<br /> APPL# 001-51013017
<br /> ML# 0000000000
<br /> 1-4 F�MI�,Y RIDER t�5�" �'�'�89F
<br /> Assignm�a�t of Ren�s
<br /> TF-IIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER is made this loTx �y of NOVBMBER , 1995 , and is
<br /> incorporated into and shall be deerned to amend and sugplement the Mortgage,Deed of Tnut or Securaty Dced(the
<br /> "Security Instrament")of the same daLe given by the undeasigned(tfie"Borrow�er")to securc Barrower's Note ta
<br /> �
<br /> ��~��~)
<br /> of the same dace and coverimg the Propaty described in the Sxurity InsLrume�t and located aL '
<br /> 208 SOUTH CHERRY
<br /> GRA23D ISLAND, NEBRASRA 68801
<br /> [Property/�ddns:J
<br /> 1-4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS. In adciition w the covec�ants and agreements made in the Security Instrumen�
<br /> Borrower and L,e�der fnrther covenan�and agrrce as follows:
<br /> Property desc�bed in the Se�urity Inswment,the following items are added oo the Prvperty de.�ccipdon,and shall
<br /> also constiwce the Property ;,oves�ci by the Sec�rity Instrument building materials,a�pliances and goods of evugr
<br /> naaire whatsoever now or hereafter locatc�in,on,or used,or intended to be used in connection with the Proputy,
<br /> including, but not limit,ed to. those far tt�e purposes of supp�lying or disiributing heazing, cooling,electricity, ga4,
<br /> water, air and light, fire pnwauion and eactinguishing a�ratu�, secu�rity and acc�ss control apparaws, plumbing.
<br /> bath wbs, water heat�rs, water closets, sinks, ranges, stoves, refrigeratArs,dishwash�ers, cfi�posals, a►ashexs,drYds,
<br /> awnings,storm windows,storm doors,�ns,blinds,sha�des,curtains and curtain rods,attached minors,cabinets, .
<br /> panelling and astached floor coverings now or hereaftcr att�ched to the Property, all af �rhir.:�i� ineluding
<br /> replacemer.ts ar,d addiaons thereto,shall be deemed Uo be and remain a�art of the Property covcn�c! by the Security
<br /> Insuu.menc. All of thc foregoing together wirh the Property de.�cribed in the Security Inswmer�t r;or thc lcasehald
<br /> estate if the Security Inswment is on a leasehold) are referred to is� this 1-4 Family Rider and the Security
<br /> Inswmcnt as the"Property."
<br /> B.USC OF PROPERTY; COMPLIAN�E WITH LAR'V. Borro�+er shall not seeic, agree o0 or make a
<br /> c�ange in tt�e u.cc of the Property ur its zoning ciassification, unless I.e��x h� a�reed ire writing to the change.
<br /> Fiorrower shall comply with ali taws, orciinances, regulations and requirements of any goveanmental bociy
<br /> applicable to the Property.
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Eacept as pezmiued by federal law,Bocrowa shall noc allow any lien inferior
<br /> to the Security Inswment to be perfected against the Property withoat L.��'s pric2r wricten permission.
<br /> D.RENT LOSS INSUKANCE. Borrowsr shall maintain insurancc againsi rent loss in additinn to the other
<br /> hazards for which ir�surance is required by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REL'VSTATE" DEGETED. Unifarm Covenant 18 is d�let��.
<br /> F.BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unle,�s Lender and Borrowe, otherwise agree in writinq;. the first
<br /> sentence in Uniform C�venant 6 concerning Borrowex's occupancy of the Property is dekted. .�Ik nrnaining
<br /> covenants and agrarr�ents sa forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall rem�in in effcct.
<br /> AIUL'i IHTATE 1 -4 FAMILY RIDER•Fanni�Mas/F�sddl�AAac Unitorm I�strum�nt Fovm 9170 3/93
<br /> P■p•+or 2
<br /> ��•57(9904) VMP►IORTQADE FOii119�(913)299•8500 (!QO)521•�297 Inlll�l�: _
<br /> . , • c5 .
<br />