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<br /> 19. 4�aract�a�ro Y'tacecl�r�e�x�A.t�dee�eq�:G�s iramtdt�tta�tafm r�t[a ft�U undtr p8r��r����'� dgP lttay[nr•o!so tt►e
<br /> pa�v�r M taia�p�ti ur�r o16c:vtta�l��ps;►�Irtrcl by+�gpiaai��t�w.�t»d�Y e�iU Da e�HtE�t!to coik�t�ti cxptnx�Incnr�rc�[�
<br /> pNr�3!s�i1�re�tt�t�x�►�7e�r tAS�pkr�gw•npb fy�fi�tt�l!ag���1 aaf l�mtteif tU. Pca�sn�bb ettor��ys' kes aa�easCs ut ulio
<br /> evil,�5t�s+
<br /> �t tlsa�et eab�farage�,'�!�:e e�±����cnr�A nnt�.v,np�t�t�uu tn egc�1 aauat�tn wh�ana put ot tha N��ape►lq�
<br /> f�!lit��1w��m��t��� tn t�m�a�r pr�d by�pgf�bi8 Ww to tZorrt�wt��ad t�t tls�BiRtr�n
<br /> �:�`�;p.t�.tf'=...-t!by��:q.AtY�E�Est�e Ft�$�1 b'I�►nlle�ehl�t��,'i'r�e��lv�pt�ti�uat(c�ot r�eln W Wa�
<br /> �-,��,� M �eu en�,rr�,r�crt��y��p�3sabb t�w.'tlr�!!!�,witha�at dem��1 oe 8nw�aer�eRa�11 sell lhe Property�t�,
<br /> pu�lk ractkin ta tke 6f�hcat hiddtr et th�ticae��d pt�M wtt�i under ttea tttiee desi���►tttf tn tl�a naEice M�ab[a oue or mare�
<br /> p�oc3� Mad [a �r�vt�i `ri�eGte dei�.�i��. 'il�+sstca ee��Y Ruat�One sale a! �!!er any Rareel �!ft�a!�t��i' bY Publie.,�'a
<br /> ■nnounee�e�t ai thc ttm�►aad place a8 ony prcvMuaty schcd►�ird�1�.I.enAtr or Its deslpnc�+�nag�purchx.4o tho F�operiy At�
<br /> asy�xk.
<br /> 0➢pae rrcelpf at p�Xment oP the prke 01d,7Yusteo e�fl deUvex�to the pwr6aaer 7Yustee•s d�d cunvayw�:de�hec�periy.l,�,
<br /> 7'�e�it�h► (� t�e't��esiee'e dced e�p be prlm� fKCM ovktsnco at Ihe trnth af the statemcnb mnde thtireU.'i�u�tce ebAll
<br /> �ppP�the��ra�eed�nt MRe sile La ti�a fulluwtda order:(�)to�ll co�xad e�pcnses o!eserciei�=AAo pawcr of sak,en�We eale, .
<br /> i�clntM�tke p�yn�tet d t�e 7`�tee's�eee uctw�l�1►incurre�l�not to excecd `�'
<br /> nt ti�e princi�pAl amow+t oi the note�t t�d tLae ot the dcclxrAtloa ot detault,�rnd.reasonabb ottorneya'fc�t av perzE�[tted by
<br /> iswi(b)to�ils�►�nn eecurtd by thM Rerurtty Iastruaacnt;�nd(c)aqy txa�tu the Rer�n nr perso�u IeRAUy ent�tkd to tt.
<br /> l�.Itaeonvey�nca Upon pwymra�t of a!1 sum9 eocurod by th[s 3xudty In.suunui►t�Lcnder shall coquest 7tustoo m rcconvay tho
<br /> Propaty axl ehall s��xrcndex�his Scciuity rnstnunent snd all notcs ovidcncing debt bocured by this Sa�nrity InsUu+ncnt w'l"Yustoa.
<br /> '11n�stco ehatl roconvay tho Propercy withaut wammty and withaut chargo w tho pe�on or parsans legally endtletl to it Such par�r�
<br /> or{�rscN�stnll�ty any roc;ordntbn oostv.
<br /> 19.Substhuto Twu:tee. Leack,r.m its optlon�may t�am tima w timo remova 7�ustao anQ�point a succcscnr trustm to cu�y
<br /> 'ltvstoo �ppnintal hetrau►der by �r► insttumenl rocorded in tht+ county in which ihis Socurlry Ii�strwncnt t� [e�rdod. Wittae�ut
<br /> oonvcymoo oi Iho Proputy.tho suc�ssa�wstre shall suoceat ta all tUa dt1o�P�ww and dutits oonfrr�ac9 upan Tivsta�hercln anc9�y
<br /> �lic�hb I�w.
<br /> ?A.Rcquat tor Notkxa Btrrrow�r roqucsw that copic�of thc3 nartres of dofautt and sa�ba scm to Aon�owcr's uddrass whtch is
<br /> tlto Pupcary At{Ares�.
<br /> 2L fiidtn to thle�tcuYlty 1�straffient. tf ona or mom dders aro exeeuteA by Hornawer and rexorcled oo8ether wlth this
<br /> Sxurity Insvurnrn�tho cov�►pnW of e�eh such Fiti�:shall bo tnr.�iparatr�tnto susd sh�ll a�d and supgkment tho covc�►ta ttntl '�
<br /> �gnoane�ts�f 1�is 5ocurity Instrumcnt a9 iP tho rldcrte)wcro o pnrt oP this Sxurtty Inswtrt.an�. .
<br /> (Cix�t appllr�ble bax(cs)�
<br /> .... . ._ � �odounlnium Eldrr � �raduatcd Paxmant Rider � C31har(Spocl'l�) _
<br /> Piannod Unit Davobpment Rider Q OmwinB Fquiry Ridcr
<br /> A'Y SIGIVIN� B�.OW.Hartower uocepts and ag�roa,v tc�the te�ms oontalnod in thi�Sacurlry lnstrument anQ in�ny rida(e) .
<br /> asecutod by Bonmwer�nd rocardod wit6 t1.
<br /> W�:
<br /> ► � k.�t� `�G�....� (�)
<br /> __........�_ — -.._... . ..- — ----- - �eaw►r� sw►s . •A«��.�
<br /> ' � � . �(sau,)
<br /> ` • •8at�c,wa.
<br /> � .
<br /> •-- - --_.__----�SCAI) .—($ti1) •
<br /> •$otrowor •8oaowu
<br /> ♦
<br /> S�1�t'Q�A1Nfr�r I�.� COnDt�S3i
<br /> � 'Ihe fore,�lnswmcnt wav acWwwlctiged bcfore ma t�i� � day of � . i335 �
<br /> by Ao�a►�a �l�u►x �A Gc•.v.riaive.�d
<br /> Witncs9 my hruKi�ul t�Wriai seal ai ,Q�,,.+ ?r,�„�„� �o s�w��y.�no a�w�a�.
<br /> My Cw�unis�lon Bxpircs: ��.� � /��8 � �----
<br /> a�ry Whlin
<br /> � CENERAtKOTaRP•St�l�olN�p���� �,
<br /> M'i Coin+n.E p��41�1A
<br /> � •
<br /> �9�d��p al P�p•�ol�
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