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<br />.-;:_�� � �E�D��'TRU�T WIYFf FUTiJP1E ADVqNC�� �-
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<br />�� YN19 OEED OF THUBT.ta mado ne o1 tho � day of ��Ga�r ,tp 95�„_�,by nrtd nmong�
<br />=��� Jon ri. Sunnebar� und Kendall S. 5ursneber�, hueband und wife � �
<br /> ---- tho Trusior.
<br />--- — 2q5 Surfn Dr�ve Doni hf�n NE 68832 (herein'Trusro�'�whotho�ono or moro), �°
<br /> _— wt�oso mulUog�ddros9 ta�_______.
<br /> -- tha Trustee �'� �P�oY��s Federla Credit Union
<br /> -- wtwso me�unpaddress 18 P•p• �x 499� Coltunbus� NE 6H6U2-0499 _(hvreln'Truutflo'�,and
<br /> tho eonel�c�ary�_ �'� �loyeeg �edexal Credit Union --
<br /> whoso matuns aedrosa is.p;p• Hox k99� Columbus. NE 68602-0499 (haroin"l.ondo�").
<br /> � FOA VAL �LE G�N3ID�RAPI�N.tnatudtng Lnndore oxtvrv;lon of credit tdenitilod horoln to •Ton M. �urnteber� And
<br /> � t�l S. Sunneber� huaband and wife
<br /> ' (heroln"8orrowor;whothor o�►ar more)and the trust herein created.the roonipt
<br /> — ot which is horoby acknowlodged,Tra�tor horoby Irrevtxably g►�ts�h'cu►a�oto� comeya snd aesipna to Trustee� IN TRUBT.WRN
<br /> ---- = POWER OF 9ALE,tor tt�e beaotit s��seourlty ot Lender�under ar��subJoct to tha tertns and condittana horotnafter tset iorlh,tt�e reaf
<br />-- __ pt�;c�al�_.°!c4l�: �
<br /> - Lot Nine (91�, Whites Sunny Sln�os 5ubdiviaion, in Hall County, Nebx�skp
<br />�_ - � Tagether with sli bulldings,Improvomonta,flxturos,otraets,atleys,Paasasewayo,epson}onts,�ighm�pr{vAs�t�nd ep�uAana�as
<br /> Icoat�d thereon or In ttnywteo pertalnin�thorato,and tha rante.lssuos and proflte,rovumlona und rumulndero thsraof�and such per-
<br /> sonal propeAy that Is ettachod ta tha Improvemtjnte so us to constltuto u fixture,Inciudlnp,but not Ilmitod to�heating end 000ilnp equlp�
<br /> � men�and topethet with the home�tond or marltsl Interost�,it any,which inter�sts aro haroDy�ofonrsod and wtilved;ati ot whloh,(nc(wf-
<br /> In�reptaoement�and addlttony theroto.la hereby deolared to ba u paR ot the real astata secured by tha Ibn of this Deed ot Trust and
<br /> eN ot the toro�olrp betng roto�rod to horein ae tha"P�operty'.
<br /> Thi�Oeod ot Trust shall securo(a the pa �a nt ot the pdnclp�l sum and Interest ovldencod by a promiscary te or c��tt apree-
<br /> msnt datecl. qctober �. 19�5 ,�aving o matudty date o1 Nano St.�tec� .
<br /> 12,635.73 �r�c►an and nli modlticatbnati,�a,cta�siana and ronewale
<br /> in the orlginal pdncipal amount a1� � Y
<br /> 1M�roo!or thereto and any and ail tuture ath►ancas pnd raudvancea to Borto�rer(or any of tham II mure tha►n one�hoteunder�rsuant
<br />- �� l���at��w+a pi'ar�lssory nata�or r.r:dit�preemant�(hereln oatleA•tdato'�;lb)tho paymene o1 other aume adva�ed by 4andpr to
<br /> proteot ttf�securlty o1 tAe Note;(o)4'a��,�eAormanoo 01 ail covonants und apreemonte o!Truator se1 torth herein;and(d)all present and
<br /> - -- (uture�ndebtednASO und obllgattons of Qorrowor(or any allhem 11 mara than one)to Lenda►whetiier diroct,indirect,absolute or cattin-
<br /> gent and whethor adstnp by nota,guaranty.ovardraft ar othervutao.The Ncte�thia Qeed nf Trusi und eny end all other cbcumontu that
<br /> eacu�e the Notv or olhprvviae oxecutud In connectlon thorowith, Inotudin�without IimitaUon guatanteoa,secutlty ngroomenta end
<br /> essisnmemta olleasas and rente.shall�e referted to hereln as the'�oa��nstrume�ta"•
<br /> Tr,o�tor covenante and ayreea H ith l.ender as failowa:
<br /> - 1. �aymMt of tnd�btedMS�.AII Indebiedness se�ured l�Y sh�ll be pc�{d when due.
<br /> �. TitM.TrusWr Is tho owner o1 tlie PropeAy,hae 1he dght and authodry to convey the PropaRy,and wanarrte that the Ilan ar�wt-
<br /> od horeby ia e Uret and prbr Ilen on the P�ope�Ry,excopl to�Itens and encumbrana�s sst faAfi by T�ustor In w►ltinp ar�d delM�red to
<br /> lender betore oxecuNon ot thlu Deod o1 T�ust.und tho executton and deiMary of thts Oeed ei Trust dooa no1 vblate any contto�cl or
<br /> othe�obligat{on to whtch Tn+ator Is eubtoct.
<br /> 3.T�ucq�Maaarn�M�.To pay botara dolin�uonoy atl t,�c�s,spoclal aasa�mento and all othor chargoa agrilnsl tho PropoAy
<br /> - now or heteafter tevfed.
<br /> 4.Insaranc�.To kesp tho Praporiy tnsured agalnat damaQe by fire,harards inctudod within tha tenn'exWndad covo�a�',and
<br /> �__� auch haxardo au Wndor mny roquho�in�nw�mxi wi�i Eo+�pa�les aa�ta l,ess�si.�em!sr�l.efxkc����!r�ea�ad
<br /> Insured,wtlh losa payable to the�ender. In case ct toss under such policles,the lendur Is authoflzed to adjust.co�tecl and oompra
<br /> mise�atl ctalane iheroundsr and shaQ have tho optlon af applytng atl or parl 01 the insurance proceads li)to any Indehtednesa secured
<br /> - heroby and in such order ae Lendor mey determine,pl)to Q►o 7rustor to ba usad tor tho ropair or restoratlan o1 the P�operty or pU)tar
<br /> any olher purpose or objocl satistactory to 4ender wlthout aNecUn�the Ilen of thts Deed o1 Tn+st tor the tull amount aecurc�d hereby
<br /> botnro euoh payment ever took pteaa. Any applkations ot procooda ro fndebiodnean shall not extend or postpone thu due date of eny
<br /> paymnntA under tho Noto,or curo any detault thoroundor or horeunder.
<br /> 6.Etcrow.Upon wrtlten doman�by W�dor.Tnastoo shall pay to Londor.In auch mannor na Londo�may dosignato,eutflck+nt
<br /> --_��� eum4 tn Qnable Londor to pny as thoy bacomo duo ono or mora o1 tho followlnn:(I)t�ll tnxo�,aasor,amont�and othar otwrges ogatnst
<br /> the PropvAy,QI)tho promtum�on tho propory Insurunco roqulrod horoundflr�(Ili)tho pramium�on any mort�¢o In�urAnco�oqulrod by
<br /> —
<br />