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<br /> S[11tV1VUliSH��WARRAIii'�Y�1�ED
<br /> KNOW AL�.M�N BY THASR PRE9FiN'd�'IhF1t
<br /> Rodnay O.Sohumnohcr nnd Mary M.Sohums�cher,
<br /> horcin called the grantor whether ono or moro,
<br /> in aonslAcr�tion of Thirty Elght Thousaad pollara(�38.A00.00)
<br /> nnceivod t3rom grantoo�,doe�gront.bug�tn,sell canvoy end cvntimi unto
<br /> Jose L.Fiam�and Marim Eatolr Fiorra.husband snd wit►,,
<br /> �s joint tcaunt�with tight ot'wctvivmrehip,�pd nat w te�neme In conu�o�,tho f�llawing aegcdbcd real propeety In
<br /> li�ll Caunty.
<br /> 'i'ha Westerty Oao H�lf(W ll2)of L.�t Sevon(�.aud tho Ba�t+oriy Elovan(11)Feet of Lot S�x(6�all�n Hlock
<br /> FiRoaa(13),of Ruasol Whcolor's Addidon to tho Cic��of(ic�nd Islend,Nabra9ke.
<br /> To hnvo and to hold tha�Dove do�cribcd premisas togelhor y+ith�ll toncrnu►te,horoditeaiente and�ppurtcnnnca
<br /> tAereto belongic►g unto the grentc�9 and to their assl�na,ar to tho helro end a�,vlgna of the aurvlvor oFtharn forover.
<br /> Md gnntor does hcreby coven�nt�tiith the gran;ec.v and arith thdr aadgaa and with the hdrs tutd easigna of the
<br /> a►�vlvor af thmn that grantor ie IewPofJy sdaed c+F�id promiees;th�t thay pre&ee�om a�cumbranoe
<br /> thu gr�tor h�govd dgAt and lawflil authodty to canvay tho aeaio;and thst gruuor wareante ancl wW defi�aul tae
<br /> title to erld pramlee�egainst tho I�wtb!alaims of aU pereon+whomsoevar.
<br /> It L the lmantion af tU nardm hereto that 1n the ev�at of tha detW ef elth�r of tho�rantoea.tl»�(cite fet�aitqPlo
<br /> titta ta t!�r�1 eru�ta ahat!w.�t in tlta ctaviving grantta. _ - - -
<br /> DAtod: November 9. 1993
<br /> :... ...............�t,�a����.-� .... ...........:.......�.,..... .................,........,...................
<br /> Rudney Q chumuher M M. ahum�cher k� -�+��
<br /> .................................................................................. .......................,.............,.......,......,...............................
<br /> Srite of.,Nebra.4lca..................................... ��L�rlefl�I1M
<br /> County of..Hell................................................ w�►M►�tA0M�1��
<br /> The fare�oiag lnatrument waa�oknowledgod beibre me an.....Novamber 9,1993......................................................
<br /> by Rodnay a.Schunaachar and Mary M.Sohwnachar............... ................ ........ ...,...........................
<br /> ...... ... .. .............
<br /> C���....�..,....����::�'";""..................
<br /> Nouay .
<br />. STATB OP................................................. )
<br /> )SS.
<br /> Counry....................................................... )
<br /> Bntared on numcrla�l indox and fltaf for rccard ir�tho Reglatar uf Deede O�tx+of aaid Coumy the
<br /> ....................dty of.............................,1995,at.........,..........o'clock and.................,,.....minutcs.......,.....,.....M..
<br /> and tecarded in Hook..........................of..........,.............,.......st page....,.....,............,.......
<br /> ...............................................................................................
<br /> Reg.of I?ceda
<br /> By ...........................................................................Deputy
<br />