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<br />,:. � . 1 , TNi9 VA MAME LAAN RIDBR le mede thlel�f!l...day af .4�fiY.@.�t�!!:.............� �.,
<br /> 10 .,P.�..,� �nd id Incarpnr�ed Into endt et�ell be dxomod to n�iond enel ,
<br /> �' . �upptemcr+� a Mort�age. Resd ot T�uet s�r D�od tu Gecuro Dabt (horoi� �
<br /> . .
<br /> - __ ____ "e�Qu��ty Inst�umsnt") datsd o! a�sen dat@ harewith. given by tho underolq�e _ ._..
<br /> _-- � (hAretn "BArrowe�"� to a�a�re A�ri�w��'a Nato to FIRBT FEO�pAd BAViNQ� --____
<br /> I�Np LOAN ASSiOC1AT10N OF LINCOLN (herein "Lender'� aed o�vorinfl tho
<br /> Proparty desoribed In the aaou�iiy Inatra�meat aad locr,4ad � �--_
<br /> nd talr�nd.(�abraa+kq 8�180�.r,_
<br /> . "'"�' P�operiy d ►esa) ;
<br /> �.� .
<br /> in sddition to the aov�nanta and Ngf80i11Q�119 mado In th+� eoaurity .
<br /> ` Inshumont,Bor�ow�r and Lendar tu�tho�oovenant end agroe ae follaws: �
<br /> � Ae tho Indebtednoes eaau�ed he�eby la to be guarantaed o� Insursd ��_
<br /> � under Chapte�97 of Titte 98, United 6tatea Code, suoh Titla and Regut�tio�e
<br /> laeued and In etteat an th� date hareol ehall govom the ►IgMe, duties
<br /> � and Ilabi113�es of BorPOw�er and Lo�der,Any provisloae of ihe securlly Instrument
<br /> " ' whloh Aee Inconelsta�t with sa�d Ti1to or RegulMlona,lneluding, k�ut not Ilm{tad ,
<br /> to, the prcvisian io� psyment at�ny aum fn oonnooNon with prepaymont ot ���-_
<br /> - :::,�-
<br /> . �.,�7. , tho seoured Indabtednesa, a►e+ hareby��nended or negated 4o the extent ��:
<br /> • 'r ?� neceeeary to oontorm suah Instruonente to said Title or Reguletlon�. -
<br /> . � ' " � t��et s�ctl4.��.��nt��A�n a�s���.�'naHS �`�-
<br /> .. ;�: ; _--=�_.
<br /> � � ' Thla lotn Is Immodlatety due �nd payable up�on lransier o9 tho proporty — _
<br /> �'� seeuring suoh IoAn ta any traneieree,unleas the eccapta6111ty of the aseumplton _�_-
<br /> ot ths lo�n le a�tabllahed pu►suant to 8eatlon 1817A of Chapter 37� Tlils __
<br /> . �_ s�M 38.Ut�ited 6tatee Code. --_-.
<br /> _... I
<br /> .�=�- � � A !�� equ�t to ons-hatt of 1 porcont of tho baiarece of thla lo�n ae of
<br /> ; . �,� ihe datr of traeet�r ot ths propsrty eha11 be p�ya6la at 4he+timo of trans9er
<br /> ��__._ �_� to the loan holdor os Its authorhed ag�ot, ae truete� fcr tha Sirorot�ry --- -
<br /> - � '�� ot Veter�m Affalro. If th� s$�ume� fdil� to pay h+ie fi� ai ins ii� � -
<br /> +� �,-" �. tranate�, tht fea shdl aonslituta ao sdditlonel d�b! to thd alr�ady�seu�ed
<br /> �'�� by this Inetrumanl, ehAil baa�Intor�st at ths rate hereln provided,�nd, t! tho
<br /> .._��._ ...,.� o . .�..,►.w.
<br /> optton a� tit� pay�� v�iiw ind.oi.�n�:s ...�...� ::�"is.�.. ��; is�lt..._.�_ `
<br /> ��_� � th�nof, shdl b� Imm�dlat�ty dua an�l p�y�blw. Tht4 t�s 1� �utamatioafty w�iv�d
<br />--�'f��' If !h� �ssum�r Is�xompt under the �ravtatons of 38 U.S.C. 16Z8(b).
<br /> _-;;.�,
<br />�i—�'Y��,�'.1�� .
<br /> �,��.a�;� Upoo �ppllc�tlon tor epproval to diow aa�umptlon of �hts loan� �
<br /> _.=_�'�:'� proa�salny(o� m�y be ah�rptd by the IaQn hotd�r or its autharfzad ig�n!
<br /> _____— far d�t�rminiflg th� o�odltwortMn�ss of th� ss�um�� �nd subs�qu�ntty �
<br /> ._'�!r`�.� roeislnp th� hold�r•� own�rohip ��cords whon an �ppeowd tran�tar 1�
<br /> = aomplst�d. Tha amouot of lh1� ah�r�� sh�ll nat �xo��d th� maximum
<br /> _ �� es4�bil�h�d by th� Votarano Adminlalration tar a lo�n to which 8aation
<br />_=_-�� 1617A of Chapto��7. Tftl� 38, Unitod St�tes Cod��ppll�o.
<br /> ,_,�:� If thlo ab�igntlon la ��sum�d, thon th� a�asum�r hsroby opr��s to �
<br /> _= �� - �u�uma sil ot thp obllgatlons of tho vptar�n and��tho terms af tha tn�trum��t�
<br /> =--y=' ea�ding �nd soeu�inq tho In�n� Including ths abltg�tlon of th� v�t�ran 40
<br /> -'�`�"`�""� Ind�meHy tla� Wt�r�as Adminlstatqan to th� oxt�n!af �ny altlm p�yme�t
<br /> --° arbinp ho�n tho ��+ar�nty o� Insuranco ot tha Indobt�d��se o�u�tad by thlo
<br />--- _�•��,
<br />��"�'�� in�trum�nt,
<br />=:-;���'` Ihl THE EYBNT THAT TH18 1AAN 18 D�TERMINHD 70 88 INBUGIIHLE �OR
<br /> �t�, �,�. -
<br /> -�����=fw' � IN WITNka� WWBREOF, Borrow�r hts exooutod thto VA GluarAnt�ed
<br /> .�� �.
<br /> �- _- taan Ricier.
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