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<br /> M�?IG�o 7'HOS �.C1AN IS IN�"P ASSUN��L� WITMOt1T Tt�� AI'��it�1fA�. QI� �"
<br /> 7'��� ��PA�i'fM�NY OF V�T�E���l� A�FAI�1� �fl IY� _
<br /> AUYi�fil��� A��'. _=.
<br /> THI9 AaSUMPTIQN POLIOV HIDFH Is mado thts 9„f t „r day of ova��nr e, 1�88 • and ts Mcorpamtad Into `
<br /> a�id ahnll bo deemfld to amcvid and aupplament tho Morigapn, Qnad of 'itu9t, or Dced to 5o�ti�e pebt l"�aet�ument`) ot tAe eai'�ye date -
<br /> hor�wilh,pNen by tho undaroipncd('MoAQuQor•�to oacuro�ho Monpa�or'a Noto('Noto')ot tho aamo d�to to�t • a�d..,�d��,�S!!l�.. _
<br /> 8ank oLQ[a��..Ii���.L�_. �1T We�t��! .�..
<br /> lte aucceseoro end eaeslgne �"Mort(y�pne')und covcdn�the propflrry doscdbad�n tbe tnetrumant and lacated a� 1 ulsa
<br /> ��C���.��d,�il�tt bot��,ae sa�8�1W8Q1 -,,,._ HoAarry AQdrose "�." _.
<br /> Notrr•rth�tand�np �nythinp to the oontn►y eot tohh tn tho lnatrument, Martpepae a�id AloriwQor heraby acknowfed0� anQ *{�ra� to ths
<br /> toqowinp:
<br /> Q6JApANTY: 9Aould thb Drpartment ot Vatame Aft�lro talt or�etuoe to taeu�fta puanrUy In NN�maunt withq�QO dqty A'am th�dat�fh�t
<br /> �te loit� wouSd nom�lql becoms e11pIb1�Por euoh guuxnry commlttad upon by Ihs Qop1►rtmont of V�t�m AItsY� und�th� provtilon�at
<br /> Tlp�98 a1 tre 1J.8. Code 'Yetenm Bm�P,ta•.tha Mortp�Qes t�y deokro Iha Ind�btedmss h�My e�ound�1 ona�du� �t►d payabl��nd
<br /> may toraatnee knmadl�tery or msy axorctse any otha�d�hte hereuada�or take�ny o1Ner proper action as by taw provtded.
<br /> gpqNgFtp pp TW� pRpp@pTY: U aA or aoy part oi the propary or �ny k►tera�t k► N ty faA or tr�nntanM, tht� faan te�y bo
<br /> deckrsd tnunediatety due Rnd payable upon tr�neter ('seaumpUon')of ths property e�curinp auah IOan to any tranetase('�DtUrt1N�),uni�s
<br /> the �ccept�bHky of the aasumpUon and tr�nnte► ai thta lorn ls oakbllaNad by thm pe}►aartmont o!Vetenna Aft�in or It� athaited �Wnt
<br /> ¢ureuent to eectlon 9714 of Chwpter 37,Tille 38,United Siatos Coda.
<br /> M authorlred tr�neta('�aaumption•)ot the property shalf al�o bfl aubJect to acld�lonaf aov�r►ante ar.d�g►eements�e�et torlh b�aw:
<br /> (�) ASSUMPTION �U1�101NG F�E: A toe equal ta onahall ot 1 pcxcont (.8076)of the unpnid p�incip��E�Mnae of 1hN Mrrn a�
<br /> 01!he date o1 tmnste+r oi the�raperty oh�ll be pAyablo at 4ho tlme of tranefer to th4 mon9i8es or no �tuthaizb�!,a bwt�+tn+'th�
<br /> G1aµu�tmont all/etaana Aftetro. tl tho easumer taUs tn pay Qhia toe at the ttmd of Gxnster,the iw�hafi aon�titut���ddklotu�d�N t�thst
<br /> . .�naoy o���Y ti��s,:�b�r���t�c�e t��rcvtded!uu�at�1e op�on ot th�mat��,Q1 tM Inde�t+an�ss
<br /> �wreby aaaura�9 a�any tnu�sixaa SAe�eot, ehnU ba Immedletey due and p�y+t►bte. 7hls tee Is.autotYaqcaNy w�,Ned M tti�t�tutt���w:�
<br /> 4mde1 th�provlslot�t ot 98 U.B.Q.8T28(o).
<br /> _ - - (b) ASSt1MPTi8N FFiOC��i�tEtm CHARQE: Ui�+ �kcatton tor eppnival ta FYnw �ipifoe �rto R�mqR of ti'�io�f '�� -
<br /> ptocn�lnp 1� +1xy b� Ch�rqed py the mo�tgapae ar 1ta authottzed apnnt tar detertnk�tng th� credRwoAtlln�� p1 1h1� INK� �d
<br /> µ�p��u�I 4+n�WM�p th�hok{a'�owne►shlp �eaorda v�hen an opprove4 3ranafa la aompNted. Tho�wunt of tll� W1�rQ�d!�nq�ucoled
<br /> !A�IK�N�th�1►�x(mum �t�pYahod by the pap��tment o1 dete�ana AHA'�s tor Q loan to wh�ct►9actfon a�l�01 Qh�!��A1,��,�1nUa!
<br /> Qwtw Codp r�pNrs or�ury m�clmum preaaibed by�ppAc�ble Si�ta I�w,
<br /> (o� ASSUMPTION IND�MNITY 41A�1l.ITYs tt thts obuaaUon Ia eaeumed,th�n th�4wsumw p�Y�A►��4p���uM M�th�
<br /> oblfp�bon� of �h�YKKM NI►dN th� trrtn�ot th� (naUumante orewUnp�nd seoudny th� lo�r►.Th� a�surn�1uAhK�prw�ta Ind��1t�th�
<br /> p�r{m�nt ot V�tr�rts Afplk�to the rxtent c}�pY c4eM p�yment�rlainp hom th�QUWTI�1 Or kltUlAf1CA M 1h4 kIt�L1WMINAO Q�Mbd lb�f1�b ,
<br /> �1{hiiM1t�flt.
<br /> (N WiTN���NHEREAP,th��tantor hea homunto aot hia hand snd aaal on ths day�nd yw Mt hKelnbMon MMlta�.
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<br /> _ (8F/IL)
<br /> + mtyaflor
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<br /> F'3860.LM�(6/DSj
<br /> — 9911Z
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