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<br /> ,�. DEEp OF 1'AU�'f Wi'rW FvTIlR�Ai�VAN��$�. �' � Q'
<br /> �
<br /> Tttl9 OEE�OF TRIJ�T,le msde aa o1 the,.,_1@IH,.,.dey oi�1Q���- ..------�1� 9-L---����nd e�maa�g ��.
<br /> C"�
<br /> � tho 1'rustor, ST�VEN L THOMPSpN AtVD 1.INpA C THOMPSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE � \�
<br /> � whoso muillrp address ts 4170 NARTFORD StREkT. GRANO T�LAN�, NE 6880�horotn'Ttusto�,whnthor ono ur�nu��a�,
<br /> �
<br /> e tho T�u3t� NPND EMPIQYEES FEDEAAL CR" �DIT UNION — -------
<br /> ' whoso matiing address ts P n.�OX 499. COLUM�l1S NE 68602-0498 (hflreln'i'�ustao��end
<br /> � w������������ P 0 90X 499. CDLUMBUS, NE 68602�0499 (hereln'�ende�.
<br /> � FOH VAWABLE CONSIDERATION.including I.endflre extonslon ot a�edit tdontltlod horoin to T..�,��� �� MP.�N- AND
<br /> �D����^• �HIISRAI�n n��n �tCy — --
<br /> �,.,(h@fBIA"BO((t1W�r;Wh6lhBf Ofll1 Gt II'lOTB)Afld lh9 tN81 h@fAI11 CieStBd,tlfe fOCeip1
<br /> 01 whtch ls hereby t►chotowled8ad�Trustor hereby irtevocabry granto.transtors,cw►veye and aoslgne to Tnistet►�ItJ�i UST,NtiTH
<br /> POWER OF 9AlE�for the beneflt and secutlly o1 Londor.under and o��bf oct to tho turtns a�d cond►ttona horelnattar sei forih,the real
<br />— propeAy described ae totbwa:
<br /> Tonather Wllh ep btsildin�9,Improvemenis.lixtuma,etreet�,eileya,paane�wnyo,oasorttont�,rtphte.�rtvil�s and appuRerwnoea
<br /> l008t8d�!i o!M enY��P���9 the(BZD�Bild�t9 feflia�issuoa ari.i Pnmw�i"..o.�•••"'�'°�"�s=-'�°�`�°n-°�cmtj eM auch ger-
<br /> uonul proparty tha!la attached ta tho improvamante so as to r•onstliute a tixturo,lnctuding,bui ooi lftijited to.haati�and a�t�a9 t�.�P'
<br /> ment:and tcpeMnr wtth tho homoatead or ma�iYal intaruato,if any,whlch intv►oste are horoby�aleasud anQ wa►vnd;aq o1 whtch,U�ciud-
<br /> �n�repi�cements and radtiltiar�v ttioreto.Is hereby deClRted to be A patt oi lhe real 88t�te st'iCUt�d by the(18n 01 thia p0ed qf Tntot end
<br /> �N��'I'�hIA ped{o T�shaetl sacuro(a)thu payment%!ho pdncipul t�um and iniorest evkianoed by o prav�Iusory oote or a�l a�roe�
<br /> ment dates,._,Q�eIQ@��9���-. - �havinp e matudly tlata ot.._.. N �l S�ATED .
<br /> In tho artqlnal pdnclpal emount o19_ 1A.200.00 ,and eny und att crod111auUone,oxtansbna and renow�
<br /> tt�areol ar thareto and anY and all futura adranoea and readvences to 8oaawer(or any ot Mum if more ihan vne)heroundar pu►sueutt
<br /> to one ot mors prorniasory notea or cralit agreemsnts(herein called'Note'�:(b)the payment of other sume adrarx�d bY I.endeT to
<br /> protacct tt�e cscudty o1 the Noia;(o)tho per(om�a►�ce c1 e��covenants and anre�ante ot Tn�eto�set torih heroin;e.nd(d)aA presant utd
<br /> tuture Indebtedneso and oblisationa ol8onower(a�any ot them i4 rnore than one�to tsnder whother di�e�sct,�ndre�t�ebaoluta or oontlm
<br /> pent and whether adsinq dy note,guaranty,oversitafl or otherwise.The Ncts�th►e Deed ot Tn�t and any and ell othet documents thaA .
<br /> - c;ecure the Nofe ar atharvvlso executed fn aannscUcn thorotivlth, tnctuding withot�t limitation guaranteos,secuQty apreemente end
<br /> assipnmonts at leasos and t�nts,shall be reterred ta herein se the`Y.oan Inatruments',
<br /> Trustar covenante and egreea wlth l.ender ae to0awa:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of tndrbt�s•IUI indebtedneas secured hereby shall be p�id when due.
<br /> 2. Yttl�.Truato�Is the ownsc c�t the Ptoperiy,has lhe�ht asid e�uthority to convey tha R-opeAy,arxl wartante that the pen creut-
<br /> ed t�,n�y t�a fir�l and prbr Ilen on the Propariy.except tor l�oirs and encumbranoes set brth by Yrustor In writinp andi c�Uvered to
<br /> Lsn�c+r boto�a execution of thts Deed of 1'nrst,und the execuUa+�and dolivery ot thla Ceed of TN�t doea not viotate any contracl or
<br /> othar obllpatbn to which Trustor is sub�oct.
<br /> i- 9.Yexes�Aswssrn�nta.To pay Qoluro dotinquoncy all tnxos,cpcclul as;wsaments end all aiher�+�:ges oge�ns�the PrctipoRy
<br /> norr�r hereafter levled.
<br /> �.Im�w�w.To keap the PrapeAy Insured c�ainst dart�a by Qre,hazards Included within the tem►•extended cova�ye".and
<br /> m�
<br /> such ha�rd�ea tAnder may requlre,I�emow�its and with compantea aocoptabte to Lender.naming lender as en ud�iNon�
<br /> �n�uresl.Wim ta��e to lho Londar.ln case af bss under euch potictes.lhe lender fa autt►odxed to edjuat.uoWect and comD�a
<br /> — miso,utl clalms the:�rnder end stiall huve Ihs optlon of opplyfip a►ii or part ai iha irtauini+ca prts�s�l}3��Y��g��-'�"`�
<br /> hereby end in suct��rder ae Londer may determtne,(ii)to the Trustor ta ba usod for the repalr or restoraUon ot tf►a PropeRy ot(iU)for
<br /> — any oiher pvrpose ar abJect sutisfaotory to Lendor without Aftactlng tho Ilen ot thls Deed o1 T�ust tor the tuli amount secured hereby
<br /> � betore sucfi puyment ever tooN place.My appliCatlona o1 proaesd�to Indebxodn�ss shall not oxtend or postpaw tho due date o1 any
<br /> paymente u�xfer Ihe Note.or cure any default thereunde�or hereunder.
<br /> 6.Bsctow.Upon written domand by Lan�er,Trustee �hail pay to l.endnr.in such mannor aa l�onder may designate,sufticient
<br /> � sums to enuWe l.ender to pay as they be�oome dve oaa o�more o1 the following:(y atl taxes.assassmonte and other charges against
<br /> _� the Proparty,(��)tho Premiuma on tiw proparty Inauranao ruqulred hereunder.(IN)tho Promluma on any moRgaga insurenco requlred by
<br /> � �onder.
<br /> ��� 6. Matnbninc�,Rspalr�on0 ComRlt�nc�with Lew+i•Truator shatl knop tho Praporty in good conditlon and ropuir.ahatl
<br /> `.�.� promptty repair�or reptace any Imptovoment which may bo damu9od ot do�troyed;eh�ll aat cammlt or pormlt any wasto or dotertora•
<br /> ��� tlan ot the Properiy;ahaa not remove.dernotish or subslantially alter any of tP�e Improvomanta on tho P�operry:ahall not oommlt,safter
<br />_:� � or permll any act to be done in or upon tho P�o�edy In vblaUon o1 any law,ordinanca,ar ro�ulatlon;and shull pny and p�omptty dis�
<br /> �argv nt TNSto�'e ct�st�expenso all Uene,encumbrancos and char�a loviad,Imposod or aocossod a4alnst tho Proporty or anY
<br />=:-`L_ p8A�11QT6S11.
<br />-- 7.Etnl�nt Dorn�ln.�onder I�hereby asslgned n1�comPen3utlon,ewnrds,d�nmogoa and othor payment9 or re l i e f(h are i n a t t e r
<br />--�
<br />- e�oau�u�•�sc.ro�a�,.we .
<br />--��=:�Yj,' p�awlWO�l dcamianrnrnao.n+p.ar+catm►rcanNODUa , ,��J�, ,
<br /> `''� an --- ----
<br /> i • — —.--'�y�__......._..�_.�.T----
<br />