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<br /> _ . _._t.;� 8�.Bc►��'a Cnpy. Aun��r:��!i�:�i_vc7 ono c�nf�ic�1 eo�y af thfl Not��nc��i�tic�sriry l��ts�rtmnt.
<br /> . 19.'1�a�s�tev a�th�W+apt ur�@e[ttii�lN InteFr�!tn�3n�ati�tt. !t a11 ar nny part af tAo Pr��pc�iy ar unY intet�st i�it i� �
<br /> . ha �ly
<br /> sdil ar�sfurtil(ar(f a k c�e t i l C l s l t�i E C 1 c 5 1 l[t l k�.i n w:r i 9�a l d t t r t n:n s f C r r C�!attd Btl�utyrcr i�nnt p nNural�c s�csn)witRout �_.
<br /> ur
<br /> Lc�uicr'e�ri�r writtcn can�.ai�.Lsnt4ccr may.�43 i13 U�tlon�y ulra imn�odlaw(►a�p�on blt d�b i�°.11 sum9 s�xumat by Ihts Secudty
<br /> r
<br /> insUUment.Nu�vovcr,tht9 apUon sl�al!not bo onc�scxl U Lcndc�(P aacrciso �► cctcral ln�v a3 of tA�dnto oP thl9
<br /> - Sauri�y In.vtnnncnt.
<br /> .- _-�... 1�I.cttd�t�cc�+ckx�Ih49 .Lt�4er ehail givn At�rmw�r nallr.o af AeCetetstton.711D R4{ICO�htill Dtt1VId0 8p�-rtod o!at►t ls,�s
<br /> 7!D
<br /> :: ,;..`_'- d�n�p d,Ya 6�n th�� ��; t � ^ witttla whi�h B�wat must pay�!1 sum.9 c�cctuod by thlq Sesurity
<br /> __-.__��-� T�n�It�c�uw�'ti�t9 _ z oaR�tNbaA of Ihls ptrt�d.t rndcC.r mny invttha any rtmed�pcsnf�tetl _-
<br /> ., by tflis St+cttpIqr G�situmcrtt w�►h9u1�! 'at tl oEe ilamnwcr.
<br /> ���=�� . f i 8.��s r s a F�i u�h a�e i u s u i i e. f' '�rs�� r�.�.t� �tn c4n�lL�n�, Re?+�►u� �all hnva thn r�aht m ttnvo
<br />.,---�;;,��. cnfataei►x,nt of this Socurity Instrumcat dL9oontinue��t pn timo prla�r to t ho car Uc�o� (a) S d nys(or Ru s h a l h c r p a i o d�
<br /> dL oo y wet of FaW a►ntatnod!n�hls 3ccurlt�►
<br /> _��,�:: apFticabW taw may��,far i�InstAi�emertt)b�fa�+o sata ot ttsa Pmpetty�ursuant eo snY Ro
<br />_ •- � Inatn+�ncn1•�ar(b)cnt�ry of a judgment onfw�cing d�i�Sccwity Instn�nkn��I110S0 OORNtI0A9 At0(ASl HOJi�OWfl:(A)p� e trcndcr all
<br /> ., 61Ui19�4111Ci1 IIt�TI Wauld bo duo under thLv Sucurity Inswmcnt end tho NoW s.v it no c�oolerntlon hod c�uucurred;�b)cures any
<br /> , =� ��aq�ny othc��pvtu�nts m agrc,^n�cnt�; o)paya uli uxpcnsos iacurrod in enfotcing thls Sccurity InsWmcnt,Lncluding,but
<br /> ; ` not llmttod W�reasonablo tuto�ays'foes:ond(�)taJces such actInn av Lcndcr may rcasonaDly r�aqulre to esswt�thut tho ticn oP this _�
<br />, '-' � Sacurlty Insinamcnt, L.es��er's dghte !n thn Propctty and Bnrrowcr's obllgntlon ta p5y th� sums socnrcd by this Securlty
<br /> z==;y�-' � InsWmcnl Ehail oondnwo unchertged. Upan relnsiatcment by Hotrower,lhis Sccurlty Instrumci►t Qnd tRo ob�atlonn s�umd --
<br /> :_y� hai _.
<br /> hercby stull rcnuln NUy efftcdva�v 1f na�coNeration had uocumul.Howavcr�thls right to�einstete shall not�y in Iho c�o uf
<br /> ��''; acccleration undcr para�aph 17. =-
<br /> = ;' 19.Suk o�Notai Cdange af l.oan&rviar. 7fx� Not� ar a partial lntcrc.�t in �ho Note (wgcUmt with thlv Sccudty =
<br /> '�''Y��� instrument)mqy bo 6ald ono�r moro times wlthout prior nodoo w Harrower.A salo moy result in a chango in tho endqr(tcnown =
<br />-_�T�. av tho"Loan Scnrlocr")Nat oollxis monthly ycncntv dua unrkr It►e Noto et�thia 5ecurity Insuumcn�11�ero elsn may bo ono ar
<br /> '��.-`�� `_ mas�a cliangcv oY tho Loan Scrvicac unra�to q snb of dw Nota If thcxo is u chen a of tha I�Stsvtcxx�Bomawer wiU bo
<br /> --,�.,� _
<br />'=a�"` '` �ivca�wdttcn nod�a of thu chango in a000r�k+noa atth parag%ph 14 abovo and�p b luw.Tho notloa will stnln tho nacna end _
<br /> '�-j , .,i � nddress of tho aaw l�cran Sorviocr and tho oddress co which paymcnts FhQUId{bo madn.71io nutioo will Nsa oontnin eny other =
<br />`-.=;-�n- infor�n�clonroquimdby licebk,law. -
<br />¢._._,
<br /> _-:��� ZO.H�nbuaSn Barrawer ehatl �u�t csuso or permit ths presencu,usa.d�sposal, swrage,ar ralcase of my
<br /> -':s� Ha��+don�Su6�gwioes on or irn 1ho Pnaparty.Harmwu shall not do.nor Allow anyono olso to do.�u►ythtng sfffacdng tha PropeeRy
<br /> ,,:��� tt�t is in vloWtian af any 8nvtmnmoaml Law.71a psaoodL�g two sentencr�s sh�ll nwc�ply to the p[�asenoo.wo.or stamge on�ho
<br /> Ptope»y of�mall e��an�itic�oP KAZarMuv Su�.�tanocs tUst ara ge�ntlty raoogui.xcd oo b9 a�FroPrlata to nomusl�dal�ses
<br /> .•:-a::ia�.�a�a at
<br />_-:� ond W maintcnanoo of tt►e ProA�Y. �
<br /> -:�=�±: Harmwes sha11 promptiY giva Leudcr written nuilco af eny investlgation. c�atm� dcinand�lawsuit ar othcr oction by uny -
<br /> _ °.",��.� govarnmenul or rtauLtcYxyagcncy or prlvaGO pwty involving the R�aperty and any Haxardous 3ubstanoo or Bnvironme,�tal Luw �
<br /> '��.�y:�� _.
<br /> ==���� of which B�mower he�v ectua►tnowkdga If�onowu k,am.�,a iv nWlfiod by�ny gavemmc�►tal ar rcgWawlyr autS�erity.ihat eny -
<br />--_--- - ramovul or athcx rc�ncdistlon of eny ��a�ardous Sttbstanao affocsfng tho Pcopacty►is naae�ar�r.Huf,n�wer sh�11 paomptty tako a11 _
<br /> =`.���'!� neoessary temadial acdons in eoc�rdac�oa with 8nvironmeraal Law.
<br /> ;;.�Y._,_,�� Aa usod in Ws�rage�h Z0�"Ha7�rdaus Substmces" aro thoao subsurtoes dofined as mxic or t�tardous su�ncav by
<br /> --�-� Bnvlronmental l�w end tue following sub.ctances: �xsollne. tavs�ene� ather tl�n+n�able ar to�te petrokum ucts. wxtu
<br /> --"- �--- pestkWes and d�rbkid�s.vo�tlta colvents.materlals con�IninB ssbesios or fatma:d:hyda�and�udloaedve atnt As w�d in
<br /> = i]iiy parq�p�z�3�"�tv�nmemai Lew'�"'--- ���s t�tis��wts�s�P!�!Y!��._!!��
<br /> � to health;e�t'ety ar env,trQnment�tl protectlan.
<br /> ��� NON•4�."��DRN�COYBNANI'S.Homowcr and Lendu futtha covenaz►t and agmo as folbwa: -
<br /> - .._ - �- �i.Ac�esotlGai R.�etl�ss.l�tr elta!!Rtwa nolk+e to Botem►e�pHac to aealeratfio���ar�v�r�ms�i�w _
<br /> - --, Roy wveuant or ��retsnttat in thfe SesurtCy ynstrumcnt (bat teot prbr � acaleralbQ wnder P�L�Ph 17 unlas
<br /> - NpPfic�bb I�w Pmvkk��iherwise�.T6e nMka ahtU�pecfiS►t(A)the dt��tuk:�IDa t6e�tba ra�utred to ture tbe det�olli(c)
<br /> ..��� •date.uot le�t6Ap 30 d�ya flom pae tRAte t6c aoticc i�siveto to Bwrowcr.Dy wAtc6 t�e dcfiult must be cwre�li��►d(d�
<br /> ------� that hilnre to cure t6e defoult on or Ixfore tha d�te 8pcciPiM In t6a aotioe au�y rawN In aooeferAtbp ot tke sa�na�ec+�rcd
<br /> b�tl�lo 8tc�rit�i�trw�t aad ttae of tbe Propafp.The aotioe ew11(urt�r[atord Borm�ver ot t�e rtaht to re4dtate
<br /> - Wttt�ce�tio��Ad tAe�ht to erin�a muri AcNos to�eri t6e oun�eadate�re ul a deiauN or�v other dehrue oi
<br /> Bamowa to�oeeler�tio��d�ale.If ttie dehult i�aot cw+[d w or�tore il�dvte rpecified[o tMs�,Lader,�t iti
<br />----.. --___ _ �p�o.��.y�v�,e tu��eai.ce p.yae�t m rau ot.n enu��ecw�oa ay we seciut��Ioiav�ent wtt6ont t4�rther aa.iusa
<br /> �asy 41nxote tMe powar aP�ate ud a�y ol6er remedia per��t�nd 6y wppllr�ble dw.l.c�oider ehsll6e enti!!�d to oolkct
<br /> ��e.�pe+res i�ciu�red ia pur�uiiy�tik maedia pro��Wed ia tr9s parr��p�al�Im�cludLA�►6ut not limhed to„re�wwibfa
<br /> __—_ - atton�e�a'fta�nd�an rat titb evideace. `
<br /> _ . __ ___.._ !f�pawer o!�3� levoked,7Y�tee abAli ncard p notiee W del��L e�acti count�r t�wkici� A�y�urt d tre _
<br /> p m p e�t'M bpt�d�ad u�all m W ca�n d w►c�aMice r IMp iuiwaer pracrfbed by applicx6ie law to�orroNer�d ta tye
<br /> = atter ptreo�u pre�cci6al by�ppliawD7e IAw.A�ter the ti�e reqKhal b�oppltcADb l�w,7Ya�stce shaD�ivo pa 6 i l c n o�l c e o f
<br /> �ale to tiro P���►ad I�tbe�a�aMer prescribed by applk�6b I��v.9'raetee.witMout ikma�oe��orra�rer.�11 Kil tie
<br /> P�ropeety et prbli�e�uci�os to ttw hyhest blddea�at t4e tiae�ad pJsce and u�der the terms de�nated M t6e nat{oe M nb
<br /> —_�
<br /> — Pot�n'02f fJpO
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