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<br /> S. Wi�r.ui�d nr lh�operty I�ucnr.cc. Rt�m�wcr nhull kccp Il�c I111(tYt�YC1fICtlt.r Itu�Yt��fCi.,'(iu� u���i��1t�'c`�i'�°[tcd vn tho
<br /> N��►�kNy imured uu��in�t Insv hy flra h:uants In�ludcd within tita tenn "cxtendcd c��veer�;e" und any uthcr hazu��y, Ine•IuElin�
<br /> pu�nts ur Il.�uding, iar whl�h l.�i�dcr r�q►dre�insurnnrc. Thiy insumnrc H{�all f+c iuuhttnlnMl in Ikr nmounly nnd li+r thc prri�Kis
<br /> Ihut I.rndcr rcquirc.r•. The inruranrc c.u�i�r priwidiu� thc imur�mrc Yhuii he cho+cn hy Nurra�vice�ubjcrt h� i.cndcr'�nrpn±vii)
<br /> �vbich tilu►11 nut bc unrcasu�wt�ly �vithhcld. If aurn�wcr fi�lin tu maintain ru��crnwc dCxrrihcd «h�we, l.cndcr m,►y, n� I.rndrr'N
<br /> updu��.ul+tuiii r�wrriu,c t��pn�t�^�t I,cnd�r'N riFhts In Ihe Ptupcny In tt�c��ni:�ncc wi�h pariitiraph 7.
<br /> All insumnce pulicicw nnd reae�vuls si►uil be uc�rptuhie tc� i.cm.tcr nn�i shnit inriude�� tii��ndnnl martguga rlaase. Lcnder
<br /> �h�dl hi�vc tho riKht ta huld thc poltric�u»d rencwi►Is, t1'l.endcr requires,[�ottuwcr whidl promptly t;ive tu i.cadcr uti mi�iptn ui'
<br /> pai�i prrniiums nnd R.o�wui amices. tn the event a`in..,Bum��vrr,i►uli giie{���impt�mtke ta the In�uruxe rarri�r asxl t.cnder.
<br />' l.rndcr mny mi►kc pruuf'nl'lass if nat niadc pn�mptly hy B��r���we�•.
<br /> Unlcss I.cnder t►nd B��r��wer uthenvise i�grce in wrltin�;,insumncr pmrccdy shnll he�►pplicd t��rest��ri�tinn ar rcpi�ir uf die
<br /> Pr��pcety damagcd,If thc rcrt�miU�m��r repuir Ir cc�►numiridly fci�.�iblc und I.cnQcr's hccurity iti nsu Icsscncd.If th��csturatiun or
<br /> repair ir nut ccununiicidly i'cu+tblc or I..cndc�•'s sc�.urity���aulJ bc IcsYCned. thc inc;un►nrc pmrcrd�shull bc apFlic�!to tho nums
<br /> +ecure�l by thiy Security Inztnmient, whether��r not ihen duc, with uny exce.r•s paid tu Hu��rowee. If Harn��ver ubi►nd�n�.� tho
<br /> Prupcny.or dors not croswcr within 311 days u nud�v: fmm I.cndcr thut thc Insuruncc ri�rricr hay��ffcr�i t��setdo ci clidm, Ihcn
<br />; l.cnder muy cullcct thc insuninco pr�►cccds, t.cn�icr ms�y use thn pr�xeeAis to rcpair ur rcsture tltc Pmperty ��r ti� �u►y xumw
<br /> sccumii by thix Sccu�ity Instrument, whethcr ar nut tlieo due.The 3Q-cluy perlod�vill brgia whcn the nc�tirc in given.
<br /> Unicsq l.cndcr and liorrowcr othenviso ugrcc in writing� imy upplicutian af pracccdy to principal +I��►11 uut a:xi.;nJ u►�
<br /> p�rtp�mo the duo dnte ���the munthly payment.r• rofcrrcd to in pArn�raphr I and x ar change the umount oP the puyments. 1P
<br /> undcr pam��aph 21 ihc Pn�perly is uryuircd by l.ca�icr,Hatravcr'c;�ight ta any insurancc pollcics and prcnecds resulting t�un�
<br /> dtunugo ta the Prnperty pricir tu the ncquisiti�n shall�n;�.�s ta L.ender ta thc extent oP tho xums scrureil by this Sccurity Inztn►ment
<br /> immcdiittcly prior to thc ucquisitinn.
<br /> b. Orc�pnncy,Pr�ervAtlon�llli►IntNnuace and Pratectlan ai the Praperty;Dorrower's l.aan AppiicAtlant l.cuseholdq.
<br /> Boamvcr shnll accupy.csiublish,And use the Property ac Harrowcr's principul resldence within aixty dc►ys nfler the executinn af
<br /> this Security Instn�ment nnd shull cantinuo to accupy tha Property us Bflrrower's principui resideace for at leu+i ane yeur uilcr
<br /> the date aP occupancy. unless l.onder athenvise ugrees in wrlting,which consent sfiull nat bc unr..i�.��nubly�vithhold.ur unless
<br /> extenuoting circumswnccy exist which ure 6eyund Horrower'N amtrul. !]ottc�wer shull nat dcstr��y. damage ar impuir tho
<br /> Praperty. atlaw thc PropcAy to deteriarato, or cummit wcGtito�m ih� Praporty. Har�awer shall bc in defuult if nny forfclture
<br />: nctiun ar praceoding. whethe�civil ar crlminal, ig l+ugun that!n [.e�tder's�uod fuith JudBment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Pcaperty ar athenvixe matorinlly impair tho lien crcated by this Sccurlty Instrument or Lendcr's security interest. Borrowcr may
<br />� curo such u dctault und rein.rtntc.ns pmvid�l in pamgrnph 18,by cnusing thu actiun or prncccding to 6o dismi5sc� with u ndirtg
<br />� thnt. in Lcndcr'R gcxxi fuith detorminntion, prcctud��s forfelture of tho Borrawer's interest in thc Property ar athcr mutericd
<br />! impairnient af tha lien creatcni by thic 5��curity Instrument or Lsnder's security interest. C�:��v�awer shalt also be in defnLlt if
<br />� 8orrawer, dur�ng thc loun Applicatian pra�xa.r,guv�►m►terinlly fulse or inaccurute i�farmation nr statements ta Lcndcr(or ffailed
<br />� to pravidc i.cnder with nny mate�ial infarmution)in connection with fic iaun evicfcncai by rhe Ncrte,inciuding,but m,t iitritt�i
<br /> to� representutians concern�ng Hormwer's occupancy af tho Propeny aq a princi��f residenco. If this 5ecurlty Instrument ia an n
<br /> Icaschold, 8ona�ver shu11 camply �vith �11 thc provisions af thu lease. li 8arrawer ncquims feo titla to thv Prnperty. tho
<br /> t�rim3a�d tfia i�titt�s#�ai������ga ast�;�t�r�s-..�ics iha�~sg:,r 3ss a�r'sifst�.
<br /> f 9.Pn��tection ot Lcnder`s Righte in thc Property.If Bomower fuils to pertarm the covenont�arid ugreements contuined in
<br /> this Security lnstrument,or there is u legnl pmceoding thu►muy significantly Affect Lcnder's rights in the Pruperty (such ns n
<br /> procccding in bnnkn�ptcy,prabute, far condemnatian ar Farfetture or to enfarce luws ar regulutians),then Lender moy do and
<br /> pay for whntovcr la necessnry to pmtect tho value of thc Praperty und l.eadcr's rlghts in tho Prapc�y. Lender's actions mny
<br /> Include paying uny sums secu�ed by a 8en wMch has priorlty aver this Security Instrur.�ent, nppe.lring in caurt. paying
<br /> � ro�.connblc�tttarneys' fces und entcri�g an thc Praperty ta muke rcpaln+. Althou�h l.cndcr nu�y tnko actlon under this parugraph
<br /> 7. I.crtdcr c�ocs not fiavo to da so.
<br /> � Any amaunte disbur�ed by l.ender undcr this purngraph 7 xhall bc;comr �dditional dabt of Bamwer secured by this
<br /> , Securlty iiutcument. Unless Bnttower Und l.endex agree to ather terms af pa}�r.�c:at, these iunounGg shall bear intemst from thcs
<br /> � dato af cl�s9urxement ut tho Nato rate und shall bo puyubto, wisA intcrest. upon nutico from l.cndor to Barrower requecUng
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> 8.blortgage Insuraace.If I.endcr mquired mamguge Insurnncc�as a conditian af msiking thv laun securcd by thie Secudty
<br /> Instrument. 8orrawcr �hnll pay tho premiumR requir�d to mninu►in tho martgugo insumnce in cffect. If. far uny nuson, tt►e
<br /> martga�a insui�nco covcmgo requircd by I.ender lupses or ca�sc.q ta ba in effcct, 8arrawcr shall pay tho prcmiums rcquircxi ta
<br /> obtain�wvcruge substuntially ex�uivalent to tho martgago insuranco prcviously in effect.A1 A COSI SUbStAtlIIII�Iy CqUIVAIOtIf 10 1�10
<br /> a�st ta �s�rawer of the mortgaga i�rcu►ce prcviously in eifect,frcmm an alternato mort��� insurcr approvvd 6y l.ender. If
<br /> substantialfy cquivalent martgugo insur.u�ce cavorAge iy nnt nvAilablp.Borrowcr shap pay ta Ji...ender ca�h month u sum cquul ta
<br /> onc•twelfth af tho yearly mortga�o inxurancc prcmium being pAid hy Barrawcr�vhen the insurnrtce coveruge lapscd ar ceused to
<br /> be in effect.Lender wlll nccept,use and retain these p:►yments ag a luss resene:in lieu Of t91011�'Astl insuranca i.oss resorvo
<br /> form 3028 9190
<br /> ' Popo 3 018
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