<br /> i,
<br /> a cJ"' �.f�a���`7 �
<br /> 9. EV Eh'f5 OF I)F.F:�Ui:?. .1ny of the£attiowir►g qve�ehall be deemed an event ot defoult heceunder. .
<br /> (al Truetor sha11 have tailed tc�mske pa��:nent of any inetallmint af intereet,prin�cipal,a�principal and interest or any
<br /> otheT sum secnred hereby r�hen dr�e;or
<br /> (b) There ha�occurred a breac.n of ur defaul!under any term,covenant,agreemen�condition,provieion,represer.iudnn
<br /> or warranty contained in any of�he Loan Inetrumenta.
<br /> 10. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT,ADDITIOIVAL REMEDIES. 8hou;d an event ef default occur Beneficiary
<br /> may deciare nll indebtne�s secure,�hereby tc�be due and payable"and the aame ahall thereupon become due and payable
<br /> without any presentment,deman�,protest or natice of any kind. Thereafter Beneficiary may:
<br /> (i> Either in Fer-on oz by agent,with or without bringir►g any action or proceeding,or by a rn!�eiver appointed by a court
<br /> and withont regaz.:to the adequacy of its aecurity,enter vpon and tuke posseseion�f the T�uet�atate,or any part th�ereof,in
<br /> ita own name or in the name of Trustee,and do any acts which it deems neceaRaey ar deairableto ereeerve the value,marke6
<br /> ability er rentability of the Trust Esiate,or part thereof or interest therein,int�eaee the income therefrom or protrct the
<br /> security hereof and with or without taldng poasession of the Trust Eetate,aue for or oth�wiee rnllect ffie rents,issues and
<br /> pmfite thereof,including ih��ee past due and unpaid,anc?apply the same,less r^ste and expenees ofoperation and collection
<br /> including attorneys' fees, apon any indebtednesa eecared hereby, all in euch order a8 Beneficiary may determine. The
<br /> entering upr,n and taidnr,•poneession of the 1�ust Estate,the collection of auch rents,iasuee and profits and the applicgtion
<br /> thereof as�foresaid,sha:l not cure or waive any defanit or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any ad done in reaponse
<br /> to suc�default or puzsne,nt to auch notice of defauh and,notwithetanding the continnance in poeeeaaion of the Truet Eatate •
<br /> or the collection,receipt and appGcation of rents,iasues or profita,R�uatee or Beneficiary ahall be entitled to exercise every
<br /> right provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occ�rence of an;•event of default,including the right to "
<br /> exercase the power of aale• •
<br /> (ii) Commence ein action to foreciaee this Deed of'I�ust ae a mortgage,appaint a receiver,or sgecifically enforce any of
<br /> the rnvenar�ts hereof;
<br /> !iu) Deliver to'I�uatee a wrixen declaration of default and.a.emand for sale,and a written notice of default and election
<br /> to cause T`rustor's interest in the TYust Eetate to be sold,which notice Tnistce shall cauae to be duly filed for reoord in the �
<br /> approgriate Official Recorsis of the�ounty in which the T�uzt Estate ia located.
<br /> li. FORECLASL'RE BY POWER OF SALE. Should BeneSciary elert to forecloee by exercise of the Powez of Sale
<br /> herein�ontained,Beneficiary Rhall notify Trustee and shall deposit with'I�vstee this Deed of'IYast artd th2 Note and such
<br /> receipts and evidence of ezpenditures made and sec�red hereby as'I�^�atee may require.
<br /> ta)Upon receipt of euch notice from Beneficiary,T�ve�tee sha:l cause to be recorded,published and detivered to Truator
<br /> su:H Natice of Default and Notice of Sale as then required b,y law and by thiA Deed of Trus� T�ustee shall,�vithout demand
<br /> on Trustrn,after such time as may then be requi:ed by law and afterrecordation of auch Netice of Defaultand aiter Notice of
<br /> Sale ha�ing been given as required by 1aw,eell the 1Yust Estate atthe time and place of eale fixed by itin auch Notice of Sale,
<br />� either as a whole,or in aeparate lots or parcEls or items as Trus•„ee shall deem expedient,and in such orr3er as it may deter-
<br /> mina,at public aaction to the hiqhest bidder forcash in lawfiil money of the United States payable atthe timeofsale.Truatee
<br /> sha.11 delicer to such purchaser or purchasers thereof i tL Rood and sufficient deed of deede conveying the property so sold,but �
<br /> withoL-t any covenant or warraniy,express or implied. Tne recitals in such deed of any matters or facts ahall be conclusive
<br /> pmoi of t:�e iruthfulness thernof. Any per4on,includin�,withoui limitation,TYustor,'hvatee and Beneficiary,may purchase
<br /> �t such sale and Tru�tor!�ereby covenants to werrant and defend the title of such pr�ur�c_h�aae�r�or purchasers.
<br /> (5)t�e may be permitted by law,Rfter deducting T`rustce Fees in the amount of �"Llt1!!!-uu ,T�ustee ahall apply the
<br /> proceeds of the sailA in the following order. (a)to all reasonable casts azid�penses of the aale,including,but not limited to,
<br /> *s�:w�fees of not more than 1/2 of 2g6 of the gross sales prioe,reasonable attorney'e fees and coats of title evidence;(b)to all
<br /> eams reca:�ed hy this I3eed of Trusfi(c)to the payment of junior 1'ruat Deeds,mortgages or oth�lien holdera;and(c�the
<br /> balance,if any,to the person or persor.s legally entitled thereto.
<br /> fc} Trustee mny in the manner provided by law,postpone sale of all or any portion of the T�vst Eatate.
<br /> ;2 RF.:4IEDIES NO'C EXCLUSIVE. Trusiee and Ber�eficiAry,and each oft�em,shall beentitled taenforce paymeni
<br /> and performance of any indebteciness or oblig�tions secured hereby nnd to exercise all rights snd powet�under this Drecl of
<br /> i ru.st or undes any I,aan Instrument or other agreement or any lawa now or hereafter in force,notwithatanding some or al1
<br /> of the s:zch indebtedness and obli�ations secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured,whPthP►'�y mortgaQe,
<br /> deec3 nE tras�,pledge,Lien,3sniRnment ar otherwise. Neither the acceptanceof thzs Deed of'I�ust nor i�enforcementwhether
<br /> by cc�urt action or pursnant tn the power of sale or other powers herein contained,s►�p1!�;rjudice nr in any manner af�'ect
<br /> Trvstee's or Benefcciary a right to realize upon or enforc�eny other security now or he:eafter held by Truetee or Beneficaary,
<br /> it being agreed that TSvstee and$eneficiary,and eaan of them,shall be entitled to enforce this Deed of 7�ust and any other
<br /> efcuzity now or hereafter held by BeneSciary or Tr�stee in such order and manner as they or either of them may in their
<br /> abs�late diacretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is intended to be
<br /> exclu�s±ve of any other remed;-�erein or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and ahall be in addition
<br /> to even;other rnmP+3y qiv�en hereunder or now or hereafter exisiinR at law or in equity nr by statvte. Every power or remedy
<br /> given by any of the I.oan Instru.�nent�g to'f�ustee or 3eneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwise entided,may be
<br /> exercise�,cor.current}y or in�iependendy,from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by'l�ustee or Bene-
<br /> ficinry and eithe:of them may pursue inconsisteni remedies. Nothin�herein ahall be construed as pmhibiting Beneficiary
<br /> fmm �Qexin�a deficiencv judQment aRainst the Trustor to the extent auch action is permittd by law.
<br /> REt2�FST f�R�JOTICF.. Tirastc�r hereby requests n copy ofany notice ofdefauttand thatany notice ofeale hereunder
<br /> be mailed to it at the addrr_xs+�et forth in the firat paragraph of thia Deed of T� •
<br /> 14. C'�VF,RNING LAW. This Dew�efTru�st shall be Roverned by thP lawa of the State of Nebraska. In the event that
<br /> smy pmv;.xian ar clauneof arny nf the i.,rin Inatruments rnnt�ictA with applicable law�e,such contlict�ehall not affectother
<br /> pr4vi�rr,�ss�sf vu�h t.ozun lnstrumente which cc►n be Fciven effect without the contlictinR provieion,and to thiA end the pro-
<br />� v=�riona{>f the t,oan Inatr�rnenta are declared to be severable. Thia inatrument cannot be waived,chonqed,diecharged or
<br />� *.ermia�tPd nratly, but only bv an inatrumrnt in writinq ai�ned by the pr�rty aqainet whom enforcement of an�•waiver,
<br />[ char►Re,di�+charae vr tPtminatian ia�uRht
<br /> F
<br /> i , i:� IiH;('UNVFYA.stiC'F3iYTFtUSTF,E. Uponwri2tcnrequ�tofBeneficinryetntingthAtallnum�vrecuredherebyhave
<br />� h�m paid,an<3 upun r�urrend�r of thix[:eed of T`cuet nnd t.he Note tn'Trus'�re far cancclladon and retention nnd upon pay
<br /> rri�nt bs Tru�stnr of Trvst.ee•'e fe�,':'ru»t�w Rhnti rcc��m•ey to Trurtor,�r the pemon or pereone leqa]ly entitted thcrMo,without
<br /> w3nr�nty,t�ny porticrn nf the Tn�At F.Atate then held hereunder. The recitals in euch rernnveyencw of nny mattt�ra or facte
<br /> ah�lI h�conclus+iva, prr,r>f nf the truthfulnesa thercraf, 'd'he{trantee in any reconveynnce may be deACrilxd t�e"the pernon o�
<br /> p�t/�n.9 ft�all,y erttitJ/d th!`PP�/��.
<br /> 1�. !'.'(r?3�'�;�. ',5'h�np�•rr firnr�ficiury, ,'fn:Atrrr r�r 7'tu�t��qh�li dr.�+ire to Qive or zu�rve nnv notic�,ch.�mnnd,c�eyucM+t ar
<br /> .,th�z csrmsr��n�mti�s:s with rr��st tn thie tl�vi of'Truat,cach euch n.�tice,demnnd,requeet or�ther communicr�don ehre3l be
<br /> ia wrttfrtq end ahr•�;��e rffrvtivM nnly if thn Rnme i»dNliverrd by per�+onQi aerviceor mailed by certifiPC1 mail,ptu+taRe prepttid,
<br /> ��s-n rar•r4;t rcK;��•�+ctrci,ad�lrrrinerfi t.�thr nddrrRn art farf h et thelwQinnin�q nithie Tkrd otTruat. Any pnrty may At thie time
<br />� chHnKe ste+3c�.:Ire�a frn Ruch rs.�ticex hv c�eliverinK�,r msiilinR G�the Mher paetiPS herrto,na afare�+nid,n notiee af auch chnnRe.
<br />, 3;, I�Cf'Ef'I'.'�ltiCF iiY 7'ftU.RT};F;, Tru�stcr nccrptr thfe'J4�wrk whcn thie[)ee�d af Tntet,duly execv:wi!and c.cknow�
<br /> E lPfIQ,M�, tH Tr�.R#'�p N �►r,hEir n�rorr�i un pmvided �ry(nw.
<br /> {N VvlTtif;'+'i Wtl�:Rk',C1F,TruRtor hum exF�utec! thiA ()ced of Tnjet aa of the day and year t�ret above written. �
<br /> t Tkll,��Tr f:, 'I'r�,s+tP� nccwpty thi� `Crunt wiaen thiN I)eed vf Tru�t, dul,y exbeuted and acknaw•
<br />� c�sa�.y,m�{iP n puhfir n•^��rrt�n prnvid«(1 hv taw.
<br /> r C'ti W!'I"'�i�;,,, WI{F;fti:!)h',Tru�+t��r h,��exrwut�l tF�is I>�!�rf Truat q�nf the dny an(�VI!AP flret�7tN�Ve tvrttten.
<br /> �;� +��,/ �f t '1 /�
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