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<br /> 0. H�:ardau�MaiuUb.T�uetor ehall keap t1e Property in campIlence wNh E�II npplloable laws,o�dlnancef and rv�uistlone
<br /> ��let{�ip to tndusirisl hyplene�er anvlrunment�l p�otaetlon(n�lteatively tetorrad to hsroln aa"�nvironmentel Unve'q.Tru�tor ehsll
<br /> keop the prop�rty trae ham atl aubat�ncea deemnd t�bo he:erdour ar roxlo u�tder eny Environmental�ewB(aotleottvety�dter�e�i to
<br /> ttel8tfl fl9"N88a►cl�ruA(uPtitelfBt�"�.Trtt�f@t t►e�BUft YrArrRnts aac!reprAae�t�to l�ettclar lhai ihera a�8�eo l�iautAtdAttn Matartuts tul Ct
<br /> ttnder Etw Pr�te►tp.T�ust�r Et�re3t�r ep��t�{ndamnity and Aold h3r�nit+s3 l•�inElc�,if9 Al��otnM,AMtanrn,c�npinys�anA�g�ts,anef
<br /> �ny�uaaa�toie to 6ender'A Interee�,from and�galnet any pnd WI olalme,dame�ea,los�ea ond Nabilitlea srlsinA In conneotlon wNfi
<br /> the presenca, uso,diepoa�l or tre�apo�t of eny Ne:ardoua Mate�tstm on,undnr,tram or a0out the Property.YH�FvREQafN�l
<br /> 10. AttiQammt o1 p�nt�.Truetor horeby Qealpne to Lando�tho ronb,In,9uoa end prolite o1 the P�opariy;provideil thAt T�uetar
<br /> arail.until tho aaounenau of en Evont o1 Catault horourtslor,havv tho►taht to coiloot nnd retaln euah rente,lesues end prolfte Re they
<br /> becom0 dua end payaElo.Upon tho oaoune�ae of an Event of Oetautt,Londer mey,elther In peroon or by eQent�with cr withaut
<br /> brinping eny antion or pracaodlnQ,or by a reaeiver appointed by a aoun and without�agard to tho c+dequaoy of Ite seouriry.enter
<br /> upon and take poasossion o}tho P�oparty,or c►ny purf thoroo},tn Ito own namo or in the�ame o1 tho Truetoo,and do any aota whioh It
<br /> daams c►aco�ry or dQSlreblo to prouervo tho valuo,martcatabltity or ronL�bliiy ottho Properry.or ony pnrf tAer�f or Inta►eat thereln,
<br /> lnoreaee the Ineome theretrom or proteot the seaurly he�aol end,wlth or wlthout tsking po�seaston ol tha Ptoperly�eue ter or
<br /> otho►wiso coileat tho renta,leaues�nd prolita theraof,Inoluding thoso pASt duo nnd unpaid,end apply the snma,loas aoste and
<br /> exp9naes af oparetion and aollenUon inolutll�g aKorneys'teea,upon any Indodtodn�ae seaurad haraby,ull in euah ordar Qo londo�
<br /> may detormine.7ha ente�inp upo�1 and taking poasession ot Ihe P�operty,tho eoil�atlon of auoh rontc,lssuus and protita nod the
<br /> e�pptlusdon thereot aa etoreaald,ehall not aure or waivo any detault or notice of deteutt hereundar or Invaildate any aat done In
<br /> reaponte to ouah detautt or pureuantlo suoh notica ot dotautt and,eotwithatanding the continuance In poasesston ot the PPOpeAy o�
<br /> tt�e colleation,rocel�t and applloatlon ol rante,isaues o�proti�9,And T�uateo und l.ondor shall be entitled to exernise every ripht
<br /> provtdod tor In anyolthe Loan Doou�ente nr by law uponoccurrence of any Eventof Datauil,inotuding wlthaut Ilmitation ttw�lghtto
<br /> BxenCtse the powe.r of eala.FuRhar,Le�dar'e►iphte and remedlea under thla paragraph ohall be cumulative with,and in no way a
<br /> ilmltation on,Lende�'o Nphteand remedtes undorany aselgnmenluf lease9 and�ente�eco�dod against tha P�aperty.Lender,Truste�
<br /> and the reCelver shatl he Ilabla to accaunt onty those rents aotually recelvad.
<br /> 11. fivNtb o4 ONautt The tollowinp ahAil conatitute a�Even1 of pofault under thla Qeed o1 Truat
<br /> (a) Feiture to pay eny instatiment ot principal or interoyt of eny other sum eoaured hereby when dua;
<br /> (b) A broaoh of pr detault underany provJslon contained In the fdota,thle Q�d olTrust,any of the Loan DoaumeAta,orany
<br /> othet Ile�o�encumbrance uNOn tho Property;
<br /> (o) A wrlt of exeautlon or ettaohment or any sfmllar proceas eh�;l ba enterod agatnst ltuotor whlch oholl bacoma a 11en o0
<br /> ti�e P�opeKy or any partlpn thereof or interest therein;
<br /> (d) Thare ehall bo tiled by or agelnat Trustor or Borrower an c�crian under any proaent or luturo toderat,etate or othur
<br /> eWtute,law or�egulatlon retating to Dank►uptay,ineolvenoy or other reliot tor deD�:OfB;Qf 111Qf8 8I181)b0 QpP0�I1t8(J A11y tfU8t9B,
<br /> ►oceivar er Ilquldator otT�uator o►Bo►�or�er or ot ntl or eny part ot the Properry.cs C.hs rente,Issues or prafite tAereof,or Truat�r
<br /> or Qorrower ehatl make any gene�el aselgnment for the benefit ot credltore;
<br /> (e) The�eale,trenafer,toaee,esalgnment,conveya�co or turther e�uumbrance o1 all or any part of or an I�e�t In the
<br /> FfOpetly.eiiitef vofiuniatiiy or imrofiutrtariiy�M�ioUt�to oxpi�3 Mhiiton c'vfi8on4 vf Lrnid'ar~��r�Vic18i3 t.�dt a-t'u3N�
<br /> permitted tv exeoute a leasa af the PropGriy thnt doea�ot conmin an optlon to purchase und thv te►m of whicb dees not exceed
<br /> ono year,
<br /> (Q Abandonment ot the Property;ar
<br /> �g�n z►u�tor a rtot an mann�usi,me�s�uance,aaie,tran8fier,blset�nmeni,Conveyance vr erraumbranav oi more ihan a iomi
<br /> oR�_._percent of(If a oorporadon)Ite Isaued and outatandl�g stook or�it a partnarehfp)a total of parcent o1
<br /> p&nnerehlp intereats ddrinp the perlod thlo Dead ot Trust�emelno a Ilen on the P�oparry.
<br /> 92. R�tos;AccN�aiba Upo��t�utl.ln the event ut any Event of OetauB Lender moy,without�otico ouuopt au►aqulrod by
<br /> law,deolare all indebtedneas soaurod hareby to be due and payabla end the same ehail thereupon baaome dae and payabla
<br /> wlthaut any preaonUnant,doma�d,proteat or notica of any ktnd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a) Oemand that Trustee exerolse tho POWER OF BALE prantod herein,and T�uatae shall thereafter cauae Tivatar'a
<br /> Intereat in the Propariy to bo ooid and the proaeada to bo distributud,ell in tho mnnnar pravidod In th�N9braeka Trua!Deeda
<br /> Aox
<br /> (b) Exeralav any and ell righta provide�d for in any of the�oan Documentaor by law upon accunancoat any Event o!t)efault;
<br /> and(a� Commence en action to toreotose thls Oaezi c�4 T�ust as a mortpage,eppolnt a recelver,or epeoltloalty enbrCd any of the
<br /> covonants hereol.
<br /> No remedy heraln conter�ed upon or reaervod to Truates or Lender ia intended to bo exatuslve of any other romedy he�ein.(n!he
<br /> Loan Qoeumartb or by Ias�provida!ar permlltc�,but eaoh ehaN t�e c��rr►ul�tive,ahall he In eddltlon to evary other romedy fllven
<br /> hereundqr,fn the Loun Ooaumenta or now or heroafter existing a11aw or In equlty or Oy stutute,ond may be exercisad concurrentty,
<br /> Independentty or eucceasivety.
<br /> 13.Y�wN�.Ths Truetee may real�n et eny dme without oause,and Lender may at any time and withoul cau�e Appoint a
<br /> . auccesaor or eu0atitute Truatea.Truatae x`+all not be Ilable to any parry,Inolading without Ifmitatlan L�nder,Boncwe�.T�u�tar or any
<br /> purchaser of tNe Properiy,for any loas or damage unless due to reakless or wiliful mlano�duat,and 8hati ooi be required to take any
<br /> aotlo�in conneation with tho eniorcement at thie Oeed o1 Truat ur��as tndamn{fied, In wrlting,for all ooats,aompenaaUon or
<br /> axpa»aes which may bo assoclatod therewlth.In ndditlon,Trustoe may bocome a purchasor at any atilp of tho Property(Judicial ar
<br /> . under the power of ealo granted hereln);postpone the sale of all cr c�ny portlon ot the P�cpony,as provided by law;a►sell the
<br /> Praperiy aa a whole,or in szparate parcels or tota et Trustee's dtsoretlon.
<br /> 14. F�n�nd Exp�nsa.ln the svent Trustae sells the Proporly by exerciae of power of eals,Truetee ahall be enttried to apply
<br /> any eale proceeds tirst to paymenl of atF costa and oxpanseo of exerc�s:ng power of sato,Including etl Truatee's fees,And Lender's
<br /> and Truetee's attorney's feea,aotuoliy Inc�:rred to oxtant permltted by opplloable taw.ln tho event Bor�ower o�T►uator exeraises eny
<br /> rt�ht pravldsd by law to cure an Event of�otautf,Lersd�r shall ba entitlad to►ecaver t�om Trustor all snstn nnd expensea actualty
<br /> � tn0u►red as e ra�ult af t►ustor's defautt,inoluding t�riirtQUt iimitaHon ati'irustee'a enai aHorneyb faee,to ir�e nxiemt jnnnii�fi�l
<br /> appUaeble law.
<br /> 16. Futun Aeh�naN.Upon requeat ot Qor�ower.Lender may.at Ita optlon. rnake addltlAnel and luture edvances and�o-
<br /> advances to Bcrrawer.fiuch advencos end�eadvanaes,with intereot thereon,aheil be seaured by this Ooed o}Truat At no tlme ahall
<br /> the pr�aolpal amount o1 the Indebtednesa eoaured by thta Deed of T�usL�ot inotudinp euma advartced to protecttho aeau�iy ot thle
<br /> Oead ot Trust,exceed lhe original prinoipal amount steted heraln,or S whichever ia preater.
<br /> 18. R1f�cNlan�ou�ProrNlanti
<br /> (a) Borrow�r Not RN�sud.Eutenalon o1 the tima for payment or modNicatlon nf amortl=atlon of the suma saoured by thle
<br /> Deed ot T�uatpranted by Lender to any aucct�asor in Intarest ot Bo��owe►ahail not operate to reiease,in any manoer,the Nabllity
<br /> of the a�ipinal Borrower and Borrower's succeosore In inte►esA Lendo�eha��sat De�equtred to commence proceedln�a agalnst
<br /> suoh successor or refuse to oxtend time for paymenl or otherwise modlty amoRirstlon of the euma securad by thia Qeed o!Trust
<br /> by reason o!any domanda madv by tho orlginal8orrower and Borrower'a auccessoro in Interesl.
<br /> (b) L�ndK'� Powarn.Without aNecting Ihe IIablUty o1 any othe►peraon Uable for the payment ot any obUpatfon herefn
<br /> mentloned,and without aNeoting the Ilen or oharpe of thta DFiod of Truat upon any portlon o1 the PropeAy not then or theretotore
<br /> reteased ae securiry for tha tutl amount o!nll unpald obllgationa,Lender may,irom time to dmo and without noUce(I)rolaase sny
<br /> poraon ao Ueble,(li)e�and the maturity or alter any of the terma of eny such obllg�tlone,(iil)grant other Indulgences,(Ivj release
<br /> or reconvey,or aauae to bo roteased or�aconveyod at any ttme at Londar'o optlon any parcel,porilon or ell ot the Property,
<br /> (h take or retease eny other or addltlonel socurity tor any obtipation hsrein mantionod,or(vi)meke compoaitlona or other
<br /> er�angemente with debtore in rAlatian thereto. ,
<br /> r. ,
<br />