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<br /> �C�ar�tion,/lklu ITT Mart�sg�Carporation),a oarparut�on org�nizRd under tha laws af Californla,whose addre�s \�;
<br /> ts 9�t76 Sky Park Caun. 5an Qi�Bo. CaliPornla 32123� 1"Assignor")fo�gaoci eiid vatuabia Gonsi�dAretlon to it I�i
<br /> hend paid by L�acl� Fad+ral�snk tor S�vpi�s� e fedaral savinps bank organlzed under the lawa af the United
<br /> 5tetes of Amerioe� wh�sa add�ess ia 1E8 M�dison Avenue. Mam�his, Tennesaau 38103. 1"Assl�noa"1 receipt .
<br /> af which�ansideratian is haroby ecknowledged, doeg 1�ereby essi8n�transtnr ond 8oi over u��tv Ass��na9 all Ite
<br /> rlghts, title and tnterest in end to that aartain t]�ed of 7�ust executed by STANLEY E. �Ei1NAU 8 L�AH I..
<br /> �ElRNAU to MDt1��AQE PI.U�INCpRPORATEd,deted MAY 2s.18�,cova�ing the�ollowiiig da9cribed�r�perty
<br /> tn the�oimty ot MALL� Steto of Nadr�ska.
<br /> et�i Hta�tor recard in the ONice o!thei Reglst�r ot Aaeds pt NALL Cnunty, Nebr�ska. and uppe�ring of�dco�d as
<br /> Imtru+n�ont�79�OQ321'i In Book_,.,�,of Mortgapes at P� nlr _,snd fuRhe�assigne,wStAaut recaurae,
<br /> el!the nates ea�d in�lebte,dness described in and aecured by the Instniment etareaald; 1'o Havo and Ta Wold th�
<br /> seme unto th�aaid LeadA� Federal8ank for Savtngs end unto its suacassnrs� ar�d aasigns 4arovar.
<br /> , -_-- .. . . . •
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<br /> Executed on�+i:�:t��e� 19, 1J96 and Oa!ivAred to I�e eN�ofiva a�s a1 Novambar 1. 1:t9b. ., ,
<br /> . ITY Eeslde�itlal Cepital Senrlafng GorportRton
<br /> �
<br /> By: �'""'�
<br /> Don Mayers� � .
<br /> Vlce Praaident �'"
<br /> StAte of Texpy S •
<br /> County ot Dalias �
<br /> Thu lorepolnp instrument was a�k�pwiedgedi befara me�this antoba�r 13. 19Ab, by Oon Meye►s,Vic�Preaid�nt
<br /> of ITT Reaidentfal Cepitel5enicing Corporetian, a cotporatian. on beh�ff ot eald corporation.
<br /> Wft'NESS my hand and no�erial stamp of my offlas.
<br /> ���,�,, ��a.� �
<br /> +rl�l" ��Y�fiM�� � .•
<br /> �<� � - — : ---
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<br /> ' Notary Pubqc
<br /> ���r� 1hi�Instruni�nt Pr��r�d By:
<br /> Younpbloa� unp ed, P.C. Eldon L.Younpblood
<br /> OAO W�i�of thn Am�►tcn Younphtood�Y�unpbtaod, P.C.
<br /> — E00 tJ.Pqr)8{fY�t 800 Plata of th�Amark��
<br /> Mlt��►.T�xa�76201 800 N.Wsr1 Rtrs�t
<br /> .11tn: MIk�Nalt�y Oail�r,T�xa�YFi201
<br /> (�14108P�8T00
<br /> MA{tV.Nfe(R�v.10/1A/961 ITT1C1 R11•G1422•f Ii8o1••1 Hffi e••
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