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<br /> prLtet�!c��twi��t ul ti�a R�t�3�u��9�u:u�sd ttyr i��Q�i u!Y��t,;su��i��CU�l�t�sw�►�ftulrcu�.i tc�W+r1c�t E;�a G4�►3+�i tiU�i B:��sl c,i
<br /> Yn��t.axc�o�i tR4 ortglrull pri�tclpal nrtounl etotsd fzare:n,ot 9 l �i ,tYhlCll9YDr 18�fQSG�ft. .:�,,.�. .t` .
<br /> 1Q,R�lle��etls�x+oi��Rrav�elane, . . . , � �
<br /> (o)earn►wer Not R�te��a�.�xtflr►11on of tho Ilmo tor ppymont or moditicnt[on ot c�morttmtfon ot thn aums s�cur�d by thts
<br /> ennd ot Yn�at pranted by I�onct�r ta any cuacossor In Intoro�t ot k3amawor ohail net opomto to�elaaso,ln any mnnnnr,thu Itablll•
<br /> ry of the odgln�!13orroare�and Eforrowa►'e suaaoaso�e in Intareat. Le�der sh�al!not bo roqui►ud tu oommanca proceadln�t�
<br /> ��+Me1�i�eh R�r�ees»nr c�rei��se Ro extenci lln�e(or psyment or oti�e�vlse mnx�iiy emarllrAtk+n of fhe ai�ms se�c�irec�by this
<br /> Etatx!af Ytuat Cy�a�t ut ony clamand�mati,�by the or{�Inal Eiorrowe►an�t E3otr�e eeu�essare Fn Interast.
<br /> (b)i.�nde�'��'awtra.Withaut nftncUnp thn Ifability o1 ony otlu�r porcan tlabfo tar tha paYmant nt nny obfigadon haratn mors�
<br /> tianod,and wUhout nitociing tho Ilon or chArgo oi Ihls tk3Qd ot T�ust upon sny porNon n!th3 Wroporty�a�tnen or t�orototoro
<br /> ��..�as��ui�;ict t�tt�l1�eremu�!e!��ut�a�cbli��tla�,�r.�rl�,r may�tr�:n t�ma te tis►s���s.�ItR�t�si�(ij rc:�a�
<br /> any pe�on eo tlebte,(il)extend the metudty or alter any of lhe tortns of any auch obllgattona,(ill)prnnt otho►tndutponoea,(Iv)
<br /> asles�a w eonvoy�ar esuso to ba rolanaad or raconvoyad at any 1lmo at l.�ndaro optlan any parcol,potitor�or nU a!iho
<br /> PropErrry,(v�tnko or rotouso any othor or additlohal sucudry or�uconvoyad nt any timo ut Lundore opilon nny parcol,ponl�n or
<br /> stl ot tho Property,(vl)tako ar rotoaso any athei or addltlonnl eocudty tor nny obtiputlon haruln rttantlonod,or(vil)mako oompa•
<br /> sitlans of othor aRUnpomante wlth dnbtara ln nzinlion thoroto.
<br /> 4c)Farbsannc�by L�nd�r Net a W�tvir.Any farbaa�unco Ey Larntor In axQrctsing any dght or romody horoundur,or oth-
<br /> orw so aNnrded by appllcnbto law,ehatl not bo�wnivur e1 er pmclu�a t�ei oxarciso o!nny auch�iflht or romsdy.Tho pro�ura
<br /> munt ol Insuranco or the pAyrrtuM of ttucog ar othor Uon�ar chargoa by Lendor ahall no!ba a wnivor or Lnndor'o dght to accatar•
<br /> uto t�eo matudty ot tho IndobtAdnps9 socutod by th�s Cood of Trus!
<br /> (d)8uca�sor�artd Anl ns Boundi Jolnt�nd 8�vaa16teb11ltyi Captton�.1'hn oovanunts and aproumont�haroin aon-
<br /> talnad shall b1n�.and tho�Ip�te horuunder ahatl Inuru to,th3 ro�pocthro auocossola and nesigns o1l.ondar und Tnestor.All
<br /> oovenante and ngr�omente of T�uator shntl bo joJnt und covoral.Tho captlane and houdinga o1 tho pu�agrc�}ph�of thta Ouod o1
<br /> 7'uust aro tor conventenou only and aro not to ba usod to Intorpret ar dcflne tha provisions horaof.
<br /> (e)Raqatt fat Notkwt.The paR[os horoby roquest thut a copy of any noi�o of cbf�utt horoundar und a c+epy a1 any naUcn
<br /> of aute herounder be matla!to each pany to thla Qaed o1 T�ust at tho addres9 oot toRh abov�!n tho munnor prescdbad by
<br /> appi�abta law.Except tor uny othor notice roqulrod undor appticabta tew to bo gIvon!n anathor mannor,flny noilco provldod for
<br /> in Nl9 Dead ot T�uat shail bo given by matlin�such noilce by cartiilod mall addressed to the oihor part�,st the addreos sei
<br /> torih ehove.My nntk�provkled for in this Ot�t�d of Tnist shull bo oifocWo upon malting tn tho manno�dostgnat�tl herefn.!3
<br /> Trustor 19 mura than ono person,noUa►sent ta tha addiess sot torth above ohali bo�otloB to all such potsons.
<br /> (�Impwtton.Lendor mny muko or causo ta ba mado reason�bte ontdea upon and lnspoctions of tho Pr�a�y�providod
<br /> that Le�xlsr ehall gtva Tnrator notice pdor to any such Inspectlon spociyirtg rearonabl�cause theretor reiatad ta�ri�dere inter-
<br /> est In Ihe Properiy,
<br /> (q)R�conwy�nco.Upon paymant of all ouma¢ocurod by this Daod nt Tn�st.Lcndor oh�ll rc�uust Trusteo to roaonvoy th�
<br /> P�opeRy end shetl eurrn�dai thls Oaod of Tn�ot and atl notoa ovidonatng Indabtodness sacurod by thls Qeed ot Tn�at to
<br /> TNetee.Tn�stoe shalt rec�m�ay tha Praporty,w�thout wAr��ty and wtthaut aharga to the pa►son logalty enUtted thareto.Tn�sto�
<br /> sl�.1N pay dN tbsi�or recx�rdztiofl,l}uny.
<br /> (h)Wrsonal Rrop�rty= 8ecudry Agreement.As c�c�9itlonal seaurity tor the paymeM ot U�e Noto,Tn�stor hereby flrentu
<br /> L.�nda�under U�a Nsbraake Unlfoan�ammeroid Coda�noaudty lnte�eat In atf Ilxturea,aqulpmont,and oiher pareannt propoAy
<br /> used tn c�nnectton with tho reat ustate or Impravomflnto tooAted lheroon,and�bt otherwiso dectared or doemod to bo a part of
<br /> the real attate cecured har�by.Thi�Inat�ment shap be aonatrued ae a 9ecu�ity Agreemant andar said�oda,snd lhci t.�n�r
<br /> ehall fiaxe all the�a�s e�x1 remedles o7 a saoured un�ar sald Code In addit3on to thn riM�a end remediee undsr Ihie
<br /> pF1t0Qr8ph Bh8{)b8 CU111U1811Y0 With,011d 111110 WAy 8 Iltititl 110�,�endore�Ighte�nd romedlaa uncbr any atner sacv�iry aprea-
<br /> ment s�pned by 8orrower or Truator.
<br /> (I�rt�=�����o.�Tn��r�re�n�s�Q�e�ag Ma that tR�r�le no dafsutt under the provtatone of any
<br /> _.._e1 lhe Ptmarl�r,or nther oontce�t,lnstrumenl or
<br /> d81t�R9 h8lld 0�Tlt!1'S►Id�'t t�y d d a�l)6Ki911�:L18fl8 f8 81t1 llltlfl0d�l@d O%t�S�8 d1�8C103Ad p�.811d81�T�4ISIAr��
<br /> ten disoloaure of Ilena and enoumb►ancea pravlded for horoln.Trutitor ohap dmety poAorm aIi of T�uotor'� abtlpatia�s.
<br /> eove�ante,reprosenri�tlons and wnrranUoa undor amr and all extating and tuturo Uona,shall promptry�award b 4c�n�r coplor
<br /> af eN�olica�01 default sent In conneatlon with any and all exlniinp�r hrture Uens,and ohatl nut wittr.;.^f Lender'a prior writte�
<br /> consaot L�any manrser modify the provialons ot or allow eny tuture advancea undor any oxistlng or tuture Ilene.
<br /> Q)AppUcatioes of Paym�nU.Un{�s ottwrwiso�oqulrod by law,auma pxld to I.,endar heroundar�Inoiudinp wllhoul imlfa-
<br /> tkmp�►yments of pdnoipal and interest,insu�ance praceeds,oondemnatton procc+ede and rent�encl proflte.ohaW be�pNad by
<br /> Lender to the amounta due and owinp hom T�ustor and borrowei(n sueh order ae I.endar in Its sole discret{on deema de�ir-
<br /> I�bN.
<br /> (k)B�va��bitity.lt any provtslon ot this Deecl af fc^.x�coniltate wtth applloabto law ar la daclered lnvaRd or p�e�wlae unan-
<br /> taresabb,auch oontl�t or Invcitid!4y et�al!rw�aK�t t!�a oihor pf0'r181Q119 O�thi8 L160d 01 TN810�N16 NOZO NIf11C11 C�fl b6 QIYltI
<br /> eftect wMt�out the oonfllating proviaion.e�xi to lhts�u��the provislona o1 thta Oeed o1 Troat and Ne Nate nro dedamd M t�n eew
<br /> ��dblo.
<br /> (q 7�nn�.The terma"fnrsto�'and"Borcowef ehatl Inotudo both slr►pular and ptural,and vrhon the Tn�sior and Qatrower aro
<br /> the eart�e per,,on(e),those t�rms as used In thla fMed ol7nwt ahaU be Interchangoa�1a.
<br /> (m)Qav�N�q I.�w.Tl�is Oaad o1 T►uet shaQ ba povemed hy tha lawe o1 tha SlRta 9f Webraaka.
<br /> �r�w�a
<br /> K cwai�U.���'t»�
<br /> TN6tOt h83 axACtltBd�tl8[�f�8d d! ���i��1YP
<br /> �+cs�„��n��--=r..--::>:•n-:.s '
<br /> � -fQ-�� �y� :�Un.a.�:�r"��_����
<br /> J n M. Sunniaberg 'i'rusbr �`'�^K�hdali S. S � � '1'f��iwr
<br /> T�uat�r � Trustor
<br /> Q. • '� �
<br />