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<br /> . TNt3�E�B Op'CRUt3T,ls mada ae o1 thn___�.doy ot.�....1i1°""� ,1fl_..25,by and among
<br /> - ' MO TtU0t0i���Qntqf� 1�.L_C��1�1�4�110{�..�ti0L�1O K- (:rnnf inld...NuA�#p� ilr� -c�liia•._..._.. -- � �._'r
<br />� .- --_-. who�melqnp sddross i�.NCo d1 Hex 62C� Kenoeac�, NF._y„�s9bS (herofn"T�i�ato►�'wt�it�►►a�a ue maro�, .,-:
<br /> -_ - =-- E�91'ii�5tv?. �.�-Annk.!�� D,nniphnn. t� [�e,bYAekB COr1�0rntion. .r, ' -_-
<br /> n - whoa��ealllnp c�ddroao le P a Dax D. Aaniphnn. _N[i_.�i.f�,�..'}z _..._ (horoln"truates'1,and
<br /> `��:
<br /> '�'�"` ths eonotlolary, H�n1S a�f..Ilonipl►n�_ - -- ' .
<br /> f whosa me111nQ addroa9 ts P Q anx Ht D�niphan NE 68f132 ,(horain°l�ndeP'�. ��:.
<br /> � " r � FOR VALUABLE�CCN910ERATION,Inoluding Lander'e extati�ai�an at aradit IdonRNicsd horoln to Tt1QA1A�a p + nnf ic�l. •- .
<br /> '�` ����F nnd Haathor K. Granf io1d,L,Muebnnd nnd ��Qin��6orrowo►",r�hothar one or moro)and the tru�+t he�eln orepted, �
<br /> y�
<br /> .I�•� ,� tha�ocelpt o1 wbloh IB hereby ooknowledped,T�uator hereby irravocubty���ante,t►c►nafera,aooveys and sestgne to Truatae,IN ��_„
<br /> ° TRU9T.WITH POWEFi OF BALE,for tho banetit and eoauilty o1 Lende►�undur and oub�oatto tho torrna and condlNone herelnaftei�ot �_ -
<br /> 'Y. toAl�,thur�ulpropery,doaoribed+��nno���a��.p,n�tu»s«,�nu.uormes��.,s�rca�nsaia�ors�io�u�To�m+Alp9NanhRu�e�s �:..-
<br /> �y�' ' tVetloftTn6thP.A..Iidl4butay�Ntt6n+t�.ul0tr�dbatn�ma�op�tkotsrtydacd0odulbilm�a: HrO1NNINQsttheSoutAesat �,,.�
<br /> �.� ' cwntofuW81178[iU1:d��ce�umin�attnatatmedEc+tlnsolN96•00'00"WatlheSwthitneotu!d81/78Al/Ifbr� ���
<br /> " d:str�nceol371.00lbc�lhcme N00°16'7S'W 1ix/90.Odlk�:tliaxa90`00'00"W tb�446.G0 Rp:llancoN 00•16'�6"W Ibe
<br /> �"� l.11.6S11A1��8�9`!{'46'liond�eNoAhltcaoftald8l/DBSINIbt19A.00Rd;11rcixo800'!16'7B"8fa�6B.9it2et;lhenco8 �r�1
<br /> . �," R9'!�'!0'8lbe374.M1k1to�potnlmUnkaril6aaJuidBIf38BiN;tAa+oelVQO'Y6'3S"sail]aP.�AlineoluidBlp88U1
<br /> . '� Ibt916.1lliAwtlr/OINTOFHFA(NNIt�10.�8�+�Y���Y�.).���es�VIN�IIC roadd�lfAbt.a.
<br /> :„ Tapether with all buHdlnpe,irApTavemente,fixturaa,streets,alleys;}�assayeways.oaeom�nts,righte,privll oa ena egF�rte- —
<br />.• .= nancea lacuted theraon ar In enywlse portnintnp thereto,end tha►enb,tsauos and profits.►evQrsicna and ramaindere tharet+L end
<br />' ' auah personal property that te attaahod to d�e Improvomente eo ee to constltute e tlxture,lnotudlap,but not Ilmited W,heatinp end
<br /> . °:�- �• cooll�p aqutpmenr and toQether with the homflstead or maritel Utereats,It any,whlah Intereste are hereby retaasad and watvod;ell �
<br /> ol whioh,inotudinp�oplacemonts and addltla�s the�oto,le hereby daolarad to ba u part of tho roul ostet9 ea�ured by th9 Ilen ol thla _
<br /> + h Doed of T►us1 and all�1 the toregolnp boln��eferred to horoln ao the"Proparty". _
<br /> ��i Thle Oaed o1 Truat shall soauro(o)1ho paymen!o!tAa prinoipal aum end Intereat evidcnced hy e promlasory note or credlt i___
<br />��� apreament dated ..,,Auauet 7i 1995 ,having a maturity date o1 -it•t� 2n. 2007 _,
<br />°=�
<br /> `��` In the origlnn!prinalpai amount Af S 2---�l-�� ---�und eny and all modltlaoNona,sxtenalone and renewale
<br /> ��� _ �������Y�d eu tuture advencea ond�eadvanaes to Borrower (or eny ot th�m If more thao one)har�nvndor �-
<br /> �_��+�_�� pureuent to one nr mora promisaory notos ot oredit egreemante(horeln oalled"Note'�;(b)tne paymem oi other suma sdvancaat�,y -
<br /> � � Lender tu proteat the aeou�iry ottha Note;(a)the performsnca ot atl aovenants and aflroemente o1 T►ustor set tanh hereln;and(d)ai1
<br /> �' "`�`� present end tuture indobtedneae and obllpntlona of eorrowe�(o►any ot them If more than one)ro Lender whether diroot Indl�oaL
<br /> '� --° �����Z���w}„elaq n�lsl�e hy nets,aua►enty.oyerdrafl or otherwlso.The Noto,this Doed o111�us1 anQ any and a11
<br /> -�� oihor do�ue�ts t�at aeou�athe Note or ott�arwleo oxocuted In eannaoUon therewith,lnetu�i�g withaut timiU►tion guarante�,seounty __
<br /> =-°�� Ag�oomonta pnd eaelpnmenta ot loaaoa snd renta,ehell be►etar�cb to herein ae tho"Loan Doaumente".
<br />-_�_�_�� T�uafir oovenenta end aqress with Lender ae tollowa
<br />•�,�._.=.�� 1, p�y�n�nt ol lnd�bt�dnee�.AU fndebtodnesa soourad huroby ahall be pald when due.
<br /> 2. Titt�.T�uator la the awnor of th�Proporty,haa tho rlght and authority to aonvey the P�operty,and war�anta thal tho Ilan
<br /> ._..._�� oroated heraby Is a fimt and prtor Ilen on the property.excapt fo►Ilone and anoumbra�aes eet torth by Tniator In w�itlnq and
<br /> �—� detivered to lander beto�e exeautlnn o1 thta Doad ot 7rusR and the exeauUon and dattvory o1 thla Qeed ot Truat doea not vlofate any
<br /> contraot or other oblipatton to which Truetor le eub�e��
<br /> Y �� 3. T�aN�A�t�wn�nt�.To pay botore definquenoy ali taxea,epeolal esaeasmenta and all other aharpea apainst tha G'roperty
<br /> now or hereafter levled.
<br /> 4. InsurRncs.Ta keep tho PropeRy Ineurod againat dama�e by tlre,hasarde Inatuded within the term"extendad eovera�s',and
<br /> euoh ather ha�rds as Lendar mey�equl►e,in amounta an�wltb companlea saceptable to Lender,naml�p Lende►ae an attditlanal
<br /> — �amed Ineured,with loss pAyable to the Lertder.in oaee o1 loaa under suah pollolea.the Lender la aulhorlY�to adluel,colleat and
<br /> compromlee,ell olalme thereunder and shall hevo the option af applying all or pan of the Inauranco proceeds(i)to any indebtedne�r
<br /> seoured hereby and In euoh Q�der as I.ender may determine,(11)to tho Tru�tor to bo used tor the repelenr�eato�atlon ol ths Properiy
<br /> ----- or(ill)tar nny other p�+rposa or otr�eat satlafaotory to Lender wNhout aftect►np the Ilen of thla Oeed ot Trust tor the tull amount ascurod
<br /> � he�eby betore such payment evar taok plsae.Any appIloadon of proaeeda to Indebtednesa ehall not extand or poatpone t�a due
<br /> -���_� date of any payments under the Note,or aure any detault thareunder or horeundor.
<br /> - S. Worow.Upon writtan damand by Lender,Truetor ehull pay ta Londer,In suoh manner ae Lender may de�lpnate,suNlolent
<br /> �- sums to enabte Lendur to pay ae they become due one or more of the ta�lowlny:(I)ell taxea,assesamente artd other oharaee epalnet �
<br /> -� 1he P�tt�eAy.(113 Me Premlums on the property Insuranca requlred hereunder,and(tll)the premiuma on any mortgape 1�nsurance
<br />-..____=� �eqwred by tender.
<br /> ,� 6. M�Intomne�, R�Win�n� Compilanas with Lsw�.Trustor ehall keep tho Property In aood oondltion and reps�ir,shail
<br />-�s�� promptiy repair,or ��ptace any improvement whloh may ba demaQed or destroyed;ahall not commN or permit any wa�te ar
<br /> - dMe►loratlon of the P�ope�ty;eholl not romove,docnott�h or oubatanWrll��Iter any ot tha Improvemente on ttas Properiy;ohatl not
<br /> __�'��� comml;sutter or parmit any aotto be done in or up�►n the Properly In violation of any law,o�dlnanco,or repulation;and shptl pay and
<br /> ��a pramptly disoharqe at T�uator'e cosl and expense all Ilene,enoumbrenaea and oharpea levled,Imposad or asseased apalnst the �
<br /> , �#� ProperK or any pan thereof.
<br /> _-- T, �!�!�s,Len�lr I•h8rg!+y a_a�lgned�I!QanpensaUon,award��iegea tlrid ottler poymonls pr ro118f(herelneiter
<br /> .�. # "proaesda'�In conneatlon with aondemnatlon or othArfaking ot the Properry or part thereaf,or tor conveyancs In Ileu af condomna- —
<br /> . �1;,., tlon.lender ehalt be entitled at Ite optlon to commenae,appear In and proseaute In ita ow�nem�any actlon or proceedinpa,and
<br />_:�� ehnll alao be antitled t�make any oompromise or settlement In ocnneo4on with euoh taklnp or damage.in the event Rny poRlon o1
<br /> tha P►op�oriy Is so taken or dameped,Lender ehali heve the optlon,in IW eale ond abaolute dlao►etlon,to epply all euoh Ptoae�d0.
<br /> -:�raa,�r; atts►deduotlnp theretrom all coeu aod expenaes Inourred by it In aonneotlon with suoh Prooeeda,upon eny Indebiednets e�ourai
<br />�� hereby and in euoh order as Lender msy datermine,or to apply all euoh Proceeda,uttor euoh deduotlone,to the�estoratlon o!t�s
<br /> "'" PropeAy upon suoh a�ndlUon�ae�ender mgy determine.Any appliaatlan ot P►ocecMs to Indebtodnese shall not extend or poatpona
<br />���r�'� the due date a1 any payments un�er tha Note,or ouro eny datpult thereunder or herounder.pny unapplled tunde ahall be pald to
<br /> � ' Truato�.
<br /> '�.. � . �_�� ' 8. P�laemmc�by L�rtd�a Upon the aeaurrence af nn fivent of OetauN hereunder,or N ony Qot le leke�or Ivpal proceadinp �'�
<br /> �• cpmmenced whtah meterlally affonte Le�der'a interesl In tha Praperly.Lender mey In ita own dlsoretion,but wlthout obllpation to do
<br /> ��,.,,.�w so,and without notice to or demond upan T�uator end without releasing Trustor irom eny oblipatlon,do any aot whloh Yruator hus +
<br />- .� ap�eed bW talla to dn end may also do uny other eot it desme�ocesaary to prateot th�seouriry hereof.T�uaro�ehall.Immedlately �=_
<br /> " �r � upon demand therefor by 6ende�,pay to Lender all ooats and expenee�Irtourrud a�d euma expended by Lsnder In conneotion with � ''�''
<br /> �* tl�e exorclae by Lender o11he forepolnp�Iphto,toqoth�r wlth Utereet tfiereon nt the detautt reto provlded In the Note,whloh�hetl be �•
<br /> .-_:�n`' addod to tha indobtsdnese aoaured hereby.Lender eholl nol Inour any Ilablllty becsuse o1 anythlnp it may do or amll W do
<br />-��' � ' hereunder. '��.�
<br /> =-. ,.;, ; `" •' i
<br /> � .;� '4�:
<br /> �ai...
<br /> - ,.. - - �
<br />