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<br /> Tt�O�THEi[t 14rlT!!n111F�e 1��►�,r�►vr�nt�nnw un c�rcaRcr eeect�vl�n the praperiy,i►nd ull r.�semcnlv,ap}�urtenancey,►tnd
<br /> iixwrea n�»v ue hcrrvttee u �ari ��i the nn,}tcriy. �lil replucemrnty nnd u�tdi�iunti e�t►uU ��s+� he c�ivsmd by thi� 1ei�►�f1iy ��
<br /> Instnimcnt All nP thc fiiregning iy�efcrnd Iu In Ildv S�r�u��i�y Ins�rumem n.9 thc"Fn+pe�ty." -
<br /> BURttI)WNi3 COVEiNANTS that[lurr�uvc�iti Iu�vNlly Fciszd af thr eslcuc Uc�chy ranvcyMl und hav thr ri�ht ta�runt nnd
<br /> c�nvcy dtr Pn�p.rty wid ihat Ihc Pr���Mrty I.r amcncum6c�rd,cxrcpt f��e rnramhr�mres aP mc��nt. Noim�vCr ����muns an�l will _
<br /> dcfcnd ticnenilly the tiUc tt�thc Pn�periy��ai����uU clalmv u�«l dem�►ndH,�;ub�cci ta nny cnru�nhmncca oi'rrrnni. _
<br /> TNIti tiktCUltl't'Y INSTRtIM�,N'C 4x�mbiucy�+niti+rn��v�vc�r.m4c ti�r nu�iun;d usc and n�arunifun��r�v�n;uU+�viti�limttrii `�
<br /> va�iatiany by jurlsJictlun t��c�natituca n unifonn srcurity lnstrument cv►vcrina rcat pr���x:rty, �_
<br /> �►NlCnithl t't)VHNANTS. p�wr���vcr nnd t.�ndrr ruvcnum�uxi nA�cc n�iulluw�: _
<br /> 1� i'�iyment uY Prtnctpul and iutc�t; P�pnymcnt aRd i.�i��:�►�:��. Bo�n�rf�z sh�lt �mmptly �;y u:he�dzee the _
<br /> priiecip.d��i'auxl hucrost nn thc dcht evtdenced by thc Ncite nnd nny prepa��mc�u�u�d lutc chnrgcs diw onder thc Natc.
<br /> a. tUnda Piir Tuxcs a�sd Insurance. Suhjcct t�+np�Uri�hlc liiw ur t��u written wiiivcr by Lender. Au�rm�vcr hhnll pay t�
<br /> t�entler an thr day munthly paymentti ure duc imdcr thc Nato,untN thc Nc►te is p��id in full,u sum("Fundy")fii�: (a)yearly tares --..
<br /> nnd u�sasvmcnts whirh�tmy uttnin prinrity uvcr ihiw Securlry Instn�mcnt u.w a lien un the Propeny;lh)yc;aly Icu�chnW pnymcnts
<br /> ur gmun�l rentv un the Pu�perty, N'nny;(c)yca�ly hc�ri►rJ��r propeny insurnnrc premiun�.v;(d)yearly fl�x�d(nsurur,ce premh�m9. :
<br /> if«ny;(cl ycarly �nortgugc insur�ncc p�cmiumr, if nny; c�nd(il m�y hun�s pnynblc by Qarn��vcr tu I.tndcr. in accunluncc wfth ,
<br /> the pn+visiu�is ol'pnra�rnph R, in Iicu ot'the paymcnt uf n�o�9gage insurunce premiums.Thesc items aro callcd"E�cru�v It�m9," I
<br /> Len�ler may, at any time, caflect und huld Fundw in nn nmount nul tci execcd tho maximum nntnunt i� Icnder far a fede�ally ,
<br /> rcliitcd murtguga lu:ui nwy rcquirc f�r Bnrrmvcr's cscru�v tscrount under nc� fcdcrnl ttcal Bstuto Scttlemcnt Pruccdures Act af I
<br /> 1974 ac nmcnded Pmm timc ta timc, 12 U.S.C.Section 2b01 ei seq. ("RE'SPA"),unlers unathcr IAw thut upplicy tu thc Fands �
<br /> selr it Iesser umaunt. If c;a, Lender oiay. nt any time. callect e�mi hald Funds in an nmount not tu excced tho Iesser amaunt. i
<br /> Lendcr may cstimutc thc nmaunt of Funds duc un the ba�is of curtcnt data und rca�nnuble cstimatcs o4'expcnditums of tLwre ,
<br /> Bs�ruw Items or othe�vise in uccanlunco with upplicable lnw. �
<br /> Thc Funda �hall bc held in un institutian �vh�so depagita nre Insured by a fcdcml iigcncy. instrumcntality, or cmtt�� _.
<br /> (including l.e�er.if[.cndcr is such un institution)or in nny Fcdcrni Hamo l.c�an Bi�nk.l.ender shull npply tho F�unds to pny the
<br /> �.�tmw ltems. Lender may not chnrgv Bormwer far halding und uppfying the Funds.unnuully unnlyxinB the esc�a�v account.�r
<br /> verilying the Qscraw[tems,unle�.s I.cnder pny:�Barr�iwer interest on tho Funds und applicablo low permits L.cnder ta mak�se��'�
<br /> u charg�. Hmvover, l..ancter nu�y rcquirc Bonower ta pay u ane-�i�ne churge fur An independent rcal estote tax reparting scrvice
<br /> u.ced by I.endee i�� cunnccdan with this laan, unlcs.y cippltcuble lu�v pravidcs athcnvisc. Unicss un Agreement is ms3do ur
<br /> appUcaAlo Ic�w rcqulrc�i��tcrest ta bc paid. Lcnder sh�ll not bo�quircd ta pay Burrawer uny interest ar carnings�n thc Rund9.
<br />- Borrowe:and l.cndc�mny aBrec�in writing,hawevcr, thnt interest shal! bo paid on tha Funds. I.cnder shnll give ta Ba�rower.
<br /> whhaut churBe, an annunl uccaunting of tho Funds, shawing c�iits aTUi debits to tho Fundy and thu purpc�se far which ccr.�
<br /> deblt ta the Fundv�vns nuide.The Funds un:picd�cd av additianal set�ti:�ity for ull sums eecumd by this Sec��Hty Insuument.
<br /> 1f tho}�unds held by I.snder exceed tho c►maurtts permitted to bc field by oppl;cuble Inw. l.endor ehulf accaunt tu Borrower
<br /> for thc exccss l�urtds in ua�rnlurtce�vith the requirements af appllcubio luw, ti the umaunt af thc Funds hcid by l.ender ut pny .
<br />- time is nat suificicnt to pay tho Escrow Itcros�vhen due, [.ender mny so noriiy�3armwcr in�vriting.and,in suci�i.:�� -
<br /> ehall pay ta Lender�he nmount nccessury ta maleo up the doficiency. ttarrawer shnll make up the deficlency in no moro th�
<br /> t�velve uwntt�Ey paymenta,ut l.cndcr'ti�:c discrciian.
<br />_ �ipon Duy'mcm in iaii of nii �+uma aszu�d 'vr�,3� �.,�;r3iy =�.�ra�rry-�:, i.o:.,�x el:s!! �sumgl4; rel1.��� 9�*re�!er nn�►
<br /> Funds hcld by Lerntcr.lf.under pnrogmph 21.l.cndcr shnil ncquire or soll tho Pruperty.Lender.prtar ta tho a;a�ieitian ar eate
<br /> of tha Properly.sh�ll npply noy Fundv h�ld by l.cndcr nt tho timo nf acquisitlan ar wtic as u crcdit agninst thc sumv sccurcd Oy
<br /> this Securlty ln,in�ment.
<br /> 3.Applicntton af Piaymente.tlalcwo applic��bl�Inw providcs atherwisv. ull paymcntx rvccived by l.endor unda�,psuUgeuphY
<br /> I und 2 shall bc t�pplied: iirst,ta ur�y prepayment char�es due under the Nato; sccond,ta attuunts payuble under paragmph 2;
<br /> third.ta intcrest duc:fourt`�,to principal duo; nnd lost,to any lutc chargcs duc under�he Nato.
<br /> A. Charge.vi I.ien9.1��na�v�er st�all puy a0 ��ces,assessmems, chnr6es. fineo i�nd impo�itians attributnblo to the P�aperty
<br /> which muy nttAin p�lority nvcr this Securlty Instn�rricnt. And Icaschold puymcnts ar graund rents, if any. 8arrawcr shall pay
<br /> thtse ablisutiuns in tho mnntter provid�i in pam�mph 2,ur if nat y:�wd in that mnuner.Barrawer shnll pt►y thcm an tima dire��Ly
<br /> to the pe:rsan owed paymcnt. Barrower shaU pmmptly flunish ta t.rNl:tcr all natices of umauntF ta bo paid under thie paragta�,�i!�.
<br /> !f Borrowc�mulces thcse paymcnts directly.8armtvcr Uh;."1 prompily fl�raish ta 4cndcc receipte evidencing tha payments. ,
<br /> @arra�ver shal)pramptly dischnrgo any lien which hns prio�ity ave�this Security Instrument unlcss Barnawor:(a)agrees in
<br />� w�iting to tho payment af tho abligntion securcd by tho licn in a manner uccepsnblc ta l.ender;(b)cantcsta in gcxxl fuith thc lle�
<br /> by• qf (�Crl'7Y:-�ngninst cnforccmcnt af the lien in. lcgal prc�ccedings which in the l.endcr'R apinion operuto to prev��u���?�9
<br /> cnforcemerat►;�7 aho lica:ar(c)sccures Pram the holder of tho lian nn ugccemont aatiafnctary to Lcndcr eubordinating the t�:��nu
<br /> this Secu�ity Inst�umcnt. df l.ender determ�neti that noy pari af tho Prappny IR subject ta o licn which may attAin priority uver
<br /> th9s Sccurlty Inst�unicnt, Lcndcr muy sive a�rrawcr u noiicc identifj+ing the lica.Borrower shaU xatisfy the Ilen ar tuke ono ar
<br /> more af the nciions sct forth ub�ve�vltAin 10 duya uf the giving a1'natice.
<br /> Farm 3028 �i:90
<br /> Dp�7 010
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