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<br /> Warranty Deed made /V Od. / � , 19°�!. �P
<br /> Robert A. Lange and Virgina L. Lange, huabansi and wife, qf City of �
<br /> 0
<br /> Grand Island, County of Hall, State af Nebraska, herein referred to '
<br /> as Grantor, in consideration of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) ,
<br /> received from James P. Tnomas and Deborah S, Tjaden of the City of
<br /> Grand Island, County of Hall., State of Nebraska, herein referred to
<br /> as Grantc:e does gran�, bargain, sell, convey and confi.rm unto
<br /> Grantee the following described real property in �the County of
<br /> eall, State of Ner�aska: .
<br /> Part of the N�rt� la acres of the West Half of the
<br /> Northwest Quarter of aection Ten, Townshig Eleven,
<br /> N��rth, Range Nine, We�t of the Sixth P.M. , Hall
<br /> C�:•�anty, Nebraska, more parta.cularly described as:
<br /> F?ec�inning at a point on the North line of the North
<br /> `�'en Acres of �.he West Half of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> of said Section Ten, which point is 396.0 feet West
<br /> of the i�ortdieast corner of the Korth Ten Acres �f
<br /> the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of said
<br /> Sectian Ten, running thence South parallel to the
<br /> East line of the rrQrth Ten acres of the West Half
<br /> of the Northwest Quarter of said Section T�n, 331.0
<br /> feet; r4nning ttience Wes� parallel to thn North
<br /> line of the North. Ten Acres of the West Half of the
<br /> Northwest quarter of said Section Ten, 132.0 feet;
<br /> running thence north parallel to the East line of
<br /> the North Ten Acres of the West Half of the
<br /> Nortr;x�st Quarter of said Section Ten, 33I.0 feet
<br /> to �, point on �he North line of the North Ten Aaers
<br /> of i;.he WPaz Half of the Noxthwest Quarter of said
<br /> Secti;�n Ten, runx�ing thence East along and upon the
<br /> ��rth line of the North Ten acres of the West Half
<br /> of the Northwest Que�=ter of said Section Ten, 132:"0
<br /> feet, to the actual point of begi:�ning, subject to
<br /> One Half of the Counity Road to the North of said
<br /> premises, subsequent to August 24, 1953 at 11:50
<br /> o'clock A.M.
<br /> To have and to hold the. abo:e described premises together
<br /> • with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenancess thereto
<br /> helanging unto Grantee and to Grantees' heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And Grancor does hereby covenant with Grantee and with
<br /> Grantees' heirs and assigns that Grantor is lawfully seized of said
<br /> pren�ises; that they are free from encumbrance except those of
<br /> record; that Grantor has good right and lawful authozity to convey
<br /> the same; that Grantor warrants and will defend the title to sr�id
<br /> premises against the lawful. claims of all persona wh�msoever.
<br />