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<br /> .___ �� • t��.�,,�!�`i���"� -
<br /> .� � : 6.�[g�etl�ur Prope�rl;a la9ttr�cu�a. f]a�ow�,r ehall kccp tho lmgsuvcment9 aow oaLtlna an c�rFaRcr Grcctati on lii�Property -
<br /> "'� hisur��tast lt�s3 by tira�R�rsrQg in�tud�1 wl��t�t t#�o ttxrt "e;t�n�t�tl covera�o"�zui c�ny�t�hauti�Iu�tu�f'taud�ct;
<br />� . ' ` � Ol�xx4tng,!��wh�.h l,c�tkr c�qutrs'.nsurancfl.'ifiis insara�tcn shntl6o tnaint�lnu!in t�o emc�un�a and for�ho poricxt�d�at l�d�r
<br /> � "°:� toqutc�a,'ll�o lns�tr�na�carvtcr{�avt�ing ttui Duatanco�tu�l1 bo choscn by Doriawcr eul+jxi tu Lcndcr'o c�provut wAtch�no�
<br /> . . `.,, tw unrr�ctnaDly wi�hht�ld. i� �ower Pntl� ro maln�in covc,nlKo d^�crit�l aDavo, I�c�tdcr msy. a1 L�cndct's apilan� obmin
<br /> . °,. 1 ocwrrng�4�pmt�l��a�•:�•e riglt�in tha!�r#�aty in�xdanso witA par�gceph 7. -
<br /> .-: = � All t�Znu�fi1►-o s�aticic�and�non�at3 Ett�q t��ccpsabW ta Lmd�and e?tall t�luQe e e�p�C4r�i�nc�t�e cln��,tsndcr afleli _
<br /> ,� - -- t�va�te�RI EO hoJd!he�I�a�d crau.swat�,I!'t,c�t rt�nes.ilxutu�r�s sh�t.l�Ity girru tn`,�ndrr all r+�ci�i�Qf p�td
<br /> -`.----- - }hC�uitilli'+l�631�i�It3Wd1 fti.L�.^�',8.1tt th9 4YCRt ttf E099,$�t}t��I g11I�!{KiTliltilt F1Ut�Cti t0!h4 IASt�Y@t#C�1 C�Tf183 @�{A�,f�t�C�P,l�
<br />__ . =_= rs�a;���z�f c�f!�if c�i t�-*�e��++��y!+y�a�r.
<br /> _.__ . .. unks�Lcndu end 8oirowcr oihawiso ngroo i�writing�insnnu�co prooce�ls ehntl bo appltM t�reswr�tinn m rcpntr of Ih� _
<br /> `�,;�� PtopcltS►damegod�iP tho e�swretton ar�c�afr i�oconomlcalty feasJbb and[�enda'a sccurity i��ut Icssc�l,lf ths c�to�utian os
<br /> rcpalr is aot ocan�mic�lly feusibu or L�endei's secudry wauld bo lcssenod.tho insuraROO procoods shail b�arplicd to tha sums
<br /> � sxurr,d by thL�3ocurlty Inswneent,whe�hcr or not thca� duo. with any auccss putd to Bamawer. If Bari►awer nbandans ttee►
<br /> ' Pmpcny.or does t�ot answcr withln 90 d�ys a nwioo from l�der that t�a insurnnoo wrrler haq oifar�xl w scttio a claim,�
<br /> Lendcr msy collxt�ho iJtsuranoo praards.d.under may uso Iho prooecds to repalr ar crstom ehe Property ar w pay sums s�cund
<br /> � i by�hi�Sccurity ir.�wment.whcther at aot thcn d�co.71ia 3Q�4y period wW bcgin whcn tho e�attoo 1s given.
<br /> .:•��-�; Unkss l.endes ond H�rowcr otherwlso qgroo i�writing�any qpplicadan of�xoccod�w princtpal shAll not o�tra�d or{�o.gtpono
<br /> ;..��-.� tho dua dato of 1ho monthfy payments c�efer�ccl to in parttgraphs 1 end 2 ar chengo the emaunt at tha{tayments.If undOr Rar�cAph
<br /> � ��-` 21 1ho Pro�ty is acqu�ud by Lcndcr.Horn►wer'e right to eny inaurcuw�poltcles and pmcc�ds ccsulting fmm dunotgo w the
<br /> . ,��� �P�Y P�r to thn aoqu9sltion sAall pass to I�endct w tho axtent ot tM�sEima securai by lhis Sx�uiqr Iasuumcnt i�nmodlamly
<br /> ;.,�,�.,.• � ptlu�W tho Ycquisidon,
<br />- � � ,� 6.OecupAncy.Prescrv�tbn�MaWttnAnae And Protcction a!it�Pnr�ertyi BorroRer'e Loxo Applkatbni Le�hafde.
<br /> =,:;�;"�.�. � B�awu slwll ooet+py�es�ablish,e�nd uso tM�Ptape�ty�8orrowcr'e princlpN residcawo withln st�ty deye stta tho axocudon of
<br /> - ",?�., , .� Qtiv SocnrI ty Inswtnent and sAatl condnuo 00 oocupy tho Fropaq►e�BorroWet's principal resWuioo for a�te.zst ono year ettor tha
<br /> dato af aecupeoay. unlcsv L�etjtlar otherwlse agraos in writing� wt�ich cons�nt ahal! nat b e un[�cavu n a b ly w i t b h e l d.ar u n k,s.w
<br />: :�'�.;.., : oaienu�ting ctrcumstances wilat widch em boyand Ho�row�'e oontrol.Bomower stuiU nat dastroy�damaBo or impair tho Pmperq►.
<br /> : • ` � a1Mw tha �'mparty to detcrloruts.or oommit waste on tho Pmpeny. Borrowar shaA bo in defeuls iP any fort'eituro actlan or
<br /> � �acoeding�whether clvil or criminal�Is begun th�t i�ixncbr's gcx�i f�1th judgmer►t oould result fn fodeiwro of tho Fc�oyeity�
<br /> , i . i othavvlsa mat�erlally lmpair tha Ilen cra�ted by this Sacurtty Insuumcnt or LcndaPB 60C111'It�l�t►(Cl�0.S1.BO�[iOWtf(Il$y►CilI�i BIICh 8
<br /> -� - _� detault and roiitstate.ag pct�vided in patagtaph �Q�by cunsing tho octlou or paooaeding w D�dlsmisscd with a tuting tt+at.in
<br /> �:.s:�.�$ [,ct�ter's ga�d falth det�em�i�aElon�Ptocludes fotfeittiro of It�o Boimwcr's interost in tha Proy�►nr ottter caatcxiai tcti « t of
<br /> de e
<br /> "���°���. thu lien crcatad by this 3acurity Instiument or Lcades's Fecurlpr lntorest.Bairower shall Nso be in dofauit if Bomower.dudng tho
<br /> ;'-:-.. loate applk�edon proccsy.gavo mat�7iaUy fc�LLso ar inaccureto infoimat�to�or statea�enta W Lender(or failed w provido I.ender with
<br /> ---�,-•'�� any ma�iat lnfomiatlun) in oonnoctbn with t�►u ban asvldenoed by tM Nota. lnctuding. but not limlLOO to. trpre�ntatla�s
<br /> �'"'-��r._
<br />--- ��"'ecR,�°itirtBR'St o���l i�s3 Ps�3R a�!�°!����1y Instrumen!L9 4m g�eh�1d,Bo�w�
<br />-_''°`����+;.� shaU comply wttd aU tho provlsloAS of tho tc�sa If B�+ower aoqufres foe dtl0 w tha Fmpesty.the leasehold t�nd tho foo dti�shall
<br /> _,_--=i ,a not merga unlcss l,ciulei qgtoe9 to tho merger in w�idng.
<br /> _ -= . ?_�et�4►s ot l.rader'a Ltdhfa�t6e 1'eone�ty. IP Bormw�faiL9 4�Detf�r[n tho COV�tB a�td a�a�n�t9 oont8tnod it1
<br /> __ . —_,; thiv 3ocm�iiy tnat�uti�it,c�r i3iera t�A legal pracr�r�Jng that maY slgni�adi+at!'t�l�da'a dghp In etee�r�ssqr(eucb t�e
<br /> -- ==�� pmceodin�in bankruptcy�pinbat��for condenu�adnn or fa�faipu+e at to caforocs luwa or rc�ulu�ons).thcA Lcnda may t!o and pay
<br /> �#� for wh�taver is naces.9ary a p�oroci�he vaiuo of�he Properq►and Laade:'s rlghts in tt�Pmpaty.Latdor's acdo�na may inchjda
<br /> paYin� ony aums sc,c�scd by a lian whkh hav priorI�r over this Security ItisUrumer�t�eppearin8 L�couct. pqying rcasona6b
<br />. --�� auwcfoye' fcav and e�'t�lag�n the Propexty w�naE�o repa�rs.Although Lea�dmr ms►y tato ectton unda this pereg�ph 7�l.cndcs
<br /> —' tbc,i aot twvo a do sm.
<br /> —� My acuannta dlsb��rsod by L�a►dar under t1►!s parngraph 7 sha11 b000mo ediiitioiwl dcbt af etmrowrr secuiod by thi�Sccurity
<br /> In�ttumcm�.Unkss Bw�rawFr wnd l.auier agrao W other tormg of ynyma�t,the�o wnaut�t�ehaU be�t interest fcam tho a�ato oY
<br /> --------'-•�A
<br /> �:� alabursaran�at aa Nato rato ana ehau ao payabla,with iacerest�upon nadoo froc�,l.enacr w aorro�cr rw e PAYn+��
<br /> —, e.Mort��=e I�ves�uec. lf l�u�dcr raquirod moitg�So insaranca av a candition of�rwkin8 the loan eaaarad by thls 5ceWritl►
<br /> In��4 aor[oW�c�aU g�y tho pmmiums requirod w m�nwin tha mactga,�o inseuance in effxt If. for any rea4an. tho
<br /> ��� mortgs�ga lnvwar►co oave�tago rrquin�d by LeAde�r lopses or ccases to bo In of:foct�Hon+nwer shall pay the piemiwns n5quired w
<br /> --- ----�' abu�oovc�ge snbstentialiy cquiti��nt ta tho mossgsl�a insura�e praviausty iu effect,ai a�ost subst�ndally equivaknt tc►tha
<br /> = oost to Barrower oY tbo mortgago�nsurance prevleuaty in cffcc�fmm an altcraata mattgago insurar ap�ovod by l�tv�ckr, xP
<br /> — substandaily equlva'b,~��motQ;ago insurance cavorago ia not availabb, Harrowar sliaU pay to Lcndu a�:Q anonth a sum cqw�l to
<br /> _ _�� atxrtwolfih oY ttte y«�rly mottgogo�nsut�ce prwnium bcin�paid by Borton�r when iho insuronca cov�ge lapsed or co�t�od W
<br /> ._--- bo in e�1F�s1. Lendce wlU ecccpt� uso and reiain theso paymcn�s�v a loss mservs in lien cQ mortgage lnsurance.Lass res�xvo
<br /> ____�� FotmeOpi ol�0
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