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<br /> 'IY)tltiTNt�ti WI't'N oll�ho impn�vcmentv�u�w oc hcrcuQce cmcted on thc pra4�cny,�n�i u!I c�►ven�cntti.up�nntcnan�c.r, c�nd
<br /> fix►u��s nE�w �n c�rc:�ftcr u part ��! ti�e pr�+gemhy. Atl rcpl�ren►rmq nnd n�did��nv whull ulbu If� l'tfYl`fC1I �1V (hi9 ticc►►rlty
<br /> insnument.All uf thc fi9rg��inp iy rclrrn�f tu ii�thl.r S�curity intitntment ao thc"Pn+perQy."
<br /> S(1RNOW�It CtIVt�NAN1'�thnt H��rm��rr in In�vQ�lly sciyrJ of ilrc rytat��hc�ehy cunvcycd nrul has thu ri�aht tu Eu'unt m�d
<br /> �vmvcy tho Pn�t+eny ni�.l ihat the Pn,{ti rty iv unencuiuber��l,rxre�. fi�r encumbaune:+ul'rerurd. Hun���ar��ve�muUti und wIU �
<br /> �le�t�l b��nerally iho Ntic t��thc{'rapeny uguh�st oll cluia�v und dem�ixty,nuharrt p�u�ty cucunthrnnccti ui'�rrurd.
<br /> THIS St:t'Ut31'�Y lNS'1'HUR7liNT cumhlnrs uniti+nn rnvenunt� �.r nutiumd u��a►nl nun-un{furm uwciiuntti with limitcd
<br /> v�rtn�lrn�i►y juei�di�tiu�i to r�mv�it�te t3 unifi►n��ueuoNy I��+tn�ntrnt��ivca•iag rcul propcny-
<br /> UNti�URhi C'C�V�SNANT�. �vrru�v�e wul E�nscr�v�vca,tnt und ugrcc cv�FoUuwa: _-
<br /> 1. i*ay�ucul of 1':�aclpnl and ta�tcrr�t: E'rcpuymrnt and I.ute Chnrgcw. �3urn��ver �hnll pn�mplty pay whcn due the
<br /> pri�tcip�l��f nnct interetit un�he deht ovidenc�vl hy the Nnte un�!nny prcp:rynxnt unJ lute charges due undcr tiic Natc. —
<br /> 1. t��nds far'1'axey e�td Insarancc. SohJr�i ta u��pHc�xbtc lu�v��r t��i�writtrn�vi�iver hy l.cndcr, 8urru�vcr c�hidl pay ta _
<br /> L.cndcr un thc duy nion�hly p�ymcata�uc duc undcr thc Nutc,uniil the Notc is paiJ in Pull. a sum("Fundr"1 ti�r: (�i1 ycarly taxrs
<br /> un�l ussc��mraty wMch m,iy ut�i►in prl��rity avc�r thi.r Srcurity la�trumcnt ny o licn nn 9hc 1'rapeny;(h)yci�rl�r Iraschnld pay�nents
<br /> r.r�,:TS�r:n'.•^!!�h"Qw;"'�y, it'^"y;!r�yoarlv huvanl�.r pr.�nc�ti im:urur�ro pmmiun�v:�a�v��Iv aw�1 i��.ruranrc n�miumy� __
<br /> iP nny; (cl ycarly nL�n�u�tc in�urim�r premimns, ii'uny;a�td ltl imy�inne payublc by H��rro�vcr to�.c�uicr. in occ��Nnn�vc�vith
<br /> �ho�nruvi�luns uf pa�agraph e,in Ifcu af thc payment��P mo�9�ugu insurun�r premfums. Thc�e item5 nrc rallc�l "�..cro�v Item.9,"
<br /> L.cnder maY, a� �n�� 1imc,rnllcrt ami hoW Fund.r• in un wnoui�t nnt tu excccd thc muximum c►muunt u lcnder fur u tecierully
<br /> rclnt��t mtmgugc I��an nwy mi�uirc fi�r Bnrn�wcr'�cscm�v ac��nun1 undcr 1hc fedcrul Rcal 6tiiiuc Sctdcmcnl Prorcdures Aci of
<br /> 1e74«v mncaded fn+m tlnie t�i�ime. 1�U.S.C. Scction z601 c�t sey. t"R�SPA"l. unles.�unether Imv that npplie�ta Ihe Funds c
<br /> �cts i�irtisc�nrr�un�. If nn. �.cndcr may, at uny timc, n��icct und hald F�nd.r• in un umaunt ncn ta cace�i�hc Icsscr iunnunt.
<br /> l.cnac�m�y c�timatc thc unn►unt uf Funds duc an tho basiy uf curnnt datu nnd reusnnabfe cstimatcs�i crprnditurcs of iLturc
<br /> 6scmw Itc�ns ar athcnvisc in activudance�vith upplic�iblt tu�v.
<br /> The Funds xtwil bc hcld in on institutio» whoso dcpnsits nro insured by a fedcml ogcncy. instrumentatity, ar cntity
<br /> lincluding l.cnder.if Ixndc�i�surh an lnstitutinnl ur in uny Fcdcml Ffi�me l..�an Bank.Lcndcr shnll applY the�unds to puy thw
<br /> Fscmw Itcros. [.r,nde�nmy nnt cha�e Burro�vor ior holding und applying the�unds,annuully analyzinb the cscro�v nccaunt.ur
<br /> verifying�he��c►�aw Item9.unic�.��.ender paya Rnrro�ve�inter�st an the Fuods and opplicable luw permits l.endc�tu n�lce such
<br /> a charge. Hotvevcr. l.cnder n�y mquire B��rruwe�ta pay u onr•timc cha�e far an independent real cstatc tnx repartins eervico
<br /> tucd !►y Laendor im m�ncetian with this laan, unle�s opplirable law pmvides aihe�vise. Unless an agreemenz is m�tc or
<br /> npplicable low�rquires inteirst t�.ba p.�id. Lcndcr shall nu1 bc requircd tn pay darmwe�any Interest ar carningy on tDo Fwxls.
<br /> Bnrco�ve�nnd I.�ender nu�y ogrcc in�rriNng. h�wevc�. that interest ahul!be paid on ttse Fun�s. Lcndcr shull givo ta Qc�mawcr�
<br /> without chargo. un utuiva�uz�Y�untinF af the Fumis. slin�ying ctedltg nn�i dehil+to�he F�nd�und the purposc fur wh(c� each
<br /> debit ta the Furtds wns made.7'he Funds ore pledged u.g udditianal�ecurity far oll sum.r•secunYi by this Sccurity lnstrument.
<br /> If the FuMs held by Lender excecd the unx�unts pemiitted ta be held by upplicnblc law.lw:ndcr shall uccaunt ta 8a�rc+wer
<br /> for thc c�eccss Funds in ctrardancc with thc reynimmenu af uppUcable la�v. li the umaaat af the Nu�cf.v held by Lertder ut uny
<br /> t�me is aot sufftcient to p�y thc Ehcrmv Itemc�vhc�i due,Lcnder may sa natify HorraH•c�in�vriting,ctind,in such r�aso Surrowee
<br /> shail µ►y to Le�ier the r.mUUnt �x�r�sary ta make up the deGciency. Bomo��•er shall m:�ke up the�I�ficicncy in na titare�itnn
<br /> txrelce rtwnthly 4ayments.ut Ixnder'ti sole discretian. �
<br /> Upan payn�em in full af all sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument. l.cndcr shnll pmmplly rcfund ta Bormwcr uny
<br /> Func1�h�1d by Lender.IF.under paragrnph z l.�.en�er si�aii ucqqi�or scii iipe�upeny.ixnd�r.P�im't����i�::s:�:3�
<br /> of the Pmpeity.�hull upply etny Funds held by Lendcr ut the timc of ucquisittun or nule ati a cmdit aigainst thc sums sccurod by
<br /> this Sccuriry lrutnmxns.
<br /> 3.Applieatlon at Ppyment5.Unlcss applicablc law providec aihe�vite,n!1 p�yments rc�cived by I.ender under parngeaphs
<br /> 1 and 2 chall bc applied:�rst.to tu►y ptepayment charg�s due tuider the Nate; sccond,to amounts paylble under paragruph 2:
<br /> third.to intcrest due:fc�urth,to peincip:il due;and last.to any latc cha�gcs d�e under the Natc.
<br /> 4.Charges;Lten9.Banowcr�rall pay ull taxcs,a5scssmenis.charges. ii►xs and impnsitions uu�ibutuble to the Property
<br /> which m�y uttain priorit�over this 5cxuridy instrument. and le�ehold payments ue gmwxl rcnts. if nny. Barrowcr shaU p�y
<br /> these obUgct�ans in the manner pruvidod inµ�m�raph 2,or ii nn1 pai�1 in th�t mv►ncr.Borrower sh;sll pay thcm on time di�ectly
<br /> to tlee person awed Paymcnt.Borrawcr shall promptly tLrnish to l.cndcr ull nuNces of umounts to t�e paid undcr this par�Rmpfi.
<br /> iPRarrowet m�tces these payments directly.Borrawer shall promptly Pumish ta l.erder receipu evidencing the payme�nts.
<br /> �rrower shall prompUy disch;uge wiy Ue�►wAlch has priarity aver this Security Instrumem unless Barta�ver:(a)ugr�ees in
<br /> writing to the paymem of the obligatian xecumd Dy the lien in a mtmner acceplable to Lender 1b)cuntests in gaad fuith the lien
<br /> by. ac dcfends aga�nst c�+foreemcnt of ths lien in, Ic�a! pr��cec�iin�s �vhich in the l.eaxter's opltiun oprraee ta prevena the
<br /> cnforcemcnt af the licn:or(c)sccums�rom the holde�uf�hc lien un abmexnent sati:�fuctory tu l.cndcr suhoMlnattng the licn ta
<br /> t�is Secu�ity lnstrumer�e.lf Lender detrm�ineq that nny pan af 1he Fraperty is subj�rt ta o licn which may attain piiority ovcr
<br /> this Seruriry Iactrument.Lendes may give 8arrower o natice identifying the licn. Barro�s�er shall satisfy thc licn ar take ont or
<br /> more of IDe s�ctions set fortA abave within IR days of�he givin�af npticr.
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