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<br /> _�_�,_�.�... .... ._°�'�7�'-".T'�..'7i'._...A�"'_'_"".� .�.�_..��' :r�":._�,..-�'`--_.�a._ -._
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<br /> rFta�rcd tn in parayrupi� 2. ��e�:h�ngc t6c mm�i�nt uP sF�ch�ymcntn. Auy�xc��y pruccc�i���vc� �+n imwu��t rr:yuirc�i tu p:�y ali ��
<br /> uW�.tmtdii�iitdet�tciEncss undcr Ih�Nuto u��d Ihi�;�curity In5lre+mcnt Fhall Is�palJ t��the en�ity lr�;{dly r�U{11��11hereta. _
<br /> 8. L�c��v,l.cndcr nwy cultr�l fec�und c0�'l�c�ctuthurizcd hy tha Sccrctu�y.
<br /> 4. t;twuatLv far AcmTcrpdnn of lkbt. _
<br /> (a1 Ikfi�ult. L.s�n�cr ntnY, exce�?t c►� li��ttt�l by regulndous (ssucd by tho 5rcr�tm�y in Ihc cn5c of p�ymcnt dcfuult9, `
<br /> rcyu{re imnudiutr pnynunt in Ilill uYull sumti sccured hy thls�rcarity Ins�n�ment iC -
<br /> (i)Rtwrwver defnults by f:dBa�t�►pay in full uny ntmuhly ��aymc�u�a�uircd hy this Sccurity In.rtn�mc�t prinr tu ur _
<br /> nn�hc dae dntc aP the itcxt muntldy paymc�n,ar
<br /> (ii) l�arrawcr dcfnulis by fniUng, fi►r n�crl�Ki oF�htny days. !c� perfi�rm uny ��thcr uhllguUu�►y cuntniacd M�his
<br /> Srcurity intilrumcu�.
<br /> (b) Salo Wlti��ut C��cdit Apptv►vctl. I.cndcr shall. if permittcil by applicnhtc luw nrnl with Ihc prfoe npprovnl �f the
<br /> Sccrcta�y,rcqufrc immccUutc pnynunt in fliil uf ull sums sccured by this 5c�:uriry Instrumcnt if:
<br /> (i) All nr pt�R of the Prc►perly, or u beneflcii�i intcrest in n trurt a�v�ing all ur pu�4 uf the Praperty. is suld ar
<br /> athc�wisc trnngicrnd(c+ther than by devise ar dcscenU by Iha l���rro�vcr.nnd
<br /> 1ii) Thc Pruperiy ix nnt axupicd by tho purchaticr ur g�.lntcc uti hiti an c�r principal residcncc, ar tho _
<br /> purrha�er ar g�ante�d��es su accupy the Pmperty but I�is or her credit ha,nat b�cn i�pprcived in accatd;►oce witti thc
<br /> rcquircments af thc Scrretary.
<br /> (c)No Walver.If circumstances occur that wauld permit l.cnder to rcquire immedinto�►ayment in fuil.but l.cndcr docs _
<br /> not require such paym�ntA.l.ender dacs not wnivo ite rights aith cespcct to subsequcnt evcnts.
<br /> (d) Regulattone ot NUG Secretary. In many canamstaieces regulntions issucd t+y �he Secrctnry will limit I.ender'A
<br /> rlghta in the casc of pAyment dcfuults ta rcyuire immediuto paymcnt in full And f'areclaso if nat paid. Thi�5�:cu�ity
<br /> instrumcnt doty nut uuthari7e aaelerutian ar fnrcclo:+un�if nut permlttcd by regulntiuns of tho Secrcwry.
<br /> (e)NT�rt�tege Nat 1n.tiurcvl. Borrawer a�r�es thnt hhoufd thia Security lastn+ntent tuid tt�o IVota r,ecured thcrcby not bo
<br /> cli�ible far insu�ance under the Natiannl Housing Act within 60 days fmm the date hereaf, Gcnder may.nt ite uptinn
<br /> und notwithstnnding nnytl�in�in pamgrnph 9. require tmmediato payment in fuil af all swns secured by this Security
<br /> Instrurn�nt. A �vriucn Ftatement c+f uny authorized agent oP tho Secretury dnted�ubsequent ta 60 dnys t'rom th�datc
<br /> 4�csnf��c�li�to Inwre chis Securi�Y Instrument�nd the Nut�secured theraby,shnli be cfieGmed rnnclusive prcx�f�4'
<br /> such incli�ihillty. Ni�twlthstnndin�the forc�aing, thts aption nmy not bc cxorciscd by I.ender when the t►navAlfAbTi�3)
<br /> of incurc►nce is salely duo t�L.en.-ler's fuiture cu nexiiit u mortgago i�surancc premium ro tho Sccrekuy.
<br /> . !O.[3clr.hatemenl. &►rrawcr h�n r3Q�lt t�b� rCinstated if I.t:nQef t►a9 rCqOiic� immodiu�c puymcrri in ,�ii ;�-��
<br /> �arrowcr':;fnilure ta pay an nmaunt duc u�idor the Notc or thi�::�ccurity lnstrument. Thix right npplles cvcn aQer forcclosuro
<br /> proccedings aro i��Ntutcd.To reinstute tho Sccurity lnsttiunent, Harrower shall tendcr in a lump rum nll amaunt�rcquireA ta
<br /> bcing Hnrrowrr'x ucu�unt �wrrent includinp, to the crtc�t they are obiig�tions of Borrower under tMs �ecuriry Insttument,
<br /> farcct��sure m5te nnd reasonable and castomn�y nttnrnoys' fccs nnd expensos praperly II5SOCIAtP.(I +v1th the foreclasuro
<br /> �roacding.Upon rcfnstatement by �3orra�,c.r. �his 3ccurlty lnstrumcnt and tho obliQ�tirn�w thut it sccures shnll rcmain in effec.t
<br /> as if l.cndcr li�d nat requircd immecUi►to p�,*��::lent in full. Hawcver� l.endcr is nat rc�quired ta pcnnit reinstntemcni iP: (41..cr�',r
<br /> hnv acceptecl reinstntement aRer Uio commeneement aS farcclasuro pruoecQin�s aithin two ycme in�mediatcly precaiing thc
<br /> commcnccnunt af a cuRent fara:lusuro praqeoding. Q3) �cinsAtcmcnl will precluclo forcctosuro un dtfiercr�t �rounds in tho
<br /> ff:.:UTO.or(iii)relnstatemcat will Advetsely a�fect tho priar�ty of tho Uen crc�ted by this Secnrity Inst�u�ttent.
<br /> t.�.ksnrr�vcr i�oi Rciea�cni;Fori,w.airi�B,y L�,r,�er R8i a�Y«�cCr.�xtenefott of th�ti�!of r?ymant nr mndiAcntinn o� .
<br /> nmortizi�tion��f'thv xt�mv securcd by Ihis Securit,y Instn►ment�rnnte�l by l.ender to uny �ucecssor(n interest af 8orrower shall
<br /> not oEx;rutc ta rcle.a.ce tho liability af the originul Barmwcr ar Borrower'R �uccess�s ln interest. I,endcr shc�ll nat be requircQ ta ,
<br /> cummcna;procr:cdings against uny successar in intcrest ar rclt►sc ta cxtcr.d timcs fb-paymcnt ar�therwiso moslUy aniortl�z►tir,n
<br /> of thc �unis qccurecl by thla Security Instniment hy reason os nny demand mado by tho ariginnl &�rrower ar IiorroN•cr's
<br /> sucecssara in t�tcrest. Any forbrmcancc�>�l.ender in oxcrclsing nny �rtght or remecly shall nat bo a wnivcr af ar prcclude t!+e
<br /> excrciso�f uny rlght nr ecmedy.
<br /> �-ifllNR) vaqe 4 ot o
<br />