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<br /> +, �.
<br /> � ' ����,� , , 'fQ��'iNi:Si WISN flil Iho In�proveniento na�v ur heroa4er erQCtecf on tho pmpviy, and e(I eaecincnt�, appu�tcnxnc�a, an� �
<br /> = i'i�tu�u� i►ue�or heioaRcr a part of iho p�epeity A-4 rep�3eomcu�ta and actd!tlene ahaJ ei�o teo coveteQ by Ihls C�ecu<<ry tnetcunl�u. �„
<br /> E111 ut Iho tefcpo4►;�Is retsrreA tA In Iht�Eccwtry In�VUmcnt an tNa'p�opa�y'
<br /> OC�ARt�{,y�:R CoUGNANT�that [iortm�c► !a I�vrNlqr acf�cA nl tho cssl�ta hc�4Ly cnnMOyad and hn� tho dpM ta Cr�nt s�ui �-�
<br /> canvoy tho P►ope�ty aad Ihet lP,e Rro��eriy la �+nancumbcred. �cr.pt tor cv�cimbrancea o1 record, [ior+o�ver�r�2�rante and v,�t'1
<br /> dafend penera►ry the tlUa to tha FTropc�ty epalnot atl ctalmn ana dcrosncl�,oubJv��to any encumU�enoe3 ot�acord. �
<br /> TNi9 CCt3UF�liY IN91RUh4ENT con�bNe� unttomi corcnnntn t�r nntloael use and ��or+�ntio�m covenRnt9 w►11� l,mlted�
<br /> . , .. v�f�ua+e by putsdtctto»w cot�etttuta s unliotm eecurqr lnetn+me��t covGi�g tea!progeriy. D
<br /> � - - UNt�dtihl G�U�NANTE). Uonaw�end 6end�r aarenant end eQrar ee toRawc
<br /> _'__��� 1. Paymeni ai F�rtnatpai and t�t�roa� ProPn�yme�! etxl!-�te Gh�s{��.e►�:ows aw�prwups�r�v��►�• �
<br /> r.�:
<br /> dua tho pdnctpal ot nnd tntcro�i an thd�i�Ut�vtdc���d t�y tha Nnto artd eny prc��+i e€�d 4�1e s�.��°s ch�a�►d�.r the Nota �_
<br /> Y
<br /> �. 4�u�tt�a 4tr'fe.+�€* ��� 1�►�ureutce.e�,hJect ro eunUc�te ln�v or ta�wdttm waNer by Lcader�Oonower eholl Rs� �_
<br /> " to lender an tho doy monthy p�ymonts aro duo undar tha Note,untll the Not�t� peld In tuA, �sum(•FUnd�')taa to)
<br /> .�� ' fauen and aseo�ament�whtch m�y eltetn prlatiry ovm thl� 9ccudry I�otn+menl�Q � �� on ths Pro�pe�ty; (b) YduN leaioho
<br /> m
<br /> ,;o,r.'. paymonto or ground ranto on tho Pro�oiry,II any; (o) ycnrty hezerd or propetty(neusance ptamtum�; (d1 yearry�ood h�su�
<br /> � � ' premlumo,it any; (o)ycerty oioKgugo Innu�anca premluma,tl nny; nnd (��ny nume piyable by�o�uwa to Landcsr In aacordanc�
<br /> � with tho provialono ot parapreph 0, In Itau of tho pnyment ot manpopo Inaurance prcmNma, The�e Itema nr�oallad 'Eecra�
<br /> • - Itcm�' lander nlay, et nny ttme, colloat and ho!d Fw�d� In nn emaunt �ot to ucatod Ihs marLnum amount a lande� tor � _
<br /> tadcrnty rctntnd mo�tpapo loam m�y raqutro tor Bonowcr'o oacrav nacouM und�x the teder�l Fte�l EsUte SatUem�nt Prc�cedursa --
<br /> Act of 1lf'l4 a9 amandcd irom ttmo to G'mo,12 U.9.0.�7G01 nt anq. ('Rki3AA'�, unloae nnother Inw that appltoa to the Fund�
<br /> +s eote a lasaer emoun6 II oo, LQnder may,a1 any pma, aoltact and hotd Funds q� �n �mount not to exceed tt�e leaea �mount. __
<br /> •�� �a�� Lendcr may cstimnto tho amouM of Funds due on tho b�ai� ol cunent data snd roirfln�blo eattnutes ot expendtturea o1 Nture
<br /> ,:�-;• �ocraw Items or othenvlae In acaord�nco wlth upplicablo law.
<br /> ;� t The Fundo ahaU be hetd in nn Inotitullon whono depo3lto a�o Innurud by a fedanl apenoy,ineuummt�IIty�ur anUly(IncNdinp �
<br /> � 4andor, If 4andar le euoh an�natituttoo) or ln any Fadcr�l Homu loan 8ank. lenda� ahd!oppN the Funda to piy tho Eooraw _
<br /> �<�� Itema, Lender��ay no1 chu�o 8onotiver tar holdinp end u�prylnp tho Fund�. �nnuaity enaEytinp tM escraw accaunl,or verl(�Anp —
<br />--- tho Cacrow Itcma, unlese lendcv peya 8arawot Intc�a�t on tho Fundo �nd �ppYcablo kw p�mtM t�nde� ta make suab a
<br /> ;�� oharp�. Howover, Lendar may requlre 8nrtower ta pay s o�e�tlmo charee tar �n Ind�pendonl ro�i estRb tuc ropariing aavlce
<br /> uaad by Lend�r in aont�ecUon wtth thts loan, unlase eppllcablo Inw provlda� alitatwtao. U�1ea� an �OrQemonl W msde or
<br /> epp11cabto taw raquUos Intemat to ba patd,Lendor ahafl not 00�aquired to PaY Boirowe��r►y Interest or oaminp�an the Funda.
<br /> ry�=.=�� BoRO�ver and londer may apree in wdtlnp, hawarcr, that intcrest nhatl ba p�td on Ine Fen6a. �ende► ehtU �Na ta 8otrower,
<br /> without aharqe, nn ennuAl aacounting ot ihe Funds, ahowinp arodito and debNe to ths Fund� �nd th�purpoaa tor whtob eACh
<br />:?,y�� dobll ta the Funde wta mede. Ths Funda are ptedpod ao addltional aacudy tor aR wmf secund by the 8eoudry Instrumen4
<br />;��, if tho Fund� hald by Lander exaeed the amounto pertnittad to be hetd by eppMaibb Ixw. lend�►�hall tcaount to Bonowe�
<br /> tor tho oxcoaa Funda In accordance wlth tho�equlremcntA ot epplicablo law. II th�amount o1 th�Funda Aetd by Lancia at�ny
<br /> ::� tlmo Is oot sufRalent to pay the Caorow Itcma whan due, Lendnr muy eo noUy 8otrawa In wrNlnp,ond, In euch eaad 8orrower
<br />,,,,�"� ahall pay to Lcndcr tho amount neacssary ta mnka up tho doilcicncy. BoRawa shsll make up the deticlenuy in no�noro than
<br /> =_-'�—" tw�No monthry paymentn,at Lvnd�r'a ooia discretlon.
<br />-'�'�� U on ont In tull ot aU euma oecurad by lhle Sacudty Innwment, Ler►da uha➢prpmpty teNnd to Bn�TOwe►a�y Fund�
<br />.::�=��:�: P t�i�
<br /> hetd by Landnt. If,undcr parayraph 21. 4ender ehall aoqulra o�odl tho Prapedy,La�dK.pt�or to th�eIIQulel:ion or aatM of t�a
<br />,�:�,,,,;� � Proparty, ahall appy any Funds hatd by l.ondor nt Iha tlmo ot aaq�rioltton or e�s ao �credtt�0�ins1 th�tums secured by thi�
<br /> _��;� Bocudly Instn�mer�L --
<br /> = 3� �n�l,�c__.at�.on ot Pag�nonttt. Untoos cippuosbto la�v provldoa atherwta�, aN pAym�►w racdved by i.�ndar uadet
<br /> �""_�� parapraphs 1 and 2 ahail be appllad: Arot,to any prcpAymont oharpc�duo undet tits tJate; a�cott3,to mmunts F�Yani:t�i'�w
<br />��-��_�'� paraflraph 2;third,to Intorest duo;fourth,to pdnoipul duo;and Iast,to any tate ahsry�n clue under the Nota.
<br /> =�= � 4. ��nrpeas Llsne� BoROwer shatl Nay aA texoe, saeo�amonte, ehttpa, flnes and Impo�tlono atMbuLaE� to tha
<br /> _i° ��h�Y a�Z n�4nr�r ayer tAl�8noudN ItwinunenL etld IoioehOW PuYmeofA 0�'pround rot149,If�ny. FlarowK shW _
<br /> _ paY ti�es�ob3l�tlons tn tha munn�provldad In pamgrnph 8, nr 11 npt patd b lhat mremM. Har�www t1�Ai WO►man °"un` _
<br /> °—s�i dlroctty to tha pomon owud payment. BoROwer shall prompty tumish tu L�nd�r afl noticu of�maunt�to b��11 undw thlo
<br /> �!�.0 parapraph. 11 Bonowe� maka9 thnso paymeMa dirooty, BoRawar ahetl promptty tumtsh to LmdM ncNpte avktancino ih�
<br /> ---s�� pnymant�.
<br /> — Eiorm�vor sholl promptly dl�oharpo sny Ilon whioh had pdadly ovor thts 8�cwtry Inattum�nl unMss Oaroww: (a) ayroea in
<br /> -�'"' wriqnp to th�payment of Ihe obUp�tloo securod by tho Iian in � menna aoaeptabb to L�ndar; �+)contut� b Qaod UItA th�
<br /> ��_� B�n by, or detsnde apa4ns9 ontorcemont ot tho Itan In, lopal praceodinps whloh b th�4w�da�� opinlcn op�nitt�to pruvmt th�
<br /> .,. entoraement of the Ilen; or qo) eeaures itam th� holder o1 tha Ilon �n�prNrnent atttUtatcry to I.rndw subordlnatln�1h�NM1 to
<br /> thi�Soci�ribt Inairumon4 tf Lendcr dotarmine�thot any part ot the P�apeAyr b wblsct to�Yen which mny�tt�ln prlotllY ova thl�
<br /> Sscurity l��ument,lander mny plvo Borrower W notice Idontlylnp the Uan. eorraww�tuY atloy t`�s tla�a tak�on�a�mor�of
<br /> = tho actla�s Fet torib abova wllhin 10 dayo of the atvinfl of noAce,
<br /> �. Ffiueilfd or Property Inau�Ane�. BoRawer nhsli koop iho tmprovwnent�now s�dstin��ot h�fte��ct�d on thr
<br /> Properiy inaured aqelnat loae by flro, h�urdo Inaludod withln tho tcrm 'extended eovWapa' and Rt►y othK Aaurdt, InGudfno
<br /> Iloods or tloodtng,tar whiah l,ender roquke�k�auranca. Thl��nsu�ance o1u�N b�mak�t�knQ In lh��r►ount��nd Q:�r th�pwbd�
<br /> tt��t I.anda�oqukee. Tha Inaumnae carrler provtdinp Iho (noumnoa eheU bs ahosen by Barower subJrcl to Lanaor's�ppraval •
<br /> � T� whtoh ehatl not be unreaeonaby wllhheld. it gottower talts to maintain awaar�e dactWotl oUore, Laide�maY,at 6vndar'a
<br /> _ optton,obS��n cavaapa to protect LondFn's riphte(n thv PrapeAy in scootdance with p�npreph 7.
<br /> NI Insuranco polictan �nd renow�ts eha�� bo aoaoptabto !o Lendor and ohaN {ndud�• standard mortpap� c6ause, I.K�dK
<br /> �haN huvo tho ripht to hotd the polloloa ond ronewAt�, tl Londor roqulrca, 8ortawer sh�N prompty pM�to L�nd�r�M nodpU af
<br /> � p�ld promtuma and�one�ral notlaes. In tho evant ot lose, 8onower ah�ll ptv�pro�ny.'�t noUo�to th�(n�wa»w c�iw and I.ettde�.
<br /> lo�dor may make proof of loso it not made prompty by 8onower.
<br /> �-'_- Untos�lenda and 9oaowa oihe�wlae r�rao In writing,Inouranca procead� �ha?�i.-�a.ppW�d ta rost�atlon or npxk o1 1h�
<br /> � Proporty cl�flod,If tha roatorallon or npalr Is aaonomloatry toas'h10 and Lande�'�soci+'�.ry t�ao1 Qa��at�d. If ths��stwaUo�or
<br /> —� �epair Io not r.aonomlcaMy foaslb�e or lendcr's socudry wou1Q bo taasanad,tho inaunt►c�ptat�a:A�ahall b��ppllatl to th��ums
<br />__ .�� securod by thla 8ecudry Inetnimenf, wheth�o� ou1 th�n duv, wltt► any excesa pald to Bortowe�. If �oROwor �b�don� the
<br />----= Propexly, or does nat anawor wlthin 30 dayo e notlae hom Lendcr that the Insu�anos aanle� hu ottored to aeUle a et�kn,thon
<br /> Lender m�y aollect the Insurpnce proaoads, I.ondur may uaa the praceeds to repak or restore th� PropKty or to p�y suma
<br /> _ _ —? �acurad by thle Beaudty InnWment,whothu►or aot then duo. Tha 3aday perlod wiY bopk�wh�n tt�noUcY ta pMen.
<br /> -_-.i � u� �aa and 9oa�xrsr o�n�..�! ��r� �n wrwns, any .ppucauon �f Pmoa�s ca w�c�l Qh� na extana o:
<br /> -- poatpnno the due deta ot the manthy paymants rotertad to in parapn+pha t �nd 2 or ahanQe Me amount a1 ths p�ymenla. ll
<br /> under p�npreph E1 the P�ope�ty lo�cquirod by lender, Honowor's dght to ony Insunna�poYcla md proawd�tesultinQ Irom
<br /> � damaqa to the PropaHy pdor to the scqulsltlon ohall pASO to lendor to the e:Rari o1 th� wms by thl� eewrfp► In�tn�mont
<br /> ,_�� hnmsdi,�tey pdor to tho Acqutsltlon.
<br /> -- 6. Oaouptnay. prasorvatlpn� Malntenanco and ProtoMlon of th� Proporty; Boi�on�ra�•� Loan
<br /> -� AppliCatlOtl; LaA�ohotds. 9orrower shalf occupy,us4abU3h, and use ths Pmperty u BoRawwb p�indpW�esfdu�ad witi�G�
<br /> —'"'� abAy dayo aMr tho exooutlon o1 this Sa:udry Inatrumant nnd ahall eontinu� to occupy the Prop��ty a� BoROww'o pdnclpal
<br /> - — �` resfdanca tor at Ienei ona yaar aRor the dato 01 occupanay,unta�o Lender othe�wts�tpreea b wdUnp. whtch cansent ohpy not
<br />-_�" F;. �
<br /> � ='� � ba unroauonebry wlthhold,or uMoso oxtenuatlnp circumstnncas oxl�t which are boyond Borrowa'�control. Borroww o ail not
<br /> �_��t dostroy,damnQe or impalr tho Propery�a�o�v the P�oporty to dctarlorato, ar aammit w�ste on tho Ptoparty. BoROwer sheN bo in
<br /> -'�}r�R �•+ dMautt It any tadfltturo actlon or pracoudinp, whelhcr cMl or edminal,ts'�ogun M�t!n Lendor'e good tuith Judgment coutd�asutt
<br />-'�=�`°�`� I�tortelturo ot the Proporiy or othorwiso matadnlly Impnlr Iho Uen created by this 8ocudti Inatnlment ar Lvndcr'e eacudty Interesi.
<br />-r�+}�icf',
<br />�_y.�,�µ�, f
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<br />