat�Borrower sha11 pmmptly famish w l.ender all not�c�s of�n4uats to bs pald undet this yatagr�h. � <br /> -f`.���-� ' If Boxrawer makes these payments directty,Bormwea shalt promptly fumish w I.ender receipts evi�uing the Paymeats. . <br />.;�:-::�:�_..��=.,.. � � <br /> ==�•,:_:-�;,. � s° BorraWer shall Qtomptiy dise6arge a�r lien whlch has prlorlry aves this Sea�ritq IASw�went aaless Borrowea:(a3$gc�s�D�� <br /> � -��`.'z"�� wrttin to the, af tbe o1Si oa secared the l�sn in a manner table to Lender:(b)oonce,ata in aoA faitb tbe lien - <br /> s-�., :_;....�;•:,.. 8 PaYmem Sati b3+ ie eeceD � <br />�;�f�.'.:.r.,;�;-":-�°',' Iry, ar defendg agaiagt.eaforcement of ttte 1��in, legal�praceed�sgs wtdch in the l.ender's apiaion ogerate co prevent tbe =- <br /> ��,-�,;°..-;-_ _-: enforcema►t of the tlen:or(c)se�vres from tde halder of the Uen an agreemcat satissfac�ory w Lender subardinating the IfeA W ._ <br />'--.-,..-;�y�,�:,.; . Sa <br /> � •�_' ', : �'� . ' Wts Se�ity Insvum�ertt.If I.ender Qetermtnes that any�art of the Property ia sub�oct to a lien whlcb may atteln Dr�oriry vver <br /> '�`: ':�'���.�:`:� = � �' Wis Seciuiry Iasum�t.l�endet may gltre Borrower a notice ideAtifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the tlen artakearte ar � . =- <br /> . `.�.,i:.�:n,.:..:.''+.:f _ <br />_ ..�;: ,.u- <br /> more of tiie actions set forth abave wIthln 10 days of the giving of not�ce. _ <br /> : �;;: � ' �arm S�ZB 9l80 W. <br /> � .;w'; •.-�- � �sao = <br /> w.. ��f:�, „�-`• � <br /> _ .- o; , <br /> . � -:. . f,". • • ' � �. <br /> ��• - ��.=''�'. . • . <br /> _ -� <br /> -.' -. 1: - . . . �r E r.� .��.+�k��rs9�wrr+.r�r�:vr . -- <br /> . _ ; , t ��i y' i( r':J r.�v�-:i:.,... ._. . '.J t �� ': . <br /> � t _},�. �� . _ , ` . . fi .r. <br /> . <br /> � ; . .. . . ;.t. . � - L ;} ,e <br /> -r -. : . ,� . . <br /> a. . _ ., . •' . <br /> �. 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