l. I _. 4 � �-i 1 ���...c �li! \ � 1-��:•.'i}�:�.3•l'' � .:.� � l l•��e - .i .�� u
<br /> 1 ��dFi 1 i ���, 7. . .._ _ _t.'.1�,-,t. ,° ����\rrr{ f-v- ;��r.t�l C�L .� -,.T't.���l
<br /> � . r. �\.� - � � �\'�tit —�
<br /> i ' !1'`ti� . . ' _ - � ��.�' - '
<br /> . 1> _. _ .. .. . _ . �
<br /> - ; �7 � � �1 - ,
<br /> �'� -:_,.,T�-�:.t . . _ .._ .-—=�---° .. .... . . . '..__-.
<br /> -,.�,- �, . — �`,-n .. . . �t .. _.
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<br />. if�a���.�� �_�..�.�_"_..... .........�...�..��— �.�3.z.- ......_� r u�.�.��._..��..�._�.. ... .__—__—_. . . . .......— _t•` •4_.
<br /> . ._— 1
<br /> a�a�.�,��)'7��€� • �=
<br /> rautnsr Nt►u�mor.tnry�n�ta!�nta ot Fur►d�,rl tno arnvur.�a!tha Funct�t�t�i�y Uana!'wtt}ty 8hutl rtof A�ctAl�cr�nf tt��,^/t&+aa.09sc�9srttt�ntq _,_
<br /> lnsu��rteo pn�nNm9 and p�nund ro�ts fla tt�oy t�tl dua, Rusro�sJwll pay to l�cRCrtfr.(my m�y a�nounl nQCns:sury h�n�nko u�tRo dttrctan•ry�vtfh:n Ihtrry �_
<br /> dcya frvm ih�dat�nuU�o Is mat�d dy ltCtt�ttCtsry fo lYuator requaattnp�u►yrnoi�l ffter,�o%f/pun pa�ym�nf rn N�I of ap tndobtr.Bnov�,Qenaficlary eA�ll �
<br /> prom�rry�cnmd ro nusro�ar�rund�nntcl try Et:nollclary�!/Ma Flust i'rvpurry la sotd undor tho pm��a�01 sa►a w tho Rusf Ra�pe+ry i�ofhonvlso
<br /> ��qulr�d by Uanofr+�ian:R�noY,cla�y&Aa,7 upAryt ImrrraQ��tory p�tcn ro tho eqla a?Ihp�iu�f Proparfy w(ts ucQulsftfon by RGrtnfrcl�ry,any Furrds Rotd
<br /> hy Rort�tic�ary nf tha Ymo ot epp:rcatran as a cra9il apaMst t!N lndoDtoc#iwsa t/AonCtlCl�ry oxocub�n tivNtian waiva►ol Aushu�o811pntlons urtdor
<br /> m,q p�mgr�pp��hish+r r<+�,�unc�rNa andadr�s to payt trc.�m tha aamo Occoma aChrtquQnt,nn taxo�asrossmants,lnsuranco promtum�pmund
<br /> ronf�and t�Ilpthar cha�7o3 wAAtGO�t�r tw►ed u�*an rnr assassod,�+b4cod m me�do apaln�f(ho Au9t Propar(y.tiustv�lurthQr a�io09,upOn Wrfft�n
<br /> taquast Cyr tters�ttc(a�y1 to R�umptiy a►3GYor b QaneflCtary ap rocapta hr�tha psymErtt a1 e�mh r.t+rxBaa Auata t+�wl:o ngr�a9 Gn p�►all taxo� �
<br /> nssoasmante nnd ofhcr charpc�hritird upun a assa.���cl,pt;ec�t or m.�eprinst cr n�,nro�1 hfs en�s�:ad Qt ituat ar thA rocordnti�r►he�a►. �
<br /> 6 �1P�tkutton���rr°.,.nt�t!&�,�r�n!s rdcet�Q ty[t?n�f:r.ra,y aa ro eny c�.usatGt�or o0lrQnhor��orod ta eQnof,ciary t�y Auata may Qa opp.'tcd Dy �
<br /> Qenefrclary M tho payntont W trto MctoDtodrro9s or to ary auct!�+AOr dobt,IlabJtiry a ob►tflntNn,4i ony ortte►o�mnnno►ol opptrcanon wh:cb
<br /> Qnrtpftctaryt In lts atrsotuto dtscratlan,oVtoma a�Fuop�lsta Unloss othonvlso oloGtac/by Qonallcta+yt Rny euch ptrymont eAnl1 bo dooarod opp1W d fksf
<br /> to fho paymont Ol arry tloGt,llab(!iry o�obt/Q�t1on olher IAan tho Nota
<br /> ti ChdrBss;L1ona itustor wtlf Aaor tAo'Ruat Propa�ry fruo trom oll llons ond ancumbraneos wAICA In aisy w�y moK!n t�0 Judgmonl of 8onoticlA�y,Rmo
<br /> prla�ry auua or ImpaU tho socudry o�,Mts Qoad af Dust Qut iFusro�nood no1 dJSChc+rpa any auch uon so�on�as riu9m�ahait aproq In�v�it�ng,b
<br /> puy trto obl;�atton sacur�a bY nucA►ton In a mannar eccopiebta to Honol/clary and shaN!n gaod fnith conmat euch llan by approprl4ro►opal
<br /> procoodlnas offccAYn ro provont fho onforcomont ol thn►!on nnd trto loss o�1 arry lnrorosf!n n►pnn af tAO Aust Propartjc �`
<br /> 7. FPnrard Insuranca 1lusta sAall kaUp tho Dulfdlrtfls and othor lmprouomonf9 ntnv oxlsUnp oi horoaf�rr omcfud on tha lYust Proparry fnsurod by E
<br /> lnsumnao car►lors saNs/ectory to 6onollclary aDaMSt los�by 11rq hnra�ds lntludod ln fAo ta�m'bxtondod eovoropo"ond sucA otAOr Aarords� �_
<br /> ci►sualtlos and cont(nponctos as may bo roqulru�i by Bortolkln�In auch amounts artd M�such pertods c�s muy bo mqurmd Dy Beno!!c►crK Tha =
<br /> pofky o!Insurartco shull bo fn fo�m avcDpTaDlo to Aonof(ctar�t prwldo Mat tAo samo moy not bo cancwlivc!or modifiad�vlfhout frfman�15)duys p�la �
<br /> wrltmn noflco to BortoftclarK end eAsll havo toss paya0lo Rrovlslons In fc�na W c+nd In tam nccopfublu b BonoficlnrK Atl pram(ums nn Insursrtco
<br /> pollclos sAall Do pAld In Iho manna►prwldod unKor p�r�8raph 4 hortof or,!I rtot pald In sucA manrto�Dy Ilustor mnking paymanf ef fooef likoon(IG) _-
<br /> day9 pdo�M tho dun dAtq dlnzctly to Mo Inaururtco currlor.6onsfklary 8Aa1►Da►V tAo dpht to hold tho pc+ticlo9 and romnvals thorool and AusMr sAa1f _
<br /> prompty lumish to BancRiciAry oU ronowa!noilco�artd afl pntd pmmfum rucutpts rocoNud by It.m rto ovont ehp11 BanoNclAry o�Rusfao Do Gofd a
<br /> mspo»sibto lor talturo to pay Insumnca prom�ums or fa arry foss or damaflo nNslnp ouf of a da'oct!n arry polky ur adslrtp ost of arty lalluro of arry `
<br /> lnsuraaco compAnY ro PaY ror uny f�ss a demago Insurod epnlnsf a fvr fofNro by Ausro�to otfcCf tho Insurartco rc�qulrad homundor.ln tho ownt o! _
<br /> Ioss,7tusro�shAD QAro prompt notico Ly mnu tn tAo(nsurartco cardor and Borrd�clsry.Boneficlary mny mako praW o1 bss II not mndo prompfry or in _
<br /> propo�form by Rusro�All poficlos of Insu�enco c+nd any c�nd a7!rotunds of unovrocd promfums aru horoby Asslprtacf to Fonoffctdry as addltlonal _
<br /> socurlry lo�tho paymont of tho Irtdohtodrrasa M tho uwnt ot Bonoflclory�oxorciso of Iho po►wr o/sAlo contelrtad horoln,or In Itro avont of
<br /> fo�closurq all rlght t!t(o nnd lntvrost ol Ausro�/n and ro arry lnsumnco pollry tApn rn/oico sAop pass to tho pumhasor ot fho hustaos salo or
<br /> n�pla�A ro'end!n a ch oldor ctnd trmount as B�11�cinry may dob►m�a 6e d insuran �cca��A�ho o,pt o af Bnnolc aryS��oltho� _
<br /> bo usod In roplacing or rosrorinp tho Ruat Propo�y pnrt�aly or totafry destroyod to a condulon sues/actory fo Sonol/clary;o�sald Insu►anco _
<br />- procoods,w erry portlon Ma►eo1,may bo roloasod to 1)ustoa Unfoss 8anofklary end T/usror othonvlsv AQmo!n wrlUnp,c�ny such t+Dptrcatton o1
<br /> Insurnnco prt�caods ehn►/nof axtond or postpono tho dua dato ol tho Nota o�any Mstn►�monta co�lvd lar thnroln,oi chanDo tho amount of auch _
<br />- fnstaflnwnta tP Hw Thr�t Praparty�9 aCqulied Dy Henollctary purauanl to tho oxon:lso o!tho pawor of eolo or otAOr foroclosurq aA dght,tlt�e and
<br /> fnter�vst o1 Tiustor!n snd to arry Insurartco Pmcoods RaYt��O oa o rosull ol damnpo to tho nust Proparry Rrbr to tho enlo o�ecqu�s�tton shaU pass ta
<br /> f3anoficlnry and sha11 be appl:od fbat ro Iho coata artd oxponsos,Uoludlrt�atromoy toos.lncurmd in coRectlng aucA proaoods,lhon!n tAo manno�
<br /> and!n tho ordo�prwfdod Mrolo.
<br /> 8 Frose�vaifon and Ma►ntenanco olltust PrnpeRy.nt�sfa wfll kc�p tho bul(dings artd othor Improwmonta rtow w hureairor orectod on tha lTust
<br /> p�mtq�la aond rnpnlr end condltlPn Ond wlll not cammlt or pormlt waatq wlfl nof alror tho desfpn or otructu�al r.Aaraci��constMut�rg eny tru/ldlnp -
<br /> rtow or horosftor omctod on mrd constltuNng tha Ruaf Prooprty wtmout 1ho p�iw wrirtan consvnl o:�%�+�a•3:����3�����
<br /> wvu/d urtduy 1►npalr or doprectato tho vnfuo of Pho 11usf Propaty and w!1!not nbondon tho IFust VrrAortY Ausro�wi7 not romaro urry flxturos
<br /> constitutlnp tho Au�f Pmperry unbss tho semo aro lmmadlatoly replacod wifh Ilko proporry sub�scJ ro tho Uon and socurlry fnterest af fhia Oesd a1
<br /> T1unt end�at Eaast oqusl vafuo and uNlity�T7ustor will compry wltd afl piosortt artcl/utum onlinancoa ropuledons and�r,o�,q,�ulromonts ol eny
<br />- QoYammenRti f�pdy whloh are t�ppllce�f0(0 tR9 l/uet Proyertp eno m ma oo�upu►ti7 a�i'v��'�Y i.,SN.�.�.:+7i�+!-R M A�MI!IA A
<br /> condbm/nlum or a planrtod unfl devtalopment, Tiustot shttll porlbrm NI o!7lustoYa oblt�atlons undur tho dae�a�atlons ar aavanante eto.�t�ntT or
<br /> pqrornins tRo condominfum or tho pinnrtod unit dwolopn+ont,tho bylaws and�ogulotlons ol tho cvn�ominlum wplsnrtad uNt clawtopn�enL nnd tho
<br /> consdtuont dooamonta
<br />- Q 1^cpocdon.6anoflclary or Ita aponte may�nt a11 rousonablo tlmos,ontar upon tho 1►ust Proporry Nr t10 purposo of lnspoctton.6onpilclnry ehall ha�ro
<br /> ro dury to mako such fnspocdon und shall nat bo 1lablo to Tlustor a to any poraon In pa.ssosslon rP it mokos cr Inlls to mako arry s��1 lnspoctMn.
<br /> �a l�comme cad whlc,doos o�i m�ay ad►��rsoty afMC:C"�7tuat Proporty o�hon torost o1 Iiusror w'Bonatic�thoro�.�'o�tl otl�ot 7tusta�thamtan�
<br /> tRen Qenelklary�aflt3 opflon,mey por�o�m sucg a�vnnnto and agroam�nts, maka such appoAmncas,dafand a�mtist andlrrvostfflatu such sctlon
<br /> c�r p�ocoedirtg end tako suah ather acdon os Bana:^:clory daoms rtccossr+ry b protoct 1ta lntorost Irtcludlnp,but not Amltod tA dlsbu�somanf o1
<br /> n;a�anablo attomoy fooa urtd ertxyr upon tho 7iust Proporly ro m;�ke ropulra Any emounts dlsDu►sQd by Bonoflclwy pu�euant to fhfo paragraph!Q
<br /> peymont s9uch emoun e s'he/nbo p�Dlo upon aotice'hem Bonofic:�ry roth�U9Ml�l6QU09f/10�:1J�!thoroof,and�sAall!troar�!brost from ho rlato
<br /> M dlsbu�sumont ut tho dotauff ratq H any,eot lo�n/n tho Nofq a athorwlso ut tho h;ghast r�to pormltNd by lew NothmD conislnod U thla pa�n�repA
<br /> shaA requlr�BonoAclary[o Ircu�arry o�tpo�+so o�tafro uny actfon horvundoc 7)us/�v i�rovucaby aut�talzos and ompavora Bonofklary to onte�upc^
<br /> the Ttust P�oporty as Ausios s agent aad,ln riustab numo a afhonvlso to porform any and ail covrmnnts und op�oomonta to bo poAn�maf Dy
<br /> Auslor 61s homin provtdod,ttQnoifclary sAt311,trt ita optlon,bo subropatad to arry oncumb�ancq►tan,cialm o�cforrrand end to all Hghta and sttcuritla9 -
<br /> fa tRO pAymont Ihoroof pAld or dfa:Aarpod py BonaNclory undor tho pravlabns hareW and ary such subroBatton r(flAta Ehall bo addlt/onal and
<br /> cuYrulatNO socudry tor thls Doad olliust.
<br /> - 11. OArtdl�mnatton,tho prOCOOUs o1 tuy Envtud a clulm fbr dama�al dlroct a oonsoquontkU In cormocNon wlth c�ny condomnetbn a olhor taMng d tho
<br /> ]Tus1 Propartl�t or aM Ppn«roo1,a Mt comoy�'rnoo In Ilou of or ln ant�ipatbn of ca►domnatbn,aro horuby o^^ rtod ro and sAall bo pold fo
<br /> ' 6errofkiem Ttustor wl11!ib and prosc�cuta�In good lelth and witA duo dillQoncoi!ta clnlm for any such avc�rd or paymont.artd wlll criuso thn samo ro bo
<br /> cdbcteA end psUd to&rrrettciery,Artd,ahoultl It!NI ta do aq Ausror lrrarocabry nuthodros and ompowors Honof'�cinryt!n tho neme o1 Tlustor or
<br /> uthorwlsq ro t!!q prasaum sottb o�compromiso ary sueA clalm nnd ro cWK>cL«►colpt lor c�nd rotttfn fho procoeda tf N►o ih+st P�opoM Is abArtdorted
<br /> by T►usro�a,a!!�r nofloa by Bunofklary fn Tlustor Mnt tho cortdomno�otf�ura b mako an awnrd or 5ett0 o cfalm for damnpo�Austor tnUs to rospand ro
<br /> Benelklary wAhk►thlrty(30)cWy9 etlor fho dato auch noUco 1s mNlodl 8oncdJclary is autha�lzod ro colk�ct and opPN thn pmceod�!n tho mnnne�
<br /> lndJcated hoiotn.Tho procveds o1 anY aweN ar ckdm mtryt eRa�doducdnfl NI roa�onaDb costs and axponsos,includ;ng ntromoy boa whkA mty htna+
<br /> eogn lrtcurred by Henofkiary In tho codbctlon thomof,at tho sob disc►otton af E�tix.'iclaryt bo rulonsod to 77usto�nPP�lod ro rostoratlon d 11ust Pnvpmry,
<br /> a eppUod ro the p�montW tho InWbtodnosa Unbs9 Bonollclory�+nd 1/usro�o�'s2rwlso ctflroo in w�itlnp, ury sucl►appf+catlon otprocAOds M
<br /> trrdahmrine�v chaU�4t oxtortd o�patpono fho dua daro o/tho Na'u a tho pay+nant o�eM Inst�lhrants cc+llod la�ttromundor.
<br /> 12. Rustor Not Reloasnd.Exronslon of Mo dmo for IwYmcnf a mod;f,cation of any amorttmuon oi tho hrdobtvdnasy�ra:mxf G�r San��,lery ta ar�r
<br /> succossa In lntomst d Austor shnlJ no�oporato ro robosq ln ary mannor,tho I�aW��ry of nuaror and nustor's succc►ssors rn�nmrost Bonotklory sAorl
<br /> - nof bc�roqulrad to commonco procaodin9a n9olnat sucb succossor a�ofuso ro oxmnd dmo ta'PnYmonf o�othanvlso modry anartiaatlrin ol fho
<br /> ��bt�es,y Gyr roason ot ary demend mado by nusror snd Tlustab succos.us U Inrorosf.
<br /> 1� FlnsnclAf Into�maiMn.Upon requost of 8onoflclary, Tlu3ta wifl provfd0 to BanoliClary,wlthln nlnoy(00)day9 OI fho clpso ol oech flSCtll yaor o1
<br /> = 1Tustor,tho conso►ldarod balanco shoot and vtatomanf o!oarnlnpa o!Tlustor and any and dl punrnnrora of tho Irtdnbtodrtoss socurod harab�t if aM
<br /> ;� and wlll provld�ond dohVo�ta Hcrtopclsry aucb athor finnnclal Informptlon and!n such manrtor a9 Bortoikiory may ronsonAbly�cquost Irom ttmo t4
<br /> � dma
<br /> � 1� F1nAncinl Cavonnnro.in add,fian fo arry o/hor/inAactal cwononte of Tlustor mado In nrry othvr aprvomont lnst►umom or documont,T►usm�sholl
<br /> compy►vuh nnd&h30 causo nrry und all flunrnntofs o!tho Inel�btodnosa e�curod ho�vby ro eompry wit►r,o►bo in complranco�v�th,Iho fo►fativin�
<br /> -:j Iinnna�Al cavunanta:(This pnruUraph shoU not nppry U covononta Ana rogulromQnta aro no!sot lor�h horom.►
<br /> 15� Schodufo of Loosos. WdAlm m�I f0)day3 ulror domand, Austor aAnU Iurn�sA to Bonohclvry o achedula eortd�ad ro Dy liustor,sothnp forth ol�foasus
<br />__.� W tho Dust Propo►ry.o�any ponlon fho�oaf,Incwdlnpin oach cesq tho namo of fho ronantn or accupAn�e,o doscript(an pf fho spnco occuN�ed by
<br /> such tonnnt or occupanR tho rontnl pnyabfo to�auch sp�ucq ond eucA ofAOr IrtfamAtlon and documonts wifh rospoct to such loasos anti tonanctos
<br />- u�F3onol�clary mny roosonably�o4uost.
<br /> � !Q Covanant9 ot Au�tOr►vdh RoSpOCt to loaso9 W�Ihouf 1ho p�iar wriMOn consonf N�onof�clary.1iu9ro�shn0 not,d�roctN oi ind�rocfry.rr+r�rospecf ro
<br />- arry foaso al cpuco in fho iTust Proporty;or arry p�►iron fnorcal,�vhatho�such lonso Is n�v or Ao�oafro►�n ox�sronco
<br />;•�
<br /> •�
<br />