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_ .,� _ ;�r: ��,�t7 ' , _ i f� . ,` � , --_ �-`_._ _ . <br /> 1 � .l ..( <br /> . � �� _..t l�,S�.ai•-i:._ 't, . ,'``- -1t tt',v lt. ':` . . - \ �.�,���t –��. <br /> . i: ,�'`�.�.�,:... , .. .. � �.� ':: <br /> ;,. -; • , . - - 1 <br /> - �� ._ . . . <br /> � --__, ', � . . �. <br /> . <br /> �\ ' �� . . �y�i <br /> - �:�s1a.w�-'-�. . <br /> ...._. _......�_�"�a�-�a.�u'�...�.�.�...,�_�'.��_..... t.».. ....._..""`..'_"....._ "�...�� ...""_'_. .....�...._'_.._....__. „...'."�....�._'_'_"__'��_"�__' _ <br /> n i� .. <br /> " � ' ,9�-� �.t����� ������ <br /> S.Hazard or Propeety Ias�sr�uecc� Elorcowcr ahnU kQOp iho tmprovcm�ntv�o�v oxlstin�or h�rcuR�r r,�ctcil an tho F`iopcaty <br /> insuccil aAninst tas�by ftrv.h�urd�inclu�tcd wlth[n Iha tcmi"axt�ndcd ct�vern�ta" aa�nny ul�cr ftac�.rdv. includk��a itaxt�ar <br /> floodtng�for tvntch Lettdar rcAuim.s Insurn�eca.'il�is insumnco tslwll ba mtdn�ninctl in tAo mm�vntv aad for Iho periods Ihut Lendcr <br /> � rcquirca.Tho lnsumn�o cmri��r pmviding tho Insuranca ehuli b�chascn by porm�vcr eub�.ct ta I.cndcr'a oppra�ml whlch Fhnll nat <br /> ' ho wtnusottn0ly wllhhild. Ie L�Off�tVCP CIIII9 [0 I11ilIfil�Gi COVCPQ$0 tICSCC�GI�tI AE(1V0,Lcndcr n�uy� at Lendcr'y optton. ohin4� <br /> covcmgo to pr�atccl4enda's�ig�ts in tRo Fraperty in accordurtco alth par�aph 7, <br /> _- - . __ A!I insurmtco pollcfav und renowals shnU bo ncocptnbin to Lcs�dcr and ehnll lnctudo a emredard mc�rtgqgo clauso,Lendcr ehal! ".. <br /> = hevo tl�ri�ht tn hetd tho potfctcs and r�nawsts,if Lendar e�qutres�1]atrawes et�att{rramptty givo t�tend�r nIi rct�ipts nt p�iQ - <br /> '`� �remiums and�enowal natIcc.v.In tho event aPloss.Domuwcr eht►!l giva pmmpt andro ta tha inaumnca curcicr and l.ertder.l.endcr <br /> -T ,- .� nWy f:sai►o�f of fa�.v tP�ui riu�da prom�tiy�y�u�nv�vc�. �'; <br /> _,... <br /> _-�.� Uole,�s I.ender and Bcurovrer athenvtso agtao in w�idng.9nsumnco proeceds shull ba npplted w ceswmtlon or nepnir of tho <br />--;;:�.: Pnapcny dumugad�ii tho r�staratlon or mpair is oconomicully fcasibto and l.endce's sccurlty is not icsscncd.If tho�awrntton or <br /> � � rapuis� ia not economtc�lly fc�viblo or[,cndcr's securJty would b�lasscncd,tho tnsuranca proccods sh�ll bo appHod ta tho sums <br /> ' secured by thls Securlty Ins�ument� wha�lier or not then due, wlth m�y eacess pald w Dorrower. Jf earrower nbnnQons No <br />. Nroparty,QI ttOC.9 qtll A11RWCt Wllhill 3Q dAy9 A tlOdCO ftOJ11 LClidC!�11A1 th0 if19USURCf1 CAffICt AA.9 OffCSE'�tC!SCt1101f C1AIlp,then <br /> � I.endcr m�y colloct tho Insurnncs proceal.4.Lendcr may uso tho proccqcl9 ta r�pulr or rosWro tl�o Propcny ar to ps�y aums socured <br /> �� by thls Sec�utty Instet�mument�whethe�or nut then dao.The 3tFduy period w1U l��ln when Uzo aailco is glvea. �` <br /> - . `� Unless Lendcr m�d Bomowcr olhenvlso qgroo in writing,uny applicatton of pnacecds to princlpal sholl not oxtand or postp�ne <br /> � ��� tho duo dato of tho monihly pAymenLv rofcm3d W in ppragrnphs 1 and 2 or chanAo the umount aP tho ppyments.IP undr.r pamgraph <br /> •,�� 21 thcs Ptoperty i.9 acquired by l.ender, Hosower's dght w any lnsuranc�poficlos and praceeds resuIHng fcom damnge Po tho �:_ <br /> � -Rr Pmpe=ty prlor ta tho Ncquisidon ahnll pass to I.endsr to tho axtent of tho ewns securod by thie Sacurlty Instcument immr,dlawly ��, <br /> t> • � p�tor w tho c�cquisidon. — <br /> ' s 6.OccupAncy,PreservAtion�Mainten�ac+a Aud Prot�tion ot tha Pwpertyi Bon�ower's l.oau Appikatbn=L.casehofds. � <br /> �`� <br /> �; Horra�ver ahall accupy.eswbUsh�und use the Property av Bmrower's princtpnl rasldenoo wlihin si�try daya afGar tha oxocudon of �,-. <br /> thfs Se�uriry Inslrunrtant And shall condnue to occupy tha Properry as Horrowcr's princlpal resldcnoe for at lcagt ono year aRer tho — <br /> �� <br /> rt� dute of accupancy� unless Lender athenwlse c�ees in wciting, wblch oonsent shal!not be unrensonably withhold�or unloss � <br /> P:,. cuctenuudng elrcumamnces ealst which ara beyond Borrowex's conuol.Bor�ower ahaU not dosimy.damaga er Impair tha Property, �- <br /> e1lOW !h0 PfOpCtly fD d8tC710l8t0�QY COIrilllil WAStB 0!1 th0 PIOpCily. Homawer ahaU bo !n dofuult if any fodcituno actton or �_:: <br /> pr�coeding,whether civll ar criminal,ls begun Ihai!n Le�tder's go�fatth judgmant could�nesult ln forfoUuro of tho Prnpotty or �_..� <br /> _ _ atherwlso materi�illy impair tho IIan c:muted by this Seourtty Instrumont or Lwider's socudty lnteres�Horroweu m�y curo auch a �'` <br /> _. " dafaWt end e�einstets�av provlded ln pata�rnph cuusIng tho ncdnn or pmoeeding to ba disraissed w1W w n�ling that. ln �= <br /> ,� .':�� Lwides's good fai�deiennlnatlon,precludes forfoipu�ot'the►Borrowrr's interest in tho Propeny ar other matcvlal impaim�a�t of �=- <br /> : �� tha llen cseated by thia Secudty Iastrwncnt or Lea►der's scctuicy ir.tarest Bornowar ahall also be in dofault if Borrowcr.during tho ��. <br />. ��•''..�;. <br /> loau applkatlnn proce.4s,Bave matarially fWss�or inaccurata iafam�a�don or siatements W Lcndcr(or failcd to pmvlde Lander wlth � <br /> �� ��°��� tuty materkil lnformatlon) in connecdoA wlth tho toan evldenced by tha Nota� lncluding. but not tlmitad m. reprasenta�dons � <br />`.,,�.=.. �, - <br /> -w��• cunceming 8orrowtu's accapancy of tho Tcopetty as a prtrtcipat residenca.�thls Secnrlty tnsuumtint�s on a le&sehold.Borrowor = <br /> x.;7,..� shall c4mply wlth sll tha provlslons of the l�ase.If Bomowor acqulr�s fee tida to the Propeety.the leasehold nnd 1ho fes dtlo staall !-- <br />=•�•-`-. not mcrgo w�les91 ender agcees 4n ttte merger in wridng. <br /> - -.— <br /> _._.._t�� <br />_"" � .. ' ..d.... ����s..nt.. .�_ eo ��� �}�,� ° - <br />.. , - •���YKi7tviR�UtAYFi O taf�0�iaV i�{�ICt�• 1{ �{IiIONGT l�0�V�lG1IW[[I YIV WYGilalm�f1Q�W�III <br /> ,-a,,,� this SecurIty Insbrumant�or t;�rao is a logal pnaceod,tag that may s#gnificnntly affect Londer's rlghta in tho Pruperty (such as a __ <br />_�'!� pmcaeding in bankeuptcy�probato,far condomnadon or forf�itt►ro vr w enforce laws or cegulations),then Lender may do and g�y - <br />' �.:�--� <br /> �.�;�� far whateves in necossaryr w prouxs tho vulua of the Pcop�rty aad Lendcr'8 llght9 Ll t�10 PtOpC�T�y.l.endrr's act��s may i.�cludo <br /> �`"°.,: Pay1n8 any aums socured by a Uan whicla � priorlry over this SecerIty Inswmenb BP�� � �� PaY�� ressonabk <br />_�� -5`-��—! uttameys' fees and ontering on the Aroperty to mWco repalrs.A1tI1QUg�1 LCIt�Ct ql&y fBkO 8C1�OD UAt�B!'111�.9�FtiD{�[A]!�1�.Lender <br /> -_-= doos not havo W do so. <br /> _"�"� Any amounts disbucsed by Lender under this paragc��,'�7 shall becorae adcUtional debt of Harrower secured by thi9 Securlry <br /> — . In,�mcnt.IJntcsa Bormwer and L.ender agroe to athar 2a�ma of payment,theso amounts shall boar inu7e,st fcom tha dato of <br /> �SbUii4tJ11tS11161 G.�IO NOtO TAIO Atld 8h811 I10 nAy8b10�wlth,upon nmJi�from I.ender ta eprrower re�uesiing puy�aan� <br /> ____� 8.Mortga�e�nsurAnca If Lender requiced mortgt�go insaranca as a�unditian Qi maldng tbe loaa saeured by th�Socurlry <br /> _-- Inawmcnt, Borrower ahall pay tho pm,miuma required to maintain the morige�go lavuxanca in effecL If. for zWy roasfln, the ` <br />-- --_=. mmtg�o insurencu cflvtvaga required by Lendar lapsr�v or cease9 w ba in effcct,SaUSawer s1�aU pay tha premiuins reqpired to <br />� :__� OblB�tf COVC�O Sl1O9i8iltl8Uy papIV8IC111 W A10 I110([$A$0�I191lAitICO pfliVl0t19Iy �tl 8�CC2,8�A COSI BlibS1tl�lI�9IIJ►t'X�UIYA�Clil l0 Lt10 _._ . <br /> -.�� cost W Borrower af tho�nortg�qo lnsuranaa prevlousty in effect, from a� altemutts mortgego iasurer appmvc�l by I.ondar. If <br /> substantl�lly oqulvalant mortgaga insurance coverage ia nat availab1a,Bomnwer ahaU pny tn Londer cach month a aum equal W <br /> --_-� one�hvelfth af the yfarlY�Ha6�insumnccs pr0mium boing paid by Sorrowcr whcn tha insuranca covcxage lapsod or cea.ved ta — <br /> ------ <br />