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<br /> 'I'lJl;li7'Hl�tt\Vl'1'N c►11 thc fiupruvcmrniw m►w o:hcrcnticr c+rctnl un Ihc pr��pcMy.�iud�►II cntir � �.u� �ance�,uii�i
<br /> fi!etun� �za►v ar� h��i.���ftce n part at titc pru�eity. All r4�►li�cenu�ntx u�ul w!J{tlonr 4ha11 t�is�► l�e �vvcrs�l hy Ihi� ti�e►u4tv =
<br /> Instrumcnt.AU ul'�he ti�rc�;��ing ir r��fc�rcd tu iu tl�ty Scrurity Ir.slnunc�u n�tho°I�n��Ny." _
<br /> HORIZl1�VNR CAVt�NAN'fti�Itnt H�+rro�ver fy Iu�v1uN�c+eiscd ui'ihu cs�atc I�er.'.hy.onvcycd and hav thc`il+1►t lu tl������n��� _
<br /> cuuvey �hc Nruperiy nnd thnt �he f'rapttiy is uneuctnnhr;4d. ex�rpt ti�r cncumhrunccy ut'rr�v►rd. l3nrr.�a•c�• wa�ruutw un�l�vHl -
<br /> �t��fcnQ�;cnerally thc ddc t�•ih�Pr�,�xety ntt��fn��aU�lalmv nnd.lcu►andy.hubJrct t�►uny cncumh�anrcy uf rccurd. _
<br /> 'i't115 til:t'ilkCl'Y If+iSTAt1A1t'sNT.��u►fiincs�mltann�K►venu��tr fitr�r�ti��nal iuw iuid nim�unifont�c��vcn.unv �vith HmitCd
<br /> vuriuliunv hy Juri�dicti��n to rc►mtitat�e�r�fifurt��+ccusity in�tGUUU.�u u►vicei[�rcn!rnq�Ny. __
<br /> UNIF�RM11 t'AVt?NAt�'i'�.t3orm��r:ntt►ll.ett�ter c�wr�+a�t1 afnl n��ck���-a Cullowy: _
<br /> 1. 'r'�y:�nt e�E'r3i�1��! aud !e�!���t !'��;�a�•uuut nud I.ute Ctuu�c4, li�ra�vcr shnN pr�mptly pay �vhen duc �ho _
<br /> prinrlpal ut und intcrctit un thc dcbt cvldcmrd t►y thc Nutc und cmy preniryn�cnt nnd latc�hnr�c.r•duc undcr Ihr Nutc.
<br /> E. Ftiadv fi►r Tux�w nnd InStmm�re. Suhjc��t tu u�y�Uct�hle 1.►w ar ta :�wrftten �vuivcr by l.An�icr. pnr+��vice hh►dl p��y ta
<br /> l.cnacr an ihc duy munihly pi►yn�cntr�nr duc u�l:lrr thc Nutc,until tho Nut�is pidd in lUll. a►tium(°I�und�")ti+r.(n)yra��ly tnxe�
<br /> und uti�:csymcnts whlcit muy nttafn prlurity uvcr�hiy Sccurfty In.r'trununt u.r• u licn un Ihe Pr��perty:lh)yrarly IcuschuW payntents
<br /> ��r�ma�td rent���n Ihc Pru�cny,if any:(�l ycarly hurntd c�r praprny fusuruncc prcmiumy: ld1 Ycurly il�xxl insurunrc prcmfun►s.
<br /> li'nny; lcl Yci�rly murlg+►�ec insumnrc premlum.r•, if uny: wid(Il uny sums pa.yahic by Hi►crawcr ta l.cndcr, in nccurdnncc�vlth
<br /> lhc pruviklunv af paa�g�uph H.1��licu of'thc paymcnt ui'nro�t�;ugc insuaim�prcmlmng.Tlusc i�cm��irr callcd"fircra�v Itcros."
<br /> I.cndcr m;►y. nt uny time, rallcct nnd h��ld Nuadv in nn um��unt nut tu cxcceJ �hc n�uximum amaunt u Icndcr f�r a fcilcrully
<br /> rclnteJ muriFugc laan may roqufre f�e I3�r�a�vcr'ti cscc�iw ncrnunt undcr tha federul Renl Estuto Sctticment P►ymcclurc� Act af
<br /> 1974 us nmendcd fn�tn limc ti�timc, 12 U.S.C. Stctl�m 2f�i11 rt sc��. ("l2FSPA").unlcss uno�her low that nppNes tn thc�un�19
<br /> Fcts i�Icsscr imi��unt. If su, L.endcr mny. ot «uy timc, colicct nn�l hofd Funds in an nn�ount not to cxcccd thc Ic4scr amount.
<br /> L.ender �»ay astimntu thc nmount ai'�unds due un tho hi►sis nf current dntc►nnd re��lonnble estlmntcs�f expendituma af flituro
<br /> Bscraw Itcmr or�nhenvlsc in arc��rduncc with iippliM►blc la�v.
<br /> 7'h� Fundy slutll bc hciJ in nn institutinn wl�a�o dep��silx :�ro insured by a fcdcrAl oBcncy, instrumcntulity, or cntity
<br /> (including l.ci►dcr,if l.c�der i�surh un instituU�ml c►r in uny Hcdcral Hama l.uan 8unk. l.r.ndcr shpll apply thc Funds ta pny�ho
<br /> Eiscrow ltemy. L.cndc�muy nut chArec Borr��wer for halding i�nd upplying the rundY,i►nnunily u�alyxin�t thc escmw nccount,�r
<br /> vcrlfying thc Escrow Itcmv,iniless l.cndcr pays Burr�iwcr intcrest an thc Nu�dy aad upplic�blc inw permits l.cnder to mnko nuch
<br /> p ChAi6C. Huwcvcr. l.endcr may rcquirc Ro��mvcr t��puy u onc�timo rhnrbc far nn independcnt rcul estnte tnx repc�Aiog scrvice
<br /> useQ by I.cncler im m�nectiai wlth thls lo:►n, u�etess upplicablc low pravidcs athcnvisc. Unlcs� nn agrcement ie mndo or
<br /> appNcable laa rcquirew inte�c�t tc►bc paid,t,ender sholl na�be requlrcd to pny Aorrn��•��uny intercrt or camingA�n the Funds.
<br /> Bormwcr and l.ettder mny u�;reo iu w�iting, h��wcvcr, that interest Rhall bc paid on 1he Runds. I.cndcr Fhnll give ta Barro�ver.
<br /> witlt��ut char�c, un c�nnuul i�ccaunting nt'thc Nunds, showing crcdity uud deblts Ec�thc Fun�.s a�ntl the pnrpc�se fur which G�tcii
<br /> cicbit tv tho Funds�vas madc.7'he�unds nrc pled�;cd.�s uJJidunnl ticcurity [ar�if.�xums aecum�i by thls Sccurity Mst�ument.
<br /> !f the Funds Ireld by L.endcr excccd the nmuunty pera�itted tu t►e hcld hy oppNcublB luw, Lertdcr shnil accaunt to ii�rrowcr
<br /> far thc ex��s Funds in uccardancc with th� n�quirementd of upplicaMo It+w. If tho umount uf the Funds hcld by l.ender nt any
<br /> timc is riot i�u€�knt tr��say ths!'.�sr:at�lt�s:��h�ste�•!rn!4'�'+".'--Y'-��'�'Y B�owcr in�v�iting.iind,in such cusc 13ormwcr
<br /> ahall puy a�Gendcr�hc nnu�unt ncces+t�ry to mukc up the daticicncy. Bnrrowcr shnli muke up thc deficicncy in no ntarc than
<br /> twel'vc manthly piryntents.nt l.cmlcr'y s��lo discretian.
<br /> ���� }� �ll��f nll sums secured by this Secudty Intit�ument, I.ender shuU promptly refund to Wx�u�ver tmy
<br /> Funds hetd by i.ender.If,uud�r puraIImph 21.l.endsr ahsll�rquire ar sell tha Pc�+}�tty,1-er►der.pr►or co tho ucqaiRi�ian or Rato
<br /> of'tho Praperiy.ehull c►pply uny Fundy IiciA by l.cndcr nt thc timc af acqulsiUon�r salc as u crulit agaiost thc�:umx sccurcd by
<br /> thio Sccutity lnsuument.
<br /> 3.Appltcation o!1'Aynzcnt�.Unless appNcuhta law pruvldc.y athonviso,nll paymcntn rcccfv��cl by I..cnd�r tmder parographs
<br /> l nnd 2 shnU bc:upplicd: �rst,ta any prcpnyment chnrgcs duc under Iho Nate; �econd, ta umaun�s payabic under parngmph 2;
<br /> thi�d,to intcrest dua;fiiunl�,tu princip.11 duc;and inst,tu any late churges dua uttdcr tlie N��te.
<br /> A.Ch�r���t l�lcnv. Burr���vcr shall pil�/ 11II (L1RC9, ns:sessmentn,chue�c�s. fines nnd imposittanw nu�ibutublc ta tho Propeny
<br /> which mny utudn pri��ritv uvcr Ihiq Securlty in�trumcnt. und lenscl�ald paymcnss�r graund renta. if any. liorruwc� ahull pay
<br /> tt�ctio nbiigmionq in thc m�nncr pu�vidcd in paaigc�h 2.nr if nM patd in thnt r.�.»:i:r.8arrowor shnll pay them an timo directly
<br /> to�ho per��•.n mved payment.parmwcs�hnil prnmptly f'urnish ta l.endor all notl��cs of anmunts to ho p�id w�dcr thia part�ra�h.
<br /> If Darro�c:-�mukcs thesc paymcnts dircctiy,Ham��ver shali pramptty fUmiah ta l..cixter receipts cvldcncing tho p�yii�ente.
<br /> Harrawer ehul{prumptly dischnrgc uny llen which hn.g prinrity avcr Ih1A Sccurity Instrunr..nt unicss Barmwcr:(n)ngrccti in
<br /> �v�Iti��tc►!h�paymcnt nf thc abNgutian Secured by the lien in��mnnner ucccptablo ta l.cndc.r;(b)cantcsts i�e�a�x1 fitith thc licn
<br /> by, i+r defendy n�;ninst cnPimcment �f thc licr� io, t�gul procccdln�a which in tho l.cadce's apininn o�mto tu prcvcnt tho
<br /> enfi►rc���iert ni'the licn; or(c>hccurea f'ram the hnlder of the Ilen an ag�eem�nt KaNefactory to I,ender eub�rdinadng tho lier+to
<br /> this Scxttr_.y Instnimcnt. If Lcndcr dctce�nincs thnt uny p:ut of tho Properiy ia subJect to a licn�vhich moy attAin priarlty aver
<br /> tbix Sccurity lnstrumcnt. I..endcr mAy givc Borra�vcr a natice idcntifjring tho lion.Aarrawcr shall xntixij�the licn at take��vi:.or
<br /> mi�ro af�hc nctic�ns s�t forth nbc►vc within 10 days of tho givin�oP nu�icc.
<br /> Form 8028 818G
<br /> vopo 9 010 •
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