. ..... _n�\�`' __ _ ry�i�n.;l:; _ __ �c�'�'s:,.i°��:, . :�i:..r, .
<br /> ;�i. : ��1�:; . -- . -�.L`:\-� , �, � � ----— '��.:... -' .
<br /> ':'�`';. � �:'`t�,;.'�i•. .y.
<br /> 1' .'1��f- '' . 1- . '.�.r. .�1: I
<br /> .�.� � .�.t��_� . .. _� . .�i .� . . -. . ,.,��. `,C .1 �
<br /> � --� ' \.J� � ' .. .' _ _ " _
<br /> \
<br /> .... ..��II�J�n`:.�-...._.r... ... + .. • . . .. " . _.___... _. ' ' �. _ ._"_-_�_ "
<br /> � TQt�7HEii WITN ap tho tmprovemente nn�v ar haraaRcr orcatcd on ft�o propetiy, nnd all oaac�►onta, appuRet�anca�, and
<br /> tuturea naw or hareaRer a paA nt tho prnpemt.AU�lacemento und addltinno ahni!ntso be coverod by thi3 Oncuitry Inohument
<br /> � AH ot tha tera�a�tp ta rotetrad ro fn tl+ta t3ecudiy fnstrums��t as If��•Fin�e�iy."
<br /> • f�ONHOWER C011ENAN1� that Oo►rawer ta {snvNly aoi�ed af the aalnte hareby aor►vayod and haa tho dpht to prant and . .
<br /> oanroy the PrupeAy end th�t tho Property f� unencurt+l�ered, except tor m�otimbrancos af rocord. 8ortotvcr rranar►ts end wul�
<br /> , dotend pener�lfy tho Utto to tho PmAarty eatnat etl claMa and dmm�nds, �nbjcut to any c»cumbmncea of rocord. �
<br /> 1'F119 :ECU�iRY IN9TRUMENT combtnea unBom� covcnanto fot neUonal uae end non-unliarm cnvonanto �vlth Iimttad . � .
<br /> vadattunn by►ud�d!aUon to cnnetHute e unitonn eeaudry Enehument aove�ng�e�J property. '
<br /> ° UN�FOfiM C61(GtVAP,iI'9. florrorlcr artd lender covettanl And apreA e�to�lowe: ,. ..
<br /> . °• t. Paymeflt o!Prtnatp�l fd�ld Mtwi'�t; PrQpAynfalt Rlid L�tQ ChArge9. 8ortowcY nhail prompty pay whQr► �.1 _ —�--
<br /> due the ptlaolpe! ot end tnt�l on ti�e��bt avtd�tced by the Noto ond tny propayme+►1 and tete aharpes�o undcr tho tdoto.
<br /> !�. Funds tor T�xes snd In�ur�ne�. Subjesat to appllcaDle taw or to e arttttan walvor by Lende►,E3otrowst ohuN pay - - -..--�•---�--
<br /> - tu lendc�an iho day montHh►��e�ts �ra dua und�.�1ha tdate, us�tU!h$Nots 1�{�ld ht n�.�eu� !'F I�) Yt ►N (n)��!► _ _-
<br /> • ` texo� nnd aeeasammte whlaA moy attatn PdoBry ovor thla 8ncudry inshumont wa e tlon on tho Properry; ea tcaeahotd
<br />, �� payme�ste o►groand rente on 1he Propeny,�t sny; (o) yroody hamrd or proAetry Inauntncc premlums; (d�yeady tiood InfluBnae � •
<br /> R, promiums,ll eny; (e)yeariy mo�t�aga Ineurenae premlume,8 any; and(Q any aum�peyebto by Bortowor to Londm In eccoNanca
<br /> � wlih tho pravlslone of parngn+ph 0, U Uau of the payment o1 mattaage I�aumnce promt�tm3. Thoso Itams aro oatind 'Eecrow
<br /> ttems.• Lendar rrwy, at any tlme. oottao1 and hold Funds In en amount aot to ex000d tho ma�Jmum amount a lundar tor e
<br /> ted�xally mtated moRgape loan may roqulre tot 8onawc+t'e eacrow account under tho todaa! Real Eetete Sottiement Pronedu�as •
<br /> Act o11074 ae�tnendad hon�time to Umo,12 U.B.Q.9 2801 ot eeq. (•RE9PA'), unloas anothor law that appllos to tho Fur►da
<br /> sato s feaser emount. If ao, Lenda�mey,at any tfine, colloot and hotd Funds in en emount not to cutcond tha lonaw emoun4 ,.
<br /> Lender mAy eatinute ihe�mount o1 Funda dus o� tha baals o1 current date and rensonsbie esdmatas o4 expcndlturoa a1 tutu��a , ° �
<br /> � Eeorow ttoma a�otherwiea In oaaordanaa wilh appUcabte law.
<br /> The Funda ehell be hetd In an InsUtutlon whose depoatte aro ineurad by a tade►al agenay.Inehumcmtaltty,or entity pncluding ,
<br /> Ler,der, if lende�la euoh an Inntitution) or In say Fede�al Home loan Bank. Lcmder ehall appry thu Funda lo pay the Esarow
<br /> • Items, Londer rttay eot eherge Botrower tor holdinp�nd apprying the Funda,annuelty anay�lnp the escrow aoaaunl, or ve�7fying . •
<br /> � the Eeorow Item�, untsse Londar paye Bortower Intorest on the Funda and �pp!loahle law petmita lec�der to make ouoh a , ,
<br /> � , aharQe. However. Lotider mAy roquire Batrower t�o psy a 000-tlma aAerqe fer tu� Independent real estete tw repoRing ae�Woa '' _
<br /> uead by lender In conneatton wrih thie loan, un�eae appiloab�e Isw prov�dea othenvisa Un►esa an agteemant la made or ' ,•, '�;
<br /> • • eppAcablo law roquires lnterest to be ptid,4ende► shaN not bo requlred to pay Borrower eny�ntaeat or eaminpa on tha Funda. .:•..:..,,,�,
<br /> 8ortowei �nd Lende� may sgree tn wdtinp, howeve►, that lntarost ehall be patd on tha Funda. �onder oh�ll gNo b Hor�cwet, _
<br /> , � • without ohuge, an annual�acounUnp of the Funds,eAowina oredite and deblta to the Funda�nd the purpoae tor whloh eAah ^��3�":p
<br /> debN to the Funda wae n�de. The Funds aro pladgod ne addlUoad aecurtty tor eH suma eacured Dy the 8ocurity inaMimanf. +^,F •.
<br /> � � tl thn Funda held by lende�exceed tho emounte permNted to be hdd by appttcaDle t�w,Lende► eha�aoaount to EioROwer ,-_,.��
<br /> .�•�"�`
<br /> i�, to�the exaeaa Funda in Roto�d�nca wftb the tequlromentn o1�ppl}aaDle aw.if the amount ol the Funde hetd by Lander�1 any -,�.: _
<br /> Ume ts �ot eulRctent to pay the Eeaow Itama when due, Lender may ao notlty 8orrower in writing,and,in euoh caae Botrower -?���"''
<br /> . � eh�N pay to Lende�the amount�oceaaauy to meke up the deticienoy. Bonower eheil mske u the deActenoy in no moro thin r �+�; .
<br /> p ;�°^-:,.:
<br /> tweNe monit�N peymenta.st Lender's sote dlauattoo. =��""'�°
<br /> ��`�� Upan pyiment�tuN of NI auma necured by tAla 8ecurity tnatiut►tent, lender eha8 promptly►ofund to Borrawe�eny FunAs � �
<br /> � held by 4anda. H,under pan�raph 81, Lender eh�tA aaquhe or aeH the Propaty,Lendar,pdot to the�equtaNlon or ui�of th�
<br /> a Prope�ty,ehW�ppy any Funda held by lende��t the time ot�oqulalUon or eate pe s oradtt apeh�st t�e aum� aecured by thie
<br /> � Seaudty InaUumen�
<br /> cy
<br /> - 3. Appilc�It10t1 Of Paymsnis. Unlasa epp!lashte taw provides cthe�wtae, aH p�ymenm receAred t►y Lendar under
<br /> � .�' � - o�� t�d�si��a�p!!xk �,!s�Y i�Y���!�4��the Nnte: aecond, to amounta payabto u�da
<br /> � pan�nph 2;thlyd,to tnterest due;toudh,to prinetp�l due;Rnd tanL to any{ste ahuqea due unde►the Nota.
<br /> 4. Ch�r�es; Ll�ns. Hortowe� ahaH pmy �il Wcea, aseeaeme►ts� eharQea, flnea �nd Mnpaslllona atU�uUble to ths
<br /> i�� Property whkh m�y attdn prlally ovet thts 8mcudty UsAumonf, �nd leaaahold payment� or Sround n�te,if�ny. Bonowar nh�fl
<br /> —. pry ifi.a� oi�i�.aan in i`nv momw�t:..ii�:��i �SQ�'.�l::. as!!ssa!�!!!�! !!�! lr��: �!r nhaY Qa�r tham on tlms
<br /> d�reotty to !Ae paeon owed payment. Borrowet ahui prompUy fuml�h ta Let�der WI noUaaa of amounto ta ba pstd under thla
<br /> .���. p�rspnph. d Borrower mskea these paymenta directty, 8orrowa ah�U prompty tumf�h to Lender roedpta evidenatng the
<br />__ - wymente.
<br /> BoROwot shall promptiy diaoharpo any Ilen whinh hae pdortty ove�iMa 8eaurfty Intstrumen4 unles4 Bw'ro�wr, (a��p►�va In
<br /> ��` ' writtnp to tht paymeat of the obMaUon aeourod by the Ilen In o manne�acoept�ble to Lender; @) aoateate In yood talth the
<br /> ='�"•��;�° Ilen by, or detande a�at anioroanent W the Hen In. leg�t prooeedirtga whlcb in the La+de�'a opinlon opxate to pr�vmt the
<br /> -.,�.
<br /> _ti���� . en farcam�t o f t hs Nen; or(o)�e c u roa hom tha holda of the Nen en�p ro e m e nt eaUsl�ctory to Londv aubordin�Un�1ha to
<br /> -.y R• . thla 8eourity insfitmqn4 If Lender detemHnea th�t�ny paA ot the Propaty te au6jeol to a Ilen whloh rtxy atuin pdotily ova tbia
<br /> a° 9eaudty tnaWmrnt,Lertde►mny pNe Bonowa��oUae identlyhip tha U�►. Bortowa�nhaN eatl�ty the Nen or Wco ane or more o1
<br /> --��� th�totioaa�M todh above wUhin 10 d�ys af ths alvY►�01 aotlas.
<br />,�;�.t�,. S. H�1'd or Prop�rty Insu��nco. Borrowa ehaN k�ep the Improvemer�iia now exiath+p or here�ltar erected on the
<br /> = PropeAy Insurod�pdinat losa by Ars, Iw.�rda includ�d wlthY� the t�rtn 'extended ooveraps' �nd any oth�r hatud�, boludlnp
<br />''y'' �' • tboda or tioodinQ,ta�which lmdu nquirts iniuranos. Thta Inaunncs eh�il M rtwlntalned 1n th�amounts�nd to�ths pedods
<br />.I'..�.��.; thd��ndw nqutna. Th�inauru�cs artlK provldNip th�Inaunutoa eMM be ohoaen by 8ortowe►subj�o! to 4�nder's approval
<br /> ___;ti.., whlch ahnd n�ba enreat�onsby wBhheld. 11 Bonow�tails to m�tntaln coverago d�aalb�d�bova, Landa m�y, �tt Laader's
<br /> ---�-,_, opUon,obt4lr►cawra��to proteat Lender'e dahte h ths Propaly In Accordanoa wlth puagt�ph 7.
<br /> = AN Innunnc�poNai�s �nd ronsw�ia eh�N bs taaeptable to lender and eh�N Includ� a sttndud mortp�ge ctauta. Lender
<br />'��°-�.�`-;'.� . sh�M hRw th�rlyht to hotd iho poNctas�nd tenowals. ft Lende��equkas, 8otrawe�ah�ll prompty pNe ta Lmde��II reoelpte of
<br />''�'�'4°`.�� p�id pJemiume and�enswa�noUasa. �n tho evant ot loae,Borrawec ehdl yNo prompt notlae to the Inaunnae cartix�nd Leade�. �
<br />` �('��`�'�:' Lender may rt�ks proof of loas N not mado prompty by Bonowx.
<br /> 'S.T.-:.Y.:.
<br /> :- .r; ,,�, Untess 4end�and Botrower othawlas a�rae h wrtNnQ,inswana�proa�ada sh�N ba pppYed to reatonAon or repalr of 1he
<br /> � �� ,;" . property d���d,H 1hs arator�Uon or ropatr la eoonotNcaNy teaeible and lenda'a asaurily is oot laaamsd.ll the reatoraUon o� �
<br /> - .A ropak la nat sconomloaNy te�eibb or lertde�'e eacudty wouid be Ieaaened,the Inaurance ptoceeds s1��N be�ppNud ta the sums r�
<br /> ' � eeaurod by thla 8ecudty Inetrument, wAether or not than due, wlth any exoese pald to Batrowa. f}Botro�ver abandona tha ,'„,,.
<br /> , �. PropeAy, ar doaa not amwe�within 80 days�ooUce Rom Lende►that th�inauranca canfer ht�oftad to eelUe a d�Mn,then
<br /> ,:,; Lmdar may coNect the Insuranae praceeda, lendx m�y uee the praceeda to�ap�l► or roatoro the Propaty ar to pay euma
<br /> ' eeoured by this Seoudty Inatiument,whetha or oot than dua The 9adsy pertod wIN bs�n whan the notlee la qM�n.
<br /> � Unteas Lender and Boao�var otherwlae egrea !n wdting. �ny �ppNation o! proceeds to pr{ndpal ehaY not extend or _
<br /> _ _ ` ` poatpone the due date of the monihtY p■pmentd teta�:nd ia h� ��ra�raptis t r.nC 2 ar cl��S 1lrs�us!a!!bs ps,�msnia.t! - --
<br /> undK pa�yr�ph 21 the Property la�oquked by Lender, Bartower'e �ipht to any{nau�nos poYdea�nd prooeods�aauitinp trom �-�j
<br /> �'� danwpe to ths Ptopaty prior to ths acqutaidon ehaN paae to Lenda io the extent of the aurra by thta 8eourlty Mabument . ���.
<br /> -- ImmedUtay prtor to tho acqulaltlon, �: �
<br /> � 8. Ccoup�ncy. Pr�t�rvAtlon� M�Int�n�nao �nd P�ot�ctlon of th� Prop�rry; 8or�ow�r•� Lo�n �� . ;�
<br /> ���;� A p p t l o s t t o n; i.�a�hold�. Bartowe►ah�ll ocou p y,astabAsh,and usa the Property �a Bortower'a pdnolpal�esfdenos wfthin �.•��'�w°�
<br /> � � etxry daya aRa the executlon o1 thia &ecurU�t Inatrument tnd ehaY aontinue to occupy the Property �a 8o�rawa'e p t l nclpa l • � ;
<br /> resldenee tor d la�st one year after the date of ocaupancy,untuse Lendar otherwise a�rees In w�ttnp,whiob conaent ehtN not ,
<br /> be unreaaontbly w�hheld,ar unlesa extenuaUnp ciroumst�naea exlat whtoh oro b6yond 8or►ower'e c:ontrol. Bonower ehall not
<br /> dnstroy, dam�ga or Impatr the Properiy� QAow the Property to deterlornte,or commlt wat+te on the N►operty.9orroww ehaq bo in ,
<br /> � detautt N any todelture aation or proeeedfng, whather elvU or c�iminel, Is b�yun that ln Lender'e pood fofth Judpment eould resuR •
<br /> In forfelture of tho Property or othe�wieo mwteti�fly impah the Iion created by thla 8acudty InsQvment ar Lende�'s eecurtty interest.
<br /> • ` F1316.LMQ(7A13) Papo 7 0}8 M�M .�at�•-• ,
<br /> .. � ;,�„
<br /> • 09191
<br />. . - - � .r .,e .
<br />