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<br /> •��"nl�l�M�i�P9
<br /> 'l'UCil�l'flt�E�tVi7'H nli d►e Dnpruvcmcntn nnw i+r hercaQcr c�rcctcd on�ho prop.hy, and ull c:��c�ttcuts,U(i�1U11CttQi1CC9,intd �
<br /> fl�tnm9 natv •�r hercaRer n p�►i �F thc pmpeMV. All replucen�.nt� und nddlllmt� SIUIII IlISU bc c�►vcml hy this ti�cuclly _
<br /> Intitru�r�,:nt.Ail ui'the f'ure�oin}�is refarred t��iu this Sccurlty iutitnm�cnl ur Q�c"Pm�.�ty." ��
<br /> [i�RFlt1WI�R('nVt?NAN'I'S thnt Unrrotecr ie In�vfi�lly nelsed of 1h6 cstnto hcrel�y cunvoycd und hnv the riHht t���runt t�nd _
<br /> canvcy thu N�•u��rty ond U►nt thc !'rnperty iy uncncumbercd,crcc�� fiir rncumhmnccs nt rcrurd, 11��rrowcr wnn�nnte nn+t wlll
<br /> dcfcn�l wcttc��i�lly It�o dilo tn thc Pruperty uguinst ull clidmv nnd�teman�9,subJect ta nny cncumhranrcr uf n�rur�l.
<br /> TNIS SfG�.1�ttTY INS'�RUM6NT cnmbtncv unlfarn�covcnnnt9 fi�r nntion�l usc nnd nnn•unifi�rm�tiwenuniy wftD Iltnitc�l _
<br /> vartutiuny by jurE�ciicdun tu r�►nrtituto i�uniti�rn�sccurl►y instrumcnt cuvcrin�eenl pmperty. �
<br /> t1N1FQRM COV�iNANTS.Harrower und tti�ndcr cuvcnant nnd t�Erec a�fatlawa: _
<br /> l. Fuymcnt af Pr3nclpsd nnd Ynteecsp PrepAyment and I.nta t,hn�cv. ilarn►�vrr hhnt) pj'�inipity pny wh�tt du0 thc� -
<br /> p�•Incipni of�ind Intcrc5t on the dcbt avfd�nrcci by thc N�t�atitd any prepaytn:�ni�a�!laic ehstrgr;�lur.utiater th�:Nate. �
<br /> 2. l�t�ndy fur Tnxes nnd Insurnnce.SubJcct ta upplirublc Imv ar t�u writtcn waivcr by l.ender, Hurruwcr nhull pay tu
<br /> lecndcr un Ihc dny mnnthly payments aec duo undcr tho Natc.unlil thc Natv is pidd in fup.n►+um t"s'undK"1 tiu:(o)ycnrly taxcs _
<br /> and ntiscssments which muy attidn priority m�cr thix S�v:urity lnstn�ment u.v u licn un dic Pmperty;(b)ycarly lcnschaltl pnyntcntA —
<br /> pr gruund rents mi thu Propcny,if nny;(c)yc�u�ly t�waud ar pruperty insurnnco premiums;(d1 ycnrly flond inyuronrc prcmiu�riv, --
<br /> if nnyf(�1 yc.�rly muitFi�go insur�nco prcmlums, if uny; uad(fl nny sums payiiblo by 8���rowcr to C.endcr, in c+crcminncc wtth
<br /> tho provi5ianv af'par�,ernph H, in Ilcu of the payment of m��rtga£c insurnnco premium9.'Q'he�e item�ure calicd "�'scn�w Item�."
<br /> L.cndrr mny, cn aiy tim�, cpllcct and hold Fundy in en nnmunt iwt ta cxcecd thc mnximum amaunt a lc�idcr f'ur a fcdemliy
<br /> relntcd mnN�;n�c loun m:►y rcquire for Boirawer'a escraw uccowit undur the Pederc►I Reul Bst��to Settlement P�aredure4 Act af
<br /> 1474 ny nmenQcd Pram tfmc to dmc, !2 U.S.C. Scctian 261�1 cr se�,�. ('RBSPA").untcsy anathor li►w thot applicw�o tha Fund9
<br /> xets o ievscr c►m��ant. if r�o, Lender mny. nt any time,callcct nn�l hold Fund9 in i�n umuunt nut to excecd tha Icsscr nmaant.
<br /> l.�nacr may cstlmuto thc i►n�ount of�unda duc�m tho bavis of rurrcnt dntu i►nd reusannblo cstimAtcs ai expertditurca nf ILwro
<br /> lixceuw Itcmv or othcnviFO in acrnrdt�ncc�vith appHcable Inw.
<br /> Thc Fun�is shnll bo hcld in �►n iostitutian whasc dcpasits itre insured by u fcdcrul abuncy, instrumcntulity� ar cntity
<br /> (lncluding l.ettder,if l.endcr i�such an institutian)ar(n uny }�ceieri�1 4ioma I.�mn Bunk,l.endcr xhuU apply tho�unde tu pny iho
<br /> Kscrmv Itetny. I..ender mny riot charge B�rmwer fi�r haldin�anrl upplying tho Funds,nnnuully unatlyzing the esc�rnv c:ccnunt.��r
<br /> veritj+ing thc E3scrow Items,unless l,ender pnya Bocrower Intcrest on the Funda u��d applicable Inw permit�l.cndcr to niuko such
<br /> u chnrgo. liuwovcr, l.cncicr may requiro 8armwc�to pny a unc-time chargo for un indcpendent reiil estnto tax rc�x�rting��rvico
<br /> u!�cd hy l,cndor in cumtection wfth this l��rm, unlPSS appHcablo I:��v pravides athenviso. Unless an ugreement Is nmdo ar
<br /> appli►t►blc Itnv rcc�uires int�reat to bo puid,l.endcr shnll not bc rcqulrcYi ta puy Barra�ver uny interest ar cuminge an tho Funde.
<br /> tl�►r�nwcr nnd l.cndcr muy ngrce in�vdting. however,thn�i�terevt shull be puid on thv Fundy.l.endcr ehnll Bivc ta 8orratvcr.
<br /> wlthout churgo, cui nnnual�aaunUnF af tho Funds, ehawMg crcdits and dehtt� ta tho FundY and tha purposo fbr which cnci►
<br /> acGit ta tho Funds wa.g mud�.'�ho FundH urc plcdgcd u�adJitioniil securlty for all aums sccurcd by thts Sccurity Instniment.
<br /> If thp t'unds hctd by Lender exeeed tho amaunts permitted to bu held by opplicublo law. Londer�luill uccaunt ta Honowot
<br /> Pi►r 1he uxeess Punda in accordnnco with the requiremente of npplicublo la�v. �f tho eunaunt of tho Fund9 held hy l.endcr at nny
<br /> timn ix m�t�ui'Rricut tu pAy tl�a Escrox Items�vhen duo. lAndcr mAy so notify Hoamver in�vrldn�,aad, in such cnye�ottowot
<br /> xtmti pay �„ t.cntfc�tho nmaarn noc�snry ta rrmico up tho dcficforicy. 8am��shaii mak�u�s tt�e cl��lc3�c�;#n��t�s -
<br /> twcivc mcunhly poymcntfl,nt I.endcr's sola discretion.
<br /> Upun pay�ttent in tltll af all sums serured by thi� Sccurity Instrument, I.onder shnll pramptly rofUnd tu Elorrowor any
<br /> �::#��i,�s�!€.u�'#s�r"asa�l�=!�l�r�..lts�ltsll���s��t�v��nn�ty; 1��u_ler;neli�r to thn nct�ulslilon or sslo
<br /> of�ho Prnti�rrty, xhull npply ony Fundv held by l.ender at tho timv of acquisiti�n ar c;uio as u crc+iit u�ui�ist th�suns secured t�y -
<br /> Ihix Scc�uity Inrlranicnl.
<br /> 1,AppllcAtlun aT Puyments.Unless epplicnble law provides otherwiso.nll pnymcnta recelvecl by landcr under purugrnphA
<br /> 1 aix12 xhull t►a nppllcd: first, to nny prcpaymcnt charges duo widor tho Nato; gccond, to i�maunts paynbiu undcr par�gruph 2;
<br /> third,tn inicrcrt dnc;faurth,ta principal duc;und last,co nny lutc chArgcs duo undcr thc Not�.
<br /> A.('twry{est I.lens. BUtlOWO�9IIf1II�fAy AII til!(09,ii.99E9Yp1CT11S. churges,fines nnd impasiUanv attcibutablo t��thc l�ruperty
<br /> whlcb nwy uituln prlarlty �ver Ihia SGCUriry instru�nant. n�d Icnschotd pnymcnte ar ground rents, if uny. Harcowcr shall ptty
<br /> ihe�a i�bN�ati�n�y in tho mnnnar provldetl in parogrnph 2. ar if nat pnid in thnt mnnnor.aarrower al�all Fay thcm on timo dlrcctly
<br /> tu tho�xrM►�o uw�l paynient. Borra�vor Rholl pramptly flirnish t��l.ender ul! noticea af umounts to bc puid undoc this pnrograph.
<br /> iP Fk�ru�wcr uial►cs thcsv�ymenta dircctly.Borrowcr ehnil promptiy furniah to I..or►�or recoipta avidencing the puymcn�9.
<br /> qurrawcr xhnl){�rmnptly dischnrge uny lieyi whtch hns prindty ovor this Secw•Ity Iust�ument untess 8orrawca: (n)agne9 in
<br /> writbt{j tu ihc pnyntcni uf 11w ubliguiiw��+ccuro�l by tho licn in ti m�►nncr Acceptablc ta l.onder; (b)contests in gaasl fnilh tho licn
<br /> hy, ur defcnds uguinst cnforrcmcnt af the lien in, icbfil pru�eeding9 �vhich in the I.endcr's npinion operato ta prevent tha
<br /> enf����ceu�cnt ��P 1ho licn; ar fe)ecct�res from thc haldor of tho lien n�i ngrcement hnti9fnetnry to I.cnder subordinnting th�Ilen to
<br /> Iblb:�cutlty Imti�un�cnt. IP t.ctidcr dcterminey that any piirt af thc Praperty ix sub�cct t��n licn which may uttnin priorlty avcr
<br /> Qdy Sccurity InKtrumcnl� I.endcr mi�y givo Aorrower A natico ldcniityinp�hc licn. 8areowcr shs►Il satisfy the licn or takc ono oe
<br /> nEOro oP thc actl�mv K�I fnnh ahc►vo within l0 dnya af�he giving of nodca.
<br /> Forta 3018 9/A0
<br /> POpO�010
<br /> — -- ��_'�,T�S.Y:"� r
<br /> ---- —°—°---._ �..
<br />