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..r--,..��±--+� �.w�a ��w� i�� r n. A _,i . _. _.. . . _ , _. _ _ . <br /> — _ - P cc1r1 - \� 1 � \ . :�nl�l'. � 1};,. ` . . :,�], �� <br />� .i.,, !' �..a4l.k�.,��' . .. . � - <br /> ' i 'J1�. �,: �:1 . . : . � .i.i:�_� � . �� . <br /> , . .f� �t; „'. ,�',�i•• . • _ <br /> ir '� . - 3 <br /> 'l� , ._ ' - �., �t . f <br /> 2 ,t'•1'' `� -r <br /> -y •�.1•` �li��"...�.1-I:..v�,,' .����1). <br /> . . `�11:.� ,l .. . � . _ . . .1..�.'' .. 7}�..;����' - .. <br /> '���� ��t • � �1�` <br /> . . . � \� \�` ' . . - <br /> � • �! . '.�J.1^..:�� �\_1•: ��I''.... . <br /> - . .. .... . '- .. .. .. . _.. , . ...'__.__.. ..�.�.6. , . ` _�_ <br /> •�:. <br /> .. <br /> .. . ••-..1,:.. <br /> ... f <br /> �: <br /> ' ..+�.�.. . .. <br /> . .wN�r.�NrY� •` .- . ...ti...'___.... .. . _ . `��':1`. � .. ,tl�- <br /> \ <br /> 1.•••� -'.1 <br /> : ,::... , . _ <br /> : <br /> ....S.. , <br /> � " '_' _' ... .�� <br /> . .._—""'�._...._ . . -- . .. <br /> __ J.; . . '1 . .. .�'. <br /> ,. -'.t 41� � `' . <br /> 17. T�anefer of 4he Proper4y ar e �ene4lalai Intor�it In �c+rraw�r. If �0 or any pari ef t�o ProACriy or }�i:�`:.�;:;;:;;;�.-. • - <br /> '�� �,.•:�;,,�. <br /> • ttny fnteres!tn i!ta eald or Irannte�red(a It e beneilclal Intere�l ln Dotro�ver�a oolA or trenete,rad enA qomuva�le not e n�tuml _..+�y:� <br /> :� •,,;;;r <br /> •• parflnn�wtihout I.cnda'o pda w�ttten aonaar+t,lendor may,at tte option,tOqu�iO tmtitIIi�,�tC R�Yt��t�t NH a1 A1)6umn ae�ilrad by :.i :. _, <br /> � thle 8eeu�ity Inotrumant. lla�vwcr,this opUan eha11 no1 ba oxereiaad by Lendef It encretoo lo proMbttod by federol tativ ea ol tho `,.1,.,,�, . .,� <br /> • d�to ot thts Sacurity Inatn�mcnl. "';� �� <br /> N�ondar oxa�eiaoo thl� opBon, lender eheti aNe Oortaww nottce of eacoternQon. The r�ot►oo ah�ll ptovlda e pe�tod ol�ot� �:�',;\,r ,.?� <br /> loafl than 80 daya irom tho dele tho eoti¢e le cleiNcred or miUed wtlhin which F3ottCwat nuet pAy dtl aums aeuurad by thls� ,.,�`,��; __ <br /> , . . Sacutlly Inetrument, if�oaower faii�to pAy lhese oume prlar ta ihx e�tntlst► o!thl� pmifld. lende�mt�y Invake eny eemodles 1 „",, ,.`:�,, :,._. . <br /> . - Ner�ntited ay thle 8acu�ly inat�ument�vithout fluthe►na�ce or derrzand on Oaaower. %: ti -:_ � <br /> .... __._ 1Q. p0�'i'OW�i'o Righ! � R61ii5?84�. It F3�rtaw€r m� � aand�llone� F1�rower �hwA furva the dahl to havo <br /> �, <br /> entaraemc�nt o/Ihl� eacutlry Inetiument dlee�onw�ued at my llme pdar to tho e��lter o1: (e) 0 dayo (or e�eh other pedod ae 1 � <br /> epplloabte law moy apacfty tor rolnetetem�U batore eate ot tho Propaty puroutnt to�ny powar oi e�te aontafnad in ti�t� 8aeufity • ,,,:;:,,: ' , : <br /> - - histrumunt; or (b)ontry ot o{udgmunt enforcinp thla Becudly Inatrument.Thoae aondktane ero th�l 8onower: (e)paye (.atider�II . ;,,,�,;,: ; <br /> aume whtoh thon woutd ba duu uadar th�a Saau�lty Inotrumo�t end tho Note ae N ao aaneterattnn hRd ocaurred; (b) oureo�ny ;.:;;;•';,�•;. ,, � <br /> dafault of eny othor aovenant or agrecmonls; (o) pnys all expenaoa IncuRed In entoralnp thla 800u�lty inatwmeM, Inoludlnp, but•• ;. ;,,�,`:. <br /> not Umited to, reaeonnblo attomeys'taes;and(d) takoa auoh eotlan ne Lender may reaeon�bty requlro to aeaure Ih�t the Ilo� ot ".;;�,,••'`� , ,:,� <br /> thls 8ecudty Inat�ument, londor'a dghts in the Property and Borrewer'a oblipatlon to psy lhe eum� enau�ed by tht� 8acw�iry � '��•'"- ;: ' ` •�,:- <br /> ,.,,_.�.. ., <br /> inatrumunt ahaQ aonUnuo unohanpod. Upon rolnfltatamont by Bo�rowa�. thl� 8ecudty Inetrument and tho obtlp�ttona eocurcd . . ": . : <br /> In tho aaoo s:��� ,;.'„� , <br /> ' hnreby oheJl rematn tulpr ottontiva as H no aoeoterntlo� had onourrod. Howave�, thle ttpht to�Nnetate sh�ll not eppty :•.:�.•.' <br /> of aaceleratlon undor pt�mgruph 17. ' ''�+�.�'�'��� ` <br /> 19. 8mlo �f Noto; Challge of L.O�n 8�rvlae�.Tho Note or a e p�rtl�t Intereal In th�Note (topethar wlth t�le , `"��,'�� <br /> �� . ' , <br /> �� BQaudry InsdumsM)may be aotd ano or more Umoa without pdor noUaa to Bo�rower.A eale may reaui1 In e ah�npa In tha e�Ury , . .�„,:�: <br /> (known ae tfie •Laan 3ervine�')that aatlaote moflthy paymente due urtder the Note�nd thte 8enudty InaWmenl. Thcro alao rnay � '<.;;.��_•__:_.,�." <br /> �,;, be a��e or niore ohsnges o9 the loan 8e�vtoar unrolatod to e eale ot iho Note. N there le � ohinpe oi the Loan 8avlae►, � +,,��-r, �, <br /> Borrower wi►I ba glven wdttan notice of the ohange In e000�dance wllh paragraph 14 abow and�pp6aabla�w. The nottcs wIU ,�,,<�.-,.:�_ <br /> � stato the namo and sddrose o1 the naw Loaa►8ervioer and the oddreae to�vhioh pnymante ehould be iruda, The�otlae wIN alea � �;; � <br /> coninln ony othei�otortnatlon requtred ay tpp�ca6le law. ����;i�� � <br /> �i ` <br /> 80. Haz�rdaus Subst�noas. Borrower ehall aot cauae or permlt the prosencs, ue�, dlapoal, atonpo. or rela�e of ; S ^���-`�- - <br /> �, N� : any NazRrooua S�abatanoea on ar In the Property. Bonower ehetl not do,nor �Ilow anyone ela�to do. �nythlnp aR�otinp the ' ,s -- <br /> �,,,,a PropeAy thal la ln vlolaUan of�ny Environmenul Law. The proaedinp two senteneea �hsN not�pply to th�paaenGe, u�s, ar _,��,,_! � � <br /> . ",��; atorsps on the Properp► ot em�ll quentltlea o1 Htwrdoue 8uhntnneea that�re fleneraAy roaoyr�tted to hs �ppropd�te to�iortn�l ; ;_ _��.� , E <br /> w .. :: _ <br /> " : :,�;;,t realdenUal uaes and to mehdenanca of the Property. : ' _ <br /> _,��,; Botrower ahetl prompty ahte lander written notloe of any InveatlgaUon, ataim, dem�nd, Mwault or olhar �aUon by any � ���:. <br /> ,. � gorammanW ar ropuG�tory epeaay or prNate pe►ty Invotvinp the Property and�ny Haurdoue Subatanoe or[nrkanme�rtal Law of :�y'_`�' <br /> + ��'��' whtoh Bortowor h�e eotuil knowtadpe. 11 Borrowa lenmo, or Is notMed by any povemmmt�l or n{�ut�tary aulhotity, thrt sny <br /> � •,� removal or other remedlaUon of any Hazardous 8ubatenoe eNeaUng P►operty ls eaaeaeary� BotrowK sh�N promptty hks �8 <br /> aenessary remedtal eaUona In acoordanoa wtth Envkonme�ited Law. • <br /> �; * Ae ueed tn lhla puagnph E0,'Ha�rdoue Subatanoae• �ue thoee eubatanasa deMed as toxlo or h�udow sub�tana�by <br /> �Y�� �.,k �d �he tultow►ng subatanoea; 4asc�ine, karonene, other 1G�mm�bte or toxlo petrotwm produa4�, toxia t <br /> pan�prapfi 20a EnvihondmeMal law�maAne� todtaPd kwa ndiluwn cfathe Jurfsdatlon�whaore hs Pro orty e 1 at�d th 1�tei�to o � <br />- _;_:�_;-;�� he�tth,satety or�rnironmmt�l proteotlon. _ <br /> =��.- �� NO(V�UHiFOSiM COVENAM9.Bortowd and lendet turthe►a�v�t►t�nd agrn u t0iaw�: <br /> 21. Aee�l�r�tion; R�modl�s. L�nd�r ahall gfv� notle� to 8or�ow�r p�to� to �+ae�t�ratlon <br /> . . `"' � tollowinp Bor�owp�'� 6nsoh of any oov�n�n! or �pn�m�nt In thlo 8�ou►Ity Instrum�nt (but no! _ <br />_�_ _�-�' ' prtor to aea�i�ratlan undor p�r��raph 17 ualo�i appiloabla I�w provid�s otheewt��). Th� notie� '—� <br />_::�°°�;.� <br />- �_ shaU �p�oHy: (�) tha dNautt; (b) the �ation ��qutr�d to cur�tha d�fautt; (a� �d�t�� not t�si th�n �� <br /> ��"k�"'�` 30 d�ys tr�om th� dat� th� ootla�Is qivon to Borrow��, by whtah tha d�huf! mud b� our�di �nd = <br /> ::,-;.� . <br /> _°:�_.� (d) th�t f�llur� to cur� th� d�huR on or bNon ths dK� �p�oifl�d In th� �otic� msy ���uft t� <br /> =! acod���tlon of!h��um� ��aund by thls 8�aurity Initrumtnt �nd s�l� o!th� Prop�rly. Th� noRlo� <br /> --= ��:�� <br /> -- �h�il turth�r Intorm Barrow�r of th� rlgM to ninstat� �ft�� scc�l�ratlon �nd th� �IpM to r n� � <br />"{_-��� cauK �ctlon to �ss�r! th� non-uclstmo� oi • d�t�ul! or �ny oth�r d�n� af 9onovr�r to <br /> "`-�`y�i' scad�r�tlon �nd wl�. If th� d�hult la not aund on o� bofor� th� dat� sp�atti�d 1� thr notic�, <br /> _��.,=,_;,�� 1.,*od�r at Its optloo m�y r�s�ul�� imm�di�t� psym�nt In fuli of �II wms s�aund by this 8�ourity <br /> _-_-;�� In�trumoi�t without further cismend end m�l Invak� th� pow�r o4 sal� and �ny oth�► r�m�dl�s � <br /> �,_:,�— po�mftNd by applio�bl� l�w. land�� ehdl ba �ntitt�d to oolloct�II �xp�osas inournd In purrutnp _ _ _ <br /> _ -°���:�., th� nm�dl�s provld�d in thb ��r��r�ph 21, inoludinp� I�ut not Ilmit�d to, naon�bli attorn�ys' <br /> _�.�i-; h���nd coat�ot tftl� �vid�no�. <br /> =:�.-r M . ------ ---- <br />_.���;�} M th� powo� of �al� 1� Invok�d, Trusta� �hell r�aord a notia� o! dN�uR In ��ah oounry n _ _ <br /> �,"_�#< whloh my ps�t af th� Prop�rly i� loo�t�d and shdl m�11 aopi�s ot suoh �Mla� in th� m�nn�r - -- <br /> j���" � pn�orib�d by eppllo�bl� law to 8orrow�� �nd to tho othar p�nans pr��aril�d bK �ppllo�bl� I�v,r. � <br /> �� �"� Attor the Nms required by applla�bla law,T�ust�� shalf gtva pu611� �otla� M�al� to th� p�nons ---� _ <br /> : �_:�!_ �;—=-� <br />- , �nd In th� m�nn�r pr�aarib�d by�ppilcabl� law. T�wto�� wlthout d�msnd on Borrow�r� sh�Q ��il __� <br /> �..� ih� Proporty �t publlo ouotlon to ths hlah�s! biddar �t th� tim� and pl�a� and undor th�t�rm� . <br /> � � .� d�slpnahd In th� �otla� ot wl� in oa� or mar� p��o�l� and i� �ny ord�r Trust�� dit�tmlo��. <br /> _ _ �- Tr�•� maY gn�tpono aala oi ali ot Any p�rc�l of tha PraPerh► tiY PubDlo �nnouea�m�at �t !h� �;�.�...- -_—�` <br /> .. r� tim� and pl�o� af any pravlouely �ohadulod aala. Land�r or Ita doai�n�o mAy pu�ohaa�s th� -- 5- <br /> _.��y� i, Prop�rty at �ny�ab. � r �: <br /> Upon ��o�lpt of p�ymont ot !h� prloo bid� T�u�t�� �hall tl�Ilvor to th� purohu�r Tru�t��• - �.�. <br /> " � dssd eonveyina th� Prop�rty.rt�. roonds In tha Trurt�s'� da�d ehall ba ►ims 1sa1� �vld�na� of ��'`� :- ��`�=: <br /> , P . ,�r,. , ,., �. <br /> :��;W�`�`- � th� trulh ot th� stat�msMa mad� th�r�in. Trusto� shwll apply th� p►oc��d� of th� �alo In th� �,��r���+�y��'� � <br /> . . toltowinp ordvr: (a) to all aost� �nd oxponws of ox�ralslnp !h� pow�� of �I�� pnd !h� �d�� • <br /> Inoludlop th� p�ym�n!of th�T�uK�o'o fo�� �atually inou��od� not to �xc��d tbr�� '" <br /> 95 ot th� princips! �mount of thi <br /> •� nmta at thv tlm� of tha deolarAtlon of dofault� and raaaonablo attarn�y'p tao�u psrmNt�d by i�w; `' ' , <br /> . (b)ta pll aum�soouroci by thle Socurity Inatrument; and (o) any exooas to th� poroon or p�rooa� <br /> I�pally�niltlQd to It. ' � <br /> Paflo 4 ot 8 MuM .,�� <br /> , f'1:i101M11(llfl9) , <br /> ' BB191 � <br /> � .....r....,s..�...u, <br />