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<br /> M1LDI�CQ A� CNYi19TRiV9rN und TaI(DRWAI�U L. C6IRYSTCNq�;N. i�ce husbnnd, _
<br /> herein col�d tho Cimntor. in cansideentian of Nntueul Lovo and Affectlur� nnd Uthet Cansiderntian�
<br /> received f�om C3ri�nleoR. does gr.nnt, bnranin, sell, canvoy nnd confiem unta DoNNA JCAN --
<br /> AINUCkSl:N uncl ALV11V AN�GId51L�N. husbUnd nnd wif�, ns joint tcnnnta nn�l not aR tonnnta in
<br /> carnmun, tho followina•c�esctibcd renl ptaporty in Nall County. Nobeasku (ati defined in Neb. ltov.
<br /> Stnt. 76�20t):
<br /> An andivided ono-half (1/2) ineorest in the Sautherly Faurtecn and Ninoty-Five
<br /> Hundr�dths (14.95') feet af Lnt Ten (10) tuzd the Northerly Fc�rta+-Two and Seventy-
<br /> Flvo t�m�dredths (42.75') fcot of l.ot Tw�lvo (12) dn Hlock Eight�en (18). ii�
<br /> Ur►iversity Pluco� un addidon to tho City of Grnnd I�land,Hall Coun/y.Ncbruska
<br /> subJect to vusements nnd resttictionA of�card.
<br /> To havo and to hol�i the ubave-doscribcd premises,together with nll tenamente, hei+editnments
<br /> nnd upPurtennnceA thoecto helon�ing,unto the C3rantces as jo�nt tem►nts.
<br /> And(3runtor doe�herehy covenam wlth the aruntecs thut �mntor ia lav�fully soisecf af said
<br /> promi�es: thnt tt�ey aro tfsea f'rom encumbrance oxcept far elsement� and restdctianR of record; that
<br /> Cirantor haa�+OQ�Cj Ilf k7.�1t��n��A111IIOTI�y 10 COtIVOy Zliv' 5F1Y[10;ARtI fltAl C�T41itOY WAi'fAl1�A Qlld �Y�II
<br /> dofond tho titl9�O BR�d promiees ugalnst the Inwful clvims o9.;.?�persana whomsoover.
<br /> Dutcd: r��_.__�t�t� . 1995 � r ,�..;
<br /> �'l� lt�P�i�Q, f"��,n.(9�I�l.Q.�.,i(,4'' _
<br /> RRildred A.ChrisWnsen � _�--- — -
<br /> _ .--� /C��.,.4.�� �J' ia -----
<br /> _- ,'d 93t��l �!�.�v�+ � .'S — — ---
<br /> �y .0� Thorwald C. idstensc
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<br /> {t �T?��'c���17 Mi: KA ) ,
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<br /> '�'b''•��:�c' ing irstrument wne uckaowtedged before me an th�,:«duy vf •' . ���• '' �
<br /> A.Ghrietons�n and 7lhorwold G. ensen. heyhusbn as Or�` .
<br /> �� �
<br /> ',..�._.�,,�, � � `. �l .�.:��._..,_..
<br /> j+�6tary blic '
<br /> BTATL O6' NEHAA9KA, Connty of Hylis Filed tor cecord p�d eutcred in NuanericAl Indes on
<br /> •��������������11111�N��
<br /> '�g .,,.., at ...... o'clocle ....m�, and cecorded In Ueed lRecord .,... Page ....,�
<br /> ReRl�tor�or peputy+�tc�letee oi�Qeed�-----�
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