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<br /> CUR�11lb$ DOHBR 01� A`I'�I�.Nt3Y ��� ��1,��1�
<br /> Z� iteea A, �aohx�ia�y, o! tirnad EelaaA, Nebrt+eke�� maka, Cc►n�t;ikuCe �nd a�+�in� ray
<br /> �taughtm�c��a�la+�. ltsy t�ettrin�, og I�i��.ais� tt�bra�k�� siy tscue a�►d laa�ui atternby aa
<br /> �a�c !Ar e� e�� ia �► na�ae. q7�et�e +�d �tsee�d. on, my ksQhai�, an� go� my uao end
<br /> benotit� •
<br /> i. x'o do�a�ia ia my aa�e e�ad Eor my aaaounC aith eny bank or oeuer Financiai
<br /> . inetitutio� eii naaeye peyable ox lselongiag t� mo� iacluding ahoc?:e and �bi oCA�er
<br /> cotcmer�ial inetrumenEn, and to siges my aeme and enllorno �li 8oawnan�o Eor dopoait or
<br /> aoi].oatioa or.auy otaor puspoee.
<br /> ii. `1'O w3euti�sow a�2 aN+avyu uoyroii.tsvZ iri�`u iiuly ivauli► Jl c:�«^vY Z�SSS�:�at 3r.�t�tSL�_•nw
<br /> awd eo dse►w chocke, ei�n piChdreaal elipn aad exeauea �ay other iaoerumento i�eonr�oe+Cy
<br /> Eor aithdraNiag moneye beloaging to me.
<br /> 3. To oell� t�au��Par� exchaage, mortgage� eaaumber by aeauriey ngreemoar.. cr any
<br /> other torm o� eacumlbrance my raal eoCate and perAOnal property, and to exeauto nnd
<br /> aelivaa elaecir►� 3ue�ludiug deede oP W�rrunty, coatxoa�a� Y�illo oP ee1�� moa�t�agee�,
<br /> o�auriey sgraameate and oCher doaua�ente ueo�aear.y to aaC ia c�rxying out theae
<br />- poxera.
<br /> 4. To �olloat� oua, co�romise or otiherwise Aioposa oE eu�y alaim or debt due or
<br /> �ayabie to ma, axsd to pay, compromiee os othaxxiaeeiiecharge aad eecura relosoea Esom
<br /> au�,y obllgatioAe awed to mo.
<br /> S. To �oad, maaag�, invest, seiaveat, trada, �xahenge. buy and eeli inveetmeute and
<br /> iaveatiment eecutitiae.
<br /> 6. z'o leaee� seat, manago, rermiaata lea�ee, contreat ao to� aad geaer�slly dea:l aizd
<br /> uee my► reai eseate ausd iatereate ia real eatete, upoa cova»anxe, cnndiC�one, azd
<br /> terms rty attorney in �avt eha�ll determine, recoive esad colleae ali ronta ausd e11
<br /> p�her nmouate due me ae eecurity for the Peie�Pui perPos�aanae o! 7�easoa aad aXi rente
<br /> due en3 payable to me� aad oxecute ali neceseery doaumeaea �nd oCher p�pasa
<br />_ ' perteiniag to rtqt real �otate.
<br /> ?. To pertorm any nat, paxer, duty, right or obiigation that = noa he►va. or may
<br /> u�aL`Lo� vn.��Z"v �liA �'i.� i'���Lr �1.°'^''• � i-'���i��e �n eYeY¢i9B Ol' PBI'�Qlmll. _
<br /> relatiag to ctay pexson, Crausaatioa, ttxiag, buainaoa property, real ar pereon�l,
<br /> earagsbie oY i�ataagible, or mateer whatso�ver.
<br /> �iAi.� 1�iroio3e Fv�res vs' w�c6"ru� s'#io33 iivL � wgP:.C�� �'r !!!`r e.��7 i M� a�st ---._..
<br /> priaeipsi. r re�esve ehe right to revoke thie eurable paxer og Attco�aey in w�:itittg.
<br /> A photocopy oP thie Durable Poxer o! Aetoraey heo the same �orae ausd aEtece ae
<br /> the original eigned aad aakno�vledged by mo.
<br />_ 9iga�d at Cirsad Ielaad, Nobrr�eka, on ��@ �3 , 1995.
<br /> � r
<br /> � ���
<br /> (Rose A. <3oahr ag�
<br /> , The oregoiag inetrumsnt Kae daknavledged beEara me Chie
<br /> J e , 1� by Roee A. Qoehriag.
<br /> �! ie�tK +r���
<br /> N �eurY Publ a � �c�'r .r'j � IbOtw� 1w1
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