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<br /> That !T1' R��ld�ntiel �a�Ital S�rvlcing Ca�poratlen 1f/k/e ITI' ResPdantlal Gnpltd Corpnratioa. �Ikle{'fY�osw�a4 ��
<br /> Corparatlon.flkla ITY Mort�age Corporetlunl,e sorpore�tlon or��nize�i�mder t4�a lawa at CaQfomt�,whose addru�o r'
<br /> Is 9276 Sky Park Cou►t. Sen Oleyo� Cnlifoml+n �I21�3, l"Ausl�nor")for�ood and valuable con3ldoratton to It in
<br /> hand pald by leed�r�edoroJ Brnk f�r 8e►vinas, a tsci�ral AavJngs 6ank arpenizec� u�der the la�+ra of tho United
<br /> Statey�f Amerl�a, whoae address i3 168 Medison Avenue, Mempht9, TennoQSCe 3�103, ("A98{{+j�IHH"1 rRa�l�t
<br /> of which consideretian la hareby ecknnwledgad� does h�reby easlgn.t�enefar dnd�et aver unto Asafgnee ell its
<br /> rl�hta. title and inte�est In and to thet cenetn Qeed of T�ust exaauted by ROBERT E.JOPiNSOiY ARID idUS�I.IA
<br /> J. JQHN80N t�MCR7�A�kl PLU8INC�DRPORAT�O, dAted JUNE 12, 7878, aovetinp the following doscribed
<br /> propeny in the CountV of MAIL. Stete of Nebraske�
<br /> and filed tor record tn the�Nlce of tha Register of dAeds of HA4L Guunty, Nebregka,end ap�oaring of�eaard as
<br /> Instrumsn!A►�9-003688 in Book_ nle af Mortgeges at Pape n!a _.and furthor assigr�s,wlthout recuurse, .
<br /> aU the natea end indebtedness duscribe�d in and ssaureel by the Instrumt�nt atareseid; 7o Hava nnd 7u Riatd thA
<br /> s�me i���s tho sald t.oader Federal 88nk tor Saving9 en�R u�to ite sucaes�ore and asai�ns tc+rever. ��
<br /> Exacutad on October 13, 1996 and O�ti�ar9d ta ba offoutivo ea of November 1, 19fl6.
<br /> , •
<br /> ITT Residentiel Capite!Sdrviainp Carp�ratlon
<br /> �� �
<br /> pon M�vers, �',.
<br /> Vica President `�
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<br /> '1'he toregoing inat�um�nt was aaknawledged before�:thia�otaber 13. 19�'�u by Oan Meyera, Wce�eafde��t
<br /> of ITT Ra�identiel Capital Servicinp Corporetion, e corpao�ation,on behalt of�efd.aorporetlon.
<br /> WiTNESS my hand end nateriat atamp of rny office.
<br /> `,�r."`� t71�n C1�rY�
<br /> �`{i��� y�aNm�. yin�ioil��
<br /> '�1i#�.K!t
<br /> Notery Publia
<br /> Thla Inftnimont P►�p�rtd By,
<br /> oNn �d,P.C. Etdon 1..Yaunpblood
<br /> OW f'Iw=�af th�Am�rteao Yaunqbtood f4 You�pblood,P.C,
<br /> e0(1 N.P��ri Btrut 8W Pi��c�of tho Am�rlo�o
<br /> Oalla�,Y�x�r 76201 AQO N. PurlBtr��t
<br /> Attn: Mik�Noit�y psil��,T�x��76201
<br /> 1214)OA0�690Q
<br /> MAtN.N@ lRtv. 10I10/861 ITTiC1i111•GI420•18021••18341•"
<br />