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<br /> '���-. f:'":��.d s_° � `�t-` : n; � � .�F� ��a �, L� ` _a +:�`°. � � i,�.��C , o. �. ,..r <`_ t�� ,�� C _,_r�
<br /> � ,.-.•Ya+?..Sfi .` � 6.}.=� i.E��•� �f.�1. Uc��-���° '--y��E . - �c �s�'-�_.v'_ar�.��,: � -�s`"�--_c:. }� _�: ry-.._�4'1�
<br /> � "�'p'_'�C�1c- x'�. -:��i---�--•-.�_� �-
<br /> �, � � C.��`��. �< ' t{K_'."'�vs 5_",.F'�`_�'-i. < <' . _ __ _ ' ._ _
<br /> Y[�'c �p- �� � ��
<br /> k��s�� [+ '
<br /> �J ��� 7,' .
<br /> (� F _
<br /> t� .. '}.. LG v�� T �r
<br /> i
<br /> .:d,.�F'ci�t_ ��6F�.:.�"", .n"��`•� .
<br /> �f* F {tl. �� -
<br /> -J.ft l I 4 � .'�.`f . �i.? i
<br /> ` `� ° a`- � �`` `� B. AII firtsae advaaces�m I.ender to Gransotor other future obl�g,ariot�of Cisaator to I.ender under anp proa�sory � .
<br /> °��� ` ,°`�,`�= aate.conuact,guarantY+or othes evidenoe oi debt exeaited by G:sntor fn favar of Lender�aRer this � � ^;`:
<br /> - . ;� .� ; .� ,.< referenced.U moie thaa oae pe�son T
<br /> s � :<-'`- �{=y�t ahether or aot this Security Instrt�ment is sg�ificaliY f�r� �::;
<br /> F 1 � � '.�-�� Instn�ment arill sec�ue at1 fuhue advaaoes and
<br /> f�~ si,�ss tdis Secauit�►Inswment,eadi�ttazttot agiees ti�at tbis Sec�ity `� ,
<br /> ; �: ` one or mare Giantor,or any one or mure Granwr and � 4
<br /> - ��b1i�lI�L sre giY�n to ot trtcvrted hp auy �� _ =
<br /> a _
<br /> '� �,4_ - othe�.All fnture adv�ees aad other furiue ab2ig�tioas ane saured by Wis Securiry fnstramcm even E � '
<br /> = - - p v r t may a c�t y e t b e e d v a n o e a.A D f u�r e a d v a n s e.s and other fuwre ob li g atfo�are sec�red as if wade on the date [ . � .
<br /> ' ° ,-� 4._ of this Seaui I Nothiag in ti�Security Insd�umeat shall oonstit�te a oommitment w make a d�t io n a l �
<br /> < ..
<br /> - �`��`��. � arfut�u+etttan oradvancesin amaunt.A ny s u c h o o m m i f in e a t m u s t b e a g r e e d t o i n a s e p a r a t e wri ti a g. , 1- r:
<br /> ; fui� az►Y _
<br /> '1�:.
<br /> ` .- .: G A Il a b li g�t i o r�s G r a n t ar ow e s to Lender.whicb maY lates adse,to the e�Rent not prohibite8 by taw,iaclwdiag,6at E .fnh�`�
<br /> ..`�` .". `-`"''- not l�ited to,6a6�ities for overdrafts relatiag toanY dep�t apoonnt agceemeut iseiw�G r e n t o r an d L e n d e r.
<br /> .-c�..:. - �`.' c:.
<br /> "'`` ���:. D. All a�diti�nal setms advaaoed aud expeoses inaured by Lsnder Wr�S��S or othetwfi�e pnotectin8
<br /> � + h_
<br /> '� ,^'`:-; the Praperty aad iss value and any other sums advanced and expense.a mca�ed by Lender uader t�e terms of x�-m�
<br /> � � � ;�
<br />—• ,,r ���ni,
<br /> ��. ,�:� �`', q'
<br /> ,I. • " . T6is S��riiY Instrument w�l not sQaue any other debt if Lender falg w give aay reqtured notice of the right of resdssion. ,�r ;
<br /> � ``� r� ',
<br /> a s r � PAYN�.(haator a�ees that ail payments imder the Secared Debt will 6e paid when due and ia aocordance �; j
<br /> � ` z ��1�.'{ wiW ihe tesms of the Secured Debt and tt�is SecurilY Ias�am�en�
<br /> � ,,r =:
<br /> _ :� -,:`;`- 6�. WARSAt�1TY OF 1TrL�.tirautor warrants tLat Gr�ntur is or w�t be tawfaTly seized of the estate rameyed by t6is � __�
<br /> _ ,.";:_;�_ =:�s``:��:- ge�rity 1nst�meat aced bas the right w irrevoca6Iy grant,oonvey.aad seIl We Property w Tsustce,in trus►.wit6 . :fi,.=
<br /> A` ��.= forencumbraacesof record. .�-. ::_.
<br /> _=.'Y::��:''�F`'.���*`-��'°- p o wer of sate.(�rauwr aisa warrants tdat the Property is unenrauonbered,except :,
<br /> -.; .{: �: ... . rau ;-;`� ':.
<br /> ` �; �� 7. PAiOT�S�C[JRYrY I1V�RFST3.With regard ta any other mortgage.d e e d a f w s t,s e�i ty a g c e e m e n t o r o W e r li e n
<br /> r�_.
<br /> -- .-�.. <,._ �r 4r;� doauneat tLat created a pribr secuuty interest ar eacnmbranee on the Ympeity.Grantor agree� �=� ,_
<br /> :_, t'u��r� A. Tomake sil payments when due and wperfarmorcomplywitb aUcovenants. .< _
<br /> < -
<br /> .�;., <.� .:->. �:,. � 8. To psomPffl►de�sver to Lender aay aatices tb.at Granwr rereives from the holder. s_.
<br /> .. ;..:- G Not W aUow a�r rao�i&catton or e�teasioa o�nor w request any fuwre advat�s under any note ar agteemeat r-;,�,;
<br /> - � ;; :;° sectmed by the liea dacoment wlihoaR L.euder's prior writtea consea� ' ,' ;
<br /> ` :`�� 8. CI.AII1rdS AGAINST TP�f�.CitanWr w�71 paq sII taxes,assessments,Hens,eac�tmbrances,tease PaYmenls,g�odnd � �
<br /> : <,.}.� ` � when due.I.eIIdet tney seq�t'ise Gtantor to pravIdC to L.eudet .r�a�:
<br /> =`�r-�" -�Y�z:. renta.ati��andothercbargesreiatingtotheproperty _
<br /> '•t�, L �j�` - copies of at!notices tbat sr�s amounts are dae and the receipts eaid�ciag tir�ntor's payasent(iranwr w�t•defend ���.
<br /> ' �� � ; titte to t6e Pr+operiY aS�{�Y clsims t6at aroWd impair the lien of thfs Seauitg insuamen�Csantos agees w assigp ��,��=
<br /> ! � to LerWe�as re�queste�by#�eQder.anY rtSi�ts+daim9 as defenses Grantos may E�►e against parties wtto�iq labor � �_
<br /> ! � `` ��� os matetiah tP maintaiu as itnprove the Yraperty. t,. :;
<br /> 9 DUE Ol�i S.�OR ENCUMBM��-���ay.at its option,declare the entire batanoe of the Sectaed Debt w
<br /> ~ b��te�e1Y d ne a n d paya b 2e upoa t h e c r�e a d o n Q f.o s o o n tr a c t fos the creation of,an Y iicn.encambrance,�ef '���
<br /> �
<br /> ;r`i�*"` `._L as sate oY t�te ProperE7+•136is rlght ts subject to tt�e resuictians imposed by federal law(12 CF.R 591),as app e. 4
<br />---- �:' �!:;'�;-.� - 'T�s�ovenaut shatf�with the Property and s�ll remain in effed until the Seaned Debi i�paid'm faq.a�d t6is �._:_ .:_
<br /> � , .�. ,
<br /> ` Securi t y I n s t n u a e a t i s i c 2 e a s e d. �f;,'*"
<br /> , f � �. ' 10. PYtOY�ER'gY COIVDITION,AI.'�EHtATlOPT3 AND INSPECTION.(iraator will keep the Ptoperty in goad _ �� `
<br /> conditiou aad make all repairs t4�at are reasanably neeessary Granto;sball aot wmmit or allow any waste� -
<br /> : < impainnent,or deterioration oi the Property.Grrantar wUl keep_t he P rop e rt y f ree o f n o�c i o u s w e e d s a n d gr a s s e s. �' ;� .`
<br /> `° r. ,:. Graator a�ree's tliat tbe nauue oi the oocupanry and nse w�I not substantialty chaage arithout Leader's prior written e��--
<br /> � f�;,
<br /> ::;���':.;:`':.. :. ,� caa�esf►t.Gianwr an"D not�ermit any cbaage in�y licesyse,restrtctive oovenant os easemeui wiiho�rt l.ender's�Pr�ai'. �.��.:�
<br /> _ _ _� wrltten conseul.tiiantor w�7t natify L�tsder oi all demands,Proccedin&s�ctai�s+and actions agatn�t tirantor,aad of . ��:i=
<br /> "':-ir.:•w�r.:''° • �,� 8n � _
<br /> - ��.;':ri:.'`,�'". .:
<br /> - - .::�. . any tass as darnage w the Ptaperty. at any:easonable time tos the purpase o� _
<br /> `��;-�;�;:, ' Lender or Lende�s ageats may,at I.endes's optian,eates the ProAerty -=-
<br /> m$peatiQg the property.I.ender shall gtve Crra�tor natice at the time of or before an inspeetton s�ec�ng a
<br /> . � �-*� `,.. reasona b l e pnrpase for t ha i n s p e c t t�m.A n Y i n s p e�t i o n o f t h e P r o p e r t y shall be entirel y for Lender's�reaefit aad _-�_
<br /> � -:� � � t3�tttora+iD�n naway relyon Le�sdes's tngpecflon. . _
<br /> P
<br /> . il. AtJrHORj'1'Y A'O PERFORM.�f Ciraatar fails to pedor�aasy dUh►or any of the cove�tants contaiaed in this � s
<br /> , . t H
<br /> . . ;,. Sewrity Instnmuent,Lender may,without no�ce,perfarm or ca�se them to be performed.(3rantor appoiats Lender , �y
<br /> ',�`�t ;,, r� asattamey�nfact to sigatt�rantor's naute or pay any amonat n e c e s s a ry for p e r�am�ance.Lendes'arigt►itvperformfor �, �, _
<br /> .._r: ::...::,:�:.�.
<br /> �i- .�. ','° :�'���. . . Grantor a h a l l not creace an o b l lga t ion t o p e r l o r m.a a d L e n d e r's f a i lwe to p e r form wiA aot preclude B.cndes m '���';
<br /> �.� '_-� pceseisin�any of Lender's othes rights wider the taw or ihis Seauity Ynswm�m.I4 aay construction an ti�e Property 3s t,�_,
<br /> T;.�¢i=Y�.:. ,: ..' _
<br />�� • . <; ...,,; d�sconllnued or not catrled on in a r.easonable manner,Lender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's -
<br />--'�"'�.���..`; :�..�:' securlty Interest in the praperty.irtcluding wmpletioa of the constructlon. .v
<br /> — _ ' :�i_; l� ASSIGDIlNBNT OF 1,�ASES AND I�EAPI`9.(iranntor inevocabty grants.coaveys and sells to Trustee.iq tnist fos the �':{�;�:;
<br /> r�
<br /> - beaeSt oi Leader,as a�2dittonal secaulty all the rig�t,title and iaterest i n an d to any an d a l l e x i g t i n g o r f u t u r e l e a s e s.. ,;;:;;Y,S
<br /> - '•.,�i,:;,,.'��':�:�`,. sableases.and any other wrltteo or verbal agreements tos the ase and occupancy ai any portInn of the PtoDeriy. �.,;.;
<br /> _ ln¢luding atry extenstons.renewets.madiflCations or substiwt4ons o!such agreements(all referred to as"l�cases")and .�:;.
<br /> rents.iss�es and profita(all referred to as"Rents").Grantor wlll pramptty pravi@e Lescder witt�uue aad rarrecs �.
<br /> _ copies of aU existing aad Luture Ixases.(3rantor may collect.receive.enjoy and nse ihe Rents so long as Granwr Is na� ,;;:� :
<br /> —.� . :- ifl defauh tmder the terms oi thls Securiry Inswau�t. •_,<,.,,:
<br /> ;.: ;'..� ,_- - : ,...
<br /> , _+�::`;; Graator aegnowledges tt�se�his asslg�ment is pesfect e c l upon t h e tecor d i ng o i t t ds De e d a i T r u s t a n d r b a t L e n d e r i s
<br /> t9
<br /> � �..:.�;,,, entitted to aotify any of Grantor's teaants to make payment of Reats due or to became due to Lender.Hawever. ,��.;-
<br /> � -� � ' .�•f.� Lender agees ti�at onty an defaWt wiU Lender notlfy tirantor and Orantor's tenants and makc demand that all Poture�
<br /> ._��,,!..'.:: ; �_,.,`:.
<br /> Reats be patd direcily to Lender.Ua receiving notice of default,arantor will endotse and deliver ta Lender any _.:
<br /> `. �:��:`' '�- payraent ot Reats is tirantor's passesslon and wiU receive any.Rent�in uust for Lender and wi11 not comtningte the •:.
<br /> .'��`:�.� Renis wlth any ather funds.Any amounts aoltected aill be applied as yrovided in ttils Securiry Instnunent.Grantor ��, �•.;.
<br /> .:��:�-;';�: , wanants that no Qefaut;exists under the Leases or any applicab2e landtard/tenant law.Grantar also agcees to maintain ,.:'-::,
<br /> � `�� �, ", ' ' art�require any teaant to oomply wiW the tem�s of the Leases aad a�ltcable law. `
<br /> L�; LEA9EHOLD�CONDOMt1V1tJMS,FI.ANNED UNtI'DEVLLOPMEM�.Grantor agrees to compty wiih the`: �
<br />-,�Y,...,. ,;;..1 '. : ,": proWsions of any tease it this SecuritS►instrument is an a leasehold.if the Property inctudes a unit in a oon dm�dn ium ;
<br /> -i"`=:;� - ar a planaed nnit development.Grantor will pertorm al1 ot(irantor's duties tutder the covenaats,by-laws.or �•• {
<br />±.��. '�.�,•;�;�.. �.�;":_,,�� regWadons otthe conclaml�ilwn or Qlanaed unit devetopment. � :
<br /> '�;..
<br /> ����a �� ` � 14. DEFAULT.Grarrtor will be in detault U any party obllgated on the Sec�ued Debt tails to make payment when due. _
<br /> •�� � . `��_°.� .. '�� ()rantor will t�e in default ii a breach oocuts ttnder the teitns of tiris Secmity instmmc�tt c�r 8�y c3thcr d�ss�sst _
<br /> �' . -.._. � (P�2of4) .
<br /> .x�
<br /> ,.. • •,: �:.,,_:
<br /> �,. .'�...'`,-.�.-.. :�•` :.• ,`. O+�emrtm�,syue�ns an.s�.Gow,�►pao���zi�i�omnaEOt�ere+� , "
<br /> fi, - ' i•":."
<br /> = � � • ` '— ---
<br /> ��; :"�' �': '
<br /> ,.,:Y�, ',ii. — ._.
<br /> � ,_ ....
<br /> �: .. ... _� _ _ - ._._....�
<br />