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<br /> IZ. 4uccessor� �nd Asrlgu� [luunds �ioir�t untl4:�rcrnt l.tgbliityi CaktilKacsri. `�Iu:CuY�ILlii a itri� a�r��nents ui' thlr �
<br /> Sr�ur►ly I���trument eh:ill t�ind wtd henefit Ihc surecsr:ory uad aysl�iny t�f I.cndrr cotd Bn�n�vec, suhJrrt �n �1io pr��vlslu►►a uP _
<br /> para�;ruph 9.b. ll�,rr�•��er's rovcnautv nnd a�irccniemy hhnll t+e ,�uint wtJ neverctl. Any aum»ver whu ca•�igns thl� ticc+�rity —
<br /> Inr�rumciu hu�ducs nut cx�eutc thc NatG: (n1 f.r ca•slgninl� thly Sccurity lntitnnncnt unly tu n�unfla�;�. pnnu nnd cunvuy thut
<br /> 8��rr�►»cr'h lntcn:��in thc�'n,prrty undcr thc tcrmy u1'thiv SccurUy In�tcum4m; (hl iy�tul pctsoludly�thligUi�d t�pay Ittc�s►�my _
<br /> sc4urcJ by thir•Sc�uriry Instnnncnt;uml(C)ug��Cti lhid 1.CIlaiY Aftd.tny oth�r��rn�wer mny e�;r��iv cttcn�l,m�uliiy.l'urbcar or _
<br /> muko cu�y u�ti��aun�xlutians with rcanrd c�the trnm��f�hl.r S�urity In�t�umeni��r the NQtc tvithnnt thut s�+fi���ver'.r• �int�:s�t
<br /> ii.Nattre^i. riny+�vii��t��IA�rmw:r pmvldeet C�ir bn thi�Src�!rity In�trunLLiv sh�ll be glvc�i h�aclivcdng It ur by mniling _
<br /> it t+y fint dass midl ta�lers c�pplirabie li►�v rcquims use uP nn��ther methixi.'i'hc nnti�e.hnll be dircct�tl ta ihc 1'rapetry Addmas —
<br /> ur any uthcr ciddccxv Durn��ver designutes by m�Uce t� l.cndc�. Any ��uU�ti ta l..ender shnll be Fiven by fint da�s mnil to
<br /> l.cndcr'x add�ess statcd hcrcin ar uny uddresr l.cnder desinnatcs hy nutirc to 8acro�ver. Any natice pravidat fiu in thiv Secud�y
<br /> I�i�tnmicnt sh�ll hc Jecm�Kl t��hav,hcen givcn ta Harrowc�rn�l.ende�whcn Bivcn iis prcwidcd in this pun�grnph.
<br /> 14. �:ovcrning l.arv; Severubility. Thiy Security In�strumcnt shuli be buvcn;c�i hy f'aleru) It►�v attd the It��v af tho
<br /> juriuticUun in�vhich the Pmperty is IacAted. In the ovent that ua�y pmvision��r elnuse��f ehis Secu�ity Iasteument ar tho Nate
<br /> ranllicts with upplicable luw,such canfliet sluill not affeet ather pmvtsians of this Sccu�ity lnstn�ment or the N�ito�vhieh e:in be
<br /> Fiven effcct witl�uu�ll►�:unfltctinE pravision. To this end thr pmvisinns af this Secu�ity Instrum:nt uitd Ihc Nc�te are dcclnrcd _
<br /> a�bc�cvcrublc.
<br /> 1S.Rorrntir•er'x Copy.Hurrower shall bo givcn anc mnfarmed cap��of this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 16. A,.ctiignment of Rents. Burrawer uncanditinnally assig�s nnd transferx m L.cnder all the cents and revenues of Iha
<br /> Pmpeny. Bnrrowcr nutharius Lender ar Lcnder'x u�enta ta callect the rents and rovenues und hcrcby di�ccts cach tenant of the
<br /> Prapeny t�pay the renis to l.ender or L.ende�'s ogents. Wo�vever,priur ta Lender's natice to aorrower uf Bormwer't�breach uf
<br /> uny covcnant ar ugreemcnt in the Security Instrument,Bormwe�sha11 coilcrt and receivo ali n:nts und revenues af the Propeny
<br /> us trustcc ibr the benc�t aF l.endcr nnd Barrawer. Thie ussi�nment of rents canstitutcs an absalute assignment nnd not an
<br /> assignmcnt fur a�lditiannl sccurity anly.
<br /> If Lender gives notico of brcuch to Borro�ver: (u)ull rents rccxivcd by Barmwcr shall bc held by Borcawer ns trustee far
<br /> beneGt of Lender only.to bo applied ta the sums secured by the Secudty Instn�rc,ent; (b)Lender shull ti:�ontitied to coticet and
<br /> rcteive all os the re�ta of the Property: und (c) ench tennnt uf tho Prapeny �<�i; pay nU rents due unrl unpaid ta Lender or
<br /> Lcnder's u�cnt an Lcndcr's written demand ta tho tennnt.
<br /> Bornx,r•�r h�.5 ncn cxerutcxi nay��si�-r:t csf the res��!has sint tsas!w!1!n�t�=riu�m nny act thnt would�rcvcrtt
<br /> Lender i'rum exerciaing its dgh�s under thls psu�uyraph 16.
<br /> ��������}����,�AkA�rnu�l af or muintnin tho ProDertv bcfare or aftcr glving r��tico of brcach
<br /> ta Borro�yer. Hmvever. l.ender or a Judiciatiy appai�tcxi n;c�iver may do so nt ar►y time there is a breach. Aqy aj+plicatian oF
<br /> rcnts hhnll �ot cnre ar wnive uny defuult or invalidatc any ather right or rcmcdy uf Lcndcr. 'fhis wsignment of rents of the
<br /> Prapetty shail terminute when the debt sccural by the Securlty Insirument is puid in fiill.
<br /> 17.Forrclosurc Pmcedurc.fli l.endcr nqu{res immediAtc payment in tt�il undc�pAraSruPh 9+1�endcr may inv�ke Ihe
<br /> powcr of sulo and any other remcdics permtttal by uppl4cable law. t.ender Ahull he entitled ta collect ati expens�
<br /> i�kuered tn pursulnpj the remedics under this parwgrApli 17, including, but not lim9ted ta,reusonable att�rneyA'fce.v And
<br /> cusl:v ot title evidence. .
<br /> IP t�e powcr of eulc is invoked, Trustco shatl record u natice of default in cuch county in whtch e�ny paM af the
<br /> Praperty t9 lacated and stu�U mail coples af such natice In the manner prescritMd by appUr�e6lc l�w to Horrawcr�d to
<br /> thA Mber pe�suns prescrlbed by applicablc luw.After the tlme requlred by applicubte law,7�ust�shall�ive publM►matice
<br /> of sale ta the pccson4 aad in Ihe manaer prescribed by appficabls law.Trustce� without demand un Borrower, ahati hcit
<br /> thc 1'mpc��Y ut public pacttan to the highest btdd�i�r at thc dme nc�d plure uad under tlw tcrms desigusnZed tn the n'oi the
<br /> Fpl��p�u3r. Jr�i1pPp�1pCCCI9 al!(I IID$OJi OTdfi TPUSZCB(IC$CI'IIIIlIC9.Trusteo may postpone�lo oP aIl�x apy pu�c
<br /> praperEy b�r public announcemem4�at the time and place of eny pmvtausly sehrduted�lc. Lender or its de.cignee mAy
<br /> purcxirue�hc P�v►perty�►t any salc.
<br /> ��4RtNE1 vaQo s m o
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