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<br /> BencQciney to tho purchascr or acncQclury. -
<br /> f. Na wW kCap tdo s�Id 4src�ises iA as�t►c�d ordor aud condtdon aa fhhe;y�ta ugw�d�v11!aQt sannit
<br /> Qr�e��it�ny w�to t��re�l�ccas�gabl�wc�c�d tcn�e�epted,und tn tba��.nt at eha&�ll�r8 c�f
<br /> tho Tnutor to kcap tho bulldings un ec�ld prcmis�t cu►d thoso to 6� o�astcd oaa a�►3d piamL�ar
<br /> icnprovomcat�thereoq in good�tRntr,tko DeaaRdacy�oy msko er,c6 ropaira as ia tho UoaeQdur�a
<br /> dtsc�rctlon it may dcan�aeccsaaxy Por tE�o praper pressrvatiou thereo�nnd aay�um�pald tor su�
<br /> repuirs ehuU benr tntcrast Gow th�dnto of paymeat ut tho�uta apea�ied in tho aoto,ebali bo duo
<br /> and payabio op dcmacd nnd ahnll bo tWIy Qecured by this Dccd o!7'cuat.
<br /> s. Ho wW aot a+ithout tho prtar wrlKan consant of Wo�eaafldnry voluntarily crcato oa permtt to bo
<br /> created ugniaat tho propecty sub}ect to chl+Dced et�any Ueu9 tnferlar or augcrior to tho llan
<br /> of this Dted ot'frust ucd Authsr t6at ho wtll keep and mainwia tho aamo f�ea trom tho claim of nU
<br /> persaaat supptying tnbor or mntcrl�ls whic6 will enter tnto Ihe censtructtan of any and ull hulldlags
<br /> aow boiag erected o�to be erected on�uld promises.
<br /> 6. 'Ao wW not rent or assign any purt oP tha ront of soid proparty or demollsh,removo�or stt6standaUy
<br /> altcr�ny buildtng without tho written consont of t6o ecacildary.
<br /> 9. In tho avant tho Trustor fails to pay nny Fedarul,atate.or loc�l tu�c as4esgmont,incame t�or othe�tt�llan,
<br /> �nrgoi fee,ar other orpenso c�harged to tho property hcralaabavo descrlbed,tho BeaeQdary Li hereby autb�,orized to pa�y
<br /> the samo aud any aum so pald by the Benattdary shall be added to and�acnme a part oY tho principal amount of tho
<br /> lndebtedaess ovldancZd by sal�promiuory aote. U the'IYustor shall pqy and dischargt�tho indcbtedness evidtnced by
<br /> a�id premis,eory nota and aLall pa�y auch a�a and ehall dtscaargo all teua and itons aad tho casta,fcea�and eiptnse9
<br /> of mu�np�anfordag and execudng thi9 Deed QYTnist,then.upon writtea reqaest of Henefidaryr and th�a sumender of
<br /> t6o Deed of'ilru�st and tho uoto to tho T�ustca�t6o Trustco ehali�aftor p�ymoat by Tcustor of tho 7Yusteo'a faes,racoAVOy
<br /> the propasry to tho Trustar.os to the persQn or peraons legaUy ensi�led therato.
<br /> 10 Tho Trustor coveaa�nts tlwt ho U lawti�lly ae�ud and possessed oi and t�tha dgdt to sall aad coavey satd
<br /> proputy;that tbe same is freo from ell encumb7acees�xcopt Ueas aad encambrano�r�ow ot reoord;and t6at ho her�by
<br /> binds 6}maetf attd bis succes�ora in intorest to wnrrant and defand tho title afan�aid thonto aud evcry put thareof
<br /> �gainst tho IawfW�taima nf aA peraans whom.waver.
<br /> il. For beaer aecu�iey oP�ho tadehzedaos�he:eby secured�ho Truscor�upon�he requeu ol�ho BanoIIduy,ia
<br /> sa�a or � �au e�ecate ano anuver s supptema�ai matt�� a mo�c&�8� ��8 �Y �4
<br /> improvomants, or bettermeata made to the property 6oninabow desa�bed aad aq property acqn�red after tho dato
<br /> , hereof(aU ia foim sadsfactory to(iranteo). FUrthermosa should Trusto:fAil to cure aay default ia tho psyment ot�
<br /> pric�r or tnfar�or onc��mbranco aa the proporty deacdbed by this ia��rumeat,Trustor her�hy�rees ta potmit BeaeRdary
<br /> to curo euch dofatdt,but BeaeSdary ia not obllg�ted to do so;and such ndvaaces s6all becomo part of the indebtedaess
<br /> se��vted by t�is iastrument,subjoc�t to the samo torffis and canditlaas.
<br /> A2. 'Y'hat all a►wards of damages In connection with any condemnadon far publlc uso ot or iq�ury to any ot stid
<br /> proporty aro hereby as�ed and shatl ho p�td to BeaeAt�sy,who may apply the t.amo to paymant of tlso iastallmeab
<br /> last duo uader aaW aotc,md tha Baaeflda�r�hareby authoslzed,in Wo aa�mo ot tho'M�star to wocamo�od dollvcr villd
<br /> Rcquittnncw therwf and to appeai Gora any such aw�ud.
<br /> 13. 33io 6sevaabla rlght ta uppolat a s�bstttuto Trustca or'Tnutcea i� heseby expressty gr�ated to Wo
<br /> Beuefidary,lsL9 auresssora or assigns.to bo eurdsed nt eay tLno hereaRer wIthout spccttjdag ac�4:oason thertfor.by
<br /> Gliag far rc�ord dn tho off:oo aharo tht� iastrumoat is recordr.d a �n�«utttudom af Trustco. P�nr to secordieg the
<br /> tuMiItutlon of'�teo, �copy o!cho iattrum�nt of tho substItudon at t6e successor'iYusteo�ball ba aos►iled to tha
<br /> Trautas and ell person9 a�o havo requested aoNca of deEault aad notico of sale by�g such cequest wIW tho c�ice oY
<br /> registor of deod�whare this Dted of Trwt ls recordcd
<br /> 14. IP moro t6aa ono persou joicsa dn tho execudoa of tbls insWimcnt as Trustor,ar u a,.^�yome so joined be of
<br /> tho feminino scx,tbo proaotuis aod relativo words used der�ia ahnll bo c�ad as i�wtittaa in t..'�a pl�ual or feminino,
<br /> — -- =_= -- — - --- ---- _
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