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� .t��`i7a� y �--�i'� �t V�� ;a .-� .��_�� ���1��}°`. s� �t .f..�t� :�� . -, .. ._ . <br /> ���,���5��-Y--- �1}tt �.. . , t _��\�� <br /> \' ' � 1� � r ' '''�'F � <br /> ��� . �r�. <br /> F _ S'-""..,.�—v:"i`•-�� <br /> �__ ' ,._ - , �_., <br /> t _ , •. _ -- - -_ <br /> .�.1�, . �� , . . --. _ .. _ -.- -.. . � . . y =. <br /> - =� - •' �-�-.::..,�.-�--_^ - •-==-�`'_=i����`�,i=-a-^�� - k' - .�--� �Y ~�, � - <br />_-�_—�_���R�_ __�_,:-:,����_���� — ---- --- <br /> ,...a,.._...,.�.__.,..-,..,...�_.___...�...,.-:,�.,,� . . �.,�.,�.�.�.�,-=.��_y._���w����_....�---------___. ._�.-_...... ___. . <br /> ��"y�v) ���Lr'�F.+�ii a� <br /> TIMII:TWt!!2 WI'I'!t al) �ha in�pruvcn�_nts r�uw nr h�nalirr cu�lcd ���i �ho prn�r,,�1x, und nil c:n.w:nrnty, �igt�iK. <br /> o�►ptutnt:►neev. 1'C1119,rayidltes.�nineral,uil nucl E;ay�•i�this i+nA�nallls,wciter rltthlv mnt ht�nk uml�dl fixtures nn�t oe�t�renRcr u <br /> pait ul'thv�r.,pcny. Ali rirlmem�ntr�nnd �ulditians shaU nl!ut FtC COVQYCtI F1y IIlI9 SC4llflly (IIti11UI1tC111. All ��I�Uo fi►rcti�sln;� is <br /> r�Fcr►t�l tu In this�c�urily In,tnimcnt av thc"Pm�ecrty." <br /> ��)�3R()��I:F�f.Y?V�:1'11AN�C.�'thAt$OTNtY2!'�9 hJtY�IIIy SC1sCt�ttF tfiC C5tffiC�tCi'C��i CtrilVYln.'��fti7tl{titY t�t4,'f{};{H h►�;�M tM#t� <br /> comcy thc Prc,perty nrtd fi�at thc Pmpc�ty i�uscn�mnitie���ipt fi�t cncur��bran�c:of reco��. f3orn�tirc��rafrant�nnd tvitt <br /> dcfci.l ge��iiy the iitle ta SE�e�'rc�.-tzy a�;ain�t aR!el3is�s;:srk!�!�-rst-;:rl:,.:�9J�:i ta a�sy c�k�efiiFr�»�s uf r��sd. <br /> 1.i'c�yn�ent of Princtpni, Inte��cst tmd l.pte Chnt�r. liurni�v�r shnll pay��hcn duc thc pr{ncipal ui',and intcr��t oii, the <br /> dct�t ovidcnccd hy thc Nutc wid lutc eh�rgrs duc m�dcr thc:Natc. <br /> Z. Aton4hiy Pi�yment oP Toxcw, lnsurc�ncc a�td Uthcr 4hnrgcs. portawc� shnll includc in cach mantt�ly pay�ucnt, <br /> t�gcihcr with�he p�9ncipal nnd imcrest uv Fct fntih in the Nnta und uny lute chur�es,n,um fi�r(a)unnes nnd rperial nssessment3 <br /> Icvicd or tn hc icvicd againrt Ihc Pruporiy, (h) lcasciu�ld paynunts �r �mund rents an the Property. un�i (c) premiums fur <br /> insurnnrc rcyuircd undcr paragrnph A. In ttny ycar in which the�ter must p�y ii nm��a�c insur�u�:u premiune ta the <br /> Scrrctnry uf Huusing nnd U��han Ocvcluputcnt("Scc�titcuy").ar in iury ycar in which such pnmium would havo hccn rcqulrcc�if <br /> Lcndcr Etill hclJ tt►e Sccurity lnsirument, cach m�nthly paynunt ehnil :dsa includo cithcr: (i) n st�m far thc nnnual morl�u�c <br /> insurnnrc prcmium tn bc paid by l.cndcr t��t�;�L�crctary. ur(li)u munthly rhnr�c instcad of i�mortgo3e insurnnco premiun�if <br /> this Sccu�ity Instn�u�cnt is Itcld by ihe Secrc�x�n, in n rcaumahlc mnount to be dctormincd by tha Sccrctnry. Iixcept fa� tho <br /> mm�thly charge hy Ihe Secretury,thesc items u�;ralled"Escra�v Items"and tho sums paid to l.ender are cnlled"�semw Fundq." <br /> l.cndcr mi�y, ut nny timc.rollcct cmd hold i�mounts for��crow itcm9 in nn uggrcgato nmount nut to excecd thc miu�imum <br /> nmaunt thnt miry be requimd for Barrowcr's cacmw accaunt under tho Ro�l Estata Settlement Pracedures Act af 197�5. 12 <br /> tJ�.S.C. SccNon ZG01 cl seq. u��d fmplcmcnUng rc�ulntian9. 24�FR Pa�u ?SQO. u.g tl�oy may be nmendcd fram dmc tc►timc <br /> ("1��Sf'A")� cxrcpt that thc cu�htun a�rcscrve pcmiiu�Kl by RBSPA fur wianticfpatcil disburticments or disburscu�ents bef�rc <br /> tho norrawcr's payments nrc uvi�ilnbic in thc accui►nt may nut bc bused an�unuunts duc fur tho ma»gu�c insae.�ncc ps��mjitm. <br /> if the amounts held 6v Lcnder fnr E�cruw Iten�s cxceeil thu ttnwunls pemiitted tt�$�.held by RkSPA. L.cnder;aYfnll deal <br /> witli thc c�sczs Qnxis as requircd by R�SPA. AY thc nmoun�9 of ftuuls hctd by Lcndcr at any timc eu.mot suificicnt to pay d�c <br /> liscraw ltems when duc, l.cndcr may natif+� r�hc Barrowcr und requirc Etc>.-rruwer ta mtiku up the sh,�ri+�u or def.iciency n9 <br /> permitted by RESPA. <br /> TTic Fscr�►w Fundc�rc ptt��ed ns adciUionai sccnriry Tcss�tams secnrecfi#ry tiiis 3ecariry imtmment. if t3srrm�vcr� <br /> tu�ier the A�II payment af all such sums,Rr.ruwer's nccaunt shall��;�ite.�i with tho 6nlnnco n.muining far all,instnllment <br /> itcros (u), (b). nnd (c)und uny murtgogc ins�!r�^ prc�nium instatlmcrs7��hnt I.cader hn9 not bcmmc obli�nle�d t�� pay to thc <br /> -- -�� _ana'-�crn�i+�'ia�� prtm'��j' icr�iii�"�a8r�j'c`n�car. �iFi�i��n'tiF3i:s"i- . ���'ZC'����ti.Y ��T'r:.�iia'iiC�iSf��-- - <br /> ' Praper�y or its ac�uisition by Lcndcr. Bnrrawcr's nccount shnll bc crcditcd�vllh any Aalunco rcinnining far n11 instnllmr.nta fi�r <br /> itenw(n).(b),cind(�)• <br /> 3.Applicatic�n aF P►�yments.All pirynh�:�iu�Qcr}u�rng�aphs 1 nt�d 2 Fhull ho�pplicd by L.cndcr ns fallows: <br /> FirFt,to th�e martgoge insurAa�ts prcmium ta be paid by I..cnder to ta�e Secrrtary or ta tlio monthly churgo I�y d�e Secrewry <br /> instcad�f th�ax�nthtv m��rt�ugc insurancc premium; <br /> Sc�:and. to nny t5xcy, spccittl asr/cs�m�nt�, Ic��sehald paynum9 ar ground rentH,cu�flrc, fload and othcr h:vard in�uracu:o <br /> ra�ui�ed: � <br /> Third.tu intcrest duo unctcr tAc Notc; <br /> Faurd�.ta muortluuian af tho princip�l af tM Notc: <br /> • �ift8,tu iatc ch�irgcs duc u�xlcr thu iVlai�. <br /> �4qINE) vauo�o�0 <br />