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<br /> � THIB DEED OF TRU87;mada thls 7 d�y ot p e ti�-1�. ,18�.�� ,
<br /> bat�veen Rnbbv I.. Ravlc� nnd Jaen�tto L Rovio, hueband l� wifo ne �o nt tennnte � ..
<br /> � . whosomuilingaddma�le?ttS Vikinct Rd. Grand Islc�nd. NF �esoa , \,' _
<br /> „ . ns44uatore, SC���x ���, Gu�,r�ntv Crnnpunv ' , `.
<br /> • whoaomatlingaddressis P•0. Aag, �29 HouAton. NF. 77252-2029 � -_
<br /> � ae 7tustco,end Norwcat Ftnanrinl Nabrrmko,Ino.,whoau moflIag addroes ie_ 2319 I� We6h Rond __ , . "°�
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<br /> . ' ' WITNE89ETH,7tunwsa haroby in+nroeably,g�ent bargafo,eoll,aad aoavoy W 9lvatoo la truet,wlth po�ror af enlo,eho fullowing deacribed ;-;,���.
<br /> , P�D�rtY tu H111 County�NoDraelts: ��=_�
<br /> u �.-._.�'
<br /> ' � Lat 42. Lo't�+�;h�d 4th Subdivieian ta the City of Grand Yalond. Hr�ll Caunty. NobraekA. � ��� '; -°
<br /> ..i� �`� � -
<br /> , •;.. �� (Thia Aoed of TrueC filinQ wne origin�ily aianad an March 16� 199:i as Docum�nt . �i°�
<br /> Niunbore 93-1Q2120 c►nd 93-102121. r�nd iH bo1nA f ilad duc+ ta orronooue roleaeo af -T
<br /> pxevioue Doed aP Tsupt ta spcuro intoroat in nbava doecribed property. � >�='_ �-�-
<br /> - ��,�
<br /> , -7t 7b8utfier alth tonemente�heraUtomoate,and uppurtoaancas thorouaW belouging or ta aqYwita aPPertaWue aad fho eaata.l�sue�rnd '.�:�`.:=::;�i_
<br /> ., ' � pmAte thareof. .�t:�r:�:`�� -
<br /> ��'.�.� 94�i��vpy�yra�sg ie inWndcd for tho purposu of secu�ln8lho p�ymont W HonoA ry otZhieWre'promisaory uoW of evoa dato 1n the smoua► ��_�����_--_
<br /> ' ' of a 15Z 40 . U (1hta1 oP Pt�y[nente).�aid'ibt�1 aS P�yatoata is mpaya�lo acc�ordi�g W tha tarms of sald mtn. P�yment mry�6o m�de in _ _ ___----
<br />:. �:'_ �1K�nr_.e_�n aay amn�s at any Hme. Default ta maktag n�,v pnsrmene shall.oe eho 8eaoflcloe�e optlon nnd without nntico or domutd.nader -�-
<br /> F the eutlra uapaid balanso oteald losa at onoe dua�nd pn,yablo,tosa aqy requtrod soLAto of chergoa. �•�_-•��
<br /> �-.-_._._
<br /> . � '1b pra2oct the eoouriLy+of thtu Qacd of 71w�,7�wwr aovenant�and egoaee: °-�F,
<br />_ ;_,,� l. 9b koep the property in good couditioa and rupNr;W rwit no aaeto thoreof�w complete aqy buildin8,struettu�e or impmvemeni beiag -- - --
<br /> buIIt or aDOUt W��1�t t�0�i�� P��19����oe imp�vemeai�ha�wai w�i�i,mq i�.�o ar a�v� 6
<br /> M,,�� �nd W wmp�y wltb aU t�w�,ordinnaces,ro tiow,covenant��oondition�eaa r�atrlction�etthctlt�the proPe�Y = —
<br /> " 9, 7b p�y 6efore deBaQuent wU 1awiW ta�es aad aa+aa�ment�upon ths pmpertys to keop the propetty fheo nnd c3pu of d1 other ch�rges� R-_'.�"�--
<br /> " � � Uoa�or enmuuEranca�impairlag ehe semvlty of tUii Dead of 7tiw1. =-__ __
<br /> . .;�_r. �, 8. 7l►koop aU Duildia�aow or h�mafter en�iod on tha pmperey deeoribed horoiA continuowly i�urod ag�ia�e Ioaa by Eiro or olhor haaido �.--�__-
<br /> :_' !c►ea asnout�l t+nf let�Waa the Wt�l debt socu�d by thls D�ed ot7lru�.AN pollcia�twll bo heltl by the AeneAciary,aad be la euch oomp�atw ��-�
<br /> ' � a the BeneAslary cu�y apPmva and hsve loaa b1��R't1N1�M�Uri�tlBi�ttisMjY re�t may sppeAr aad then to the'ilrusWT Yt�e�raouat Et:��
<br /> peye iy
<br /> �'��r�:� w1lxDad uader aqy iu�urnnoe pulloY m4ti►Ee aPplled pPua�IMd9pMdpNtt henby '�c►t�d iri�uebi order w tho Beacflclary�hsll datertaiae. —
<br /> _,��z• 8ach appUcatloa by the SaneAdary ehall not cause diaooattauraa bf an�•�teoe�dirt�i to lbrxlwe thts Dead of 7taiet or c�ue or wdve aqy -
<br /> -`� deiitnl�or aotla of dehult or tnvalldatewqy nct dona pttr�uant W�ucA Aottoe. ta the event ottbseclwwr,all ei�hta of ehe 7twwr iu iaau�nc+�
<br /> °�`���� polidM faua in forca oh�ll paai to the p heser At the foroolaure sele.
<br />�:,'�``�` �. 7b obtaln ehe wrttkn cosueat ot Bone4ainry 6elbm�elling,eonveying or othorvvlee triarferelrig ths property or aqy wrt th�reot�wLp _ -
<br />_�'���;:.;; auch�ale�convey�noe or t�vuutbr without tha Hoaoficierys wrttten coasoAt eAsU coAetituta a doihull uader the temu heroof. �
<br /> ..�,_-' �.,
<br />-��r�:� 8. 9b deibnd Rqy aattoA or pmoeediag purportlao W�ct tha eocurtt,y hereof or tho d�ht�or porvers af BenoAclwry or'llwtee. �-_ -'
<br /> '�'�S - 8. 8hauld 24uetor lbil to pay when duo aqy taxea,aseee�ment+�,lueuraAOa pramium�.Aeni,ancumb�s ar ather ah�rge��gdait ths _
<br />',..,rr.3.:� piopasty hei�einabove dareslbed,BeneAoiary aaqy payr tho eaune,aad tho amount ao paid,wtth intornat et eho mW eot lbrth io the aotv�ec�u�ed �,_:��
<br />";'�,F•�. hereby,eball be�dded W and become a pati of Wo dobl aoourad Ia tlile Doed of 7tuat a�pom�itted by luw
<br /> _.::r=s,-� ITI9IMUTUAW.YA(�REEUTHA'1! �•-:----
<br /> ,.-F�.... �- -
<br />_ °- I. In tRo event e►cUr portion of tho pmpaety ie takan or dama�od la sn emiaene doxnnin p�adi�,tha ontire amount o4 the�ward or auch -----
<br />-�;'�°�.G�:.�� portian theraof ru mqy 0o nocou�ary to EW�y sadsQ+tho obligation securcd horoby,ahail ao paid ta BonoAdnry to�o applied to eaid mbligatloa. •
<br />�►�,? • � '� 8. BY�P�B Pa3m�ent of an�y ewu�ecured hereby afterlta dus date,Seaeticiary doea aot welve Ita rlght to mquire pmmpt paymenl wben -----
<br /> • dus of nU othar�ums eo eacwvd or W decltuo dofaall Ebr failuro W so pay. _ _
<br /> ���_ �� ��� 8. The 7lnutoe ohell reuonvoy all or w�y pmi otLhe pmporty covomd by tt�Dood of'Itiue1 to!he porson ontitled thoreto.ou writ,�roque9t -_
<br /> �:`•""—"""�; of tho 7Yurtor aud the Seneflciary.or upon oatJ�fsctioo of t1�o oDligation eoow+ad nad w�ltt�a requoat fir mconvoyanc�moda Dy tho 80aoAcinry -=----
<br /> or the p er�oa entldnd thoreto. -.
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