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<br /> � .�.9f���'���.,- ,. �?t-� .��'.�'��'.sF_ `--T .--y - � _ �.,i'.c:s�i .r�c- _"� . �c .c".etyd�t���`��¢�_._'.�...:e.''Yy''�_�;::'-.ir��4i�••,�r t -�.�`�. ��; :.
<br /> , __._ � ��JY.YS" �� 0. � .GLL • . �c- . � 4 �t� _ �� a�CLt� �v, _. � „�' -.
<br /> �ic_. -u_� ,.F�-t.rz� o.F._'�r `..�`� L'�. .�.;..,..--•�.-- .�'�'�_� ,s���b-c'-�La.r -
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<br /> �.�cM!fz(" �''�°P�`<��4`n:.,;Ttt�c�S�° f?' i f�"�:' i.. _:f�.Q._,.-i,�e _� �`_i.. £`c c ne� 8. -4 R .2.� .S r'Caw. -��
<br /> t. _ `,r.
<br /> __ }`,-b_i'.�''S:. . � . :"L"'rt'.
<br /> -�a�'� ` _ �/� ..`=.
<br /> s �( �i i . � . � ' f �e ����/�1� i�t�_.
<br /> "~-� i1D �C St t� Of�Ci.tf�i�61��C OOYCi�g£�thC aDIOII(!f 8�fOi i�3C�� �;.-� �
<br />".4:::a.-�.4-':'=L-:•c�'� ��. _._� � . . � L _
<br /> ..i�..�. . �� t���}�8t1 111SIIIPd S�lOYBf��►j►�+CII�CT 8$aiD�.1V�8jT�C 8Dd�4 OL`t23�8Q.BtlIL8lY6f S�� �``_�c-tY
<br /> �< --«
<br /> -f- �9e.�, f�lC�����g iCQtllfi��d��O mQtL�B$6�Ritll8llL'E m8�[.OI LD�1I06►t�6�OSS!�r�������. �.w:_
<br /> v ,�• �• �"�—` �tC1�IPEfl$�ItOW@[8t1�I.CII��O!� IICdh�C�RW.
<br /> "<< :-
<br /> '�' �8Sl1[BtSCC C�5 ID FlOOOi�8A0B WI$1 ffi[�Wfltt�D 8$�t � � R
<br /> __'```- ,:"':�.Y S. 9 oa L�or its may ma�e rcasoaab2e e�ries apon a�insQections of tl�ee Property.I�der shatl give �� :�,, .
<br /> �,c � � erty
<br /> �k _�.: .�: .Ban�wer uotfee ai dua time oto:prior w aa inspeNFon spacifying�easonable c�use for tt�iaspecNon. � '�� _
<br />:-,��:�s--,.�,�c� . '1(�Cuffiemnatton.77ie-preoe�s of any awarc!or ctaiat fos damages.dimacx or oonsequ�tidl.im m�neotion witte a�► � µ
<br />---a���=�%�.- eo�on ar other takiqg of aay part of tbe Pmpea4y.or for oaav�mue in li�of oondemnauon.are heiet►y auigued and �;'
<br /> -;:;��.:.t:,,sYy . -<<�-
<br /> ,.,.r �;.t.� Sliail UC�ata Ca l�nd�. •.
<br /> �r ;-. .8 :: In the eve�of a tatal takina of tiie Pmpaty,the prucee�s s6a1!be ap�lied to ti�su�secwred by this Secarity Inshumeat, �V r
<br /> '� w�ar�t tl�de�e.arith aay exccss paid to Bornswer. in the eveert of a partia!tatang of t6e Ptopexty in v:�ich the fa�r �-•, �
<br /> i �: . ,�
<br /> � .
<br />�,�Fx=;:���•.•��.r mar�cet val¢e of the Praperty immediately before the r�cing is equat to ar gt�ater than the amonm of tGe sums�by t 6 i s :_s..
<br /> ,,`f� _.� .n.,�. �In�t immediatelq before the taking,unless Boar+ower and Lender otherwise�nee ia wsittng,t5e sums sec�red by -
<br /> -` .N. � : this Sea�ity instrom�d strall be reduc�ed by the aaammt of the pmae�ds umldplied Dy the foAowfag fracaon: (a)the mtal :
<br /> ``, `:�`,`':,`�:E`. �uat af the smm�s sec�ed imm�atei�r 6eFnR the.tatriag,divIded DJ►tb)the f�r market vatne of the Pm�secty imm�istety `._°�
<br />• ,� <�` paitial tak�ing ProPertY � -'
<br /> �; �x �� beface th�taking.Aay balanae shaU be paid to Bonower. in the eve�t of a of the u�cdhidt the f�ir �,, ,
<br /> ' i mmicet va2¢e of ihe Pt4petty imme�ietely 6efore the taIdng is tess than the amouat of the�tms s�immediatety 6efore t�e ��.
<br /> _ `,�.��,pF= ' taking.unles4 Hotrower and l,eader athecwise agtes in writing or untess appltcaf►te!aw otherwise provtdes.t6e pmoeeds sha11 +;
<br /> .��:. D e,�i y y i�t u t i�a u�r,�a a u�d i s y�ss s S c c a r i t y I n�a n m r n t�s h e�Q r n o i t k e s a m s a r e t E�e n d n e. ���
<br />. _�}�,'_.-.�c�:.�'.'.
<br />„Q•;���:c-,�.•t•°:P:r . �t j S C�[O Q C i t�f�3�S II d d II E d�B U T[O�Y C i.O i!f.S�IID11��}I�W BOiiBWCf lbSt tIIC COII�OI OffCtb�O IO'd�SC 3!! �t
<br /> 4 f ,-�;_�" . award fls seute a ctaim�f�damages.Bomawer fa8s w�ond t+o Leader wiWin 30 d�ys after the date t&e notice is givea, �•
<br /> -; , �a, .� I�tder is a�h�ed to coll�t and appty the pmoeods,az ita option,eitber to�eswrat�on os repair of the Pmperty oi w the smms , _-=
<br /> -%--z � s�by this�ty�Smeet,cvisether ar not th�dne. `:
<br /> ' �� .F�,'. Un2ess Le�tdet and Borrowca otberwLse agiee in sv�tiag.az►Y appliu�ian af Droceeds to princip�t sltall nat e�end�m ,`
<br />_�'4��=1a'ai--�; -_t.`-_.
<br /> . �AC��QC�SiC Qf�IIl4�j►�►A1CfUS�C[[2d tQ m�S�BAt�Z Oi Cb3i1$C t�16 8�p�tt Of SIlCT!QB�. `
<br /> e u '.'�`�` • Il.8o�wee Ntst 8�d:Forbesesucoe By�.eader Not a tt�aiva Fa�tens�on of d�time fos payment ar wnd'ificat�on` . � '�-
<br /> .;�-}<-,�._:.v l�er w e�r successor in inoerest of Bo�shall . � �;'
<br />. - . ..�,. : of aa�atti�i�of the stt�ss secored by this Seaulry I�nt�f+Y --
<br />'';>�� �`'''� �ot opaaie w releasc the feabIiity of tlie orig�nai Bonawer ar Borrowe,r's suuoessots I�i�E.Lender sball aot be requirod to' -__
<br />-- , �<_�� . ����Y�ar m i�ecest ai refvse w exteand t�me for p�yment ar odter�visc m�dit�r�on =_.
<br /> �.;._. � - � of t�e s�s�s�'Dp ti�s SeauIty Inguaaian by ieasan of eny dernaud mada by the osiginal Batmas�es Bormwes'.s _ �-;-'
<br /> _ � i
<br /> , �, ¢` sa�essoss in�t.Au+j fofie�by Laider�e�c�S ani+dght or renaedy shall aat be s waiver aY os prer�adE the = -
<br /> ,
<br /> - �•��-�_�. eaea�eiseofaay-,eigbtotr��ijr. ' ` � .. _ '
<br /> < ;'_ � �^. . u. �ois and A�tgas Baoad:doSat aud SsReaai I�ty;C�o�u�s.�e oave�amts and agceements of thfis . �-
<br /> :5 • S�aittg�s&�B.6ind and beaefit the saocesso�s smd asstgas af Ix�u a�d�rrower.sub3ect w fhe pravi�s ot .�.�,�
<br /> L ;�� ��• ' puragrapb 19. Bariotver's wveaants aad agreements shaU be joiat and several. Aay Borrower who oo-s�r"s tLts Sec�tity : ���;
<br /> ",'.::,;..,;"��. • Insormnent baa.doe�not e�cuoe the Note:(a)is cosigniag tpis SeanrIty Inst�ent oniy to mortgage.gram and oouvey tbat , . �`'..
<br /> �- '� �;'',:.
<br /> -��. _•�:�''��� • gated to pay the soms; -- -
<br /> •*�+* ,;.z:�;r�. Bomnwer s�+esf Ia.the Pmpe�ty nndea[heterms of this BeRaity.L�t,ramen�(b)is no�Pasa,�lly obli
<br /> ,�,..�,���_t :� s�tued by this=Secwit�'i�acr�Qe;a�rees t�si Leades mta auy otiter Borrower may ag�tio-extend,modifY.farbeac.bt �,,-=
<br /> -- � a�ar►p acmrturwAatiaus aith m�M w the t�ms of t�ds 3e�rtcy iasocument or the Note althont Wal Barmwea's oonsa►�. -
<br /> �; '-�_ I3.Luan Chatg�va 1t the loaa secared by this Sewrity�lnstramient is subjecx w a taw wl�ch sets�loan c6ar�, _' --
<br /> .�� ..?�r . ,.�., � ett0 th�i taw is fu�aliy inte�pret�ct so that tt�intemst or other loaa ebasges ooll�ced oz to be caliected in conitection with the . _--
<br /> `:""`-';�"`.'°` � toan exc�d Hie pemtitte�d li�ts.�e�:(e)aay sucb loan cbarg�abadl be redaee�3 by the amomrt aecessary w reduc�etua chaYge�, ' '�`--
<br /> arg
<br /> " • ��. � m�the gex�tittt�iimis;aad-(6)a�►Y soma ajceady eoltected fmm Bonrower wWcd eueeded�mittod.ttmita wiA be r�fimdod w �.
<br /> �.�-� : , $oimaer. Lender may chaase w make this�et�nd by reducing the prInctpal owea nnder the Noto ar by mstdag a direct ' --
<br /> ,��v'�'� . .Paymeat ta �iorrawes. I€a refund mduces piincfpal, the teducKion wUl be tre�tted as a paidal PrepaYra�►t withaut a�y� � ---
<br /> __----_ -_ �- P�f��.uades the Nota � . � � �� - •
<br /> -.-,�� 14.Na�txs.My nottce to Hamawer pmv�ded for ia d�ia Se�auitp Ins�shaU be give.n try d�livertng it oi by�Aiaiting �
<br /> ---._"'�---�� � it by�de�mai)untess appltcabte law requires nse af anather m�t�ad.Th�notice,shall be riir�ted to tAe PtapeYty Addr�§s � - -
<br /> _-__=_=_:� .or eny ot�`et�•�ddr�s Barmwer des�g�ates by aotice to Lender. Ariy poBce ta Lepder �alt'Oe giv�t by f�rst.ctas9 ma13��to� " __
<br /> = � T�er's ad'd�ess statod hereia ar.�ny other address L+emder des,tgnates by�notioe vr B4mnwer. Aoy nottce y�svfded far fn this�.
<br /> �_ � . Se�.-uritg Insuamoist�ehatl be de�ed w dave be�n given to Burruwer,or Lender whea��Cven as pmvided ia thia paragre�h. �
<br /> ' � 1S.Qov �tasw, Severabilt . This Seauity Insunmenl sbaU 6e ovem� b f�deral faw an¢ the law of the
<br /> wr r.-
<br /> .�'� r;��,;'�:►,• ��ratn� ' t9 8 . Y . `�.�
<br /> �_... jarisdl�on��whtch the ProDetty ls tocated Is�the everrt that a�t piroviaion or clause af this Sec�ity Tnsuament or the I�'aCs
<br /> ``�L}�, ,� - � aouflicu with sppUc�bte la�w.such Qonftict s1m11 not affe�t ottter praa�sions of this�arity lnswmeas qr ihe Natd'which c�ic 6e -=
<br />-- -�___;.T.{ �ive�effeci without the contTiaing provislan.To thia end the pmvisios8 af dils Si�c+niry Insmimeat and the Note are declariad _-_
<br /> ,;_� . . � . —
<br /> • �, fobe.s(everab2e. . . . � �
<br /> Y jy�1. .' + �{i.Borrawc�s Copy.Borrowes stmll�given one wR�mted copy of the Note ast�oY tt�is Securiry Instrame�t. . ,�- _.
<br /> ::;t;•�:`-:' i.� • ' iomtSOZB 8'!90 , �!�'_'� .
<br /> –°�z..--��?y' . . � Vepo4oi6 ' �
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