;`"'"�?`'_�r�'��-�rEs, ��c����� -� ..:�uz-�-�.c``��p'� ;; � . _��� �� c _ �tir�c.�,E� �
<br /> � `-'� F� -` �., . T +r t4� �sri I "" ' c N�����
<br /> vi ? t ,c.�` `.'c 4 =�r� t c�,"v_�'_• � `�rc'h.•1-�C--r.->� . t . '
<br /> '.F��' - �:=r ��rt vz. -
<br /> i + ,
<br /> � h. _ ..�N'f„i L, ; � . . . . ._ �C--—�.�_ _. --.�.o�iiF:�M _.� � .
<br /> `��,-J',t' ..rc�.:�'- . _J .< t; .�r5 —,c�. _i"�' -u i n y� ., ti.ri'�rxc`"6r "�c�t ' o-.
<br /> �i��.c_.� ..� a'a._.�u..S�s.=�_-T� �1, -=�'�- f:��_ .:"�_,o�,_`_�� :'�"�-..e t�5:��� - '
<br /> • --�s,-r,,� -:�..°-�T_:•—:--_-v= w`-;—`:�,—'�+T` --�:�__�" � '� �iF r.I� —` .a�. GL c �f. •, �
<br /> .F���y�:���•°��"c�i�cy., �. �.. Cs'.M.C^ -Y �"b ~� i."�C.. .�-k.k^ i4 !t ' € 'ry3 _ _.:iL.�E $.-x4�''�t�<G•.
<br /> a- � ':S�t _ �`�` :R��p .r f�: `k`"` tit'.- - -L=-r..'S.C�-_ E".C� .���-.__a_..-�c-t� ,i.-.,s.� ..
<br /> Sx.-'���'^,c.�h ' �,_sn...
<br /> ��� `.t-
<br /> �` : �,
<br /> .��„A: �� `r:` fa Eosmw� �7►P�r���A�►���ia�t ��
<br /> ti� 19.�tisnsY�oS t6e Fiap�tS►or a B�d€�1e1 Intc�st If all or vf the eay `
<br /> t � ��, �� i�sotd ar�rs�asfene4(o:�t a�cia1 mte�est m ftorrav�ra�is soI�or ire�fe�sci e�3 H�sv�r is�ot s ffa�ua!�SUaI w�
<br /> �.�u's @aaF�dtten canseas. Leeder m;gt, ai Its,uQE�a•caeiiaire immediate FaYmeat ia fWl oI all s�ins€saued by tHis ��.:"
<br /> �--:�_:"...�:`s- �e�vtity ta�►vat�t.Hmveves,this agdon sLaatl npt be eaen�d by ta�der if e�e is pioiu'bIted by fedaal lsar a4 at the d3te -
<br /> "4' 4.- I
<br /> ___°�.`�` `M�r:::E:. oftLisSec�ttif�rlm�net►t. -
<br /> �, '�s; s
<br /> .:.Y� If Lcadc�e�c�dti9 optiva►I,e�der stisll give Borrnarer aotice of anoette�ton.lYie aotice sLall��rovlde a p�ad of IIat ��;_
<br />°��``�.:"'�``�"���ti'° I�s tLan 30 aajrs fmm tbe datc the uai�c�is delive:ed or mai2ed wh6ia'vrf�cb Bor�nwer mttst pay �uwms s�ed bY this .:
<br /> _ `` �` ` �e�vre�.t,y.�,{ins�•�,.,,�4L Ii.jB�o.rLco.w�,�e.r.,,f,a�i,t�s,.t,at��p.�a,yw t�h�e�sef,,s,�cm�,,s�7p,.r,�ior ta the.expitant�_on of this perlud.l�endes m�y invoke a�r.temedits ;�
<br /> - `b`` �: ��IL�Nby WW� �P.w,►J�""�fW1GU[wW1Yti�{YiW�i+ IIUt+1i.Ot�O�OV�CT. . 2. .
<br />_ .�.._ .._ ._,,,.. 1$. Boizbwds IItgEt to� ff Borao�ei meEts aerm�n oondit�ons. Barrowez shatl 1�ve We ristti w have . �
<br />,_%��fi�,�..L �_ esfarcem�i of tbis Sea�►insunmea�e;�a,�±m��at any time pr3ar w the eazlier of: (a)S days[o�sucb oihea pe�lad as .
<br /> apptira5te 1aw�sY sp�xity for rei�stst�t) before sate af the Fcv�Cty �u�snd ta sny poiver of sate cotnained in tpis -' �,
<br /> �``K L ar of a iLis I�+ent.Thas�oonditians are that Baaower.(a)pays � -
<br /> �� �� j��� � �
<br /> _.`__��_:Y;�`_,'�-=",- L�der at;sauss ahich tl�woutd be dae amder this 3ecurlty Iamume�and the i�tate ss if no acaelearation 6ad aoWrced;@} . 4 :
<br /> ._ ..a ..,. :.„.....,.1�.�.in�o.T!i?S+!wt•iev t�ctRtTilRnx
<br /> =R � — C�lYS�QBl�1R Ol �y oWp tat�cit�ia va a�ta..+a.i+w a�)��o»•'^ri'�'�"' �
<br /> r r Iaciadiag;Aut nat Iimlite8 m.reasona63e attomeys' fee.a:aa�!(d�lakes snch act£on as l.ender may reasonabIy teq�e to� ,,�
<br /> --�-r�;�:- � tdtal the liEn of tbis Securiry Ia�ttumerrt,I.eader's ri�6ts ia the Pro�aty aud Bormwer's obli�tt'on to pay the snms s�red by �`_-
<br /> � � '` ttris S�attity Tn�umsst shal! oaat�ae•anchangecl. Upon � 6l► BonoR'er, t�s Seu�riiry I� �d t�ce �
<br /> �, � Seu r � �
<br /> �'. obligaiioas sestt�d b�eby�il nmain fulIy effeaive as if�o aocele�inn I�oacuTted.Haweve�.thi�right ta t�tate shali �-
<br /> a � , f ' '. RP18JJl�ijf IA 1jtC C85C Ot300C1CiSb011�C[Q�21 ��. � .'
<br /> � :�;.�.�.• 19.Sate aY Nnt� Cdange ai I�a Secvic�.7�e IVo�e or a�rtial inrterest in the No�(mget�er wid►tlris So�rity
<br /> r rx �` � 6e sold ane or mo:e tiune.s withoW prlor aotioe to Soaower.A sate may resnit in a d�ange m the eatity(tc�own �`�'
<br /> �,...:� . .` Tnsha�t)ma3► due wider the Kote aad this Secanry In�.'i�xe also asaP be ane
<br /> �- � as the"II.Qau Secvioer°)[hffi colfocts uwnthIY FaYm�te
<br /> [
<br /> ,�_.. � �;; as raore d�anges of tiie Loan 3ervioer aurelated w a sale of the N�e.tf d�e is a sfiange af We Loan S�via�.Soirowe�w�be �-�;
<br /> � °•'�`•-`'`'�=�.-: givea writtea aatice ottitecb�ge�a ecmrd�ae witb�b 14 abave a�appNrabte iaw.The uotice w71 sta�e the rmme a�d �"`_'_
<br /> .:�;_,,,�-
<br /> ;°:�, �.�,�; �.:. • address of tbe aew�.o�Seivicer and ths address co w6icb payments s h a W d be m a d e.'f d e aotice w�t a l s o o o n t a i s►a p y u t h e r . _- _
<br /> �T.°' . �:t�,,_�-:z,, iafattuation requ�d b5►aPPl�b1e Iaw. �
<br /> `;:;�;}-::��,:; ZQ Bazatdaus Snb�an�s.Bonaacr st�aU�t canse or permit ther p�seave, nse, disposal, sto�age.or retease of� ��
<br /> . Ey� Ha�ndutts Substattves an or in the P¢ag�tty. Borrower sEall not do, nor aIIaw imyone etse to do, g ec�g r�:.�,`�'
<br /> .: -�-:..::;.;�: my =_-
<br /> `<.:;�?:� PcoQerty tlrat is in violabioa of arry,�ira�ueatai Laav.lYte psrc�Qiag taro sent�ees sbafl nat a�y w ��ce.use.of ,
<br /> � co erty
<br /> 4.�F',.; :-:��` atarage on dte Prapeny of stnatl qnandMi�s of Ha�rdw.s Substances that are geaeesity reca�iud w be appraptiate to ao�aJ -=_
<br /> ���,,� -
<br /> ,:��-�� �a1 uses and W�ate�ce of t1�e.Pra�ry. . -- _
<br /> � t�. Bouawer sh�tl PmmpttY gi�'e i�er writtea ad6c�of aay iavestlgacion,otaim,deman�.lawsait ar ath�ac�ian b]i anY =
<br /> ':.�' �,�, 4 gova��mal os iegatato�►age�.Y as Pnvate Party iavutvmg tlse P�and aaq Ha�acdaag Sobstauce or Emim�l Iaw -o.-
<br /> of wldt#Bormwer bas aet�l�awt�e•I�Bormwea lea�.os is ed�!+a�►7►Sa+re�eoral or rc�o=Y�toritY.t�t - . - -�-
<br /> �!' �.;•4. .f aay ter�m'va�m atlier�oa of any Hazax�duus S�utanoe affecdng thc ProPatY is r�eces�ry.Botrawer s�aU p�nmpdy tatc� . _-
<br />-_r��;`;�_.:�. al!aoce5sazy se�edial ac8aom4�ascotdattoewitb Ft�imc�ental Law. . ' __
<br /> � ;; �. As used ia s6is p�ag�apb 20. 'Ha7arddaas Sid�tces'ane dwse snb�.a defined as madc or�andaus sa�amocs b y
<br /> �` ° ` �' � F�nvhonmeaml Iaw aad the foflnwIn��ubstaaoes:, gasoli�e, keioseae,other tIammabta or toxic p�euo2wmp wxic
<br /> ,,.Y�� _�.� • pesdcides e�heabic�des,voladite solvemff;,.materiats coataudng asbesws or foimatdebyde.an�.r�ioaqive nrWxials�A�'s a�d in� � ., -_
<br /> '� � tSisp��20, °F�vtronmr�tal L�w"aneans fede�al laws and iaws of the jurisdldlon wheoe the Properiq Is iacaded dsat •- -
<br /> u
<br /> , � ��" t�etate-to�eeaid�,safety or�avlmnraerrta3�mtect�on. � _
<br /> ._ � � NON-UIVIFORM Ot�V'ENANTS.Bormwer ac��ader fi�rther wvenaat aad agree as foUaws: � �
<br /> :� . Zl.Aeo��aetinnt��.�uder sbalt g�a4tioe to Bartowpt pstor to aaoetera�on Poltow3ng J3�we�'s b�
<br /> ��'-� ' i9�#e� --_
<br />--=_�- �-�, ot auy coc+�ant or agr�e�aeat�n t1t�s 8ea�t9 �tment (Gut aa!ptia�to s�w�tton at�er p�r�'grapli •
<br /> ;_;,;;�-;_.. F� --
<br /> `�.--, "—<<<�=:-� . �ppIIt�bie�ssv pro�td�s uihe�se).Tise stotice s�A�: ta}tLe�(6)tDeadion�nt�to wr�the.�• ___
<br /> . -,.� �.:.�.
<br /> ��' , (s)a�te�not[ess tL�n 30 day�fmm We date ttae aottae ia giv�to Bompwer,by whicU 4be defaaIt m�st�ear�df and
<br />_.p��r... i• .'_ —
<br /> (�t6at faEtare to�e Ihe•defautt on or t�eetor� t&e.date sgecWod ta the uotic,�may�mtt ta aocei�tton d�e smns
<br /> - - .'.<"_�- s�bp t1d�8�rtt�►�n�spr�eat an8 bute of�iie P�+operty.T6e aottce sl�aD faari[�r Inform Ha�msv�af tt�e r�t to -
<br /> .; , ,:,., ,. : .� e�lustate afte�acoetaatlaa em�t�a rig6t to trrtag i�oouet acttoQ to asgert t�e ao�aiee af a d�aatt.ar auy otL�er ---
<br />-v������. �
<br /> -a'�''-'-r�s ds�e�e ot Borrawer to uxet�ation�tuD saZG If the defanit is�o-ut cmed aa ar b�ase the dade�ec�1e0 in.the no�
<br /> � •;w:,:;:�a;,� . Leader,at ita aDttons m8Y��¢P�9�t tn toil�all 811 sau�seCOit�ed Dy tTds�t y�a�tearn�at'w(ticont '•
<br /> _ --� fauthar d�apd aa�may i�age tE�p�aw�o!�e artcl aaq isfheP'ermedtes�ecmitted by a�rpit�bTe Iaw.Leuder sT�It be
<br /> --- - e�tt�t to callect�a!!�peases fiaeanc�ia�thee s+�eedles p�av[ded In,i�ts�aragraDL$1.�tadi�d�,bat aotlta�ed .'� ,,;�;.;
<br /> -__---- tc�.reas�maMeauo�en�ys'tec.waadwsteoYtttteevt�a� �. .
<br /> - _==__
<br />