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__ ._ . ._ ___._._.— .�� tii����_�.���;:. .f:11ir.��;ici ' .. . . .. .�,�.t:y� }�`? .F�{dt��ti,�,,;' li"'';7� <br /> . t- • ��. ��1fj1Y. : <br /> -. -1��.�!� - ! '- �i•• i - � <br /> .:'t,�.:', . ... i'� ' f: <br /> .•��'--'���` - . `. - �.�1'•,.:.��- ;.1 <br /> , �� � � F:: . . � � <br /> aEi�� - . . ., . .. ... . ._ .:i�:• <br /> . _��(�.'ti�`� - - - � � <br /> _.i��`; . . . .. ' ... . � . <br /> , < � l�� ,. . <br /> .�..� -`- . .. -- - -- - - _._ . ___ <br /> ,. _..__... .___. - —.. .. _ . . . .... _ ._ ... _ . . _.... .. ��°' ����'�i��: � <br /> . <br /> Qonower mny curo flllC�t Q lRGtauti anci tclnoWto,ao pro�id�i In purnpraph 10, by caua�nfl tha ncllc�n nr p►a�u4�t�p 1� qo � <br /> . � dtsml�nod�vlth o miin01ho1,In lcndcr'�aood tufth dataitntnnitun,praciuda�fariclturo 01 lho porravci a tntetosl In iho F1'opariy ut , <br /> otfrer i��tciE�t Ii��a►���ic�it ot iho Oan eraatad by thta :zocuNty InoWmcn! or I.ender'e aecurity tntereat. i�arrawe►ehn.� et90 pa tn <br /> datauq fl llonnwer,durinp tho loan a►�pIIQaUar�praa000,pavo mntetlalry fat�o or innccurato Intamwilon or utnteme�ito to 6endet(or <br /> , •� teI!ed to provldn lencior arilh Any matevic+l fnlon►iullon► Gi oonneet►an wilh tAn lecn evidcnead by tho Noto. Includlnp� bu1 no1 <br /> � Cmilvd to, �cproeontatlo�o conacminp [lorrowctb oocupnnay of tho Proporry ae a p�incipnl �osldeaco. il thl9 Oecudty .� <br /> metrument la on n ton�nhold, Qorrowcr oha0 campy with ail tho provlslono af tho icano. Ii Bo�s���vcr saqul�os fae titio ta Iho S' <br /> �� Rroperty,tho toaaoNaid ond th�tao t(Ua ehnU not met�o untasa i.andor apraoa to tho mar7ar In wdUnfl. <br /> . 7. Pl'�ttQCRi�fl �f LC1�dar'o Wl�hte In tha PrupEf►ty. I!Horrwva� lslin ta�rtann iha aovonnnca�nd etiraw�tente <br /> •=� Gante�htnd tn tht�Bnc <br /> . -^_f� wUy inntrumw�t, ar th°ro la e topnl BroaaodM� iMnt mny o1gn10cantry eNect Lender'e dphte tn tha Praperry - <br /> �nuah aa A pronnodtng In bonMu�tay,probate,lar oondemnallon o�(odaituro�r lo crttorao I�wd at Po�uiattane), thon Landc�may <br /> da and pay tor whntover(u nEeeoaaary ta protaet tho valuo of tho I'�oporty and Lay�dor'u dphto In tho Proparty. lender'a nntiona <br /> mey [noNdn pnyfnp ony aums aocurad by a ilon whtoh hnn prtority ovor thia Sc�uMy In�Eru�cr�t, eppe�rin� h aauR, payfnp <br /> �oaeonabta attomoyp'tao� and entednp on tha PropoAy to mat<a ropatro. Allhouph Lendar may Wko sotlan under lhlo parapreph <br /> ,,„ � ,� 1, I.cnde�daon not hnvu tu do so. <br /> My amounto dlsburood by l.onder undur pnmp�aph 7 ohnll bacomo addlUanal dnbt of Bnrrowar oocurod by thla 8acudry <br /> � ' Inatntmont. Unta�o FloROVlar and Londcr aproo to athor termo of paymcnL thoso nmounte ehall benr Intoro�t hom tho dnta ot <br /> �• Glsburaamenl at the Nata mlo und ehail bo puyabto,with(ntaro�t,upan notloo irom lendcr to Bortowcr taquestlnp payment <br /> � 8. Mo�tpapo Inaurnnan. II Lanclar roquirad mortdnpo inuuronco as a condltlon of maklnp tho loan oocurad by thto <br /> Oacudty InoWmcel, 8ortowcr shall pay tho pmmiuma raqulrod to mntntaln tho mo►tflago Inoumnca In otioot.II,tor any�caeon,tho <br /> ,. ;;� moR�a�e Inouranao covem�o royui�ad by lundcr tapses or aennas to bo In attoat, BoROwor ahati pay tho prnmluma�aqulrad tp <br /> � -' _ obt�ln aoverana eubatnntiniy aquivnlent to tha motlanpo Inouraneo proviouay tn otieah at o aoal oubotanUniti equNplvnt to tho <br /> y coH to F�onower of Ihe martgago Inournnao prwiouay in otfoat, trom nn attomnto mvripago Inauror upprovod by Landcr. U <br /> � eub�tanti�ly QquNatonl mortpapo insumnco aovcrago ia not nvailablo, BoROwcr ahn0 poy to 4ondcr eaoh month a oum oqual tp <br /> { � onrtwelfih o1 the yQarly mnrtgapo tnsuranco promium botng paid by 9orrower�vhon thn tnsurance covorago lupogd or aoasad to _ <br /> � a bo In ettect. Lmdci wlll aooept,uae and rotain thoso puymento ao a loae reaervo In Iloa oi moRpapo Inauranao. lose�as�ava <br /> d � p�ymanlo m�y nu lonpar be raquUod,at tho aptlon ot 4ondor, I}mortgaflo Inaumnaa aovarago (In tho emount and tor the pedod <br /> •� ti thqt 4at►dat roqulrc�) provided by en lnouror appravod by londor a4ain bocomoa mallabto nnd la obtahiod, Borrownr ahnll puy <br /> ` `# '� th�pr�mtum� required b ma{�tRln mohgapo tnauranao In oifaat, or to provldo o�aas rosorvo, untU tho r�qatramont for monflapo <br /> '` � � imunnce�ndo In Rctortianoa with any�vdttan aproomont betwaan Borrowcr and Lundar or opp�loabto ww. �`•�;� <br /> 8. Intptollon�I.endar ar Ito egent may muka raasonablo entrioa upo��nd Inupoatlona o1 iho Proporty. Lcndar ehall pNo - <br /> `�,,;� � Qot►awer aotlas tl lho tlmo of or pdor tu an lnapooq�n ap�oiying reaaonable causo to�the tnapootton. �•.___ <br /> ` 10. COi1t��lY1I1p1100. The proaende o1 at�y award or Gnim tor demugaa, dUoot or eonaequanUt). In aonnaatlon wfth tny ��.,: <br /> ' . a�ndamnat►on or othar taWnd of any ptut af thv Propo►ty, or for aoov�yanao In Ilou ot aondomnntton,�ro hetaby asslDned tnd � ,_ <br /> �` �h�M do p�d to Lander. �-- <br /> -�: In !ho evant ai s tota! takinp ot tho PropoAy, tho p�oaaoda ohaA bo app�lad to tho aumn ancurad by thts aacudry --- <br /> .�`' Inatrument,v�hetha or not lhon duo,�vith eny exooso puld to 8orrowor. In tho ovont of a paAla l ta k�np o t t ha Properiy In w h la b - - <br /> .._ th�tdr muket wN� ot the Proporty Immedlatuy b�tore the tuWng la oquat to or proatur than tho amou�t af tha ouma eecured <br /> ,;s'�� by thl� 6�cu�ity InsVwnent immedlatuy Dofaro tho taking, unl000 BoROwar end l.onder athonviso aprao In wdUnp, the eum� <br /> ' securad by lhfa Occedry Inotrumonl ehall bo roduaod by tho amouni o1 tho pr0000da muitiplled by tho totlowin�ir�ottan: (a)tha <br /> - -- � toW dmount o1 th� sumo eeaured Immedi�tay boture tho takinp, dlvidod by (b)the tair markot vatuo of tho P►opaAy Immedlatoty <br />�'1Y-�=���� p�ter�th�uktna.M�t baltn�e ehoA bo Dald to 8orrowor. In tho uvont of a purVal takinp o1 tho Praporlyt fn whloh the tnir muAcet <br />--��� valus o1 IA� Propeity ImmadlAtey botore tho takinp In toaa than tho nmouM o1 tho nums aQCUrod Immod[utcry before tho taMtnp, <br /> __ _-;,_� uNas Oonow�r and l�ndor athawtse aarao In wdting or unlasa appllcable taw othenvlso provides, tho proeaods ehaA ba <br /> -_- �pplled to the�ums eeeured by thla 8acudty Inatn�ment whother er not the aums are thon duo. _ <br /> .�� � !!!!iC°l""�' 4�.�.!`..."�._'^.'s�!`;Q�_^.R^_�'°�.^'I!.?1!os ge,gno h� 1 and,r te Ae►rewer that tho nondemt►ar otters to moka�n <br /> — �r�rd or ��ttt�N cf�kn tor ri�m�caa, Bo�rowe► f�tle to toapond to 4eadar w0hin 90 daya pfter tha dato tho notlaa W �Ncn, -_ <br /> „y�_� Lw�dw la �uthoritad tu co0�a1 and rppty tho pracaoda, ot Ito optlon, allhor to restomUon or repalr ot the Proporry or to tho <br /> aum� ��aund b y Ihte Clecurity In�Uumant,whsther or nat then due. <br /> ""'°,�� Untafs l.ondoe and 8ona�vet othamlao agroo In wdtinp, any appllcntion of proaooda to pdnolpnl ahnll not axtend or _.__ <br /> `L���!;� poatpam lhf duf dwt�at th�mo�thy psymenta�oterred to In parogmpha 1 and 2 or ohanpe tho�mount o}euoh paymente. <br /> ----- - 11. �orrow�r No!R�I���od; ForboerAnae By Len�ler Not p Wa(ver.Extaneton ot tho ttmo tar payment or <br /> � modiAaxpon oi�mortl�rtlon ot th��ums eecured by ihia Docudly inatrumant Qnnted by Landor ta eny eu000soor In Inta�eot of <br /> � pa�ro�r�r �hrll not opK�te to r�iwea tAe Il�blury of tho odploal Borrowcr or BoROwer'o aucaosoore In Intarost. Lenciar ehall not — <br /> bs w�ukod ta oommma�prccNdinps eg�lnst eny auoaesaor In Intaraat or rotueo to extend time tor paymant or othenvleo <br /> , modlfy�mottiz�tian o1 th��utn���cu�od by thlo Soauriry inatNmont by r�aeon of any demond mado by the a�ginol 8artowa or <br /> DorrowM'� �uca�wor� In Int�tat. My torha�ranoo by Londor In oxotal8inp �ny ►ipht or romody shail not ba o waNer of or <br /> pr�clud�fh�pxwct�o ot any�iqh1 or ntnedy. <br />------�� 1�. 8uoo���are �nd As�lgns Eiound; Jotnt and 8avpral Uablllty; Caatg�o�p.t�na noveoenta and <br /> - �pre�nrnt�af Ihb 8wurity Inatrummt�hal bind�nd bonaHt the aucoosoora and asalpna of Le�d�v and BoRO�ver,sublaot ta the <br /> - - - provhtom at pmawph 1'l. BoROwe�'a aovenants and apraemonto ehafl ba IoIM and eoveral. N�y Bo�uwor who ao-slyn»thl9 - <br /> ;� Boaurity In�tn�m�n1 hut dao� not px�eutp tha Nate; (a)Is co-s�flninp ihis 8aaudiy Ustn�niont oay to mortpaao,prAnt and convoy <br /> ��.�.� th�t Honoww'� Int�oot In Ihe Prop�rty under the torme ot thln 9uoudty Inutrumanr, (b�Ia oot person�ty abilpatod ta pay ihe <br /> — ._,� eum� uour�d by Ihl� H�curiq In�trumenL md(o)aprau� thot Landar ond any othor 8otrawer may aprea to extand,modity, <br /> � tsubwr ar m�k��ny�ccammoA�tlom with �ep�rd to tho term� 01 thto 9oauriry Inabument or tha Note wRhou! th�t Borrowa�'e <br /> _�� comN►L <br />__�--�� 19. I,o�n Ch�rp�s. U th� (o�n tecured by thls 9ecurlry Inutrument la Bubjeol to a (aw whloh sots maxlmum loen _� <br />=_--=� oh�rp�a, And IhAI law lo M�Ity Intaprmed oo lhpt tho Intaroat or othor toan aharfloa ooltoctod or to ba oollaolod in ccnneoUon <br /> �,;.�w,� witb tin Inan �xo�RCl th�p�rmlU�d limit�,lAen: (a)ony such loan oharQo shap bo�aduoad by ihe nmount ooaesaary to reduoe <br />_;:,��� th� oha�v to lhp �rau��tit�d Wr�ll; AnA ro) any ouma ahoady oaltactod trom Sorrowor whioh axaoadnd pormittod Omha witl Oa � <br /> -°—" r�tundud ta Eioaower, ��nder mwy ohooa�tu rtwke thls refund by �aducing tho pdnclpal ov�od undoc tho Noto or by maWnp� <br />=-�;:��� dir�ol psymHil to porrawe. It w �otund��duaea prtnclpal, Iho roduotlon wlll bo traatod ae e partlnl propnymont whhout any <br /> �.-_'�� �itep�ym�nt charpq undet tha NotA, �=� <br />' - 1a. {VOtiOlf.My Ii�lira to qorrawor provldod tat In thio Scaurfty inatrumont shaN bo givan by dotivertnp it or by mniilny it E;__ <br />`,���{'n " ^. by Iket o1��a m�N unh�s �p�Aorbl�law wqukes uae oi anothor mothoQ. Tho aotloo ohall ba dVooted to tho Praparty Addreas �;,;` <br /> 01 �11y p1hN NdfkYi� UOITOW�f dY11Qfl�l�/ by noltco to Landor. My notlae to Londor ohall be glven by Ilrst olase meA to ,�`�' <br /> .;,;'_��. Lend�t'� �ddrae ot�1�Q hwaln o►�ny otha��ddroso Landar dosignatos by notlaa b 8orrowor. My notico providod lor in this ; <br /> _ 800urity InetwmeM ohaH Qo downtd to ho�a aoen pNen to 8ortowor or Lendcr whon ehraa ae providod in this pamgraph. `��'- <br /> ---'L'-W:: 18. QpV1�1111f1Q L*wi B�Y�n6111ty. Thie 8ecutlty Inatrumont ohall bo flovomod by faderal taw and tho aw o1 tho ' <br /> �"������'a"T judodlallon In whlah iho Ffionorty le locatod. In tho ovonl thm any pravl�lon or clnuao of Ihls Hocurity Inetrumant or lha Noto <br /> ,:, ,,�y; ,;-, aon0lcte wtth �ppticabto I+tw, �uah apnlNcl ehall not affaat other provislono oi thl�8ocudty Inatrumont or tho Nato whtoh cun bo <br /> . pivan oitool wlihout iho contitctlnp provlalon. Ta Ihlo and tho provlalono 01 thl�Eacudty Inotrumont and tho Noto nro ducinrad to <br /> � bo aovcroblo, <br /> 1d. parr�wor'o CoNy. Oarrawat oha!I bo pivau ono conlorma�oopy of tho Noto and at ihls 800urlty Inatrumant. � <br /> ., �. �� L <br /> �_ '.� H;f10.1.MQ 17/fl9) vnoo a o�n <br /> , o�tu� <br /> �... <br />