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<br /> ��J'°° ��"�a�s� As�iprim�nt of I�Qed of °frwst =
<br /> Kn�w Ail Matn [3y These F�resents: �� _
<br /> That i'i'1 R�sWantlal �ai►i�l Sw�lclnp �apo►sNan Itlk/e 177 R�Identi�d Cepltai Carporation,f�lch ITT�ow�t 0�
<br /> ConstiraHo��.Uk/a iTT Mort�Corpnr�tian)�a corpo�etion o�pnnfaed u�der tha tawa af Cal►�e��nls,whoso nddres� �
<br /> is 827� Sky Park Court,S���teeo. Calitnrnia �J2123, ("ASSiflnot'1 tur gaod and valuablo cansideration to it In
<br /> hnnd p�ic� t�y I.�acNr F�d�r�l Ba�A tar SavinQ�, a taderal eavings kxank organfxed ur�der tha lewa� af the United
<br /> Ststes of l�me�ina, whosa eddress !� 158 Msdison Ave+nue� Msmphla, T�,�nessae 381�3, ("Aagipnee") �eaefpt
<br /> of whlsh consideretlon ie herehy ecknawteciged. dogs hareby asslgn�transter +and sAt avor unta Asslgnoe eii its �
<br /> �iphte�tit�a and Intere�t in and to that certaln Oeod ot T�ust exeoutati by OANAl.D W.MOBERO AND CA'�i�IERiNE
<br /> A.MOB�RQ ta MORTC•A0�PLUS lNCORPORATED, datad AUOLI3T 37. 1978.ttovering tha folluv+�ing descri'bad
<br /> pr�percy tn the County of HALL, StatA ot Nebraska,
<br /> Ytl� NOp'1'HERLY PIFTY 81X FBET (G�'1 OF LOT TEN (10), IN �ILO�K SIX i61� IN RUSSEI,A.
<br /> end fileA far racord in the�ffice of the Re�is�ter��t daeds of t�+�t.l Caunty� hfat�raska,arni uppearing of tr.cord e.g
<br /> inatrunwnt�►79•OQ5?08 in Qook_.[t!�of Martgeges at P�}s.,,,�1��end tunhdr assiflns�wlth�ut recourma,
<br /> ali the notes end indebtednoss described i�c�nd;.��aured by tha Inatrumont Aforoseld; Ta Have end'To Hold the
<br /> �ame unto the aaid Leader Fmlert�l Hank tar Sevinys and ur+to itb auccesffior9 and�9si�na torev��+7, �
<br />__ - . . . .
<br /> . _ . . __ _. . .__. ___
<br /> Exeauted aji�ctober 13, 1�19& and �alivorad to bo ofi'ect�4o ps of November 1, 1995.
<br /> � ITY Residontiai Capitel Spnrioing Corporatian •
<br /> �� � .
<br /> Don MeYara. `.....
<br /> Vice P�esia�ent , �
<br /> 5tata a;Texea '3 '
<br /> CounEy af OaII�A �+
<br /> Ths furegoiaig inst�umant was eoknowledflsd baYtiro me thls Oatobar 13, 1895, by Oon Meyara� Viae P�esident
<br /> of ITT Hesiddntial Capitel 5ervicing ;Garp�retlon, a cotporatlon. on behelf of t�aid aarporatlan.
<br /> WITN�SS my hand and noterial atamp�f my offlcp• �
<br /> ��'r�Q In Gl��I; � _
<br /> �� �.
<br /> _— - * „ � ��,. _ -
<br /> Notory Pubtio
<br /> Thf�Instrum�nt Pb�p�nd By;
<br /> Younpbbod 8 Younpbtood, P.C. �Idon 1..Younpb{ood
<br /> 60p W�xa of th�Amstloas Vpunpblood 8 Youna6lood,P.C.
<br /> 800 N.N��r18tr��t 80tf Ptax�of 4h�Am�rlc�i
<br /> [�sllas,T�x�s 78201 800 N.PNrl6trs�t
<br /> Attn: Mlk�fUoll�y Ddi��,Texs�76201
<br /> (1141988�6YQ0
<br /> MAIN.N�(R�v.10/10198) ITT1C2H1O-Y78R�(698J••18840••
<br />