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<br /> t0. F1ti:60NV[iYANG�F�Y'fiiUBT�E.U�an wtHten rot�t+a�t o![3tnsnelar�r atating tt�a9 atl nunt�cecutt�d hataby hava E�an pald. � _-
<br /> �u►d upiln autt@ntiot ot thle Raad 6f Truot end tAO Note to T�uetsa tor cu►c�INttlon and tatsnttan and uFon pagmant l�y 7�u�tot ol _
<br /> 1Yuttt�y h�f,9'�usts��Nefl Faeanury W T�uot�r,ar tho ponon or pinen�Eagely ent�+.ted thsnto,w�thoul ar�rrnnty.anY Partton o1 --
<br /> tAa Propsriy lhrn h�td h�nun���.7M r�cltoto In ouch�sconv�yencn of Rny matt�n or tnct�ehail bs conctudve proof ot lhs �_
<br /> UutititufiaA lMrwf.Th�pr�nta tn any asoc�v�y�nc�mny E�daac�lO�d a�`th�p�roon o�persone teflaLy�ntpted th*t�tu.'
<br /> �_
<br /> la. �r����y�����ks�eny r,otsr�s,dam�nd�uquu►te or e3har eommuntcattono��qulrod uod�r appltcabls law to Do plvan[n ��
<br /> �n2t�•r mum�r,wi�nowr D�nsflelary�T�uata�or Truatea QMe ar eenraf�sy nottc�Qnotudtnp,wlthout Umltatlon,aodc�ot d�tnuN �._.
<br /> and nntis�ei o�k).dsmenM taqw�i�ot e1Mr cvmmunketbn wrth r�tpect to thH @ee�of TnreL each euth noNe��donxencl, `�
<br /> �h
<br /> taqu�sl ot otMt communtoAtlon aheU b�In wrillnp and shsU b��ft�ttbra oniy if tyo oam�ta dob'v�tod by p.taflnsl eowtc3 at t�mr?l;�:!
<br /> � by nriiasd r��.'f�Pbetatia pr�a�.adds^..:r�to G�s e�dreae aa!�s1 f�Ah�!t1+a hagteu�InQ nf thl�Oaed ot 7ruet MY Par4►m�y al any ��
<br /> ; tim�chanp�►t�addn:�for�uch naUca by dNMrinp or maftinp to tht aih�r party hsnto,a�aforoseld,�nottc�of euah ehcirtg�.Any �
<br /> i rtotics h�r�und�r sAetl Ew doemocl to hava Mon qMen to ttueWr or 9eneActnry,whsn pMn In th�mnnner donignated her�ln. �...
<br /> � �
<br /> �; 19, REGUEBT FOR�OTICE.Tru�tot�nd 8�na11ciary husby tequ��t 4 copy of�ny�oNc�of dstsu�,and e copy of any notico -
<br /> 01�eta tlur�under, b� malied ta�ach p�roAn who If m pady her�ro dl the addroae ost forth bt euch peaon�n elthe�tho Ilrot =
<br /> �' pare,praph of thh Do�d of huetor b�bw. Stfttt4r.. -
<br /> .., -
<br /> ta 40VERNINQ WW.Thf�De�al of Tnatl�hap D�povamad bY��b�s of ih�Otato of Nopraake. -_
<br /> 1a. 8llCCE880R0 AND A881QNa�Thw W�d ot Ttu�f,and e�p lsrm�,candiNon�and obtip+►ttons h�roln,appty to nnd inur�to �
<br /> th�b�notft ot and binAs ap pMloa hsteto,lh�Sr hNro,hpnt*�o,dwt�st�,Wnonnl npns�ntalNo�,suc�:eaaoro and ae�ign�.7h� -
<br /> brm'0�n�flclary"ah�ll meen I�s own�r and hcl6ar of th�Not�,wh�th�r or na1 nnmsd ao Ben�flctary hsr�in. _-
<br /> Q0. JOINT AND BEVERAL�IA81LIlY.AN cownenb and apt��mentr of Trustot ehall b�Jolnt nnd s�voral.
<br /> gt, BEVEHA8IUTY.In th�svcnt�ny om et morp of th�pravi�bm eontalnrd in thle Qaed of 7rust,or tho Not�ot any other -
<br /> ��w�Ny Inatr�ant piwe in cone�ctlon wrih thia tramacdon sh�►11 tor any nascn b�hdd ro b�InvAlid,Ilupal or un�ntorc�abts In any
<br /> n�paf.such InvafidUy.NNpauly.ar unrntorc�eDility�heit,at th�optbn o1 Benaflotnry,not Rftact any oth�r provlito�ot lhi�O�td of _
<br /> Trust.but thh O��d ot Ta�t shail b�eon�w�d a H�uoh inv�lid,Iil�pa�or un�nNrc�abf�provqbn had n��b��n contaln�d h�r�tn _
<br /> or lh�r�in.ll th�Ibn of thb l��d ot Yrust b InvalW o�umntnrc�abH a�to any paft of Ihs d�bA or II th�INn b Invaltd ot un�ntoraabl�
<br /> a�ta Rny paut o1 th�P�opttty,th�uns�csand or p�Rl�ly i�cund po�tion of th�d�bt eheN bo eompaUy p�td prbf to th�paymsnt af
<br /> thM nm�ininp nnd acund ot partlaNy a�cund portioa ot th�d�b�and�II paymmb mad�on th�d�b1,whnthor vaiuntary or unA�r
<br /> to»ebiurr or oth�T�ntoresm�nt�ctbn or prowdu»,�hatl e�eonfid�nd t�hava M�n flnt pAtd on and eppikd to th�tutl peymsnt
<br /> af that portfo�t of tn�d�bt whfch W rtot a�eund or rtot tuly s�cuad by th�li�n o4 thU W�d ot Trost =
<br /> 22. NUMH�R AN�aENDER.WMnswr usad h�n1n,th��Inputa oumb�r ahnN Includ�th�pturnl,end th�uso of eny p�nd�r _
<br /> eh�b��ppflarbl�M a�p�nd�n.
<br /> 23. 11CGEPTANCE BY TRU8TEE.Tru�tN aeapts this Trun whm thb Q��d of T�uat,duty�x�cutad anG ncknowN�ped,b
<br /> mad��publio ncord as provid�d�y law.
<br /> 29. TRUBTEE UABIUTY.8o Mnfl as ihe Tn��t��shnil nct in good inith end in reltenc�upon aoticn and othpr Infirmatton
<br /> whlch H,M la�oN dlser�doa may dnm to a rolia6ls,and to bnp aa Trust���hafi onrobn Rmonabi:piud:«��:bs t�
<br /> adminhUadcn h�raund�r,Tnat���hall not b�ltabN tor any bss or Eamap�9 tuatNmd ar Incurt�d Dy thp T�uaton or My B�n�ttciary
<br /> ar By any oE'�ar qeroons wAomsow�t,R b�inp�xpn�ty ttipu{ato�i thnt th�Trutt�s�hNl b�11abb cny tot it�own yrots n�pllp�nc�
<br /> :ss��"!s��.�.�'�l�at�_
<br /> IN WITNE89 YYHEREOP�T�u�tw ha��c�ut�d tha MatUr O��d of Trust�onn�nd by th��pnirsy ironot acimowtadpoa thal ha ttaa
<br />- nad�nd tt�iwd�tu1 copy h�nof an�und�ntand�thRt fts tarm�,aondRbns and cont��te Rn tuqy Incorp �inta the aciuel
<br /> ONd ot TMn h�alpn�d ot swn dW Ao»wAh.
<br /> (!� .
<br /> Chriat p er . �DuA e
<br />_ y�
<br />- Jane'll M. Daako
<br /> TM br�app Instrum��t w��aknswl�dy�d M(�r�ln��tiw 13t�,Y� November �g y� ,by
<br /> Chrfstopher T. ea e and Janelx C1. liaa"Tco� gt�s an an tir e
<br /> CEMEIWNOTAAYSdNNNebtriA� Notayaw�b
<br /> a,�RU M,w�K
<br /> � qyGr�w.Eq�Lry�l!!! --
<br /> My oommittbtf�xplr�s: `�
<br /> = Fiwd br noo�d�nd�nbnd In Num�rbal lnd�x on_ _. t O •at o'cbch •M•.
<br /> ' �nd nwrd�d at Book PRy� .ot instrumont No
<br />.'� a ocp�nycartivr crrr
<br /> f a�.aowutia.�.�«oio�.a.
<br /> `;
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