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<br /> •��L N�.� L-,.'�.,ra:'h-#�. �i"�i_v t-y_s ai- �.a�.-"' _ :vn--�t.� . -��- `t -it'� � + i'�- _ ..'
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<br /> �±��vri_—_
<br /> ��A�TO A�iiRi�tJL$U�'tAL D��D+Q�'fAO�i'
<br /> COMPlGTC thla portion OfVLY II tho raat prapsrty desorlDe� �ia�
<br /> cmnnlet�at INOIVI@UAbLY OWNE�AQAtGULI'UFU►L l.IWp. t�$—+ ��,IuiZ
<br /> II appllaaDte,complote ONI.Y 0(��eltRe�A.D,or C:
<br /> 7ruetorxcknawlodpoe that Truetor le aboutto exeouto tho tollowing pood ot T►uat upou tho Propeny.Trustor,artd oach ot lhpm
<br /> N mora than ane,hareby dieatolme T�uBtor'e rl�ht t�dealpnuto a homaytoad on eald roal ostnte.No paA of Truator'e homeatead te
<br /> presentty or wlilln ths tuture be�Ituated upon aald real estate.Truator understande that lf T�uata oatablishee a homeate�d on any
<br /> pnA af aald ronl eatate du►inp ttre tlme the tk�cl of Trua!remalne uneatiatled artd e IEan upon eaid�eAI eaUte.there�hall be eo�Ipht t9
<br /> malco e doalpnattan of homest�nd tn the evant of a toreotoaure or truste0's eato wlth raapeM to snld Qeed�t Truat
<br /> t'rustor acknowiedgaa thaiTrustar la aboulto oxeauta the tollpwlnp Deed of Troat u�son the Properiy.T�wtar,and eaoh otthem
<br /> If more Man ane,hsrpby wafvo�Trustar's rlpht to deatpnato a ham�atead an satd�eal estate.Y'ruator underetanda t1ia1 T�ustor has
<br /> ripht to meke a dta.��t�n�!nn af homestead end that by exooutin�this wafver.Trustar le waiving�Iphte 6therwise Pvallnble tar tho
<br /> purpoae o!attordl�0 fiem the opportuntry tn rotaln TruaDor'e homeitend in the orent af a detault upon the Oaed ot Tnra1.
<br /> [] C.[��&I�NAl'ION UF HOME8TFA0:
<br /> Punuenl to the Farm Homestead Praieatlon Aoe(3eeNan 78•t901 e4 enq.Revisad Statutes oi the 6Wte of NeDraek�,T�uftor
<br /> hereby doat9netee tha real e�+tat�,desarlbRd In tho"Oeaignst►o�of Homeatead"attached hereta an0l�ecorporated herein by thls
<br /> reterence
<br /> 1' ato
<br /> Trua or ��
<br /> AGR1Ct�1.TU�U1.Q��� O�TAUST Wii'F�FUTUR@ ADVANC�S
<br /> TH19 DEED OF TRUBT,(9 q1Ad0 Atl 01 thE_....-5—dAy O} wn�,nmh� ,19�i.by a:�amortfl
<br /> UuTruatn►. ett�on 11_ 1,nnna nnd ]p�POthy_M. LRSE+a._Hu�!*and QAd WifF =_,,,^,�„�_„ �
<br /> whc�a�ena111n�addresa le �Q�..�s .��.�4.��X11 -��4 xQ�-Al. Qharefn"T►wbr",whuihsr on�Ar mo�o)�
<br /> tho T�uatae. �AN.iLOF�� I H I�,,, n L1pb�aaka �oraoratian � ,
<br /> who�maliin�1�ddrew is .,1'�.11nY R_ noniohan, N.�8f1�, (hereln"Tnute�'?,xnd
<br /> ths BsnsNal�ry, Honk of Don�4�an
<br /> .�.�.....�..._,
<br /> wh0a malilna�ticlrM9 la . ,.P O ox H Do it.an. �� �ea3a (har�ita'�1Nld�t'�.
<br /> FOR VALUA�OONBII�ERA?ION,Inaludl�iD Lender'�aMtentlon o1 cradit IdenUfled heretn to_k11.�I n fl• �1?��II�_
<br /> „�rothv M. i,Q�g�. Httuben�n�,ifei (hereln"8otrower;'whether ara�ar mQ�e)�nd the trun h��i.r...CrI�Nd,
<br /> th���celpt of which la hereby��knawtodped,Trustor hereby It►evooabty prant�,banetar�,oonv�yi and aulpnf W�ruaM�,!N
<br /> FidU��',WfYH Pt�W�R pF SAt�,tor tha benefll en9 security oi Lender,uncier end subJect to tha trdrma and conditlons IwrelnAft�►set
<br /> foAh,lh�renl prop�ny,desoribed aa followe:
<br /> North�eat Quarter (NW}) oP 9eation T�eney-aix (2!i). Townehip Nina (9). Range Ten (10).
<br /> Ha11 County. Nobrabka.
<br /> Top�ihee wlih all bultdin�s,impravomenU,tixturea,atreet�,alleya,pa�ea�ewaya,eaaemente,riphts.privilepes and pppuRo-
<br /> nancu locat�d thereon or In wnywlie pq�t+llnN�thYrqto,and the re�U,ltsues And proilte,�evetNons nnd ramatnd�n fhorool,�nd
<br /> auch perwnW prop�rty►th�t Is atS�chad W the irr�pravamenta sa ae t�conetltuta a fixture,includlnp,bul�at llmit�f to,h�Nn��nd
<br /> ooaknp�qulpm�n��nd topsth�r wlth ths hom�ataRd ot marital Interesti,ll Any,whioh intereats are tteroby rN��d and w�iwd;�11
<br /> pt�Alch,inetudinp r�plaa�monta and additlom th����o,Is hor�by d�otared to be�part of Cye raal estet�ienurM by th�Il�n o1 thl�
<br /> pwd ot T�uat and atl ot Uw torpoin�beinp refqrr�cl to hs�oin a�the"P�operty".
<br /> �hl�D�vd v1'I�ust ehall sscure(�the�AyroQnt of the principal oum as�s9 ir;'ti��:evidenced Gy a proml��ory not�or craalt
<br /> a�nem�nt dn1� S19Y41ab�.�a Z9 5 .having A maturlty dete of NOvembO� 15, 2005 ,
<br /> In t��ori�iaal principal omount ot; 109.OQ0.QQ ,,._��nd any and�II modiilqtlon�,extenatons�nd r�nswai�
<br /> thK�ot o�th�r�W�nd�ny and all tutun advancei�nd►eadvanc�s ta Bo►rower Sor Kny of tbem N mor�thtn on�)h�rwnd�r
<br /> purouant W om ar mor�promitaory�eot��or oradi!a�rNmenta(t��r�ln aQtt�d"Note'►;(b)tA�psymenl of olhsr�um�advartcrd by
<br /> n ,
<br /> Nne s+si��,nun n�a.v.o�w � � �'� •
<br /> o�aee M�ta�t aw�a commrw nw�r+a eNn,p.Mwcuwaa uxdn Nroqria
<br />