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<br /> �:'„„ f���'. . . 'F'L - r �' �x. � � ���1'`�. _y,�r
<br /> rM t�. �.--i� cij,�4''r'r.:=`.` ' r t_ z r, i5'y.�., r 1C�. S�.-
<br /> "F'�l�T"��.S . `x. miy _C-. a.:. �{'. - 1 C C� T�� �.._��2.f:,�f••�� <<^'.I__
<br /> _[� �lr��.'•' .54,._'1_�C ...�`�. .`}r - .c.L
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<br /> - '1'r..$:."'i4.. t_+�'�_.` :. t�� _ '. .y 't^'s��a' .'�...��,..�+ri_ �ia�i""�`�t��7�'tM.L,r'' � .�a_i:
<br /> .. .,.-. � , _
<br /> g"i'`.,� --s'.":"_iER,� � i�..._.^.cE`'i_ . � � �r � .Z.�- �- .1 �°r�. ��r- . �m r �' �C x r- e �' `F c—<�-�.` -s�s-'t'lri . 4P° Jet'--
<br /> �- .c:s _ t�cv- - � - _ ss. � `�-._... .�}y . - •�`\ e`-�' ��
<br /> �¢�oa� c�'�'S6t' d" F```. . t"c c n `�F�a`4� a �i .:�,�: �„'t_� °o�`cr-�r� q'e� ��.`^t- rt -_ t -ia�' a 7A� x � �"''"�' i¢ .- £ i.; :.
<br /> � �i c '-'F�.' c
<br /> �'w!��!r. '� �i' y r'�':. i r t- ;F� _ :. -{� T�e�t':L ''�`•-i --- '�.c L,.
<br /> .�t(. �- .r<, �_ t..Ft.:r. e!< .,.f-. fi'�.., -.r, f- c:� . r.t _ J � 'r
<br /> �_�r�5 _ - < <r=�_-.:
<br /> � s
<br /> '_�ir-*-t=
<br /> c r K
<br /> <. t: 35,....� t �r'��:,�:
<br /> �� R=T rOi'� • • Fi ���i�9�� � �X'".
<br /> _ -=37 �1 M.�'f d
<br /> - '� _ - . . �� —
<br />.;-s i<:E::_�-''=s;.. , - -
<br /> -:>i��. E;'-:t1�'
<br /> t� �_6 r° •> rlose� poaitioa. the unf iaished eeYVice of the ceiling i�me�i.ate2y - k ��
<br /> -���``°�-=°��:;4_.` below th� roof as inda�.cated far each sepa►rat� uu�i.t upon the �=�r.3 :.
<br />. c>-`�_�=r'Y�`f.::2f: attache8 Sxh3bit °A° and tlie extensioa o€ thase eurfacee o�hsre ths �::,_.
<br /> � ,� �`" unf,t i.nc].udes uaeaclosed space. �
<br /> . � �'! _
<br />���������`+��RS^i Lx`,�s
<br /> - - -- :"t%�� nr��rrQ,B V COMNION F�I�S �
<br /> 4� .'
<br /> --.t x°Y����s The commton elemente are ali portioris of the condominium other �
<br /> J, , '` °:.``�. tgaa the unite. Tde limi.ted common elemeats, other than those A"-.
<br /> _ _ ;��.;
<br /> _ '.Q." ,F'- 8hown 01n Bxbibit "A° are:
<br /> � � ; �
<br /> f r +- rr ,�:, ta} If aay c.hnte. flue, duat, aoixe. caaduit. beariag wali. , .
<br /> . T G � ,.
<br /> bearing column or sAy other fixture lies gartfally withia `` �`
<br /> ��°� �.Q'<<. � and partia],ly autside the bauuclaries of a uai.t, anY , �r�'
<br />-.,.�,��;_-_..,_;-s; portion serviag oniy that unit is a limited comatoa - -
<br /> -� L� !r F '� , , �
<br /> ,�- a , :� element aliocated to that unft, aad aay �artioa serving --
<br /> , � ` ; more than ane v�it or any porC�dn o€ tlae co�ttaa element -� ;.
<br /> - 'k'--`-ki.� is a part og the com�uoa elements. _-.
<br /> c --S._ � f 4_._..
<br /> ,t�-`'.:°;��:-.��> (b? A.�y shut�exe, a�nia9$. wi�daw iaoxes, daorsteps, stoapa, �T
<br /> ;�, ; ', , S, �;. porches, ba].c�e�, patios ana� al1 exterior d+oors and -�,,
<br /> �._�.�-s • windows or otT� gixCures 8esiguec� to serve a siugle �_"
<br /> `�=4;-:,;_,`:`:��Y unit, but located outside that uni.t�.s bautsdari.es. are ' ��.
<br /> .. . •�,.;. �;'.
<br /> `� '• limfted commori ele�aeata allocated to that unit. � �=
<br /> . �. .:...,.;�� �, ..�.._=---
<br /> .�,,._.
<br /> '::��-,. . • �:��_-
<br /> f w .N' �
<br /> << �'° _
<br /> II��� � = �►u�r�'CL VI PSCI ��CL�_m+r RTQAT AND DBV�A -
<br /> < "�i�, � -
<br /> ' �,�-_
<br /> (:��r;. Declarant s��.l tes��rve a�k have the folla,�ing dev��opment - -.
<br /> ' �j�`r'' r- righte: � . . —
<br /> ...:�t.;;,,�_� %,�',=�`'' �`
<br /> � ; (a.) Declarant shali control +the Association .aad may a�pofat �: ;''__,
<br /> �=I':`'� , aad refaave the oEficers aad members oP the Sxecutive �.,, _-
<br /> z FT ,
<br /> {�•�: � 1 �•- 'HoarB oP Di�ectozs �intil the easiier oP: � . �'�i.�� �-
<br /> .( '_ . _4,' • . , I�+
<br /> :, �.,r:�;�.. ,��`�` � � � {1) 51xCy t 60) d�ys after coaveyamae of ninety perceat � �� _
<br /> ��° �� (90�r) of th$ units which mayr be created to •unit � �_'
<br /> �;�.� :;,: `'�': , awners ather thaa the Decla�rant� or �°•--
<br /> a,:-:�, .�: __._.
<br />-_'��T'��=--�- t2) 7wo (2) years a�Cer Deolaraut h� ceased �to o�fear _
<br />>:;�_�:....�.._.. �
<br /> °-.{°.,.��if ,� • . .a�, .
<br /> - u:i=.rr.�j•�p.. . . . {p���� for ea].e f.n the or8�nary Ce�rse �o� busfneasir � . .
<br /> rv.� i,,.��y--.. � . � . . ' � � -
<br /> ;:,.::�:,. .- � Not later tl�aa siacty I6a3 8ays aEter canveya�ce af twenty �ive ... . —
<br /> ff� �� � �percent (25�) of �e units whicb taay be creat�ml! to unit .owners. . ..
<br /> ti ti�ur
<br /> �-�,_;�_.,��� o t h e r t b a r� t h e D e c l a r a n t, a t l e a s t o n e i i) m e m b e�r a n d n o t l e s s t l�t a t��
<br /> `�: ,;= �-"+'�;. � twenty fiv� perceat t2S&) og the atembers oP the Pac�cntive �8oard:t�� ��-
<br /> ,�� •^�•- Directore eha7.1 1oe elected exciusively hy unit omn�ss ather than ��,.
<br /> ���•����;�:_�`: � the Deciaraati. Not later than eixty (60? .days� aEter couve�a�iCe oP �;-=�
<br /> '° �� ` ' 'fi,E e�cea� tSO�) _ oE the uaitQ whi.ch may �be cgeated to ual.t
<br /> �- t7I�.H —
<br /> • "-�'�'����'�' ��ownars other thaa the.Dec2araat, ndt Ieea thaa �Y thYee and one . � _m-
<br /> - 'LL-������`��� � third percent t33 1/3�S) oE. Ehe member� oE the Sxecutive.Board og .
<br /> � � .�;� . . Directors el�aii be eleate8 exclueively by uaiti ovmere other than• �_
<br /> � :
<br /> � � the Deciarant. � -
<br /> ' yj.� . � _
<br /> - ��� Y�. ���i • . • �._
<br /> ��� Not later thaa the termin�tian oE the period oP the . �
<br /> ��`� ��r � Deciarant�e coa�roi, the unit nwaera. eha21 elect aa Sxecutive Hoard � _
<br /> � �r.��,�'� -,� �''� oE at least three t3) m�ers, at leaet the maiority ot whom must � -
<br /> be unit ownere. . �e Bxecutive Hoard ehali elect the og£fcere. The - . �
<br /> ,�„-�.�:-..:.,�.>;?..°' . .
<br /> {�-:•� -•�.:<��:; � � Sxecutive Hoard membere aa8 oPfiaere eha21 take oYffce upcn
<br /> - �:r�: election. �
<br />- . ..' ..�;�,��'-, �.'`;-.. �b) Deciarant reseycves, avithout aasent of ov�nere oP units, � � -.
<br /> °��.��:`-� � �°.': the right to eatabliaH eaeemente, :=eservat3ops, _
<br /> -- °� ��-��� exceptions and �cciusione conaiatent with the Coadaminiam
<br /> `.��-.:;::1�:�....�� .�:�i oa�merehip aa� for.the best intereeta oE ali tYxe oQmers in � {`i,:�
<br /> . �r�� �' � the coadominium, aafl to suppiement or amend tLie Master � -
<br /> `.:;,t u;,..i ,
<br /> '-•:." ` .. `:�.� Deed anfl Deciaratfon, as se amended: or the attaches9�8y+ .;.�:
<br /> ., ,��..�,...... : :. ..
<br /> ��:.,,s���';,:..: � La�vs or as amende8, until Declarant releases control og ,
<br /> - .. tha Aeaociation ae set gorth in (a) oP this Article.
<br /> ;;� -
<br /> . :;:,,
<br /> _ _-_ _ 4c? D�ciarant fwctber resesvea the right to add to the
<br /> . :,:
<br /> ';,�:��� .
<br /> ,t�.
<br /> :,�
<br />