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�� ..'�'�,�...-,r-�--r- -••:`'r:i�u .�.�• -i�.�:.. `,4• . ., , , <br /> ltl� `�v�—--` .�i"'i`�i .a'- f i ��, r.��•`.�e1.�.:. . .:. � �.,j, ! . . . <br /> , _ . . . . _.. :•_ . _ i.. . ... ':1,:jr. . . � <br /> , _ , '� . - .. .--. .._' �: 1 <br /> � �. __- ;r... 5 ". . � . . y <br /> �,q{'. .,� . .. � _�.. � <br /> !` °�� ., � <br /> t I t': . . .. • ,,i'._ <br /> `� ��� 'y` .�=='`y..-.,-'^--_�a•�.mc'wG""�"'...._��.=�.--� - <br /> � - -f'� --'----1-�...._._._.4_.. .� <br /> ���� ����� - <br /> 7Y3Uf]TI1fiEi 1V1'fH aU th�ineproventent�nuw ue tie�reat�er crcctc�on the�n�{rerty.litill 11I)Ci1`ECI\1CIi15�ap�uct�: � ►eeg�utui <br /> Ilxturea now �►r hrrc:�flrr u paq af iho prog�ny. All replacenunls nnd cddfU�mv �;{wll uls�� h� ��ovcrc�f hy Ihis Scr.uriry <br /> InSt�un�cnl. All ai'li�o Corc�t��inB Iy rePcrrcd tn in Ihf�:icriitily Inste�nnc�u�►s Iha Prnpcny. <br /> t�Q)12liU1V1iH t'11V1�Nl�NTS Ihut[3urPU«•cr ir►I�.tv6idly scl�cd of thc calntc hcrchy runvcycd nnd lu�v ihc right t�►tjrant t►itd <br /> cv�nvcy q�e Pr��pc�ty und tha�thc Pr„perty ly uncncumbcrcd. caccpt `i�r cnrumbri�n�r�s�f rcannl, l�urr'u��cr �vur�'unls wid will <br /> dcfe�xl�;enerull�tho Iitlu tu thc l��x��m�ty ng►dnst ull eluimr nnd dcmzunl�.bub�i�1<<►uuy cncumfirnnc�ti uf fem�d, <br /> TIIiS tiI�CURITY INSl'1tUIN�iNT��umbincs unit��rm cnvenants tnr aWhnj�tl n�e N+�����++�iCurm�avcunuts �vith iimit.,� <br /> vc��iaU�me Ay Jurl�dicUun t���vmstltutc i►unlPurm sccurity in5tn�mcni�uvc�inII rcal pm}+�tiy, <br /> 11NIFnRM t'qiit3NAAtTS,tiorra�vcr im�i t.�ii�t�F cv�vtnani.tad:I�i��Y It1��U1Y9: <br /> l. �bynient oP 1'rinclpal and interest� Prcp�ymcnt anc� l.�tc Churgcv. Hurm���er tihntl pnm��uly ray when due the <br /> prinrlpnl af a�nt intcrcst an Iho debt evidcnrcd by the Nato and nny prcpnyment und lutc chnr�rs Jue u�ider tho N��tr. <br /> E. F1u�dy fiir'I's�xcw and lntiurance. SuhJcct tu appllrubie luw nr tn a written wiiivcr I+y I.cndcr. 8��rn►wcr hh.dl puy t�� <br /> Lcndcr an tho di�y manll�lY paYn�ent�;urc duc undcr tho Notc,until tho Nutr i�pai�llo full,u num t"Fund�")lirr:lul yeurly tnxcw <br /> and nsseg.r•menty whlch may attuin prlurity over lhls Sccurity In.rtrumcnt ir.+n Ucn un the�►upedy;(hl yenriy Irusehuld paymcnis <br /> ��r gruund rents un tho Propcny.if nny;(c)ycarly hnrard ur praperiy inrurnnrc premiums;(d1 yca�ly Quud i��sumn��c prcmiun�.s. <br /> iP any; (e)yca�ty martgagc inwumncc p�en�iums, if c�oy;imd (il uny r�umy puyiiblo by Hurniwcr to l.r.nder, in ne�brdun�ro�vith <br /> tho pruviaians of pa�ugmph 8, io licu nf thc payn�cnt��i mortpa�c inrurcmcc prcmium�.Thesc ftcros nre callcd"Sscm�v ltcros." <br /> l.endcr may. iit any timc. cnllect und I�ald Fundo iu au nm�unt not tu ox�rcd tho maxi�num nmaunt a Icndcr fiir n fcdcmlly <br /> relatcd m�rtgoge laun mi�y rcNuiro fi�r aarrowcr's cscruw urcount un�tee the fcder.�i �cai �st�ite S�ittcment Prc�rcdures Act of <br /> 1974 ns uittcnded f�am time t��time, 12 U.5.C.Scctiun 2601 et seW, ("R�SPA">,unlca�unother Imv that opplieti ta tho Funds <br /> ►;eta a lcaser amaunt. lf sa. Lender muv. ut►iny timc, �v�llcct und hald Funds in un umuunt not tn cxcc�vl the lcsser anwum. <br /> i.cndcr may estimnto thc cimount aP Funds duo an the basi�nf current dutn und rei►sanabio estims�tcs af exps�nditures af tliture <br /> 8scm�v Item.g or athcrwisc fn uccurdance�vith applicnhlo li�w. <br /> Tho Funds shall hc held in an institutiun �vhaso depasits aro insurcd by i� fedeml ii�ency, inst�umentnlity. or entity <br /> (fncluding Lcnder.iF Ler�der is such un institutian)�r in uny Fcderal Ham�l.oan Bank. l.ender shull upply the Funds to puy iho <br /> Bscrnw Items. Lender muy nat churge Harrowrr far holding and applying tho Funds.nnnually a�nlyxing the escrow <br /> verifyln6 thv Bscraw ttems.unl�s Lender p�yy�arrnwcr intcrest on tha Funds and npplicablc Inw pern�its l.ender to mnko such <br /> n churgo. However, Lendcr may reyuiro iiorrawer to�ury a one-timo charge far nn indeR�ndcnt mal cstate tnx repo�ting scrvico <br /> usec! by I.endcr in conacction �vith this laan, unles� npplicabio law provides athenviso. Unicss nn agreement i� made ar <br /> epplicublo Inw reyuirc.9 intcnst tu b�pn1d,i.r•nder shnll n�t bo requirct!to puy 8orrowcr any intcrest ar enrnings an tho�unds. <br /> Burrawer and Lcnd�r may c�rc:a in w�iting. howaver. thut iaterest shnll bc pnid on tlie Hundq. I.endcr shall give to AUr-ruwer. <br /> without chsugc. un ctnnunl nci�ounting af thc Funds. shawing credits und dcbits ta tha Funds�nd Ihe purposo for which cich <br /> debit to the Funds��•a9 made.�ha k�unds a►re p1ed�;ai�.q additianul socurity for nll sums sccurcil by thia Srcur�ty Instrument. <br /> if tho FLnds held by Lcndcr excuxl the nmaunts permittai ta be h�ld by ugplicAble Inw,l.endcr ahali uccount tn�Ho�Tnwes <br /> far the exces�Funds in nccordance with thv re�uicemerts of impli�bl�taw• Z�'i�C a�.':��f s��'���'�` �s�t cu'V <br /> dmo is nat sufficient to pay the Bscrnw ltems�vhcn due,l.ender muy so nc�tifj�Bottower in such ca.��.�orn�wcr <br /> shall pny to Lcndc�tlie iimaunt necessnry to n�nko up the doflcioncy. Uorcawer shnll mnke up thc dc�ciency in no mam tha� <br /> tweive momhiy�az'���li�ia�. <br /> Upun payment in tl�il of nll sums securat by this Srcurity instrument. Le►utec sAs11 promptty reflind to 8onower eny <br /> Fu�stils held by l.ender.if.under paropmph 21.Lender ahnll ncquire or sell tho Properiy.4ender,ptiiar to tho ncquisltion or s�la <br /> of the Property. shnll apply uny Funda held by t�c:ndcr at tho timo of acquisition ar r,ulo t�u crcdit ugainst tho sumx seeitred hy <br /> thia Sccurity lnstn►ment. <br /> 3.Applicxtlor�ot Poyments.Unless npplicnble Inw provide.9 otherwiso,ull paymente rcccivcct by L.ender under parasruphs <br /> 1 und 2 ahull bo oppltod: any prcpnyment churges duo vnder tho Nate; �scaand. to cimaunte pAyublc under parnE;aph 2; <br /> third.tu intcrest duc;founh,ta principal duc;and lnst,ta iuiy lata chur�c.9 duo undcr the Nato. <br /> 4.Cdarg�s;l.tcns. Rarrrnver hhatl pay cdl tnxe�s.assessmentR.chnrges, fines nnd lmpositians atYributablc ta tha Praperty <br /> which may attuin prioriry aver thls Sccurity R�strument. and leu.cchald puyments or ground rents, lf uny. Borr�wer sl�ull pny <br /> Ihese abligations in tho mnnner pravldcd in�:rs,��raph 2,ar ii nat puid in cRat manner.�orrawer shn!9�y thtm an time di�crtly <br /> to the persc+n owcil p.ayment. Dorrawcr shull promptly fu�oish to l.endcr A�l naUces of amaunts ta bc paid under thl�pnrngraph. <br /> lf Borrower mAkca theso payments directly.Harmwer shull pmmptly Purnish to i.ender recclpts ovidoncing tho paymenta. <br /> Borrower sh�di pr�imptly discharg�any lien which hav pnurlty aver this 5ecurity ti*��trument unle.s.5 Aarrnwer;(N nIIre�.w in <br /> w�fUng to thc pnyment nf thc o6U�i�tlan secu�^�d by tho licn in a manner uv9aptabfo ta Lc�idcr;(b)cantcsts in�ood ialth the licn <br /> by. ar defcncis again5t enfarcement of tho lien iu. iegu! proce�dinga which in tho Lender'F apinian operutc ta prcvcnt c}Y: <br /> ens�nYrcment af the Uen;ar(c)s�ares fram tho hnlcier of tho Ncn un agreemcnt raatisfactory ta l.cnder subordlnating tho licn to <br /> this 5ecurity Insuumcnt. If l.u:t;�ar cletermines that uny pnrs of tho Arapetty ia subject ta u Ucn«hich mny attnin�r?ority avcr <br /> ' thiA Sccurity Insuumcnt. L�cnder mny�ivo Barr�wer u natico identifj+ing tho Ilcn.Bamawer Ehnll sntisfy the licn or tuke ano or <br /> rnorc of tho uosions sct farth�►bovc�vithia 10 dnys of tho�iving of natice. <br /> I�onn 3028 9l9Q <br /> v�po 9 m a <br /> � <br /> -_---_— ----i�--- — - <br /> -- ir�in-,...-_,+t...,� - <br /> -----�.�ean�c3�_erYe�r�� •••.-'-- <br /> � � ;������' �Sf}'��i • Z,, n#�.'re tty `� _ ----.. <br /> .ii� "i�4.�' -�"`�ti.� � �.� ��. . •�t�, �. rv�- ' � _ ��� - <br /> i_3:�,"q` - 'Y.' • '} _'�.�� �r�.� --= <br /> �Pi'T��` ' .4� �r. :,.j�{4a�jl'. •. r�. . r, Q�, r- .,i�� .--_� .. ------- <br /> ��¢ ' .-;� �``�=�_yiy- ��� .�. <br /> ,�1� 'M1 , 1 � 4.,� ' �. — _ — . . <br /> ,yr -`� � �fRETA <br /> .f�S �tt+?�TT1���f��e�a.i. . � .- f1'3; �� - _ <br /> a!��� �,�`1�,nS���7�'°� kSt-'�4� __°��J . . �a'�J` : Nf'+�'''R!`�trt r <br /> ri �.� � � .�.��r i�.r � �i '�' � . / h ��4y�l�� ------ ° ---- � . . _ — -- <br /> ���p,. 1��. � I ., f._ S 1 ' . . • . � ,1 � , �!}A.IM�' .. <br /> • .. ` y , <br /> / L ti --- <br /> 4 ��. . - � . � � � �t � _. <br /> � �y ;�~ T � �. � � :a � { � �< _' - <br /> ��':_ `9�t k , �a. r'����.'���f�,r T�: `;�.� ., ,.�� . — •-�------ <br /> �r� �• ,y�. " , ,� ;,.. r•,�r��! <br /> .rl.k��.:�7y. .. . .. C...Ri�+'d_ ?�.5�?ti�+.t�"T,►,. . i�. .. �.� -----� .��----- <br /> � �, <br /> .. - - <br /> r.�t'r�. . .- r +:y��, .ifiF r+y � 1- �. i . ti� _-- . <br /> �'"�'4� . �,. r 'n'X;'=���:.�c j'd ,.. - _ .' y_Tn�_ �'--� �----- . <br /> �;;1 d� .a'� .��Ph.+�� A�1i�a'�9�1�f�l��ff�Si=_`.'"'"'�.�k�k, , ,r,,, ;��� <br /> � _� ��.. ,� . . �-#, . ___— -- _ - ---- _ _ _ <br /> � <br /> o.---'s� � � ll�*i :'.��i .��i.t�•�rC'c}L3Y.�. _ . ., ., ,. •:�.s .. . .. . . ;,� - <br />