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<br /> � { :�' i_ 'C,,�,'. . _ � .L''L '. r�_ 4 '� .�`- Ci eG t
<br /> . .� �, t..' ( �� . '� `r � r¢,._.._ati,_s,-.....__•x.t D7+1'
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<br /> ,5-." t, i� .� ' �` ...f i�.s� � .:3,. �
<br /> .:' , r ..-- �+.+
<br /> .'it=r.. ,•r �.--�1.�-<��. '=ri� --+- �'��r^r' - ._ . .
<br /> c t Y � � J� ` .:. '...— �����.�y 1 d -:
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<br /> ..a..�x�s� c . � � ._. � . . . ' _ . . �- - :�t��'?'-`r w �_ �, �k�__ T, �4 �-iY r tp 1^� a - .a,.����4._.i_. i �.
<br /> � � - S-+ t P--
<br /> '�`� �� . ,--r s .,z,:� �` �— 'r--��—+�-t-^��-_---:—��'�• i�T� TY"fK�'- � ��. � .- �---lr F �.. _.� r � 1 t --r-�.
<br /> � -� .t "�^ t[' � -{i... u4�, � 6' �a_ . `'t2 -l�`t7 "'4_"a' iG -f -h'4 .`�y_. .! �4c�.�. ?�. .�;� _-lrit,�fF -
<br /> ,a'_� �`r ';?E'?Rye':r�: .� b :� tEr�� if'� a,. c; +'�.� .�.�.d.f , `�t,' ° �� c
<br /> G } �i' $ �f :� ,.,tf "!.r
<br /> t
<br />� t ���( -�..r,-�' 'U..-L.•S'� _cr�`SJ'�. _r.s'.x `. ..q _ .s.+.. ¢� L_
<br /> r- '4Yi;' =s'< ' :".
<br />�'=-?�.-<:=���-..x�;v;wa5;� y '_ .
<br /> �"
<br /> � c`c
<br /> ti t-u ��{o, � - � r .
<br /> � s 1 !��a
<br />{ � � �.t, . �1/�gJ ��� ��
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<br /> 3�--sc-�--"��•�-1�] 'f . E.',.��
<br /> c S . _ _� . -. . .r
<br /> a ��SA` , ' �. ,r4��,
<br /> . < `• exclueive use of the amner og �the unit� or unitg to a�ch �
<br /> `'��<�� � they are agputteaant. th�� g�mtly, 9uests, sesvatits, and zs«�F�
<br /> �4,;ti. :.�..�:..�.<� tavitee�. fi-;�;°"`
<br /> Y �Y
<br /> � .(, L! 4 G -.
<br /> Ya c 9'< `?' � C �.
<br /> ..�;�,.,°:.;; (c) T�e owaessbi.P of the aaffiaoa elements shala remaiu
<br /> �:, s �1 � _ eandi�rided. and no person or c�anez ahall brir�g anY aetioa r � �
<br /> ,_ __.:`,,.:�_``�-� for the partitipa or 8ivieion of the commoa elementa. ` ::
<br /> < r:
<br /> _.� j`: � The�phraee "aonanoa e,�ements� u�ed iax thie �ater Dsed � - �
<br /> `y:,�:,, � Declaratfon aad amen�ts thereto shall faclude both � �
<br />.. c_L�„ .�F.e.t. 4_�._�..
<br /> w Y. "' gen�ral aad limit�dt co�amoa elements .unlese othez�ise �'.
<br /> :...trtr�-��?�Y�"�.."' S�cified. Tine Associa�fon slaalt from time to time � �r�
<br /> -.. s •' �°`_
<br /> t ` ��f ;. '`� �establiah sules aad regul:ations €ar the use of the cotmnoa � , .
<br /> �"� � elemen�s, aud a11 nc:aers and usera �hall be baund :�
<br /> - n_a ,h �i':
<br /> � w.-'
<br /> ..`.`� thereby. The Assaciatiais ahall have the so e . _r,-;
<br />. .'''4�'T4'"4.( �'4�Y� . .
<br /> _� '����7�'�-t jurisdiction over anc� � maiatleaa ce�of�the�cau�aaon ,�j`.
<br /> -�x.:;�:;t�:;'; a.mprovementa, repairs elemeat ie
<br /> �..t�. � �.{ �• eietaents. The share cf an awner in a co�an = ;
<br /> , °�_' ,' apgurteaaat to his or her uait aad inseparable frcm tlae . �
<br /> , R : �,: ` _
<br />,__�.�_�.�;�.:6;;-.._�. uqit awuerslzi.p. Assesecneats agai.na� ao�uers for . Y;-.
<br /> F� �` r ';. i.asuraac�, cammon elements expenaes aad resesves, and for ��, z_
<br /> .t� ���x� other e�ensee iacuYred by the Asaociation shail be ma de � �f;
<br /> � -�k `� to the By-La��. Assessmeats made �tbia tea , _
<br /> °� ``;, `,'T��� f10��s after the a�ate when due shall not beaz , {`
<br /> �� �-_.;� a
<br /> ���:-,�°f. �'�� 3atereat. but all aums �t Faid withia �id ten t103 daY � s -
<br /> �: � ::-�.._ .
<br /> �- :;;. _,�._ _.
<br /> � period shall bear iaterest at the hi ese legal sate at -� ,
<br /> . .. .�
<br /> `y���'��:`�� .. vahich in�.i.vidua7�s may contract under�the lawe o� this 1'�` �;'
<br /> �� �:
<br /> ° �'� �`��.� state fram the �ue. t�ate watil paid. Yf �ay a9aaer eba21 ... . � =
<br /> � _•�,��. a t o� stich aase$sa�ear.s ��tg�:
<br /> t �;''�-°�:�_�:f � fail cas refuse t.ss make aaY P Y�n .
<br /> . n � .
<br /> , ; ;° � .�;. when dtze. the ama�t thereof plus � interest ehall _ '.��,�•;
<br /> � r4 ��~ � Ctmstitute a li� npoa t.he t�me��s �aterest i.�t Yais Or her �=
<br /> � � ` �r�i � unit aad in the property aa c��ined ia. Section 7�6-87� . ;:� �- .:
<br /> � the �
<br /> ;. .:..^,,��;t�;,,'�.� A.R.S. Neb. upoa the recordiag o� s�i�h liea by � �.. � • �� ,r
<br /> ` �..�;. Aseociatioa in the office of the Regi�'ter of D¢eds of � �� ',��--�:-.
<br /> � * ;. " � .t�, ' -=
<br /> ,�. .= _ _'� Hall Cowaty. Nebraeka, auch �a�aount sbail constitv�e a �
<br /> , -� '~ � 13en priar a:td preferred ov�r aIl ot�er liens and . �r -
<br /> � ��..
<br /> ,�_y,. .°.-.- eac�unbrana�e except assessments. lfems and charSesr .€or
<br /> :. .4.,,..:� , r--_�
<br /> taxea due and uapaid on a uait sad except prior duap E_=.��..
<br /> �?-' � recorded mortgages and lien instrwaen�e. ' . , _ =__
<br /> fN•� ' • . _m��""'
<br /> . .,', `.i.;r•� .R =°__
<br /> a� ,:��..� (d� Sach owner of a unit ehall be respaaeible: •
<br /> .�::�...<.� , . � . . -
<br /> ': .. ...,..�;��'::;
<br /> - '��' '� �"�° t1f To maintaia, repais and reglace � at bie or hes .
<br /> _���'.'T,.:. ._..y ���+ `1—s
<br /> : �T�_:;_i..,.���.�1. • A' j�Q e �j {��� `
<br /> ; . 'T _ , Qi'��Se/ Oi1 �0��4M�v 'Di fiis 0= iliii _MiiiL �iii4ii .�+. . .
<br /> ,� . .,`., .,:� u�a� inciuded in.�:�Chs degi�itioa and cantext of: .
<br /> _ t, > .,.;�` � • �omman elemeuts aad each o�me�c sh�l be �espaaQible
<br /> _,= `'��°�;''i;�� �� . , gar the sepair, maintenance and. reglacement o� a12: . : - -
<br /> ,��•:,; ,....;
<br /> ;.�t .,:.. ,, �• exterior �oora, inaludin3 9asa8a_ �doors an8 the — -
<br /> - �echaaical ope=a�rs thereoP appurteaant to said� .
<br /> . ' �:� -'.. �t- � awnere uait j it �ei.ag underetaad that the os�� �.'��
<br /> .`:;. .�;,•: --- -
<br /> - _'�:.�'::.`;,y��.: Assoaiatian �aintienance a� e�sGe��r doars gha21 be .. __--
<br /> _ '_���= ,;. ri w:' the pafating•qr Yi.s�isbiag of thie,exterior snrfaces� . _--
<br /> "�"����'��_`�''`�' thereof. YE any awner faiis to segair, maiut�in or ==_
<br />