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<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Bo�rowa shall be givrn one c�form�capy of 6`�Note and of��s Security Instrumea�
<br /> 17.'IYansfer of the or a Bene�icial Interest in Borrower. If all or any pazt of th�Yroperty or�y intaest�m it is
<br /> sold or aansfand (c�r if�icial interat in Barawc is aoW or transferred and Borrower is not a nadual pexson)a�dthout
<br /> Lendex's pria wriaen conse.��I.a�dar may,at its option,ro4���P�Y�t in fuil of aL';.vms soc�ued by this Security
<br /> Insw,ncn� However.this optian shsll rwt be acacuod by I.aeder.if a�acix is pcotu'bitod by fedaal law as oF thc date a[ihis
<br /> Sxurity instrumenL �
<br /> If I.ender acerci�s thisop�on,Lenda shall give Borrowa notia of accele�ion.Tlu notix shaU prav�de s of not less
<br /> than 30 daxs:froct�'the,da�th�tat�� , ot mailal widtin which Barower must pay all snms�this Socurity
<br /> Insavment If Borrower fails to pag.dsesC sv prior to the acpication of thi,��aricd,L,enda may involce ffiy ra�,e permimed
<br /> by this Security Instnunent rvithou�,fnrthp' ' ar demand on Ba�oa�a. . ..
<br /> 18.Borm�ser's:�ig�L��o--k��stAt��. Borrowa meets catain conditi�_Bocrower shall 6ave the right to have
<br /> enfor�ement of this Sec�ity Insm�mrnt dasoontinued at arry time pria to We eazlicr of: (a) 5 days (or snch otha period as
<br /> applicabie law maY specifY for rc�statanent)bef�sak of dye Propa'ty p�t bo mry powa of sale�in this Se�vity
<br /> � Instn,men�or(b}entry of a judgment enforc;ng this Secarity Insuuma�L Tt�ose conditions are that Boaower.(a)gays I.a�da all
<br /> sums which th� wonld be d� nnda this Savrity I�t and d�e Note a4 if no axdaation had oavr�'ed: (b) cares anY
<br /> defautt of any other covenants or a�nents•(c)Pays all euPen.ses�in enfonting mis Socarity instrument,inclnd'mg.but
<br /> not limited to.r�sonabk auort�eys'fces:end(�takes sach srxiort as Lenda maY r�ona�y ro9n've to ass�ue that tfie lien of�his
<br /> Secwity�Insuument, Lender's rights in the Property and Boaowa's obligation Uo pay d�e stuns sxuscd by this Sccurity.
<br /> Instrumeat shall contin�e unchanged. Upon �t by Borrowex, this Secaaity I�atemna�t and the obligati�on.c sxured '
<br /> hereby shall remain fully effective as if no aca3astion had oocumd.However.dri.t rigdt to t�te shaU not apply in�he c�ce of
<br /> acc�lcration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak of Note;Chaege of Loan Servicer. 'It�e Note or a pmrtial intaest in ihe No�e (toge�er with this Savtity
<br /> Instrumen[`, may be soid one or more times without prior�ti�ce Oo B�va.A sale may resoh ai a ct�ange in the en6ty(k�wwn
<br /> as the"I.oan Servicer")that collects monthly�ts due unda the Aiott and this Sxurity I�t'It�ere aisa:*+ay be c�.e or
<br /> more changes of the L.oan Servicer u�lated to a sak of the Note.If the�e is a change of the Lo�n Servicer,B..rrower will be �
<br /> gi�en wriuen nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 abova and applicable law.'Ibe notice wil;state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Sesvicer and the address to which paymants shouid be made.'fie tasioe will aLso contain any Wher
<br /> information required by applicabk law.
<br /> 20.Hlazardous Substances. Borrowa shall not cause or permit the pres�a, use, disposal. swrage, or release of any
<br /> Haz.3rdous Substances on or in the Property.'Bornowa shali not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anytim►g affocting the Propaty
<br /> that is in violation of any Environmental Law.Tl�e preceding two sa�tdwas shall not apply to the pres�ce.nse.or storage on ihe
<br /> Property o''small quantities of Hazardous Subsrances that are geaaally rxogniud oo be appropriate to iwrmal residential uses
<br /> and to maintenance of the Propexty.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demm�d, lawsuit or otha actiCn by any
<br /> governmental or regutatory agency or private party involving the Propes.y and any Haz�rdous Substance�Environmental Law
<br /> of which Barower ha;acwal Irnoaledge.If Borrower karns.or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority,that any
<br /> removal or other remediatinn of any Ha7ardous Substance aff�;ting d�e Propaty is nxessary.Borrowa shall promptly take all�
<br /> neces�.�ry remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are thase substances defined as ooxic or hararclous snbstances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following sabstances: gasoline, Yerosene, other flammable or taxic petroteum prod�cts, tozic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbesoos or formaldehyefe,and radioactive materiaLs.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws aad laws of the jnrisdiction wha�e the Pro�ty is tocatad that nlace
<br /> to health,safety or environmental protecGon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Burrower and Lender farther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration; Remedies.Lender shail give notice to Borrawer prior to accekratioa folbwing Borrovser's breach of
<br /> $ny covenant or agreement in this Secnrity Inst►vment (but not prior to accekration nnder paragrbp6 17 t�nkss
<br /> applicable law pmvides otherwise).Tde notice shall specify:(a)t6e default;(b)t6e actioe reqaireci to cnre the defanit;(c)
<br /> a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrawer,by w�ich the defaalt mast be cured;and(d)
<br /> that faIlure to cure the defanit on or 5efore the date specified in the notice may resnit in accekration of the sams secnred
<br /> by this Security Iastrument and sale of the Property.The notice aLa11 fnrthc inform Borrower of t6e right to ninstate
<br /> after acceleration and the right !o brir.g a c��urt actioa to assert the eoe-existence of a defank or sny ot6er defense of,
<br /> Borrower��acceleration and sak.If the det��nit is not cnred on or b�ore tMe date specitied in the notice,Lender,at its
<br /> opt3on,may require immediate payment Ic f���of a�,l aums secured by this Stcnrity Iffitrament wit6ont fnrther demand
<br /> and may invoke the power of sak and aoy c:r::,er rewediea permittcd by appticabk law.Lesder shaq be ea�titled to colicct
<br /> all expenses incurred in pnrsuing the remed;�s provided in th�s paragraph 21, indadjng,bnt not Iimited to,rea400abk
<br /> attoroeys'fees and costs of title evidoase.
<br /> If the power of sak is invoked, Trust t shalP reca:�id a xe�tice of d��anit in esch rnunty in whkh any part of the
<br /> Property is iocated and shall mail copies of�uch a��tPcY�n xhe sr�an�ner prescr�'be�'by applicsble Iaw to Borrower and to t6e
<br /> other person.a prescr�'bed by applicabk law.After(t6e tima r�ec9uir� by applisabk law,Trnstee shaU give pnb[ic nntice of
<br /> sale to th¢ persons artd �n the manner prescribed by applicAbie law.Trcystee,without demand on 8orroweT,shall seil the
<br /> Property at public aartan:�t6e 6igh��t bidder at t6t time aod plsce and under the terms designated in the notice o!sak
<br /> Fotm 3028 �/90
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