�`?::�a'�a,n� s .s���:, ,��ss�i���zts�a�vx_rrv.�w'.cz:.�i- �..v� .. r- � ! .
<br /> <;a '� :n
<br /> ,;'t, ` , -T . + . . S,. . .
<br /> .. .°;i �1., - ;�� . .
<br /> . :; �, .
<br /> . .-� .. . �
<br /> -�.z,
<br /> - . . ., .
<br /> .___..._�.,��---�_,�-�r,__...__ ..r._..._ ___._._---_... ... ........_. ..__.�_..._.. ... ..,._-�--- �.____...,,.... --�- .
<br /> � . • . �'��°� 91.i1��� .�t;
<br /> 16.R�reoc��'e�o�y. �loma�vcr sfu�fl bo givcn ono cvsnfnnneQ�x►py nf tha Naw nnd ot thts 5e�:uiity trtstrumenl.
<br /> 19.Ti��c�!�v ot t�o I�ap.rty ar�E3enef'�ial tntcr�s!E�Bor��. It uli�nny prrt aF tho Pt�pc�ty ar any incafcst in it t�
<br /> �� �old or m:u►sfcrrxl(or If e tr�ncjfslttl lntc.�st in Durrow�r Lv Boiti or trttnsfc� and Aoruwet 1.q nat a nnrit+ral on)�vi�n�
<br /> 01
<br /> t,endcr'e prtnir arittcn c�nscnt�t.cndcr mny.nt il9 opitn�n,roqulro im�tc�inm p.�y mcnt in iLll r.!atl sunis srcar+od ytht�Scsc�r3pr
<br /> Ir.saumcn�.ki�wovcr�thl�optlan shell aot bo oxctclscd dy Lcndrr if ca�cr4is�I�prohlbfted by tcdcral luw aa oP tho d�to af thts .
<br /> Se�arity instn~mcnt.
<br /> ----- -:_ !f L,e�dcr vxcrcl�thls opi�o�.l�cnda sMll�ivo tic�irawcr aa�la�of occcic,ntlan.7tto nnttr�o sttnli ptavido n r�et1 c�f m�t tes.9 _,
<br /> c '"
<br /> _ .._. � th�3p days Q�om ttm dnte Uto notko i�dellvrtctf�r m�itod�Atn�►�4eh Bo�+x�wer mu.�pay all�sns hy tbLq 5flecrsi4y - ,.-_
<br /> I�sWment.IP f�orro�vrr i a i l�to p�W t i�esa atsns p;i�s ro dto ac p t�d o s+uf 1lt�pest�tl.Lt�ctc�may invcua eny�nedl�pe�iuttieQ
<br /> � , by ih��s�3ty Inu,€�ur�:rs!�:itteo�.�t1�.RMr��e�u drm�nsi a�Bntrowct. __
<br /> , i&Borrorvrr's Ri�ht to Itclnsi�ota tt natrowcr me�ts ocrtaln oondltians, eomowct shu[i hnvo t1w rtgfit i� i+uva
<br /> � enfa�mcnt aP thls Soceriqr Inss�uutant dL�andnu�d at any drrnfl prtar to tho carii�r oP:(o)S dnya(or euch aih�r paiod as
<br /> --^�"-'' � eppLtcubica taw mny s�far relnst�tement)bofaro rala of U►o Property pursuant to eny pawer of snto cantalncd in this Security
<br /> � ��� [nsuurtcn�:er pf)cnuy o o judgm�:nt cnforcing tdls Socurlry Insuun►ent�7'hoso condltions aro thQt Borrowcr:(a)paya Lcndcr ull
<br /> uaod� (b)cures any
<br /> sunu+which then wauld bo duo under this Securlry insinunent artd tha Noto av it no accolerntion had aoc � �/b�� ,.
<br /> defautt of nny athcr c�v�nanta ar ogn�ements;{c)FaYe all axpaises im:wral ia enfoning Nt9 Security Insuument�inciu
<br /> noi Wnitcd ta�reasormble auamo�r s'�'ecs;und(d)Wkc9 such acd�n�Lender mny mASOn�bly rcquUe w agsuro thnt d�o licn oF thi.9
<br /> 5ocu�tty Instrumcrit, 1.�atdor�s �igA+� in tho Propcity And Bw�rower's oDl)gatlon w pay !ho sums cecw�i by this Socndry
<br /> ' � , [nswmcnt sha11 continuo unchengcd. Upon wiasmtoment by�omowec. thls Sacurlry insuument and tho obllgndons secura�d _
<br /> ` hereby snaU cemaiu Nlly offccdve u.q i�na acceleradon had oc�wrred,Howover,thle right w reinstuto shall nnt upply in tho cativ oy __„�.
<br /> '•�� uooejaradon uttderpamgraph 17.
<br /> 00 19.Ssk a!Natci Chsuge ot Lo�d&rvt�cr. Tho Naw or a piudal lntereat in tha Noie (wgclher with thls Sccurlty
<br /> ' '� tagmuncnt)�y bo sold ono ar more tlmas wlthout priar notiroa to Borrowcr.A sale muy tosult in a cMnge in tho endty(Imown ' -
<br /> 0 °'—
<br /> �` '� tty tlu+"Laan Servtcer")thnt coUoctv monthly�ayments duo under tAo Noto ond this Sscurity Instnunen�7t►ero nlso may bo ono or ,,;
<br /> � � mom changes of the I.uv►Scrvicer uncolatcd to n euW of tha Now.If thcre is a ch�a.nge of the Loan Savlacr.Bnnuwcr will bo .;a�._
<br /> � , glvcn wrltun aaticc,af tho change in�csrdar�oo wjth h 14 abavo andspplicabl�Nw.71t0 RQ�100 WIII 6tBi0 lh0[18IIt0 Aitt1
<br /> t
<br /> �--'� addccss af�he new Las+n Secvleer and wa udct�s.v a wh�ch paymanta shoutd be mtide.'ths nodao wiU alsa oontaln eny other -
<br /> ° infi�m�don raqulrod by�pp1lcabb law. sat, stcvogo. ar rokaso �oF eny °_�
<br /> �' � �� 20.H���rdavs SuDatanoes. Hairow�r ahaU not cuuse or pormlt the pre�anoo� uso�dlspv = -_
<br /> � Hawrdoug Substauoea on ar in ttw Propeety.Horrower shn11 aot do�nar Wlow anyona eLsa to do.enything affacdng tha Property ----
<br /> ,-; .�.:- lhat lv in vtolatlan of ony Environr�ental Law.Tha pc+oceding two ecntenoes�aU not epply w�l�oprl�W�or��a1 resld�el►dal us�es --
<br /> ' `r• c Prope:ty of smaU q�iflti�s of Ha�andoua Substence9 that are gr�eiallY 8n1zeA bES C �_
<br /> a� �� end ua m3inte,nattce Of th0�+opaty. �._�-.
<br /> Horcower st►aq prompily give Lendet wrDttea nodca of aey invcsdg�t3on. cl�}m, demand. lawsuit ar othu ecdon by any ��:
<br /> � �,�a,..z govcmmaxtal or rcgulat�ry agcncy or privuro purty involvimg tho Property and any Hazardoua�u6stQnco or Rnvtronmental Low _ __
<br /> mm
<br /> of whlch Bomawer h89 flCtutil�rtowW�If Borrower tesrns w�ia natifiod�y uny govemmen�l or nRgt►latory�►1Mxigr.thet nny _
<br /> . ��� ` ranovel o.r other reme�cliatlon of any dous Subamnao u�tecting thn R�ap�Y��Y�Bmrowu ahall pro�pyy�o aU
<br /> •,��°�.� nocessa�y tamedlal�actions in eoc�tdanca wlth Bnvironme�tal Ltw.
<br /> . � ps usa► in this purag�aph 20, "Hazardona Substaaccs" ana thase substaac�s dofined as toaic or hmnMous s�abstunces by
<br /> ,�.,� Bnvlronmental Luw and the foltawing subsmnc�s: gasoliuo� Icemsene� other tla�nmabla or tnxla pett�kum ucts� watc --
<br /> . . p�ics smi t�i�.-�.�rotc�a���9�foderel la��la�t�d�ie --�c�ad u�whe�re th�e Piropezty is��that rc�1aW �
<br /> �, this pa h Z0�"Smlronmenta�l w rcti
<br /> ,_ -t�__�
<br /> � ,..� � w dewltb, ct�►as cnvironmental protecdon.
<br />_ :°� '' NON-UNIPVRIV��.V�m�i�►io"i.l.Bvr�vwsr s�d Li��a"a�''•nw t+ii-.��!�'�f��1°.�
<br /> ":�"a �• �1.Aaoekrntbn;Remedics.E.ender s1w11�Iv�uotioe to Bormwer prior eo acakratIon foliavrine AQ►�t�[►wer's 6r�tcD at -
<br /> –P•7:'
<br /> `'�'�` , opr coven�n! or Agrament im t61e Sccuri�y Iostrumenl (but not prbr to pceckr�tt[on under pRra�ph 17 ualcs�
<br /> Appl3c�tbb!aw pro��4�}rs c�lherw�se).The noties ebxti spedlgs (a)the det�all:(b)We Aciton req�to cw�e t�e defaniti(�)
<br />��� � A date,not ieae tbwn�9 daye hnm the dato ibe nMioe iv givea to 8on+awer.by tvhich t6e defaielt muet be curedt Autl(d) _
<br /> s,�-��, t6at�fhu�e to curo t6e delautt un ar before the date epecftied ia tUe no�o may�eaalt ln aoakratbn at the eume savred
<br /> 'w'�'��� py tl�i�Seeurity Instrumtnt a�d sale ot the PrapertS►.T3�e motic.�ehaU turtber iniarm BorroWer ol Ihe ri�h!to reinsf�►te _
<br /> _��.��.
<br /> ��� �Ster aceekrAtbo aa�l t6e ri��9 to brin�a court ac4lon�a �asert the aan�iatence of a default or r�ny otEitr�}etense o
<br /> -' gorrayrsr to Aooeterptbn�nd e�ak.U�e det�utt fs not cur�ed o0 or b�3fore the date epec(tfed in tha n�I.ea�der��t Its
<br /> -=_=�� optio�,apy reqnire Immedi�te payment ta h�ll ot dl syma saw�od by f�ie Secnrtty Inat�vment wit6aat Ibrtbtr demiud
<br />_ ~������ �ud w�y tnvote tha power ot�le and Aoy�Mr remcd;ko permtttcd by Applla�bie I�w.I.entkr ebaU be eIDtitled to oolkct
<br /> -._�_:��� AN e�rpR�iacurred in pwrania�tQe remMks provided tn IYI�pam��ph ti,tncludi�.6ut aot limtted tq e+a4�otw�b
<br /> ��,l e�� " �ttaroeys'tea�and ooetv o!tttb evldena.
<br /> If tbe pawer at ealo ie tavaked�Trustt�ehall rccond a aotice ot dei�ult tn eacY co�nq► tn wbkh Wuy�t►rt o!the _
<br /> �Y�� �In►Prrty b focated and s6ttU mAH copf�af euc6 aMioe{w iho manner px�esq'►bcd by Applics�bb tAw 3o Borrower qnd to t6e
<br /> -_--_� atl�er peryoa�Pre�crlbed by WPPlk�6k Ww.Aher the Nme�+equlred by ppplic�6ta Ww,7lruetee ahnll�ive pablk noNce ol
<br /> !k�
<br /> =�-.�-i:�� we�cr do t�e p�ersona w�d in the en�nner pi�c�lbed by ap��iat6b IAw.'IYustee�witho�t de�And on 18orr�ovrer,�11 eell the
<br /> =.-��_° Pe�eTty At public�uctbn to G'�a W�l�eet bldder at tho t�me and pinoe And under t11��erme designatcd In tbe m�tice o�exb
<br /> :� ---
<br /> _�
<br />�'-�"� ,, FarM 30Q� YI�O
<br />;::�'�.:',;1�'. �•ORINE)roa�Lt P�a�6of0 Inlllah.�_.—
<br />�_'"'F�1Y��;:�,� � , . • ,
<br /> ±ec�wc.�;!��' ,a �. c
<br />