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<br /> stne���t ttf►�.►m at tha inc�bit�nes9 s+ecuraci t�y tht�t�sci u!1Pfu�� r�11-iclu�t�casms adv��cc9 ta prnt€xt Iha e,�cts�ity af thl��t�A o� --
<br /> ��ut;1,nx��ed the ot'�tnal pric���ai amtsunt st�tsti fearoln,o�0�a?�.��U.Utl_,� ,whtch�v�r is t�raatar. _
<br /> to.�tt�atl�r�au.�r�vhroa�. --
<br /> (�)Borr�ws►Nc�t itRNsaa9.Cxtnnglon of tho timo(or p�yrrtent ar m�di(Icattan o!amadlaallon ol tt�c�eums soc�ued by thta
<br /> 13�a�ui'fn►sf granted dy 6andt��to eny 6ut�r!�or In Interast al�or�u�►�x ehnll nnt operate tu�etease,fr��ny martntir.the llsbiA•
<br /> ty o1 tho Qrl��nat F3�ttawer Rnd Bori�wet'e e�woesaora In intare3t.l�ender shall not be requlred to cunu'itentzq prt�oding�
<br /> pgai�al6uat� cucc�3sor ar cot�a ta e:�snc1 t4me tor p�ym�m c+r�the,w�se mod�ry amurutaUon oi tha euma eecurad 0y ttet9 --
<br /> 03a�q W Y�u�i�y raa�n at flny�+n�ancia nade�y tha ort�k►al SarroKar an�l0grirawa�e euccoa�ore In lntero9l. --_
<br /> (b?���a.Wlthc�t a(tecting tha ItahWty oi any otPe�r paraon Ilahte tor the ReYmenl ot any ob!€��ti�1 haratn m�n�
<br /> ttOJ10d,a�ld 1lrithRUt Rfte3CtUQ lMtf If0710�OttRtp9 0!tV11�d88d ot�n�9t�pnn dny ponid�tt df m9 Ft�iiy itat tiia�ar�ar�rore�o -
<br /> t�taar�cr�cacun�l Eur'Ei'c�h�#�at�t�tttt ot s1i u�'�ki �'' °;��t.est��'+.��.t'am tR1SU_+4r!�tn�?�tu!t�-iLh!�!tt��{I)re�e.�� _
<br /> any porsoa so�labts,�u)exterM tt�o matudry o�alter eny a1 lhs tomna af any euch obllQatlana,(iU)pra�ri atRnr tndulgnncaa,tN>
<br /> �eteaae nr cenvey,ar cauea ro Oa refaass�f or�cconv�yed M eny Ume at l.endar'a o�llon er�y parcol,�oriMn ar aU ot lne __
<br /> Proparty,(v�take ot retttase any otAor or addit[onal eeGU�iry or�aoor►vayod at sn Ilma at Lertdor'o optlon ony Rarcpl,portlon ar
<br /> utl ot ths Proparry,(vq tako or roleass any oltter ar add►tional aeaurly 1or any obl�gntian horuln montlonod,oi(vii�m�tco cumpa
<br /> altfo�9 ot oiher amang�mento wlth debtore tn tctatton thoroto.
<br /> (o)Fazbar�nc�by I.�td�r t�t e Waiwr.Any t�r0oarance by Lemler[n axemislnp any rtght or romedy heraunder,or oih•
<br /> orwlao af�orded by eppilcaDte law,anaq not bo e watvor n1 or prc�ctuda tho oxarclso ot any auch�taht or ramedy.Tho procuro•
<br /> rtsent ollnauranc�►o�ttwpaymem o1 taxei or other liena or charpe9 by lenbei al�atl nct be a walvctr cr Lendoro ty�M to accretea
<br /> ate tTw mahtriry of tM lndMtMr►�as�acured by thlo paed o/T�uat
<br /> (d)Buoo�swrs�nd Aat1{�n�!loundi Jetnt�ed lhwrn141aWflryi Captbm.T'ho cnvonants snd npreemants hereln oon•
<br /> tnlned ehall btnd,nnd tho dflhte�ereun�er shall lnuro to,tho roapocthro eucc�saore and aaelflna o1 Londor and YMOtar.All
<br /> cavanante and agroemonte ot Trustor shall ba�oint und eovornt.Tho anpttuns nnd t�flndinga of tho paragraphs ol Mlo�Ruad o1
<br /> T�uat are tw convenlonco anry and are no1 to be used to Intcrprot ar detino the provislons hereol.
<br /> (e)R�qufst tor NaYicss.i'he paNea hereby►eqeMSt that a copy o1 any not�Ca of detau►t Rereunder and e aopy o1 any natke
<br /> o!ealo horouRaer oe ma�led ro aac�parry to thte baed of Tn�st at the address set forth s5ove In the manner prescribed by
<br /> eppticable law.Excep1 for any other natice requirod undar eppllcable!aw to be plven In nnothar mannor.any notlae provWed tor
<br /> In th�s Deed ot 1'n�st shall bo ptven by maiiln0 auoh notica by oeRiflod mail addressed to Ihe other partle9.at pro addrew sel
<br /> todh ahanro.My notloe provkfed to�In thtr Dead ot Tru�t chnN ba eifecSive upon mailf�In the manner doaipnated hereln. 11
<br /> T�ustcr is more lhan ono�e►ean,notkse sent to the add�as set tarth above ahall be�otice to e11 much persona.
<br /> (�insp�atbn,Londar may make or cau�e to be made roaeonebte ent►�ea upon ond(rta�ctiano of the Fropery,provld�d
<br /> tht�t nder a�wli pira Tn�s*.ar notice prlor t4 any suah t�apeatlon specityl�p teasonabla cause tMrefa�at�ted to Ls�dePs In�ti
<br /> est tn tlfe Properry.
<br /> (p)R�conv�yanc�.Upon paymont o1 all sum�aocurod by thl�Re�td o?Tncst,Lender ahall request Ynu�tee ro reoonvey the
<br /> Proparty snd shall aur�onder this Qeed of Trt,ef and afl natea evldAncinp tndebtadnsss secured by tht�Oeed o1 Y�utt to
<br /> Truatc�e.Tn�atee shsll re►o�nvey lho Property,w{Ihout wa�ranry and wiMout char�o to tho person Iege+ily antttt�ed thereM.TNetor
<br /> shaU pay�N c�oato ot racor�atkt��,lt any.
<br /> (h)P�t�w�l P�op�rty;8ecutiry llflreement.Ae eddltlOnal secudty tat the p8yme�1 oT the Note,Truatot hsreby qtanSe
<br /> 1.�►d�und��th�N�bnska Unitorm Comrtwrotal CodO a�ecurtry�ntereat tn at1 tixtura�,equlpment.�nd othsr p�rsonW Propsiry
<br /> used In ccx�necWn with the rea1 estata or Improvamunto locRted tl►�raon,and not athenvlse declare�d or deemed to be s puR of
<br /> Mo roal a4tnte eaeur�ed hereby.Th!s inst�umeni ehail be cenatn�ed as a Seaurity Agreoment under aaW Cad9.AtM Me t.�ncfer
<br /> �!!!��!!!t�sl�ttt ens!t� t3!�� e�lt under eatd C�le In�tlditlo�f to lhe riflht4 end remeidi6!under this
<br /> parapraph sha�l bo cumulathre witfi,and In no way a Ilmitatbn on,tsndo�s riQ1►ts and remadlea unt4or ciny other seaudty�yyree�
<br /> ment ei��ed by Bortower or Tastor.
<br /> (i)Ll�n�wnd Eocumbrat�ea�.T�usar horoby rrnmsnts and repr�sente Ihat there Is no defauit wufst the prarislons at any
<br /> �p.:�.,� ,�a�.���.-,�-�.+eenrt�h!�n ay e±r aqv e�ut et the P„eoattv=ar otMr mntr�d.tcvtnYrfetlt ar
<br />_ apreemeM aonetih�iny a iiim or ar�curi�bFaix:a ag,�tr�t all ot any�o�t�ia Praps=H t�+��'!.�Ol na d!!�e
<br /> date ot thia Dood af T�u�t,and thnt any and nll oxtstinp Uons romA n unmoditled�xcept as dsclosed to Lende►M Tnutor�wtit•
<br /> ten disctoeu�e of Ilena and enct�mbrencea provided tor herein.Tiuetor�hall timaly peKorm ali ot Tn►ator's obl{satlant,
<br /> covenante,ropresentstlons anc��ar�antle�under any and etl extstin8 and tulur�uon�,aha�l promply taward to l.eeder ooplea
<br /> W d1 notbes o1 detautt sent in oonnectlwi wim any and atl�xksUnp ar hrture Uena�and shall not withaut�ernfe�s pdor writtan
<br /> con�ant M 4ny manner modity the provislone o1 ar atbw any tuture advances under any exfsUnp o�tuh�ro Nsna
<br /> (p Appib�tionf ot R�ym�nt�.Unteas othenvl�e tequlred by taw,euma p$W to lond�u hersunder.inckidi�q witfiout Mnit�r
<br /> tbnpayments ot pdnaipal and Ir�erosL Insutanoo proaaede�oornfem�atton�+rooee��snd rento and pra�ta.shail�s nppiled by
<br /> Lender to ihe amounte dua end owtnn trom T�uator snd borrower In such ordor a�Lender In lts sole dbcreHon de�m�d�sth
<br /> ebl�.
<br /> fe�,�k�ra)b{e�wr�liQry�fl�f o InvaNdltyn eha I�ao�a eet the othar�p�slooe of�th�0eed at�'a�s�t or�tha�Nots wNch�can�GNa�+
<br /> effect without the aontll�llnp provt�lan�and to thh wnd the�rovlaiona of thta Deed of TNat and Ma Note are da�ared b�ba sev- -
<br /> erabtu. .
<br /> (I)T�nm.'R�ti 4emna"1'ruator and`Bo�ratva�'Rhall tncluda both�tnputae e�nd plural,and when the 3c�stot and Borrawer are
<br /> ' the eame p�rson(s).those terms as used in thfa Daal a17n�at ahwll be Interchanpeable.
<br /> (m)Dora�niny 6aw.Tt�ls�oad o1 T�►a1 ohell bo @ovemod by the lawe ol the 6tato o!Nebreake.
<br /> Tru�tor has eYSr.ui�i this Qasd ot Tnt�t es of tfw duto writton aiwve.
<br /> ,� ��- .���` C�.��
<br />_ . ,.�`•-:�, Tastnr
<br /> T • «�u.r:u. .u,ui,c , d �
<br /> `y� �1Il.Y.f�:;1��AB!s:�t
<br /> �!'�1i�WH difd�1�.*isF1
<br />_ �• � .o=Vap
<br />