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. ess ..� .�sr . .� -.–_ - '9vlif <br /> i ' ar�.�,�serh�i4i5ryt��bl�,...�iw.3.��*�—f!`��,;i`va�a.� u,. ?f1�yPy��- .. . . -._t .. _.l�. �, .. . . , .. �. _ <br /> '� ''S'o�l .l � - It?L',i})• •.�° 1` ��r. 4.;,1q .,'-'--F-s'��S`=�— i p ',- <br /> �.: �� <br /> 1 ..1 ' ' u � ' . � ,. <br /> _�^ , � � �1, . � ,ti <br /> �_�?,—��4`� „ . , . -.1g�vl�,' ----.•.�t'_ _.y�. � <br /> � . �� <br /> f- - � i ,..4.-- - ' '_ f <br /> � _- � 1 <br /> [ '� `�� ' � .__ . _ _ <br /> � •` �. „ . ' I' _ . ,,` ,_ ;�,;V -� <br /> p,,... .. .. - . - _ • _' ,,ar�7;�-�.;;}•,��t..:...}:��.. ...�C�..::-.� _ - --- --- .-_. <br /> -. _ -�:` ° '.- . . -- <br /> ., ..... - - �............. .w-_._-..._�-.. � .. .� a�.iu�t6rlC�h-„3�{k , .._... -----�.r_, -'S�_.....�.._ --� - ....-.���..�--n:_.'= -_° <br /> ,���.-. �.�D��QE� -. <br /> �, 19e�ztied or t'�opeNy tnsuros�ce. EtuR:���•cr shull kc.p thc impr���rmenly m�w rxl.rt{n� �r hea�aRrr rrc�ycd +m tl�c <br /> Pn�Pr�ty in`urcd nIIc►i�»t I�►s. by�re, hnr,�rdv includcd�vithin tito icrm "cxtcndcd r��rcra�c" mi�l imy ulhcr 1►i�to�dy. Intluding <br /> Itou�lv ue il���+�ifnp,ti+��vhi�h t•c���lcr rci�ulrcy inruramr. 'I'liis imu�ancc himll hc maintuincJ in Uw unwunW and ti�r Ihc prrl�als <br /> thnl (.rn�lrt rcquimv. TMc Imt�rnn��r c�nlre�►r��vidinn�h��n�unncc+�hali t��houn by Our��uwcr aubJe�t lu Lcitact'y a�+}�r�wnl <br /> whi�h �h;►11 nut he unrru.unatdy ��ill�t�ct�t. tP R.�rr�+u��r iuit�tn maintain�tn��r.�ge �iercribc*�I ntw,ti.•, i�•n�ter mav. ni I,��kter'� <br /> c►pli„n,nhtnin rnvcrage m pmmt t.�rnkr'h eit:i►t�:in 1t�e Pr�yx��ty 1n ac�ru�vuc withµu:�ttnFh 7. <br /> AII II1til1�i1RC�'R���il'�l•� ttlltl(CitCl�iili 611ii1) �i��C�ti1MIB Ifl I.CftcECT ditt� tiltil�I �IN:�t4�C:! �Ii11H�ihi t1UtYtgAPC ClII11SC. I.�ndcr _ <br /> siioii havr�h:��i�;hi i��hi�l�1 tfs��n�liet�:�x!ris�e� rr�.��l���,Hw'run�cr siinll �n�ntptiv�itir lt�I c�uler ull��clpte of <br /> p:�id prcmlunn and remewal n��tt�rs.ln 1hc cvcnt uf h��v. pnrn»v.r shall givc pnnup�nuti�r ta thc insur.uu�.r�rri��r und►ler. <br /> lAndcr ur,►y mnkc p�rmf uf lasv IP m�t mndc pramptly by Uorro�:.r. <br /> Unlcsv l.c�tdcr und Sarre��vcr��thcnvise�i�rr�in w�iNnt;, intiurum�c pttuccdv shall he u>>plicd h�rest��radun��r Rp1{r uf Ihc <br /> Pruperiy dim�;V;rtl,ii'the rc�t�uati�m��r repair ir ar�numirally 4easihle imd l.cRdr�'h sccuriiy iv�►u11c�.cm� Ihe nstumli�m or <br /> rc�aie is��a1 cr�mumicnlly feasihlc�re I.rrutcr's�ea�rity w��u1J ho Icss�nc�1. the iniuranre pru��lr shuq he upplicd to the sum9 <br /> �ccurcd hy this Scrurity Imhui��cnt, whzihcr or nai Ihcn duc, witb nny cncc�.r• vaiJ a�8am»vcr. If Einrn��vc� abandan�thc <br /> Nn►petiy, ur Jarx nat nos��cr �vfthin aU dnys c��otice fr�m l.endcr that Ihc insuamti�e carrier has ofCercd tu senle a cloim. then <br /> t.cntitcr neay rnllect thc insuran�r pnwreda. Lcndcr may use tho pmcccds eo npair ar rc.t�me thr Pn�perly o� t� pay s�ums <br /> sccurcd by ti�i.r•Sccurity Inst�vment,whethcr ur nm then duc.The zlWay pc�i�Kl wil!hegin whcn thc nmice is givcn. <br /> U�ylesv l.cndce and 0arruwcr ulhcnvisc agrcc in wri�inF. any uppliuui�m af�ic.c�ds tn princlpal �:hall nut extend or <br /> post�mc the Auo dntc af ihr mnnthly �ay�tt�nts rcfcrRV1 ta i�parugmphs 1 und 2 or rhangc thc umuunt uf thc p:iymrntq. If <br /> unticr pafcigra��h 31 thc Pmperiy is u��uin�1 by [.cndcr. 8arrc»��cr'�righi tu nny intiuru�nr pulicic�cind pnured�resulting fmm " <br /> dum:�;e p�Ihe M•��perty prior t��thc ucyui�idon shnll pass ta I.ender ta Ihe extent uf�he�umti sttuned by thir S�curity Insirumenl <br /> imR�cdintcly priar ta thc ucqui+idun. <br /> 6.[kvwpancy, p�rs�crvution. QtAintcvwnce an�i Pratcctlo�i of thc Pruperlyi Burm�rcr's i.e►un Application;l.tK�.�rhold�. <br /> aorn+wer sl�all�xcupy.cstahlish,anJ use the Pruperty us Bamo�vcr's principal rc�►dertce�vithin sixty dnys uRcr tho cxc�ution of <br /> this Sccurity Instn�mcnt nnd shail roa�timic tn c�ccupy titc Property a�Borr��vcr's principll nsidcncc far at least une yeae aRer <br /> thc datc aF ck�cupan�y,untc�ti l.atdc�othcnvisc ng�in w�iting. ��•hich consent Fh:sll no�be unreasonably� unless <br /> extrnuutin� circunLCtnncca eaist �vhtcb nrc beyanci Aorm�rrer's r�ntrol. �irro�ver shall nat desiray. dam.�ge or impair the <br /> Pn�petty. alk�w the Pm�crls ta deteriamte. ar commit wnste un tRc Piroperty. 8orro��e� shuil be in default iF nny farfeituro <br /> uctian or prorecclin�.whcther civil or criminal, is t+egun that in L.c�xtcr's gcwd fnith judgmcnt conSd n.sulc io farfeiture aP the <br /> prapetiy��:��therwisc n�ateriidly impair the lien created by�his Securiq•Instrument ar L.endcr's se�urity lnterest. Ib,iuuer may <br /> cum such a defuult unci eeia+tato,as pmvidcd in pamgmph 18�by causing U�e uctiun ar pmcec�di���ta be dismis�i with u ruiing <br /> that. in l.ender's gual fuith detenninatian. prccludes furfeiture�f the Bnrm�vec's i�terest in the Pmpeny ur �ther mate�isl <br /> tmpair�nent of the lien created by this Securiry Insttumem ur Lender's security intecest. Barrtti�ver shull ul�be ir dtfault if <br /> Smtviicr,c-i�tfi3�ti�kta��IcAi3it�psc�,ast�stt�ilsllY fe4_e e+s�:._�!��;,�f^�*_!��t�r�n ur 4uttc���lts[n Is�xlcr 4�fefl�cl <br /> tn pmvide Lensicr�vitA uny ��ltcric�l infarmatian)in conncrti�n aith the luan evidenced by the Note.including,but aat limitcd <br /> to. n^�msentntions cc�nceming Bormu•er's uccup:►ncy of the Pr�uperty us o principal�+csi�ten�e.If this Secwity Instrument is on u <br /> �,,,�,�_ u�..nw:� �t �.,�+t, wit� till thc Qrovlsinns af ihc lG1SC. If Bornowcr acauims fce tiUr to tAe 1�toperty. the <br /> teasehold nnd the fae titic shail�,t�i�rge unfcs5l.e�de:agcc�s ta eAc�er in wtiting. <br /> 9.Protertian ot 4eader's Righte ta Qhc Propert�,•.If 8arro��er fuits to perform thc m�enants and c�reement9 containal in <br /> tAis Sccu�ity Instrumcnt. ar ehcre is L lcgal prucceding that m�y signifcantiy affcct 4ender's rights in�he i'raperty(such ti�n <br /> procccdiog in bankruptcy, pu�l+atc,far catx�cumalian or farfeitum ar w enfar��e lu�cs ar r�gulations).thzn Lcnd.^r may do und <br /> pay far whacevice is neccs.s�►ry ca pmteci�hc vuluc af cho Prapeny nncf L.endcr's riEht�in �he Property. I.enlee's ostions m�y <br /> inctude paying nny sums secuccd by o Ilc�� �vhict� hav prlariry ovcr Ihis Securlcy Instrumcnt. agpcaring in coe�n, paying <br /> tr�soruibte att�mcys'fe�s ait�entcring�m thc Piroperty to makc rcpain.Although Le�dcr m�y tuke uctian�uxl:r this paraarap� <br /> ?.Lcndcr da�nat h:i��e ta do so. <br /> Any nmuunts dls�ursad by i.c[Kicr under this patagrnph 7 shall bcronx udditiunal dcht oi Homaw�r sccured by this <br /> Secudty l�tn�mcnt. Unless Borrowcr mxi Lcnder aBree to athee tcmu af payment.thcse amaunts sAall bear intetest froan tl�o <br /> dat� of disbursen�cm at tne Nate ruto and shall bc p�yuble. with iatcre�t. upun nc�tioa from I.e�der to B�orrav�er rcquesting <br /> poynxnt. <br /> A.i�loitkage In�uti�c�.if Lender rcquired nsongage insuxnnce as a.�o�dition oi ma�in�[he lav►secured 6y this 5ecurity <br /> instrtnnent. 8onower shall pay tho pr�miums recsuired ta maiutain ttto nwe�gnge insumncc in effccl. Ii, far cu�y reason, tho <br /> rrnor�gagv insuranee mver,�g:nhuimd Dy l.end�t lapses or eeases ta t+e in efFect,Bc�rraw�er shall p�y the prcmiumv�cquired ta <br /> abtain cuverage substuntiully equivutcnt tu the mostgage ir�urance pmvtously io a cost substantially equivalent tu the <br /> cast ro BarmK-cr of thc mo�gago insamnce pmviously in ef'fert. fmm an al[emato mong:�e insurcr uppm�•ed by Lendtr. If <br /> eubstn»tially cqc�:f11�e0t I11t�rtS3gC IOSUtUM`�COYCt'1$0 IS I10t AYAIIADIC.BRii01YCi fJl�II j.t�y[(1 I.CiKICi C1C�1 IIIOri$1�6llI11 P.Q113I�U <br /> one-tNe1Qh of tRe ycarly mariga�;e i�surar►c�pmmium bcinII paid by Rarmwer when tho ln.5utt�nce cavcrc�e lapscd or ccased to <br /> De in effcci.l.cndcr will nccept,use Fu�d retain these paymcnts as n la�.� resene in lieu of nwrigage insuranze. I.��ss rescive <br /> P«m 9oZS ol80 <br /> Pa�3af0 <br /> — --_—..�,l;."�$SY��L'�-z��m:vsvi���.� _ <br /> ...�k.'�j4w �,�t r <br /> �+. �' r,. � ��'�!�sN��t�°'d��� <br /> �ai������w"�`� ��FP+n�-� a +*.�, '�,s° r — ------°'°—"�°' —_'- <br /> ,}[ rn7.i�.... <br /> .t 5<�7 si , Fy k'afl9"�y:F�S �_ . . r-:w�r�.ar� —�vm¢.�sv�cs- <br /> y P •Z� . <br /> .�.'F I , .y���M-_ _��., ? .� ' . I . • 7�.`*. ��`��_. <br /> �� � l,�. <br /> -,'�_ •�t� y �� - !�!„� � ' � �1�4.�. <br /> n <br /> •s�ira__ �� ;�:.`���.' � fi��� a i .. v ..'ytr¢iL t ,�TS- 'r� so�;�rras_�_.—�-- <br /> a.�� * �►',. • '��#'" 5`�y, ���'FI�4 S� ?��t,^`r '.r.K^ -- �- <br /> r r , t t9 ��..���i - . — <br /> -- ������,f/� y �',f� T rR.l -. 1, Y -r, .� Cr r y�:+L��i �!'X'�c�i�� — �...� �... —_-_ <br /> � �!y.d L i. a�.�,�k.b: �_�.n_ :'.. . .• icn ,.�- �l4 ���i �- <br /> r,w�.S'�r.€'�- � '°;' � n� . . .. - .. .' r _ — — -_ <br /> TMx�x .� .. -T i'+ �. f -:� _ _. <br /> 41R� ��(J� 'y{V71y 4A Y' �,•••�'�' �� I�„r�Ri%FiY��'r`i 1�74:� 'y�. . :' _ -- <br /> �aa'vw+ar,"�,.a''�' _•. ' s. �E"��'�'i,'� �7� =�'��'��_� <br /> _ � ' . <br /> r . - . -. ' _ . . <br /> _ y <br /> ..::, . .q . .1,,.._ -i l�'�.-'�-y'��� <br /> . '.- ���•�. <br /> �,,,} �� . — <br /> ____ -� 4� _ ,a �.s'����i!�''3. •- 7k'�''.y . �rii�'s� . �lfl.'�`-»�,� '}�V1J7Jfl�i- �R--.—�__.._... <br />