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<br /> 4. �hc�� neitit►�r �pa�°Cy hero�o it� n par�� �u any oYNc�� ponc�i��
<br /> ae�i�r� ��s die►o�r�a, d�sea�utien c�� ►a��•a i�►po, e�r lagAi �e�+g�t i�en.
<br /> 5. Tha� �rr.ior i��+i��it�, w�e ���l,e� en��±r�� ���to a �ari���n
<br /> Property 9ei��lesaflr�t Agre�mo��, whie�h Apxeemon� waa rQOOivod in
<br /> ovidon�o ae mn exhibill tt►et eaic� �ropos�Ey sottl�ompn� A�reem�n�,
<br /> c�nd tho terans a�nd �onciitione aontc�l.ns�cl t.heroin, appaar tn Pair an�
<br /> roo��on�blo in a].l Yo�paots a�nel ahould bo opprnvad by �he C�urt, and
<br /> the Caurt speaifiaally Pi�da tihA� suoh Propor�y 6attlomvn�
<br /> Agree�men� i� not utnoor�solonablal that oaid Proporty Sot�loment
<br /> A�reement ehou].d be attaah�d to ancl be made � paxt oY this Ooaaceo
<br /> by rofereMae.
<br /> 6. Reapondent eMAll pay inta the o�fia�, of tha Cierk of th�
<br /> Di�triat Caurt of Hall Caunty, Nebraeka �or diabu�csement to
<br /> PeCitione�, ehil� support of Ninm Hundred nAllars ($900) per month
<br /> for the Eour (4) ahildren of the partiea, Eight HundY�sd Dall�xo
<br /> �gaoo� x� month for threa (3) minar childrer�, six Mundred Forty
<br /> Oollaro (S690) a month �or two (x) m�nnr children, and Four ?Iundred
<br /> �en D���ttre ($4l0) for �he remaining minor child. Ghi�r� support
<br />_ �;�p22 ��t�� �r�ii eaah ahild xeachea majority undeY Nebraska
<br /> law, h��cmas ����aoipAted, beoomoe eel�-aupporting, marries, or
<br /> dies. c�x� untfl fuxttier arder of the Cou��•
<br /> tha�t the mazriaqe )aetween the parties bQ, and tho sauie hareby fa,
<br /> ellseolved. A aomple�te �r�eaora io hereby waivad.
<br /> IT I8 FURTH� ORDERSO, 1�i�.TUDGE� AND DECRE�D by tne+ Caurt that
<br /> the minq.r ahildren o� th� parties be, and the oau►� h�reby are
<br /> awardec� to Peti�ioner, eubjeat to all reasonablo rights �g
<br /> visitation tiy Reepondent.
<br /> IT �S FUR�HER OR��RED� AA�7UDGED AND DECR�ED by th� �:ourt that
<br /> the written Progerty settle�ea� Agxeement reae��r�ci in evidenae �e,
<br /> and th� eame, hereby is, apprav�d in all respeats and that all ttau
<br /> . . ,..,a
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